The Anniversary Party - Cover

The Anniversary Party

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Two women scheme for a special celebration.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Slut Wife   Swinging   .

Trixie and Melba were sharing a glass of wine, or more accurately a third one, in Trixie’s backyard on a Friday evening. Melba turned to her friend and said, “Don’t you have a seventh wedding anniversary coming up soon?”

Trixie took a big slug of her drink and replied somewhat sadly, “Yeah. It’s coming.”

Melba continued, “That’s when my last husband and I decided we were tired of each other and split. But you’ve got kids so I don’t want to see that happen to you. I’ve noticed that when we’ve been out you been kind of restless and ogling the guys more than you used to. How’s your sex life?”

“It’s not for shit anymore. We used to go at it pretty good but there just doesn’t seem to be a lot of spark from either one of us. I don’t know what to do about it.”

Melba turned towards her friend, “Well, you’re talking to the right person. You know that even though I’m five years older than you are my sex life is fucking great! Let’s see what we can do to get years revved up again.”

Trixie sighed, “I’d sure like it to be and maybe Frank would too. We just don’t even talk about it.”

The older woman said with conviction, “You need something different to spice up your banging.”

The housewife sighed again, “We’ve tried doing it in the laundry room and in the backyard and stuff like that but it’s pretty tough with growing kids around all the time.”

Her friend laughed, “No, I mean really different. Like a new man fondling and fucking you. There is nothing like it to bring excitement back into your life, believe me. You had your tubes tied, right?” Trixie nodded. “Well that takes care of one major issue so now we just have to get you to loosen up.”

Trixie complained, “But I can’t be unfaithful. I made a promise.”

Her friend had another question, “Did you fuck any guys before you got married?”

“I dated a couple of guys that I let go all the way but it didn’t happen very often before I met Roger and there’s been nobody since.”

“Good, that gets the ‘nobody else has been in your pussy’ concern out of the way too. I think all we need to do is get you some leverage so that Roger can’t complain when you have some fun. I think that once he finds out what it will do to your libido and how he will reap the benefit of it, he will be on board for sure. I actually wish I’d done that with my first husband because I still like the guy and I still screw him every once in a while.”

“Okay, hot stuff, how do you propose we pull this off? I’m certainly willing to give it consideration and some guys do make my pussy itch, I have to admit.”

Melba got them both a wine refill and sat facing her friend. “I’ve told you how your husband has been hitting on me more seriously lately. He’s attractive enough to me, and I’ve only one boyfriend going right now, so I bet it would be easy to get him between my legs. Once he’s had his ‘hand in the cookie jar’, he’s got no leverage if you do likewise. The old ‘stones in glass houses’ thing.”

“Well what about me? How does an old married woman go about picking up a guy? I haven’t a clue.”

“I’m sure my boyfriend Reggie would be glad to help. He puts his dick in any reasonably attractive woman who takes her pants off. He’s got a long pecker and tongue, and holds out as well as any man I’ve ever screwed. I’m sure you would have a really good time. You know I’m not in love with him so I’d be happy to make the trade.”

Trixie was rubbing her pussy on the outside of her shorts by now and told her friend, “I’m sure going to think about this and I’ll let you know if I’m brave enough to go ahead.” They hugged goodbye and Trixie went in to the bathroom for a serious jilling session. Her husband was surprised when she went down on him in bed and insisted that he ride her for the first time in weeks.

His question, “What’s gotten into you?” got answered with, “Well, not enough cock for starters.” He made no further comment but kept busy in his wife’s familiar crotch. After he came, she wouldn’t just let him roll off and go to sleep like he was used to.

“I’ve got a question for you?” When she had his attention, she continued, “When you first had sex with me, did it bother you that I wasn’t a virgin?”

He shook his head, “No, I wasn’t either and I’d never had one.”

“Have you ever wondered who I fucked before you? You’ve never asked. I would tell you about it if you wanted to know.”

“I guess I thought about it once or twice but figured it was none of my business.”

“Would it make me sexier if I told you about it now? I’d like to hear about what you did before you knew me.”

He pondered that for a moment and answered, “When I first knew you I don’t think I could’ve gotten past my jealousy but we’re pretty solid now so it might be interesting.”

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