Helping Hands - Cover

Helping Hands

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - An older farm wife provides more than room and board for the hired help.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Sharing   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   Double Penetration   First   Water Sports   Nudism  

Sara Lou was getting tired of hearing her husband Roger complain about the hired help. They never worked hard enough. On Fridays they wanted to quit early to go to town and they came back from town on Sunday all worn out from drinking and banging whores. And so on. And good help wasn’t easy to find in the first place.

After a dinner tirade one night, Sara Lou poured Roger a tumbler of his favorite whiskey and sat him down on the farmhouse porch. Both around 50 years of age, they’d been through quite a bit together during the last 30 years. He’d grown up on this family farm and she was born not too far away. They went through school together although a grade apart.

She’d been a popular girl with hips and waist a lot smaller than now but sporting the prominent rack she still carried well. He’d finally been able to get a date with her after waiting patiently as her various romances, including one with his older brother, fizzled as teen love often does. On the second date she made it clear she wanted sex. She was a patient teacher and during the three months they dated he learned a lot. Then she got restless and broke up with him. He watched as she dated several guys during the next year. He now knew she screwed anyone she dated.

After a year they got back together. She was ready to settle down and they wed. As far as Roger knew, she’d been faithful during the marriage except for that one time he and his brother shared a hotel room at the state fair. They’d had a lot of beer and the wives “accidentally” got in other husband’s bed. By the time the “mistake” was discovered it was decided they’d just stay switched all weekend. Never happened again but both wives delivered babies nine months later.

Sara Lou addressed her husband in a businesslike tone of voice, “We know that any critter will stay where it gets its needs met. We are providing food and shelter and income for our farm hands but they need women too. So they go wasting time and energy and money on those town pigs. You ain’t making much use of mine lately and I’d like it to have more action in bed. How about I start putting out for them with certain conditions that will make them better workers in return?”

Roger took a big drink of his whiskey and was quiet for a long time. “You make a good argument, I must admit. You have always been damn good at fucking so they’d sure be getting better than they are now. Considering all the ones you had before we were married, a few more peckers probably won’t make any difference. Guess it won’t wear out. What kind of conditions were you thinking about?”

Sara Lou was ready, having thought a lot about this, “I figure each of the three could have me twice a week and I’d have Sunday off. Hell, they’d probably only last ten minutes at best so wouldn’t mess up my schedule at all. Since they all stay in the bunkhouse together maybe I’d do the lucky one right after dinner and make the others clean up the kitchen when it wasn’t their turn. They’d have to do good work every day though and you could tell me if they didn’t. An extra good job might get them some extras too. Perhaps you could put the money they’d have spent on whores in a savings account each payday.”

“I’ll sleep on it and we’ll talk some more.” He did and then he fucked her in the morning, an uncommon treat, teasing her that he was checking on the quality of the fringe benefits.

At supper Roger outlined the new plan to the farm hands. He made it clear that they had to see the town doctor to get checked for disease because Sara Lou didn’t like rubbers. They couldn’t be screwing the town whores anymore and couldn’t brag about getting it from Sara Lou either. She didn’t have the “curse” any longer so no worries there. He let them think about it and if they wanted to participate then they needed to stay at the farm Saturday night when they were usually carousing.

All three were there, cleaned up and curious. Sara Lou served dinner in a nicer dress than she usually wore. Roger opened some Schlitz beer he had bought in town that day and explained how the savings account passbooks worked. They could see that ten percent of their pay was there and it would grow with interest. This was new to these simple men. Three straws were drawn to set the order that they would be with her. The others would stay with Roger and listen to the World Series on the radio. The Giants were playing the Indians in game four after winning three in a row. This was a big game.

Roger couldn’t focus on the ball game even if it was the World Series. He poured himself a tumbler of whisky on ice and sat in his favorite rocking chair on the porch facing the bunkhouse. His mind raced with images of what his beloved was doing in there. Sure, she’d screwed other guys even when they were dating but they were married now and it was a lot more personal. Would she still love him? Would their lovemaking be damaged? What could he do but wait and see?

Jesse went with Sara Lou to the bunkhouse first. When she took off her dress he just unbuttoned his fly and pulled out his pecker. She was puzzled, “Aren’t you getting undressed?”

“Ain’t never been nekkid with a woman,” came the reply from the short, stocky, taciturn older man. He was the strong fixit man of the farm that kept everything running and did heavy lifting.

“But you’ve had sex before haven’t you,” asked the puzzled woman.

“Yeah, but only with whores who jest turn around and let me stick it in. I don’t know no other way.”

Sara Lou hugged him and said, “We’ll do it like that right now but I want to show you a better way when we have more time.” She bent over and rubbed her twat to get it lubricated. Jesse’s pecker was built like the rest of him, short but very stocky. It stretched her more than she expected and he lasted longer too. It was feeling pretty good by the time the familiar surge of liquid heat happened in her pussy.

She cleaned up while the next man was sent out. Jesse accepted a beer and quietly listened to the game. He had some new things to think about but that would take a while.

“Cowboy” was next. He was the guy who took care of all the livestock. Tall and slim, he had a pecker to match. He’d done rodeos for a while and had a lot more experience with women, both married and single. He gave Sara Lou a big hug and kisses, telling her that he’d wanted this to happen since he started working there. He knew how to compliment a woman and did so as she stripped. He was right with her and gave her a naked hug, his long rod against her belly and her tits mashed on his chest. That got her excited and, already lubricated from Jesse, she was ready.

Laying back on his bunk, she guided Cowboy’s long hard shaft into her snatch. He slid in deep then took the time to suckle her tits and kiss her neck as he slowly stroked. This was real different than Roger and any of the other boys she’d screwed. He knew what he was doing. She later found out he’d been married several times.

Finally climaxing after producing two for her, he’d used up the time Jesse hadn’t, but she sure as hell wasn’t complaining. This time SHE had something to think about. He got dressed, tipped his hat and said politely, “Thank you ma’am.”

Billy, the last one, was just a kid. If he’d graduated, he’d be fresh out of high school. Not real bright, but still a good learner, he was dependable and hard working. When his Big Smith’s came off she could see he was kind of in between her other two cocksmen. Closer to Roger’s size.

He held back rather shyly. Finally, giving him a naked hug and feeling his organ swelling, she asked kindly, “Have you ever done this before?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Well, this time let me show you the main part and we will work on the rest later on.” She guided his hands to feel her breasts and pussy, having him put a finger inside to learn where the hole was. Putting him on his back, Sara Lou straddled him and lowered herself slowly onto his rigid pole. Pulling his hands to her hanging tits she demonstrated how to pleasure them. After two strokes his face and body tightened and she knew what she’d feel next.

When the strong hot spurts finished she kissed him and said how good it felt. He was speechless as he got dressed and went back to the house, too amazed to even say thank you.

Sara Lou showered and put her dress back on. She liked Schlitz and baseball, and joined the men for the rest of the game, acting just like she always did. The Giants won, a clean sweep.

After the game everyone headed for bed, their minds full of new thoughts. Lying next to his unusually quiet wife, Roger’s curiosity was killing him. She said nothing so he spoke up, “How was it?”

Sara Lou rolled over to hug him and burst out crying. “Better and worse than I expected,” she got out in a quiet voice. “I had just been thinking about the fucking part and hadn’t really thought about the people attached to the cocks. It mostly felt good to me but there’s more I’ll tell you about another time. I hope you want me right now. I need your loving if you don’t mind being number four.”

“Sara Lou, you are quite a woman and I’ve always been pleased and proud to make love to you.” He did and the results were good for both.

The rotation started on Monday and Sara Lou never washed dishes again. The mood and the civility of the place was greatly improved as was its overall productivity. The farm hands were amazed how their savings account grew and even got interest. Their grooming was notably better at mealtimes too.

On Sunday, the end of the first week of the new program, Sara Lou was in the afterglow of a much more vigorous pounding than usual from her husband. With kisses and smiles she asked him, “So how do you think my new program is working out so far?”

As he looked into her eyes, Roger said, “Our loving is lots better and I can’t tell it’s hurt your pussy any. Maybe we should’ve done this years ago.”

That made Sara Lou laugh, “Well we probably would have had a lot more kids and many of them wouldn’t be yours I bet!” That idea was never brought up again.

That night, after Roger spent the last seed into her, she lay beside him thinking about how her sex life had so suddenly changed. With him, there were the years of shared memories and deep love coloring their joinings. Cowboy was just unrestrained fun with his depth of experience and well-developed skills. Billy, on the other hand, had no experience and was an eager blank slate to write on. Jesse, although much older, had such limited experience that she was opening up a whole new world of connecting with women for him. It was marvelous to flash on the fresh images of those male parts filling the place that was made for them with such pleasure for both!

Sara Lou continued having a good time. It was more than the steady supply of cock juice. She loved being the teacher to the oldest and the youngest while Cowboy taught her more than a few things. Roger reaped his rewards too. He got used to having prelubricated pussy to slip into during the week whenever he got the urge, and especially enjoyed Sundays when his loving wife told him about her week.

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