The House of Octavia - Cover

The House of Octavia

Copyright© 2020 by Mark Cane

Chapter 1. Sally Havery is seduced by Countess Octavia

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1. Sally Havery is seduced by Countess Octavia - You don't have to be a sex loving lesbian to work at The House of Octavia, but it certainly helps. Sally Havery is pursuing her ambition to have a career in the perfumery business. Gaining an internshhip at the prestigious House of Octavia is a very promising start. Her work researching a new perfume that breaks down inhibitions leads to some very exciting encounters. The mysterious Countess Octavia leads Sally into a world of kinky sex.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Interracial   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Water Sports  

Sally’s Story

To say that the entrance hall to The House of Octavia is imposing would hardly do justice to the marble floor, the crystal chandeliers, the shimmering fountains and tropical plants. The opulence spoke of enormous extravagance. To anyone with less than a six figure annual income, it would feel intimidated.

Sally Heathery did not have a six figure income, but she intended to, one day. In fact Sally’s university fees had left her with huge debts. Her first degree course had led to a BSc in Chemistry, the first stage in her ambition to be something big in the cosmetics industry. But of course she knew that would probably land her a £20,00 a year job developing shower gel at a very ordinary cosmetics factory.

Her next step was to enrol on a 2 year master’s course. Her dissertation concerned the development of fragrances from exotic tropical plants. Having attained her MSc, she knew she had to aim for a doctorate, an ambition that brought her to The House of Octavia.

The PhD course required her to negotiate a placement that would provide the necessary research opportunities. The very best and most sought after placements were with the prestigious perfumery establishments. Of those, The House of Octavia led the field. Against fierce competition Sally was successful in obtaining an internship with Octavia.

As she entered the hallowed portals, Sally was both excited and nervous in equal measure.

The opportunity to include The House of Octavia on her CV would certainly help to open doors in the perfumery business. The pressure of not wasting the golden opportunity bore down on her young shoulders.

Countess Octavia, the major shareholder, was a figurehead shrouded in mystery. Little was known of her background. She had appeared from nowhere about ten years ago and entered the cosmetic business unnoticed, but rapidly rose to prominence. Some say she was married to a Czech aristocratic, hence the title. Others say it is just a gimmick and in reality Octavia was born into poverty and ruthlessly traded on her good looks and cunning to raise the finance to propel her into business. Octavia did not court personal publicity, shunning media interviews, which added to the intrigue.

Whatever the truth of her past, Octavia dominated the world of perfumes. The fact that they were ridiculously expensive only added to their popularity in celebrity circles.

Sally made herself known to the concierge, who advised her to take a seat and someone would come and show her to where she would be working. Sure enough, within five minutes a young woman with blond hair, intense blue eyes and a pretty smile approached Sally and introduced herself as Astrid. The name tag on her starched white lab coat said Dr Astrid Skriver.

“You must be Sally.” Astrid spoke almost perfect English with just sufficient accent to give a clue to her Danish origins. Astrid led Sally along a corridor and up a short flight of stairs to a door with a sign that read Research Laboratory. “This is where you’ll be based, Sally. I will be your work place supervisor for your doctorate and will be keeping in touch with Professor Catherine Tweedy at the university. I hope you will be happy here at The House of Octavia. Feel free to come to me if you need anything.”

Astrid took Sally to the laboratory work bench she had been allocated and called out to the other research assistants

“Hi, listen up guys. Let me introduce Sally, who will be helping with our research projects.”

The half dozen researchers, all female gave Sally a smile and a wave. Meanwhile Astrid took a white lab coat, latex gloves and protective eye goggles from a cupboard.

“Here, Sally, you’ll need these. You can wear the lab coat over your usual day clothes if you like, but most of us prefer to wear them over our underclothes. It can quite warm in here.”

Sally looked Astrid up and down. Now the subject had been raised it was obvious that Astrid wore very little under her crisp white coat. Astrid pointed the way to the staff changing room. “When you’re ready, I’ll take you to see the countess. Octavia insists on seeing all new staff on their first day.”

“She wants to see me?” Sally stammered disbelievingly. Surely the almost mythical figure of the cosmetics industry, Countess Octavia, would not be interested in a lowly intern.

“Of course she does, Sally. Octavia is interested in all our staff.”

Sally took Astrid’s advice and stripped down to her bra and panties before donning the lab coat. She was thankful that she had chosen pale ivory underwear that didn’t show through the white coat. When she was ready, Astrid led Sally to a lift and they ascended to the top floor of the building. They emerged into a beautifully carpeted corridor, its walls decorated with paintings in gilded frames.

Astrid knocked softly onto a door and waited for a reply before opening it. Sally’s heart was in her mouth as she waited.


Astrid nodded to Sally and opened the door and guided Sally into the sumptuous office.

“Good morning, Madame, may I introduce Sally Heathery, our new research intern?” Having made the introduction, Astrid withdrew and quietly closed the door behind her.

Octavia looked up from her desk, removed her reading glasses and studied Sally, viewing her up and down.

“Come closer,” she instructed. Octavia was beautiful in the way that only women of a certain age with unrestricted resources can be. It was widely held that Octavia was in her mid forties, while some said she could actually be in her seventies, having had numerous face lifts and Botox treatments. Her hair was perfectly coiffured and her make-up was applied skilfully.

As Sally approached the desk, she felt overawed by the Countess. Sally was not the first to feel intimidated by the majestic goddess seated behind her polished mahogany desk. There was a short silence before the countess spoke.

“I am impressed with your resume, Miss Heathery. Your work on pheromones for your masters will stand you in good stead. These days, the notion of women striving to enhance their libido and sexual enjoyment is no longer the taboo that it once was. A-Listers like Gwyneth Paltrow and others have made the quest for sexual fulfilment perfectly respectable. I am sure you agree, Miss Heathery.”

Sally felt herself blushing as she confirmed that she absolutely agreed with the countess. Of course she did.

“Your grasp of the science is undeniable,” Octavia continued, “but of course that is only part of the talents that you will need to be a perfumer of the first order. First and foremost you must develop your olfactory systems. You must learn to identify scents and instinctively recognise the constituent ingredients. Let us try a little experiment.”

Octavia opened a drawer in her desk and took out three small bottles of coloured glass, one blue, one green and the third, a ruby red. She placed them in a line on her desk.

“Now, Miss Heathery, I want you to inhale the fragrance in each bottle in turn and hold each of them in your memory.”

Sally dutifully picked up the ruby bottle, withdrew the glass stopper and cautiously inhaled. The scent brought to mind spices of the Orient. She could imagine a harem with beautiful concubines waiting to please their master. She carefully replaced the stopper, confident that she could recall the distinctive scent and reached for the blue glass bottle.

Sally delicately sniffed the scent and her brow furrowed slightly. Octavia smiled thinly. At first Sally felt sure that the perfumes in the two bottles were the same. She took another sniff. No, wait, there was a subtle difference. Yes, there it was in the background, just a merest hint of musk that had not been there in the first sample. The third sample was again very similar but the trace musk had gone, replaced by a slightly pungent spice that Sally couldn’t immediately recognise.

Octavia watched Sally carefully. “If I were to blindfold you, Miss Heathery, would you recognise each of those samples?”

“I think so,”

“Well, let’s try something a little more demanding.” Countess Octavia stood up and moved around her desk to stand in front of her new intern. Sally drew in her breath. Her employer was wearing nothing below the waist, except for expensive stockings, held up with suspenders.

“Tell me, my dear, which of those three perfumes I applied to my cunt today.” Octavia leaned back onto her desk and spread her legs. “Get down and sniff my cunt and tell me which scent I am using.”

As if in a dream, Sally got down onto her knees, until her face was level with Octavia’s naked womanhood. The outer lips were large with wrinkled folds, but the predominant feature was Octavia’s clitoris that must have been almost an inch long, protruding from her slit. Obeying her employer’s instructions, Sally brought her nose close to the countess’s slightly gaping opening and inhaled deeply. The natural scent of the older woman’s juices, almost obscured the perfume. This won’t be easy, thought Sally as she drew in another deep breath, inhaling the exotic odour.

The perfume was potent and Sally could feel her head spinning. Suddenly the urge to suckle the penis-like clitoris became overwhelming. Sally lips closed over the tempting morsel and soon the tentative sucking turned to a passionate slurping. Using her thumbs Sally prised open Octavia’s floppy cunt lips to expose her inner pinkness. Octavia placed her hands on Sally’s head pulling her into her crotch. The countess groaned softly and Sally found her mouth filling with the countess’s juices. Octavia held Sally’s open mouth close to her until all her passion was expelled. Sally rose shakily, her legs unsteady from her amazing encounter.

‘I’m sorry, Madame, I can’t think what came over me.” Sally’s face was wet with her employer’s juices and she could taste the piquant essence on her tongue.

Octavia laughed softly at Sally’s discomfort and passed her a tissue. “Don’t be concerned, my dear. I am afraid I took advantage of you. That perfume, when applied to a cunt is irresistible, as you have just discovered. That is the kind of product that is in demand and that is what you will be working on. So good luck. The reward for success will be immense.”

Sally wiped her face as best she could and then the countess challenged her to identify the perfume that she used. “Was it the ruby, the blue or the green bottle?”

Sally wrinkled her brow. She was so overcome with the unexpected sexual encounter that she had almost forgotten the purpose of exercise.

Sally licked her lips, coaxing her taste buds to separate the taste of fragrance from the countess’s natural bodily fluid.

Then with a boldness that astonished her, Sally replied, “Madame, I feel sure that it was green bottle. It is a very distinctive essence with a subtly pungent undertone. A perfect match to your juicy twat.”

Countess Octavia was amazed at the young woman’s insolence, but found it endearing. She knew she would enjoy having this new employee in her company.

Just as Sally thought the interview was coming to an end, Octavia began to unfasten her lab coat. The countess pulled the coat open and studied the younger woman in her underwear. Then, looking directly into Sally’s eyes, Octavia pushed her hand down the front of Sally’s panties. Her fingers sought out her slit and pushed her index finger into the girl’s tight hole. Sally drew in her breath, but managed to hold the older woman’s gaze, eye ball to eye ball.

Octavia worked her finger in and out and then removed it, then she held her finger, slick with Sally’s juices, up to her nose and inhaled deeply. She delicately licked the sticky digit with the tip of her tongue.

“Excellent. I will have a perfume sent down to your work station that will perfectly complement the natural scent of your cunt. Be sure to wear it when you come to me for your appraisal. I will follow your progress with interest.”

“Thank you, Madame, I shall look forward to that. But, please before I go, will you tell me, did I correctly identify the perfume you are wearing?”

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