Helping Hands - Cover

Helping Hands

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - An older farm wife provides more than room and board for the hired help.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Sharing   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   Double Penetration   First   Water Sports   Nudism  

Rebecca was now getting and giving her share of sex with the group. Jesse was confident that he was the main man in her heart even though not the only one in her pussy. He got refresher romps with his sex teacher often enough.

Billy had made lots of progress with Rita, the girl from church. She was a short, big boobed redhead a year older than he was. He couldn’t drive so rode a horse to town and took along one for her. They’d go out in the countryside. One day the motion of the horse got her so hot that she pulled him into a barn and screwed his brains out. He was supposed to use a rubber but wasn’t expecting this to happen.

Rita was impressed that he was as good as some of the older men she was fucking and asked him. He told her why, forgetting his promise, and she was surprised but intrigued. She got herself invited to Sunday dinner. After the meal, the men went to listen to a ball game on the radio. As the women were cleaning up the kitchen, Rita said she wanted to talk with them. Carrying glasses of wine, the three went out on the porch.

Rita started the conversation, “I wanted to meet you after Billy told me you taught him to be such a good fucker. I’ve done lots of guys and he’s one of the best, especially for being younger than me. I really like him and want to be special to him too.”

Sara Lou replied, “I’m glad you are talking to us. That shows some real maturity. Yes, both of us have taught him to be a capable and considerate woman pleaser. I’ve heard, though, that you’re fucking several other guys. We are concerned for his welfare too.”

Rita held her head down as she replied, “You heard right. They are all older guys who help take care of me. My home situation is pretty bad and I can’t make it on my own. My pussy is the only thing I have been able to depend on for quite a while. I’m more or less trading it for food and clothes and a place to sleep. I go to church hoping God will forgive me for doing what I have to do. Billy’s different. He seems to care about me as a real person. He’s the only one I haven’t insisted use a rubber.”

“Well, we’re glad to hear the last part,” said Rebecca, “We don’t use them around here and want to keep enjoying him too.”

Rita frowned, “So your men are OK with Billy screwing you?”

Both women nodded and Sara Lou replied, “They get to share too so everybody wins.”

“Damn!” said the young redhead, “I have to keep my guys kind of separated. It sure would be nice not to have that pain in the ass.”

The sisters promised to never tell anyone what they had learned about her past as long as she was good to Billy.

Rebecca asked, “When do you have to be home?”

Rita said bitterly, “Never, I guess. My mother is a drunken whore and I’m just a nuisance to her. She probably wouldn’t notice if I never came back!”

The sisters looked at each other, of a common mind. Sara Lou said, “Then you’ll stay here tonight. We have plenty of room.” They got no objection and drew a bubble bath for a girl who had never had one. While she soaked in amazed joy, they scrounged up makeup and a nice nighty and robe. They washed and brushed her hair and showed her how to use basic cosmetics. They were rewarded by a flood of tears and had to redo some of the makeup.

When they presented her to Billy his jaw dropped. The other men also took a lot of notice at the very pretty girl who suddenly appeared. Sara Lou announced, “Rita is staying with us for a while. Billy, you will stay in the guest room with her.”

Everyone in the house heard the sex noises from the back bedroom throughout the night and smiled at each other. The youngsters had never been naked in a bed together and it was like a honeymoon. The next morning Rebecca took in a breakfast tray during a lull and told them to stay there as long as they wanted.

A family meeting was quickly called before the lovebirds surfaced. Rita’s bad home situation was explained and the sisters wanted to provide a better one for her. Plus she was very important to Billy. Everyone agreed.

Billy and Rita joined everyone at lunch. They were holding hands and both began crying as the offer of a real home for her was made. There was plenty of work on the thriving farm and Rita would get paid for her labor for the first time in her life. The women would take her to town to get some good farm and dress-up clothes but they would be paid back from her wages. This was a chance, not charity. She held up her head and nodded and cried some more. Nobody had ever been this genuinely nice to her before.

Rita was a quick study and took on responsibility quickly. She blossomed and became a real part of the family. She didn’t join in the sexual sharing since she was still bonding with Billy although she asked him how often he’d banged the sisters before he met her. Then she insisted that he get back in the rotation so the women could have more fun. She loved to watch and then take him to their bed.

About two months after Rita moved in she lost her usually strong appetite and looked different. The sisters quickly figured out she was pregnant. The town doctor confirmed it and a wedding was set up at the farm. When asked what she wanted for a wedding gift she blushed and said that now that she was with Billy’s child she would like to enjoy the other men too. She envied the sisters and wanted to be included. Could she spend the night after her wedding night in the bunkhouse like they did, with Roger, Jesse, and Cowboy taking turns with her? Could Billy be with the sisters then? Everyone agreed to her requests.

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