The Virus 1: the New Reality - Cover

The Virus 1: the New Reality

Copyright© 2020 by MaryS

Chapter 2: Gelding and Neutering

The virus:

Breeding Females Network:

Alison, wearing her trademark bunny ears, TV host of BFN: “With the signing of the Gelding and Neutering act by President Carol Lewis, of which Breeding Females Network was very proud to give expert testimony before Congress and also assisting the congressional committee in crafting the new law, black pregnancy’s of married women, single women and girls as young as 14, is sweeping across across the New US.”

Alison smiling at the studio camera. She was wearing a one piece sun dress that came mid thigh with no bra. Around her neck was a choker that had a cross with a black cock on it: “In addition, there is more good news, the census bureau reported a 5 per cent increase in the number of babies per capita this year within the NUS, a nearly tripling of the previous declining birth rate of ten years ago.”

Alison with a disappointed look on her face: “A piece of bad news, the census also shows that there are still tens of millions of males, young and old, within the new 39 new states who haven’t done their civic duty to have themselves gelded or neutered despite the national government push over the last 5 years.”

Alison looked at her notes: “In our teen segment, high school reporter, 14 year-old Mary Anderson, is at Black Buck hospital interviewing Dr Brenda Love, director of the hospitals Gelding and Neutering department where males young and old made the correct choice to remove themselves from the human gene pool. Mary?”

Mary smiling into the camera. She had one of the highest female ratings for a field reporter in the 10 to 22 year age group. She was wearing her BFN bunny ears, a white blouse with one buttoned secured, a plaid mini-skirt with 4 inch pink stiletto’s: “Hello, Alison, I’m here at Black Buck hospital with Dr Brenda Love. I will be interviewing her about her work in the G&N department. I hope to inform our young viewers what her very important department does for the female community within our lovely city.”

Dr Brenda smiling. The doctor was wearing a white lab coat that had two buttons secured at her breasts, bikini bottoms and six inch heels. Her hair was in a top knot: “Hello, Mary and all the young female viewers of BFN.”

Mary: “So tell our viewers what your department does?”

They started walking into the waiting room area. The room was packed with non-black families patiently waiting their turn for whatever procedure the males were going to receive. Little girls and little boys running around the waiting area, laughing and playing, while the teen males were playing games on their smart phones and older males were either reading or talking to each other. The older girls and mother’s were texting or talking to one another.

Dr Brenda: “So as you can see, my department is staffed by non-black male nurses”

The BFN camera panned through the waiting room. Male nurses in pink scrubs were busy at the reception desk and preparing rooms, moving G&N tables from one room to another.

Dr Brenda: “These male nurses have been neutered, which is a condition of their employment at the Black Buck. They’re the backbone of this department.”

Mary: “Why do you staff with neutered non-black males?”

Dr Brenda: “We do that because it psychologically tells the male who is waiting his turn that he has nothing to worry about. The male who is waiting his turn to be gelded or neutered sees this male nurse and knows that everything will be okay. We try and be as understanding as we can while at the same time protecting our species.”

Mary: “Did the hospital or a female family perform the procedure on these male nurses?”

Dr Brenda: “Well, we have to follow the law so the procedure was performed by either their daughter or wife. As we all know with the G&N act that was passed, if they have either procedure, they lose their rights, they can’t vote, own a business, have a bank account, and are removed from any position of management and leadership. Any job they hold outside of the house, has to have the approval of the female head of household. But even with all that taken away from them, our males have stepped to answer the call for the survival of the survival of our species.”

Mary: “Yes we learned in class that there was a big debate in congress about whether the female who had the rights to the family males testicles could make decisions for him. Like the daughter who wears her father’s testicles around her neck could make decisions for him.”

Dr Brenda nodding her head: “Yes, I personally would have like to have seen that put into law, but for now, the mother or eldest female in the household gets to make that decision.”

Mary: “We also learned in our biology class that males who have the procedure done, do it for the good of the female society. That they sacrifice their maledom so that the human species can increase in population.”

Dr Brenda smiled: “Yes, and to females out there, it’s not an easy decision for a non-black male of any age to decide, but the females in the family should be understanding, supportive and encouraging, before and after the procedure.”

Mary beamed: “So please show our viewers what is accomplished here.”

Dr Brenda smiled: “Sure follow me.”

They walked down the side aisle of the waiting room. The camera and sound crew were made up of pre-teen girls from the same middle school as Mary.

Dr Brenda: “Here is the Gelding section.”

Mary: “Can you please explain what gelding is?”

Dr Brenda smiled: “Gelding is where both non-black male testicles are electrocuted, killing the gland that produces the sperm and then the sperm tube that exits the testicle is crushed.”

Mary looked excited: “Wow! That’s hot.”

Dr Brenda: “It is always a female who has rights to the males testicles who does the procedure.”

Mary: “Like the mother or the sister and even the daughter?”

Dr Brenda: “Exactly. But it is the male who has to make the decision to be either gelded or neutered, after consulting with the female who has the rights to his testicles, of course.”

Mary: “Of course. What are the rules for gelding or neutering males?”

Dr Brenda: “With the new law, it states that when the husband or father decides on a gelding, with the decision being in the best interests of the our species of course, it is the wife who is given first rights to his testicles. But, she can pass that right to her daughter, or if she has several daughters, she can hold a drawing. We encourage families who decide on a drawing to make it a party, invite friends and family, his co-workers and if they attend church, their fellow worshipers. The winning daughter of course, gets to do the honors.”

Mary smiling nodding her head: “Yes, it’s called G&N Party drawings. I’ve seen websites that advertise. These company’s will come and host the party for families. Making it a special experience for the daughters. How about a neutering?”

Dr Brenda: “Same thing with neutering. A husband, who makes that all important decision to get neutered, his wife has first rights to his testicles. She can pass that right to her daughter, or if she has several daughter’s, can hold a party drawing. Of course, whoever does the honors of snipping off the scrotum, gets to keep the little grape size testicles for life.”

Mary: “But, what if the family has boys and they decide on either a gelding or neutering?”

Dr Brenda: “Somewhat the same. The boy has to decide if he is going to be gelded or neutered. But he also has to base that decision on what’s best for the survival of our species. Once he makes his decision only his sister can geld him or neuter him.”

Mary: “I know families at my school that have more than one boy. What is done in case of multiple brothers?”

Dr Brenda: “Well, each boy has to make his own decision but it’s easier, psychologically, if the boys agree to do it together. If there are two or more boys and one sister, then the girl is indeed lucky, but if it is any other combination, there should be a party drawing. Again, we encourage the family to have a party and invite friends and family, even the boys classmates.”

Dr Brenda turned to the camera: “Remember girls, if you neuter your father or brother, you get to keep their testicles. And to indicate that your father or brother has been neutered, you get to crimp to their left ear a metal tag which has on it the date of neutering. The metal crimp is preferred because it’s easy to read at a distance. The ear crimp comes in different sizes and colors that you get to pick out.”

Mary: “Yes, and it is a status symbol among girls to wear the testicles.”

Dr Brenda nodded her head: “And for girls who geld their father or brother, the girls get to crimp their right ear with the metal crimp which has on it the date of gelding. I want to add that you can purchase the metal crimps, gelding tool or the pruning shears for the neutering in our gift shop and we also have a 15 minute taxidermy service for the testicles.”

Mary: “Wow! Is there special training or something before they do this?”

Dr Brenda nodded her head: “Sure follow me.”

They walked down the hallway and opened the blinds looking into a room. The room was filled with women and girls. There were short, 4 foot beds with a life like non-black male mannequins on them. The feet of the mannequins were in stirrups that were pushed back so the thighs of the mannequin were touching the chest. This exposed the penis and testicles to the females. A black female nurse was giving instructions to the females on how to properly attach the alligator clips with the electrodes to the little testicles while another black female nurse was showing the females how to properly clamp down with the gelding pliers.

Dr Brenda: “After the male makes his decision on a neutering or a gelding, he makes an appointment for the family female who will do the honors. This is a half-day training program for the female here at the Black Buck. After the training is done, it is the female who decides when the procedure will take place. As covered in the law, the female can either tell the family male when the procedure will take place or wait and tell him on the day of the procedure. This heightens the excitement in the family for the big occasion and it starts to put the females of the family into heat.”

Mary: “How about neutering?”

Dr Brenda: “Follow me.”

They walked a little further down the hallway to another window. Inside were females leaning over the same short four foot beds with life like non-black male mannequins in the same position as in the other room. A black female nurse was showing the females how to use the pruning shears.

Mary and Dr Brenda stood there observing the training: “Again, once the male has decided on neutering, he makes the training appointment for the female of the family who will do the honors. Afterwards, she will decide the day when the neutering will happen.”

They stood and watched as a teen girl took the pruning shears and neatly cut the plastic scrotum off the male mannequin, she was beaming as she held up the sac. The others were clapping their hands and giving her encouragement. The teen laid out the plastic scrotum like it was real and carefully picked out the two grape size plastic testicles and held them up for all to see.

As they walked down the hallway towards the waiting room, Mary asked: “So how much does this all cost?”

Dr Brenda: “For a gelding, its 10,000 dollars and for a neutering, its 50,000 dollars. Even though the decision maybe easy for the male because he is supporting our species, it is the financial consideration that prevents most families from doing either procedure. It’s permitted for the family to take out a 5 year loan or second mortgage on the house cover the cost, but that is a family decision. Let me remind your viewers though, it’s against the law for families to do this on their own, it’s dangerous and should be supervised, free of charge, I might add, by a specially trained female.”

Mary: “BFN has heard rumors that local governments may require males, who opt for a gelding or a neutering, to show documentation that the procedure is being overseen by a specially trained female or an approved organization like Black Buck Hospital.”

Dr Brenda: “Yes, that is also being considered by congress as an amendment to the G&N act.”

Mary: “So can we see a real gelding taking place? I’m sure our viewers would love to see the procedure in action!”

Dr Brenda laughed: “Yes, follow me.”

They walked back towards the waiting room, turned left and walked a little ways down the hallway. A sign hanging in from the ceiling tile announced, “Gelding Room”.

There were girls and adult males standing at the hallway length window looking into the room.

Dr Brenda leaned over said to Mary and the camera: “This group is the 3pm special father daughter gelding.”

Dr Brenda, Mary and the camera crew stood behind several father’s and their daughters looking into the room: “What we’re seeing is the 2pm general gelding.”

On the other side of the window were a row of 12 four foot long beds against the wall, facing the window. On each bed was either a boy or an adult male sitting up in the bed with a ball gag secured in their mouths. They had their feet in stirrups that pushed their thighs back to their chest, exposing their little penises, their grape size testicles and their anus. Their chest, stomach and arms were securely strapped to the bed.

Mary: “Wow, this so fucking cool!”

Dr Brenda: “Like an assembly line. Right?”

At each bed was either a girl or an adult female.

Dr Brenda: “See that boy in the third bed from the left? That’s his mother. All the females are getting ready to electrocute the male’s little testicles.”

The BFN camera crew panned the room. All the females had a look of concentration as they attached alligator clips to the males testicles.

Mary: “That one there, father daughter?”

Dr Brenda: “Yes.”

Dr Brenda pulled out her tablet from her white lab coat.

Dr Brenda scrolled through the tablet: “Let’s see, the 2pm general gelding? Okay, for your viewers, starting from left to right, we have Aaron, 14 years-old and his sister, Linda. Jack, and his older sister, Barbara, 16 years-old. The mother, Jennifer and her son, Jake. Next to them is Ben, 42 years-old and his daughter, Katie, then John, 45 and his daughter Susan, and Bob, 40 and his daughter, Margaret.”

The daughters had the look of concentration on their faces as they stood in front of their father’s spread thighs, their little erect penises and testicles exposed. The girls were attaching the clips to their father’s testicles.

Dr Brenda: “Moving on, we have a special gelding, Bennie, and his twin sister, Dorothy. Next, Robert, 38 with his wife, Lisa, 37. Then Adam with his 14 year-old sister, Nancy, Jerry and his 16 year-old sister, Betty. The last two is 18 year-old, Andy and his sister, Marlene and Derrick, 32 with his daughter, Laura.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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