Helping Hands - Cover

Helping Hands

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - An older farm wife provides more than room and board for the hired help.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Sharing   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   Double Penetration   First   Water Sports   Nudism  

About a month after camp, Sam got a letter from Mary Beth. She invited him to come and visit them for a weekend when he could. They lived about halfway in between the farm and the camp in a good-sized town. She said that she missed seeing him and hoped it would be soon. Sam smiled as he thought that she might mostly be missing his bigger pecker, but he arranged to use a farm car the next weekend.

When he found Mary Beth’s nice house in a nice neighborhood, the young twosome came rushing out to greet him. He got tight hugs and wet kisses from the female half and a hug and handshake from the male half. After dinner Mary Beth suggested a walk around the neighborhood. She told how she had birth control now and they still had their own rooms for appearances sake, but they spent every night together like a married couple. Her mother had become a close confidant and was helping her learn about all the other issues with sex too.

At bedtime he was shown to Philip’s room since the single beds wouldn’t fit more than two comfortably. The couple used Mary Beth’s room for sex and sleeping. She told him not to wear the pajamas he brought. He’d just gotten in bed when the door opened and Mary Beth entered. She dropped her robe and slipped in with him. Her hand went straight for his partially filled rod and her mouth quickly made sure it was ready for the action she wanted. She got on top and they soon climaxed nearly together.

Mary Beth began talking softly, “I want you again before I go back to Philip. He is getting a lot better and I think his thing is growing too. It should. I’ve given it lots of exercise. And I sure like the size yours is.” She squeezed it with her pussy muscles, a new talent since camp. Continuing, “I’ve thought a lot about sex too. I now understand why you shot on my belly the first time we did it. My mother explained that you were being a true gentleman for Philip’s sake. You are quite wise for being so young and I will always want you to be my friend and lover. Mmmm, your thing seems ready again.”

She was on her back and Sam snuggled up on his side and pushed in under her raised leg. She was still the tightest woman he’d fucked. As they moved gently together, savoring the pleasures of rubbing parts, Mary Beth kept talking. “Philip got a bit upset when I invited you, so Mom and Dad sat him down for a talk. They told him to remember back to camp and realize that even though I had sex with you, my feelings for him were still strong. She pointed out that we were both likely to meet and get intimate with other people but that didn’t ever have to keep us from remaining very special friends. It was our choice.

“Mom explained that they’d met at the camp when they went there with other partners. They’d had sex a few times and realized their attraction. Then they started dating and went to camp as a couple the next year. She was very glad my first time included sharing like it did. That will help Philip understand. He’s not as emotionally mature as you are.”

As Sam picked up the pace she shut up and concentrated on what they were doing. When they’d both satisfied their desires, Mary Beth cupped her pussy to catch the cum on her way to the bathroom. “Don’t put your pajamas on yet,” she called out. Sure enough, in the middle of the night Sam was awakened by a busy mouth on his limp pecker.

Mary Beth slept in until almost noon. Her mom was grinning at breakfast and kept making sly remarks to us guys. She wore a rather thin robe and panties and seemed to make a point of leaning over and making her ample tits jiggle. We both had tents in our pajamas by the time breakfast was over and later Philip talked about how she did that a lot. “I’d sure like to fuck her and I think that’s what she really wants. I don’t know if Dad would mind or not.” Since Mary Beth was still sleeping the guys just had to get their minds on other stuff so Philip showed off some electronics he was building. Sam didn’t know anything about it but found the demonstration interesting.

After Mary Beth had breakfast she asked who would like to shower with her. Since two hands, and peckers, were raised they used the biggest bathroom. All clean and refreshed, she took her lovers to the guest room that had a double bed and repeated what they had done at camp. This girl had lots of youthful energy and it seemed to be concentrated in her crotch. Sam did think that Philip’s cock was bigger and he was obviously using it a lot better too.

They spent Saturday afternoon going around their town and caught a Saturday matinee at the movie house. Sam didn’t get to them very often. In the dark theater Mary Beth sat between the guys in the back row and played with their peckers. They, in return, got their hands on her as best they could too and discovered she wasn’t wearing panties. There were other couples doing much the same thing all around them. It was difficult to keep from gawking.

Once again, Mary Beth gave Sam a good night fuck before going to Philip. But when the bedroom door opened and a woman slipped in bed with him it was her Mom! She shushed him and said that her husband and Mary Beth knew she was there. She’d insisted she needed to check him out as a mother’s duty. Besides, she hadn’t had a muscular young man in many years. Damn, she fucked like she hadn’t had ANY cock in years, which he knew wasn’t the case of course. Mary Beth later told her guys she hadn’t heard her mom be so noisy ever. Philip was terribly envious. Sam slept until almost noon this time.

The three youngsters went to the guest room again before Sam left. He invited them to come to the farm when they could. Mary Beth’s mom had suggested that Philip needed to be shared too so he’d be better with it. Sam said that there were plenty of “helpers” at the farm that would enjoy a young guy.

Another month went by before the town kids could get to the farm. They’d never been to one so a tour was the first thing before sunset and dinner. They rode a tractor around part of the spread. Dinner in the big farmhouse was always a noisy and busy social occasion. The guests were a bit overwhelmed by it but answered questions from right and left. A big campfire by the pond was set and Jesse played his fiddle. There were enough couples for a square dance which the newcomers figured out pretty quick. The farm women had been primed with introducing Philip to the joys of sharing and made sure they danced with him and rubbed up against him at every opportunity.

A few things had changed at the farm. Billy and Rita had moved back to her dad’s house when he got real sick to help run the farm and keep house. Cowboy and Rachel offered the bunkhouse bedroom to Sam and the guests. They would use Billy’s old room. Sam told Todd that he just might get lucky with Mary Beth so stay in his regular bunk. He’d noticed his female guest eyeing the stocky farm hand.

Rachel was the closest to Philip’s age so she took the lead. He was a one-woman man so far and she looked forward to showing him some new things. After supper she asked for some help in the barn. After checking that the animals all had what they need she climbed to the hayloft. She had on a skirt with no undies and he got flash shots of female fur. A blanket was always spread out in one corner for the convenience of which ever pairing wanted a quickie or more. Well, he got the “more”.

When they returned to the farm house, Mary Beth, who had been tipped off to the plan, walked over to them and sniffed and said, “Whew, you sure smell like sex. I think Todd had better show me why barns make you smell that way.” She took his hand and they were gone for an hour. Philip still hadn’t figured out that he’d been set up. The sisters kept him busy in the kitchen until she returned, bits of hay in her hair, proclaiming that she never knew barns were so interesting. Everyone laughed, even Philip.

During the rest of the weekend the two buxom sisters introduced Philip to mature sex and big tits. Mary Beth had a lot of fun trying out the rather different cocks attached to Jesse and Cowboy. Both nights were spent in the big bed with Philip and Sam but she made sure that Todd was “tucked in” properly too.

As the two youngsters drove home they were rather quiet, and a bit sore. Mary Beth realized that her “scorecard” had now gone from two to six and she’d had all of them at least once in the past two and a half days. She felt very female and a bit sluttish. They had both experienced a lot which they needed to digest and discuss. It would add fuel to their own fucking for a long time too.

Mary Beth was majoring in bookkeeping and Philip loved electronics, both of which were needed on this progressive farm. Roger offered them summer jobs and they happily accepted.

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