Helping Hands - Cover

Helping Hands

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - An older farm wife provides more than room and board for the hired help.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Sharing   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   Double Penetration   First   Water Sports   Nudism  

The farm had done very well financially that year so Roger decided to treat everyone to a special vacation at the nudist resort. Farms have to be attended to so two separate groups would go. He rented a cabin for a month and each group would get two weeks. He and Sara Lou would go along with Rebecca and Billy. The young man would be their camp guide and Rita would do the same thing for the later group.

Billy and Rita had been writing to their friends and arranged for them to overlap in the middle of that month so they could both see them. Everyone wanted to meet and possibly fuck them too.

Billy’s older sister Rachel had started dating Cowboy. He’d take her to town on Friday night and then back to the ranch where she’d stay until Sunday church. He hadn’t told her about the sex customs at the farm yet but he would have to eventually. One Saturday night she was sitting on the porch swing with Billy and Cowboy and got pretty drunk. She started talking. “Cowboy, I sure like fuckin you better than daddy. Wish I could stay here all the time. He’s nice to me but doesn’t make me cum much.”

The guys had suspected that daddy was tapping the daughter but never knew for sure. Billy spoke up, “Then you could stop sinning.”

Rachel said angrily, “I ain’t been sinning. He’s not my real daddy.”

“What the hell?” came from both guys.

Rachel grinned drunkenly. “So if I fucked Billy like I’ve wanted too it would just be half a sin.”

Billy asked sternly, “You’d better explain yourself, dear sister.”

She looked at the two guys, “Well, before mom passed on she told me a secret. Her and daddy had been married a long time and she never fell pregnant. Two times when he was gone on a trip at the right time she got herself seeded and we are the result. Different guys too. Daddy never knew and that’s why I wasn’t worried about getting pregnant by him neither. I’ve got to be careful about my safe times with you, big boy.”

Cowboy said to her, “We’ve got to get you to a doctor so we can have less worries and more fun. I’m ok with you screwing Billy and any of the other guys around here. Just so you understand why, I need to tell you the rest of the story.”

Even drunk she was amazed at what she heard and got hotter than hell. It was just before her period so she took Billy to the bunkhouse and told Cowboy to find Rita. They took their clothes off and snuggled in a bunk. Billy slowly stroked the body he’d wanted to touch for so long. She kind of matched Cowboy, tall for a girl and so slim that her breasts were mere swellings. Her big nipples helped you locate them and reacted strongly to touch. Her mons was prominent and covered with thick black hair like her head.

Rachel mewed and sighed as she was touched and stroked by her half-brother. Feeling that his cock was very ready for her, Rachel rolled on her back and pulled the eager shaft to her wet love tunnel. She parted her thick crotch carpet with one hand and the other guided his swollen cockhead to its target. They both moaned as the penetrations deepened with each stroke. When their pubic hair met the highly aroused woman wrapped arms and legs tightly around the man on top of her and squeezed hard for a long time.

They coupled slowly and deliberately, savoring the feelings of each intimate insertion and withdrawal. Billy rained small kisses on her face and every other part he could reach. Rachel rubbed his body gently with her hands and squeezed his driving buns. Finally the feelings building in her loins grew to an explosion of pleasure and she yelled out as she pulled him tightly to her. He moved slowly until her peak subsided then pumped quickly to his hot release. She shuddered again as the hot liquid from her brother spurted deep inside.

Rachel sobbed. Billy waited, caressing her gently, still buried in her pussy. Her sobs suddenly turned to laughter and Billy was puzzled. “Oh, brother that I love so much, I’ve wanted this since I first knew it could be done. Thank you.”

She continued after a spell, “I’ve sure learned a lot about sex in the past little while. I’ve been doing daddy a few times a week for the past two years. He needed me because he missed momma so much and I was glad to help him. It didn’t seem like a big deal. For a while I dated a guy from school and he wanted sex but he only lasted a minute each time so it wasn’t worth the bother of keeping from getting pregnant. I thought Cowboy would be like that too. As you must know, he is a hell of a fuck and makes it more fun than I could have ever imagined. I can hardly wait for the next time with him.

“With you just now, sex was different again. There was more closeness and caring than I ever knew there could be. It was wonderful and I’m going to need that on a regular diet. Move in me again ... it feels like you are ready for more.”

Billy started sliding in and out as he talked, “My dear sister, yes, this is a special kind of connecting. I feel this way with Rita and also Sara Lou who was my first woman. Of course we sometimes fuck more for fun like I do with Rebecca and some other women.”

“Some other women?”

Billy told about the nudist camp and a little of what had happened there. “We are going again this year but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

Rachel started hip thrusts back, “If Cowboy is OK with it I feel like I’ve got some lost time to make up for.”

“I’m pretty sure he won’t mind. I think he wants to hop on a fat older women who might be there.”


“That was a joke. I’ll explain some time.”

Their enjoyment was rising and Billy’s second cock load of sperm went looking for an egg. Rachel sent Billy to his own bed and he sent Cowboy to her.

She moved into the bunkhouse a week later and started get to know the rest of the “family” better. She didn’t start in the sexual sharing right away. When she got to know the other men she would probably invite them to share her body. She was eager to learn and experience new things. Cowboy knew from long experience that it wouldn’t hurt their relationship and reassured her he was OK with her freedom.

Things were changing around the farm and they had to have a family talk. Things had evolved from a way to keep the help happy to a commune-like “family” with connected, if not committed, couples. But Roger had leased a lot more land in the area and more help was needed. How that should be handled was a family decision now.

Cowboy had partitioned off part of the bunkhouse to create more private sleeping quarters for himself. He bought one of the king-sized beds that the youngsters had seen at camp. Rachel teased that it was for her and all the guys together.

Rita said, “I’ve done that. When can we come and watch the show?”

Her bluff called, Rachel turned red and shut up.

Roger asked for ideas about farm help. He thought two more hands would be enough.

Rebecca said, “It’s going to be difficult to keep then unaware of what goes on around here, so I say we just plan on giving them regular pussy like before. They don’t have to participate in everything though. We women must be part of the interviewing and all must agree before anyone is hired.” All heads nodded.

Cowboy figured that real young guys would be best. They could be trained the way we do things and wouldn’t likely be so bull headed. Might even be virgins and Rachel could see what that was like. Everyone grinned and she blushed again.

It was agreed. The ads and word went out and in a month 16-year-old Todd and 17-year-old Sam were picking out a bunk.

Their first lesson in the farm culture was the communal toilet and shower in the bunkhouse. They would look away when Rachel used the toilet but when she and Cowboy deliberately joined them in the shower one morning they covered their growing groins. Cowboy teased, “Haven’t you ever seen a naked woman before”?

This was part of a plan he’d discussed with Rachel. His first piece had been at about this age with the wife of a fellow rodeo rider who had taken a shine to him. She was in her 30s and the married couple had taught him a lot about screwing as they toured together that season. He’d lost track of them and sure wished he hadn’t. That had been fifteen years ago.

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