Helping Hands - Cover

Helping Hands

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - An older farm wife provides more than room and board for the hired help.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Sharing   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   Double Penetration   First   Water Sports   Nudism  

Rita had a rough delivery for her baby boy. He was big and her small frame suffered. The town doctor felt she shouldn’t have any more babies and spoke with Billy and Sara Lou while she was still sedated. Reliable birth control was still in the future so they agreed that Rita’s tubes should be snipped. Consent was a lot simpler then.

She was thrilled by her cute big baby but depressed when she learned the consequences. It took months of healing before she could have sex again. After fucking only Billy until the discomfort was gone, she told him that she wanted to fuck four guys at once to feel like a woman again. So it was arranged for a Saturday evening.

Once again, the bunkhouse was set up for the event. Following much the same scenario as before, she was brought to a high level of arousal before the first penetration. Roger went first. With his lubrication in place, Jesse slid in easily. But the silky semen wasn’t the only reason for the ease of entry. Her birth canal was considerably looser than before and Kegel exercises weren’t widely known yet. Billy reassured her that she still felt good and he could last longer with a lighter grip.

Now that she was stretched and wet, it was time for something she had dreamed about for quite a while. She laid Cowboy in his back and mounted him reverse cowgirl. His long pecker reached all the way into her even when she lay back on his chest. She then guided her husband’s cock into her stretched vagina right on top of Cowboy’s. She felt very full. The guys struggled with how to move and finally got in synch. With Roger and Jesse on either side, they sucked her tits and she held their love tubes while she was double filled with cock.

This was a first even for the sophisticated Cowboy who had handled other cocks before. He’d even had his pecker head alongside another as a woman sucked both, but not this. Soon he felt Billy’s shaft swelling and then pulsing. There was no mistaking his climax by anyone in the room. The sudden shot of fresh hot man juice in the already sperm filled pussy struck his deeply buried dick head and he exploded too. He held Rita tight as she shook violently with her own release.

After a rest and pee break, Rita wanted to try it again with her other two men. Jesse’s thickness made it questionable and it took a few tries but once again, she was double dicked. She just enjoyed the situation without a high level of arousal. This time it was Jesse, on the bottom, who came first followed a few moments later by Roger.

Roger had purchased one of the relatively new Polaroid cameras and this special event was duly documented so Rita could reminisce or share it with the sisters if she chose. They were duly impressed and didn’t think that they could ever manage such a sexual feat. One dick after another was just fine.

Everyone settled down in their beds and Rita spent the rest of the night bunk hopping. She managed to extract another ejaculation from each of her men before snuggling in with her husband. There was one more short screw apiece in the morning followed by a group shower.

The worldly Cowboy had a surprising request as they entered the big bunkhouse shower room. He had intercepted Rita on her way to the toilet. He sat down on the shower floor and had her squat over his half hard cock. Cum was drooling out between her pussy lips as the yellow stream shot out and, with his guiding hands on her hips, splashed hotly on his crotch. His pecker grew noticeably but was too drained to reach full hardness. He made pleasure noises and the other guys were curious. Rita damn near came again at the idea and promised herself to try that again.

During the ablutions, the playful Rita moved her husband’s hand to hold each of the three other penises that had repeatedly filled his wife in the last twelve hours. She kissed each one as he pointed it towards her face.

From then on Rita settled in to being a mother and farm wife. The fire that had burned hot between her legs since puberty began to cool off. She coupled with Billy, but it was more for affection than passion. She didn’t make any effort to screw the other men she had enjoyed so much previously. Billy was encouraged to partake of Sara Lou and Rebecca as often as he wanted.

The sisters didn’t mind less competition for the men of the farm, but there had always been plenty of hard cock ready for pussy filling anyway. They were more concerned about this sudden change in their dear “daughter” as they thought of her. They went with her to her doctor who said she probably needed extra time after the difficult delivery she had to get back to normal.

When the baby was weaned at six months, the sisters put some money together and sent the young couple to a naturist resort a few hours away, figuring that the change of scene, plus some added stimulation, might be beneficial. Most resorts then were family oriented, but what happened in the cabins when the kids were asleep could get very interesting. One group of cabins with a separate beach was designated adult only and that is what they selected.

Good ole Cowboy had been taken there as a boy toy by a rich girl since couples only were admitted. This place had been his suggestion and he helped them prepare for the first vacation of their lives. Roger and Sara Lou would drive them over and then pick them up in two weeks.

A few postcards showing the campgrounds and lake arrived and everyone was wondering how it was going. Finally the youngsters were retrieved and everyone gathered around with curiosity and questions. Rita reclaimed the baby who was happy and healthy with two “Grandmas” fussing over him.

Beer and wine were served, and Billy started the tale of their vacation, “We had a small cabin with a great big bed. We’d never seen one that size before. We put on our swimsuits because we’d been naked around you guys but never around strangers. After we walked around a bit we felt out of place and put our suits back at the cabin. There was a nice beach so we swam and lounged on it for a while. When we went to dinner there were two couples our age who waved us over. Turns out they were in the next cabin and they knew we were new. They were from a town the other side of the camp from us and were friends and this was their third visit.”

Rita continued, “They invited us to their cabin after dinner for drinks and got a small campfire going. I needed to use the bathroom and noticed that the cabin they were sharing was like ours with only one big bed. Now I knew why it was so big. They were apparently VERY good friends like we are. After a while it was a full moon and we skinny-dipped in the lake before calling it a night.

“The next day the guys went fishing and I hung out on the beach with the wives. We oiled each other up and worked on our all-over tans. They had a big Thermos of drinks and we got a bit tipsy. Jim and Janine were a little older than us and had three children. She was kind of tall and pudgy with a noticeable belly bulge. Fred and Nancy were our age with one child. Nancy had rather small breasts and wide hips. Neither wife was a magazine model so I felt better about my body.

“Janine said that I’d probably noticed that their cabin got pretty ‘cozy’. I nodded and she continued that their first year they had to share expenses to afford the vacation. They’d known each other in high school and Jim had dated Nancy. Getting naked all day had broken down the remaining barriers to sharing spouses. They got together at home too.

“I told her that we also had other partners at home but didn’t give any details. Janine then told me that her last baby was only three months old and was surely conceived here last year. She used a diaphragm which had developed a small tear which she didn’t notice. She guessed all the screwing on the vacation had been too much for it. ‘Good thing I didn’t screw any Negroes or Chinamen!’ I looked puzzled so she explained that they’d agreed their sex during vacation didn’t have to be limited to the cabin mates. Then she told me that she’d had her tubes tied since three kids was enough. I told her mine were too.

“Nancy said that they hoped we might be interested in getting to ‘know’ them better. I said I’d talk to Billy. This vacationing was new to us and we didn’t want to miss out on anything.”

Billy took over, “We had a good time fishing and caught a few which we threw back. They asked what I did and I told them about the farm. They were city boys who worked in offices so getting outdoors was a big deal for them. They needed a tan and noticed mine was all over. I explained that being naked in warm weather was one of our pleasures.

“They made comments about sex a lot. Jim said the only fishing Janine liked was for ‘trouser trout’ and there weren’t many trousers here so catching them was easy. I finally caught on to what he meant and laughed. We met the wives for lunch and a nap. I don’t think much actual sleeping happened then. Rita was more aroused than she had been in a while. She asked me what I thought about having sex with our new friends and that the wives had asked about it. I told her that we hardly knew them and, besides their husbands would be getting the prettiest one of the bunch.”

Rita continued, “Billy made me feel good with that. We decided to hold back until we knew them better so that’s what I told Janine and Nancy. It seemed like they were in charge of that stuff. They arranged for us to split up for the afternoon. I went on a hike around the lake with Jim and Fred. On the hills they couldn’t keep up with me and I teased them about being city boys.

“Fred had to pee and stood at the side of the trail. He called to me that he liked to have help. I went over and held his cock as he sprayed the bushes. I couldn’t help but rub it like I do Billy’s and shook it a lot and gave it a few extra squeezes at the end. He got half hard and smiled. Jim was already half hard when he wanted help too and was pretty big by the time I let it go. I then squatted down so they could watch me piss on their wet spots. We talked a lot and they would often reach out to help me on rough spots. I loved the attention and their peckers never went all the way down. We had a swim and oiled each other to get a suntan.”

Billy spoke up, “The wives and I got a paddleboat. It was made for two but we squeezed in hip to hip. They pedaled and I steered. I had to put my arms on their shoulders and they put their hands on my legs. We could see our spouses walking from time to time. When we got quite a way from the camp they moved my hands down to their tits and they played with my peter. Of course it got hard and Janine made me shoot with her mouth to make it go down. In a little while it was hard again and Nancy tasted me too. I fingered them to their pleasures. Janine asked me if I could tell that the wetness in her pussy was from Fred after lunch. She said she liked to try out different men and thought I would be good. Nancy said she felt the same way.

“I told them that I’d have to talk more with Rita. When we got back we found the others at the beach and we swam and visited for a little while then Janine told her husband she wanted to have sex with him. We all went to our cabins for a while.”

Rita took over, “When we got in bed I was pretty horny. All this was making me feel like I used to. When I told about touching the other guys’ dicks Billy got hard. When he told me about what the other wives did, I told him I had something better and we had a hot fuck. I had realized that I was the only woman his age that he’d ever had sex with. I’d had quite a variety of guys so decided he should have some new stuff too. I’d just go along with it because he was definitely curious. That’s what I told him and reassured him I’d have a good time.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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