Kali - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by Pars001

Chapter 14

The largest of those that returned could only shake its head. “It was a bloodbath, there were so many body parts that it was hard to tell how many were there.”

This, of course, caused Daitya Bali’s face to go blood-red. His anger rose to the highest it had in a very long time.

“This has to stop, before they get us here,” the leader said.

“You should have thought of that before, you tried to do something as stupid as taking a goddess captive. Here I thought that you Danavas, were a lot smarter than this. I see that I was incorrect more than I thought,” Rohini said with disdain.

The next place we appeared, I held up a hand. I was feeling something, though I was unsure of just what. I wasn’t about to go down there nor was I going to send any of the males and especially not Kali.

I thought about it for a few moments, then made a copy of myself and sent it. It made it to the extreme edge of the clearing, then seemed to get zapped, falling down. It was immediately set upon by the hundreds there.

I nodded my head as I put my hands up detecting what was there. Walking to the edge, I sliced all that were there easily. This, of course, shocked the others, who quickly got over their shock and attacked.

The gods and Kali quickly joined me and made short work of the constructs. That’s when I noticed that they weren’t sending any more of the demons to watch over the constructs.

True, we had killed at least forty of the demons, though that still left too many of them. We had to somehow turn this into an advantage for us. I sat to think, the rest, looking at me, somehow I thought there had to be a way.

I knew that even as strong as I was, I really didn’t have a chance against all of them. I mean constructs were one thing, but to go against more than ten gods and goddesses even with my strength was suicide. At least for the moment, as I could still feel my strength growing.

I sighed, because I was going to have to find Rohini soon. All of our anger was starting to grow far stronger than I thought it would.

We were soon in another clear space that again held a great many of the constructs. This time, though, I saw that there appeared to be at least ten of the demons.

I smiled an almost evil smile as I drew both swords and rushed into the nearest group, with a demon. The demon was shocked as I sliced him in two and continued on.

I could feel Kali and Kertikeya beside me as I started to widen the swath that I was cutting. I saw out of the corner of my eye Shiva, Yama and Ganesha clearing a wide path also.

An hour later there were only five of the demons left alive, well cut up as hell but alive.

I walked to the first rising its head, “so, I’m going to ask once, then? Well, you won’t last long enough to enjoy the rest I do. Now where is she?”

When it just spit on and at me, I nodded then cut both arms off, letting him scream for a while. I then went down the line asking and repeating the same action.

I had removed their arms, legs, lips and ears, still I got nothing. “Well,” I said with a sigh. “I guess that you are all useless.” I drew back and beheaded the last in line. When they just gasped, I beheaded the next.

I smiled after the third, which caused the last two to start talking. Though what they revealed was a little disheartening.

“You mean you told me that we have to go through all forty areas to reach them?” I asked.

The large demon in front of me smiled as it nodded its head. “Have fun reaching them and her. She’ll probably be dead before you even get near her, false demi-god.”

“Know this, I am the first son of a demi-god,” I said.

I nodded as I smiled, then sliced the throat of the fourth demon. “Though you don’t really know who you are dealing with? I will tell you; I am the first son of the demi-god Ephus. I see that you know of him good!”

I then proceeded to slice him into several hundred pieces. Then I turned to walk away.

I was still holding my anger in though it was becoming harder and harder. I could feel massive power at the fringe of my conscious. I knew that if it got loose, even Kali might not be able to calm me down. Plus, I felt that I would hurt her pretty badly.

I shook my head, that was something I had no desire to do. No, she was the first female human or otherwise, that made me feel like I did.

As we appeared in the next place, I just let loose, destroying everything in front of me. As a matter of fact, I did this at the next five places though I noticed that there were no demons there. We were at the sixth place, as I did the same thing though, noticed that there was a lone survivor.

I also noticed that it seemed almost as angry as I was. He was carrying a huge sword on his shoulder. It reminded me of the huge horse killing sword called a Zanbato.

I also noticed that the demon was swinging it as if it weighed nothing.

“So, false demi-god, are you prepared to meet your end? I am sure that Daitya Bali will take care of the whoring bitch goddess Rohini,” the large demon said.

I felt Chandra stiffen behind me as he drew both his swords. I put a hand on Chasndra to calm him though he was about to go through me to reach the demon.

“Hmmm,” I said. “If she was the whore that you claimed then, we would not be having this conversation. After all, it seems that your kind isn’t good at anything but boasting. So, you are prepared to die. I see, you will make fifty-one, so over half will be dead.”

“You speak as if you are going to win, as a false demi-god your blood will paint the ground here soon. Then I will be the greatest and favorite of all the Danavas,” the demon laughed.

I just smiled as I watched how it was handling the Zanbato. I saw that he swung it easily though with no real skill. “I see that this won’t last long,” I said with a large smile.

The demon laughed again as it swung the sword close to me. I hadn’t moved as I could tell that I had unsettled it. Finally, it swung low trying to remove my legs. I jumped over and nicked its shoulder.

It swung again trying to behead me, ducking low, I cut across one of its legs.

I tsked as I shook my head at it, I had already removed its ability to vanish.

I tked again as it didn’t even get near me as it swung down at me. This time I dodged and cut across its other leg, making it stumble.

“Here I thought that you had skill with that sword, guess I am going to be disappointed,” I said with a sneer.

This seemed to upset it more as it started to swing as wild as could be, not getting near me.

I sighed, it was obvious that this demon had a high opinion of itself. This time when it swung down toward me, I just took the arm holding the Zanbato. The sword rang out as it hit the floor, then the demon started to scream.

I just shook my head as I stood over it. “Just to let you know. You were way out classed, I am the first son of Ephus,” I said as its mouth dropped open. Again, I shook my head as I beheaded it.

I sighed as I felt my anger suddenly drop. Kali was next to me as I suddenly felt my energy depleted. A moment later we were in my tent as I collapsed on my bed.

I started to say something, but Kali kissed me, then the darkness took me. I woke a few hours later feeling a naked body next to me. I looked under the sheets, seeing a completely naked Kali. Um, I thought, nice way to wake up.

I started to get up, then felt a hand, a very strong hand pull me back to the mattress. “I don’t think so, Robert. You need to replace your energy,” she said as I felt her spread her legs. “I think that you need a few hours to recharge, don’t you?”

Hey, who in the hell was I to argue with a goddess?

A few hours later Kali got up with a well satisfied look on her face. The one I had was pure wonder as we had gone non-stop those few hours.

True, I felt a lot stronger, and I was starting to notice that I wasn’t really that hungry. Plus, my muscles weren’t sore in the least. Huh, I thought, maybe I was getting used to this more.

As soon as we exited the tent, I noticed that the nine male gods were waiting for me. I nodded to them as I passed a hand over them and me, then we vanished.

Like before, we appeared in a gray area with a lot of constructs. I took them out in a minute, then we were gone. We actually went through ten areas before I started to feel the weakness.

“We’re getting closer, though I think that the demons are afraid now. I haven’t seen a single one for a while,” the rest of them there nodded their heads in agreement.

Again, Kali was beside me as I started to stumble. We were all back at my tent before I fell into my bed. I saw Kali smile, then I was out like a light. This time I slept longer as I guess I was bone weary.

This time when I awoke I was alone, damn I thought I was getting used to having a naked goddess to wake up to. I guess that the sleep helped more than I thought it would. I felt almost twice as powerful now than I had been before.

I got dressed as I moved out of the tent not seeing a single god or goddess. Well, I thought I guess that they got tired of waiting for me. I vanished a moment later appearing in the next area.

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