Lessons in Control and Pleasure - Cover

Lessons in Control and Pleasure

by Elisa S. Kühn

Copyright© 2020 by Elisa S. Kühn

Fantasy Sex Story: When the young priestess Chamara is overwhelmed by her former captive, they both learn a thing or two about their apparent rivalling beliefs. (set in the world of the dark fantasy roleplaying game, Black Void)

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Magic   Mind Control   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   First   Oral Sex   Petting   .

Chamara watched breathlessly as the man rose from the small water-filled basin, limb for limb. It was this sight that had her paralysed, unable to turn her gaze away, forgetting for an instance where she was or how she had fallen to her knees. As he climbed from the small socket, the black scale tattoos on his torso almost seemed to ripple underneath the glistening droplets of water that still clung to his body.

“It truly is a shame” he said, never taking his eyes of her as he came towards her slowly. And where it had been him, just a few short hours ago, that had sat before her, bound at hands and feet, it was now her kneeling before him, motionless. Chamara knew that even in a room filled with the horrors of countless horrible deaths, past and present, the man before her was the sight she should fear the most. And yet, as she held the gaze of those unmatched eyes peering down on her she felt there was something more than fear holding her transfixed.

Before she could utter a reply, tendrils of water snaked their way from the basin behind him, curling around his form for an instance before darting out, catching her off guard and throwing her back against the door. The force of the current picked her up and held her suspended about a foot above ground with her arms above her head. Before she could fall once more to her knees, the tendrils around her wrists turned solid, keeping her hanging in place. Chamara took a sharp breath. She had expected him to be good, but this speed was ... something else. She´d have no chance of escape, that much was certain.

As she was about to raise her eyes back to meet her captors´, she felt a slight breeze of air as his claw-like hand shot up towards her throat, hitting the wood behind her hard and pinning her head back. Even with her being suspended above ground, he still stood half a head taller than her and yet it was the closest they had ever been to one another. Close enough for her to smell his scent and feel a few droplets of water fall from his arm onto her bare chest, sending shivers through her. Perhaps because of this, it took her longer than him to notice the warm trickle of liquid running down her throat and creating a red streak towards her right breast. He must have grazed her neck when he reached out to grab her.

“Heavy bleeder, huh? That´s not good. At this rate, you´ll hardly be able to withstand anything,” he said with a smirk, shaking his head slightly as he reached out with one normal, human finger to touch the source of the bleed. She shuddered involuntarily at the touch but tried to stay collected. If escape wasn´t an option, she´d have to at least remain calm if she wanted to survive.

“It doesn´t have to be” she whispered. He turned his gaze back to her eyes, tilting his head just barely but enough to betray some level of confusion. “A shame.” she explained. “What happens now does not have to be a shame. For either of us.” He laughed darkly.

“I don´t think you´re in any position to be offering deals, little priestess,” he chuckled, running his finger down along the streak of blood to her right nipple, circling it with feather light touch. “Your body ... your mind ... your very life ... are all in my hands right now, to do with as I please.” To accentuate his statement, he pinched the nipple suddenly and harshly, provoking a small gasp from her. And while his tone betrayed nothing but menacing intent, she could sense something more urging him on. Something no less powerful but far more primal.

“It´s not an offer,” she replied, trying to shake her head before realizing once more how tightly he held her. “I just think we can both agree that it would be a shame if you just killed me here. And while it would be possible for you, I also think it isn´t necessary.” She paused to gage his reaction and when he remained silent continued.

“I think we are far too caught up in apparent struggles over our differences to appreciate the similarities. I realize you think me a fool for my beliefs and I myself can´t state to understand yours, either,” Chamara said carefully, noticing the steeling of his grip around her throat at those words, “but if we go back to the origin ... the sources of both our currents, I think we will find that they are one and the same. After all, Abzu and Tiamat were reflections in their natures, partners in creation and parents to common children both mortal and immortal.”

“What I´m saying,” Chamara concluded, “is that I, daughter of Tiamat, hope that we can see our creators´ wisdom in that we are stronger together than apart, son of Abzu.”

There was silence for a moment as the man before her looked her up and down, his gaze caressing the youthful curves of her body, the menace in his thoughts slowly being overshadowed by the other, primal impetus she had sensed before. Chamara felt her body flush and heart rate quicken as she recognized the emotion she was sensing. He desired her. Fiercely.

“You wish for us to take the gods´ example for how we should proceed?” He said once his eyes had travelled back to hers, his claw never relenting its´ grasp on her neck. “So be it.” And with that, he closed the distance between them, conquering her mouth with his own and drowning out the surprised gasp she was about to make. The kiss was forceful and unrelenting and Chamara could feel his hunger for her in every move of his lips and stroke of his tongue.

“It is your believe, after all, that Tiamat took Abzu inside of herself, isn´t that right?” he said between gasps as he let go of her just long enough to draw a few, quick breaths before once again sealing her lips with his own, giving her no time to respond. While his mouth was busy, his free hand trailed down her body. From her chest which he stroked softly, down over her stomach tracing the lines of her tattoos towards her waist and hips reaching the hem of her skirt. When she felt him tuck on it slightly, adrenaline set in and she squirmed and bucked violently, kicking him at hip height while also drawing blood from his lip with her teeth. She could taste the iron on her tongue as he pulled back, giving her a bemused look through narrowed eyes.

“Ah, so it´s going to be a bit of a struggle, hm? Very nice. Then it will be so much more fun to actually make you submit.” He moved his clawed hand away from her throat as he said this and even took a step back from her. Chamara could feel her heart pounding in her chest, dreading what would come next. Then he closed his eyes, took a deep breath creating a noticeable current in the void around them and she suddenly wasn´t so sure anymore if what she felt was truly dread or rather ... anticipation.

Once again, tendrils of water appeared, this time wrapping around from his body to touch her all over. Two of them each grabbed one of her ankles, spreading her legs apart and keeping them still there. Another one snaked around her waist, pinning her more firmly to the door behind her while a fourth took the place where his claw had been, immobilizing her head. Finally, a fifth one, not being used to pin her down, brushed over her flesh like a living thing, snaking around her body and over her breasts creating a surprisingly gentle but strangely cool sensation. Chamara shuddered and closed her eyes trying to keep herself from making any sounds betraying the physical reactions he was inducing in her. When she tried to open them again, her eyelids - feeling strangely cold - would not move and when she opened her mouth to speak something wet and almost immaterial filled it, drowning out any sounds she might have made. Constrained, gagged and blind, she was now left alone only with the sensations on her skin, the trickling sounds they were accompanied by and the overwhelming mental surge of lust he was feeling, ever present in her mind now.

And perhaps it was just feeling the force of his desire in her own mind but the continued caresses of water over her breasts and down her sides, massaging and kneading her flesh began feeling unexpectedly pleasurable to her. Each time she felt the tendrils´ tip encircle one of her nipples she lost any focus she had tried to build up before, feeling herself make a useless attempt to moan through the water in her mouth. She cursed her body for betraying her so before realizing one important detail. Where was he? As far as she could tell, he hadn´t touched her since the water had grabbed her. He hadn´t spoken, either. Was he just watching this?

Her train of thought came to an abrupt stop as the tendril around her waist began to loosen and uncoil from around her, taking her garments with it. She now hung there, completely naked, as one tendril continued massaging her chest while the second began slowly creeping up the inner side of her legs. Despite the throbbing anticipation she felt between her legs, she still tried to squirm away from that touch moving ever closer to her core. It was of no use and so she could only wait with bated breath as the tendril found its´ way upwards slowly, teasingly, before suddenly quick as a snake darting right between her legs, stroking her there. She gasped loudly at that, too startled for a moment to realize that the water in her mouth had resided at that very instance making her sound of pleasure audible within the cabin. At the same time, she was once again able to open her eyes, blinking the water away, as she heard a chuckle from before her.

“Well, well, well. Someone´s having more fun than expected, hm?” she heard his deep voice coming from before her. When she was once again able to see clearly, she turned her head to that sound. She gasped once more but this time not only because of the water tendril still between her legs but also because of what she saw. All the tendrils still holding her seemed to be attached to his back with the two that were moving across her form curling around his arms, seemingly guided by small strokes of his fingertips. But Chamara had a hard time focusing on this display of magical cunning as her gaze was inadvertently drawn to and transfixed by the mans´ tattoos. He had apparently undressed since she´d last seen him and now stood naked before her giving her a first glimpse of the markings on his hips, black scales and waves seemingly drifting out from a current below circling inwards and meeting their origin at his cock. Standing fully erect, it gave the girl a good view of its´ full, impressive length and the delicate black markings that adorned it almost to the tip. She swallowed as her mouth suddenly felt dry.

With another quick flex of his fingers, the coil of water between her legs once again flicked across her clit drawing her attention back to her own body and eliciting a stifled moan. This time not content with a single touch, however, he continued his assault on her womanhood, stroking and circling her most vulnerable area persistently until it became harder and harder to hold back her sounds of pleasure. And as she hung there, panting and quivering from what he was doing to her, she realized the lust she was feeling was no longer just a projection of his mental state. It was her own raw desire that now made her squirm at his touch. Be it mental mysticism or not, she did not want this to end.

But, in the very moment that thought crossed her mind, it did, and the two tendrils which had been stroking her body dissolved into regular water, drenching her skin as it ran down her body. She let out a long, shaky sigh before biting her own lip to silence herself and glaring at the man before her. She tried telling herself that she was angry because he was apparently reading her mind but had to admit even to herself that she was much more disappointed that he had, in fact, stopped.

He took a few, flowing steps towards her until he stood directly before her again and she could feel his warm breath on her water-soaked skin. Then he reached out with his human hand to cup her right breast once again, twisting the nipple between forefinger and thumb. Chamara only bit her lip harder at that.

“Don´t you want me to continue, little girl?” he asked smugly as he bowed his head down to lick across her left nipple before taking it into his mouth and sucking on it roughly. She only squirmed in response pushing herself up against the wooden door even more closely. He raised his head at that, giving her a disapproving look. “I´ve had quite enough of your squirming. You will be still now. Or face the consequences.” At those words, she felt something stone hard brush against her inner thigh and she couldn´t help but twitch.

The pain was sharp but quick as his claw dug into the flesh of her leg causing a small river of blood to run down her leg. She winced. “I said: No squirming.” He whispered in her ear while drawing his claws up over her inner thigh, just barely grazing the skin but not enough to cut into it again. “You wouldn´t want to cut yourself again, would you?” He let his head travel downwards again, leaving a trail of soft bites down her neck, stopping once at the small cut he had left earlier to lick up the fresh blood that had collected there before following its´ trail to her chest once more. Simultaneously, his blue, thick scaled arm travelled further upwards, right in between her legs reaching her throbbing core once more. Despite the smooth, rock-like feel of his arm, compared to the water she had gotten used to, his touch felt hot to her skin, drawing out another moan from her. And yet, she remained still, partly because she was afraid of being cut again but mostly because she didn´t want to fight him anymore. This was too good; he was too good to resist. So, she closed her eyes and focused what remained of her willpower on keeping her body steady while he had his way with her.

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