The Virus 1: the New Reality - Cover

The Virus 1: the New Reality

Copyright© 2020 by MaryS

Chapter 1: The New Reality

The virus:

Shirley Turner drove to her daughter’s school for the annual biology day, the final lesson in the biology series for middle school. Her daughter, Martha, would be turning 14 years-old in a month and that meant she would be coming into heat. To get both of them in heat at the same time, family planning services had suggested that she sign over her rights to her husband’s testicles to her daughter. The female controlled world government had passed a law ten years ago that the only part of the male anatomy controlled by females would be the testicles.

A non-black males testicles were highly prized and by law could be traded or reassigned by females in a household but the it was the male who decided whether or not he would be gelded, neutered, or left them alone. Mother’s could sign over the rights to her husband’s testicles to her daughter for any reason at all, sisters could trade their brothers testicles between them. Shirley thought it would be a special birthday present for Martha to be given the rights to her father’s testicles.

Since the start of biology classes, Martha pestered her father about his testicles. Questions such as, could she see them, feel them, and would he get gelded or neutered, she asked these questions whether at home or in public or at family parties. At first Bill was embarrassed by his daughter asking such questions but Shirley didn’t correct her. In private, Bill asked his wife to talk to their daughter, it was bad enough that she questioned him about his testicles at home, but at family get-together’s and Sunday’s at church was really embarrassing. Shirley replied that Martha had a right to know because one day she would have the rights to some boy’s testicles.

The world had changed since Shirley was a little girl. The spread of the virus through non-black communities across the world threaten the survival of non-black males. Caucasian males, Asian males, Hispanic males and other male ethnicity’s of non-black decent saw their populations slowly decline as their genitals got smaller and their sperm count declined.

With 7 billion people worldwide, down from 10 billion a decade ago, females held a slight majority but their majority was growing every year. Females of every ethnicity, collectively knew that the only way to save the human race was to control the black male population and to remove “non-performing” Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic and other non-black males from the gene pool. Removing the non-black males from the gene pool had the effect of bringing females into “heat” such as girls as young as 14 starting puberty, to keeping females in heat well into their 50s.

Black males, with their longer, thicker cocks and testicles as big as plums, could easily impregnate females and using gender specific fertility drugs, developed by female fertility doctors. The fertility doctors working closely with governments, could control how many male and female babies were born and determine the ethnicity of the baby. The female womb had become the center of power in the world, not the cock, and family planning services took on a new meaning.

In college, Shirley and other girls her age protested the new testicle laws. They marched with their fellow male students, joining in protests around the world but to no avail. Data was coming in showing population decreases in every ethnicity. Shirley met Bill at the mega-church close to where they went to college. Both worked in the children’s ministry. Bill was being groomed by the church leadership to take over the senior pastor and leadership position. When they married shortly after graduation, both made a commitment to become pregnant naturally. By age 27, they both came to the realization that Bill wasn’t up to the task. His cock and testicles had slowly shrunk like every non-black male. Martha was born 9 months after Shirley had become pregnant after a dozen tries through insemination. It was a hard process physically and one Shirley didn’t want to go through again.

Worldwide data showed women and girls were becoming pregnant after neutering or gelding the males in the family, the females would stay in heat until they got pregnant from a black buck and would go into heat again after the baby stopped breast feeding.

Doubts began to creep into Shirley’s thoughts about the viability of having “natural” sex or being inseminated. Shirley had begun to change her mind about male testicles and going into heat and having more babies as she was in her prime. During her pregnancy with Martha, she convinced Bill to sign the one page document assigning his testicles to her, the testicle law that they protested in college had caught with them.

Now at 37, Bill was the senior pastor in the church and he had to set an example for the congregation. In senior leadership meetings there were arguments about supporting or not supporting the female centric laws, especially the testicle law. The males looked to him for leadership. This wasn’t a matter of freedom of religion or freedom of speech but it was the survival of the human race.

Eventually, at a Sunday morning worship shortly before Martha was born, Bill signed the document in front of the congregation, assigning his testicles to his wife. Eventually the church held annual “signings” where male church members, young and old signed their testicles over to their daughters, sisters, mother’s, and wives. The church held pot-luck parties and encouraged all the membership to attend, giving their support to the male who signed the family document. But there was still the problem of male church membership not getting gelded or neutered.

Meanwhile, millions of non-black families around world fled to Europe, or to the great white north, Canada. The original Confederate states, plus Alaska and Hawaii seceded from the Union without a fight. Initially, the non-black families living in these regions fought hard to stay together, trying to become pregnant through natural means. Whole neighborhoods within these regions would have monthly orgies, “spreading the seed”, they called it. Published fertility studies showed the chances of a female in the age group of 14 years-old (those who had their first blood) to women in their 50s, had a 15 percent chance of getting pregnant without insemination, so communities kept trying.

Black males had no where to go, nowhere to turn to, not even in Africa. They were looked at for their stamina and fertility. Female led governments passed “Black Buck” laws that allowed only black males to be used in the entertainment business. They were instruments to be used for sex by females, their sperm were used together with fertility drugs to supply the world with a steady stream of female and male babies, meeting quota’s set for gender and ethnicity.

A worldwide cycle started to appear, neutered or gelded non-black males were needed to keep females in “heat” and black males were needed for their sperm by the females to get “black pregnant” with females controlling fertility drugs. Females controlled it all.

The female controlled national government mandated new biology curriculum for girls in fifth grade to the twelfth grade. High school girls across the New US were taught the importance of proper breeding and how the power, strength and length of the black cock along with fertility drugs would save the human race.

The Law of Darwin taught that inferior sperm can weaken a species and only “sperm competition” could save the human species. Sperm competition was the process where multiple black bucks ejaculate inside a female and the buck with strongest, quickest sperm got to impregnate the egg. Online commercials showed a female egg in the Fallopian tube and black sperm fighting with competing black sperm to impregnate the egg.

In biology classes, girls could see for themselves that the non-black penis had an average length of 5 inches and a girth of 1.5 inches and testicles the size of a grape. Whereas, the black cock had an average length of 13 inches and a girth of 4 inches and testicles that were the size of plums.

The average female vagina is about 8 inches deep. Ideally, the penis should come directly to the wall of the cervix to deliver its sperm payload directly into the womb. This meant the penile length was very important. When faced with an inferior specimen such as a non-black male penis, their sperm is wasted in the vaginal canal, never making it to the womb.

Watching black buck movies that were filmed with the new x-ray camera, high school girls could see that the black cock could easily be pushed right up to the cervix which made it perfect for breeding. Girls learned that the head of the black cock could press its way right into their cervical opening, prying it open a little more with each thrust of the black bucks loins. Then, after what would seem like forever, the plum size testicles of the black buck would pull up into the scrotum and the black cock would empty its contents deep inside their womb.

Girls who had their first blood were told to imagine a black cock parting their cunt lips and stretching them open, making the girl a “real woman”, thus ensuring that they were “ruined” for the inferior non-black male.

High school girls learned that in some countries outside of New US, artificial insemination was the preferred method of getting pregnant, and even then, after lots of attempts, was only 25 percent successful for the birth a non-black baby. The birth of a non-black fetus, especially a male, in these countries was a joyous celebration.

With the black buck though, the studies revealed females in the same age group, 14 years-old to 65 years-old, got pregnant 100 percent of the time and combining the use of fertility drugs, female doctors could control the sex and skin color of the fetus.

The final week of biology classes was the most anticipated in middle and high schools. Mother’s would take leave time from work to sit in class with their daughters. Experiments would be conducted comparing the black buck cock and testicles with a non-black cock and testicles, those Caucasian, Asian and Hispanic males.

40 year-old Shirley Turner drove into the parking lot of St Mary’s private Christian school. She was going to her daughter’s high school biology class, she had a smile of anticipation on her face. Other mother’s were joining their daughter’s in other classes for the day’s biology lesson.

As she walked down the hallway there were 7 foot video screens showing public service announcements such as, brothers thanking sisters for neutering them, son’s thanking their mother’s for gelding them, father’s thanking their daughters for neutering them, in general, the non-black male thanking the female of the family for either neutering or gelding them. It was an honor the females replied because they were saving the female species.

Shirley stopped outside her daughter’s classroom and took a deep breath. It had been several months since she had been in heat, and that was artificially induced, which had side effects. She and a dozen women from the church would go to Mimi’s Black Animal strip club once a month. There the bucks would dance for them, swinging their cocks and balls back and forth, the women going crazy, but more importantly, fuck them with those big black cocks. When the fucking did start the bucks would pass the women back and forth like a cheap piece of meat. Shirley didn’t care, she loved the feel of black cocks in her cunt, anus and mouth, preferably at the same time, but she wasn’t becoming pregnant with all the fucking and neither were the other church women.

Martha would be turning 14 in a month at which point she would need to go into heat. They both needed to put more pressure on Bill to either get gelded or neutered, preferably neutered and maybe the family planning services was correct about Bill’s testicles and Martha.

Shirley looked at herself in the hallway mirror next to the classroom door. A sign on the mirror said, “Check your slutiness”. Women and girls of all ages were encouraged to dress like sluts and whores. The female dress code outside of the house was, ‘less was more’ so mothers and daughters, classmates, teachers, school administrators, female politicians, business owners and CEOs, even the president of the NUS, Carol Lewis who preferred floss bikinis during the summer months in Washington, tried to out do each other without going nude, which was against the decency laws.

Studies had shown that in some species of female animals in the wild, the female groomed and cleaned herself for the male, trying to attract the strongest and most virile of the males. Sub-consciously, women and girls were trying to attract the strongest and most virile black sperm for their egg.

Shirley had her blonde hair at shoulder length and parted in the middle. She wore rouge and black lipstick and had a pink choker around her neck with a two inch black cock and balls medallion attached to it, she had long since replaced the Christian cross she had so proudly wore around her neck growing up. Her fingernails were painted with the same color as her lipstick. She had a pink tank top with spaghetti straps that barely held her ample breasts, no bra of course, with her nipples trying to poke through the material. A black mini-skirt with over the knees black six inch stiletto boots. Shirley checked her teeth to make sure there were no lipstick marks on them.

Shirley smiled to herself: “Fuck, I look a whore for black cock!”

Satisfied, she opened the door. Mrs Kinsey, the biology teacher was just inside the doorway.

Shirley: “Hi, Mrs Kinsey, I’m Shirley Turner. Martha’s told me a lot about you.”

Mrs Kinsey smiling: “Hi Shirley, please to meet you. Take a seat where ever you can find one.”

The classroom desks had been moved into a semi circle in the room creating a large open space at the front of the room and the center of the room. At the front of the room was a three panel privacy changing wall.

Martha with a huge grin waved at her mother: “Hi mom!”

Shirley smiled and waved. Martha was sitting with her friends on the other side of the classroom. The classroom was crowded which added to the excitement.

Shirley went over to the third row of seats and sat down next to two mother’s from her church, Gladys Morris, the director of children ministries and Doris Goodwin, director of youth groups. Gladys and Doris were two of the women who would join Shirley at Mimi’s for an evening of black cock. They weren’t getting pregnant either.

In the years since Bill took over the leadership, the church grew to 15,000 families and so far he was able to control the congregation but Shirley and the other women of the church knew that wouldn’t last much longer. The young girls of the church who had their first blood were clamoring to join their mother’s at the black strip clubs but so far the male church leadership forbid it.

Shirley and the others had talked about “taking over” or “over-throwing” the male church leadership in their Bible studies. They had heard of other congregations in the NUS and around the world where women and girls took over the leadership and running of the church. Bill was aware of these “religious developments” as he called them but for now did nothing.

Gladys, wearing a sling shot bikini that was as tight as a banjo string on her lithe body, her blonde hair in a pony tail and pink stiletto’s, smiled: “Hello, Shirley, glad to see you could make it.”

Shirley smiling at her friends. Gladys always pushed the bounds of decency with her choice of wardrobe and Doris, wearing her trademark bunny ears, the same pink choker as Shirley, a push up sports bra, workout shorts with black sports sneakers: “Hey, you two, wouldn’t miss it for the world. Even Jesus couldn’t pull me away from this!”

Doris leaned forward looking at her friends: “A black cock could though!”

The three of them laughed. Gladys and Doris had daughter’s in the class, Helen Morris and Darcy Goodwin, both 14 years-old.

Around the classroom were huge black dildos, strap-on’s with black dildos, life size black male mannequins with 12 inch cocks stacked up in the back of the classroom.

Doris looking over at her daughter was who was laughing giggling with her friends. “You know none of us, me, Darcy, none of the ladies at the church are in heat. We are trying out best to convince our husband’s to let us cut their balls off.”

Shirley squirmed in her seat. She was uncomfortable with the topic: “I know.”

Gladys added: “The men of the church are looking for leadership on the issue.”

Doris: “The men won’t do anything without Bill okaying it first.”

Shirley nodded: “I know, I know. Martha and I have been trying to talk Bill into losing his testicles.”

Gladys: “Its one thing to own their balls with a piece of paper, but another to get them to agree to have us cut them off.”

Doris: “We’re trying to go into heat Shirley and the men of the church won’t do it unless Bill goes first.”

Mrs Kinsey smiling, clapped her hands getting the classrooms attention. “Quiet girls. Order please so we can started on this exciting lesson.”

Mrs Kinsey, 21 years-old, was wearing a school girl uniform like her students. Tight white blouse with two buttons buttoned, her hair in a pony tail, a short mini-skirt that came to mid-thigh, white thigh stockings and a pair of black 6 inch stiletto’s. Around her neck was a sliver chain with two testicles attached.

Gladys looking at the teacher: “Cutest damn teacher in the whole school. Cut her husband’s balls off, went into heat, got black pregnant two months ago and now is having a white baby boy. God damn lucky, when the boy gets old enough, she’ll get to cut his balls off too.”

Doris: “I heard she had three bucks in her bedroom while her husband watched. Just standing there encouraging her.”

Shirley chuckled: “What else would the poor bastard do?”

Mrs Kinsey strode to the front of the room: “The first lesson is the “ejaculation experiment’.”

There were giggles and chuckles from the girls and mother’s. This was where a Caucasian, Asian and Hispanic male were brought into the classroom one at a time, had their cock measured and then masturbated and ejaculated in front of the classroom. The male subjects had to be paid to participate in the biology sessions as it was difficult for them to stand in front of a class of judgmental females.

Black bucks weren’t given monetary incentive to participate in the biology sessions. The most popular black buck in the school was the janitor. His cock was always semi-hard in his pants, it wasn’t hard to miss. Because the janitor was the property of the school, several classrooms outbid each other to have the janitor display his cock and ejaculate for them. The money that was bid was put towards paying non-blacks to ejaculate in front of classrooms of females.

Males, 14 years-old (those males who started puberty) to their 60s were recruited by the school to display and ejaculate in front of the class. Black bucks started puberty at the age of five, they could get a female pregnant at that age. Mrs Kinsey preferred to advertise for a black “country” buck, those from the fields, who ate corn on the cob and water melon. These bucks were more laid back and more easy going about their cocks than big city bucks.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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