We Aren't Twins - Cover

We Aren't Twins

by S star W

Copyright© 2020 by S star W

Fiction Story: Two sisters born less than a year apart, learn the joys of sex and that enslavement can be pleasurable. If they let it.

Caution: This Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Slavery   Heterosexual   .

We Aren’t Twins: Introduction;

Andrea and Anna’s parents had fallen in love as teens, and had gotten married while still in college. They held off on having children until both had graduated, and each had good jobs. Both taught school but on different campuses within the same school district. Bethany, or Ann for short, taught at the Junior High. Andrew taught High school, both taught biology, but he also taught social studies and geography as well.

They had been teaching for two years before Ann got pregnant with Andrea. She took a year off after Andrea’s birth in the middle of September and had already given birth to Anna in August of the following year. She decided to take another year off as well. She didn’t go back to work until Anna was a year old and Andrea almost two. By that time her former teaching piston was unavailable? So she too went to work at the high school with her husband.

Both Andrea and Anna had good parenting growing up. Both sets of grandparents lived in the same city as they did and alternated taking care of their grandchildren while the children’s parents worked. Both girls were happy and healthy. The only problem that arose was when the girls were school aged. Andrea, being born in September wasn’t allowed to enter school with her age group. (I don’t know if it is still that way, but back then a child had to be age five before September the first to enter kindergarten a Andrea’s birthday was three weeks later.)

The girls didn’t seem to care however. They would have another year to play together. The two of them entered school together when Anna was five and just before Andrea turned six. Many people thought that they were twins since they were in the same class. The two girls looked enough alike to be twins, however Andrea was noticeably taller. Andrea often told others, mostly adults, “We aren’t twins. She is my little sister.”

The next troubling happened when the girls were in fifth grade. Andrea, being a year older, had began to develop in her body. Her chest always seemed ache and at the most inconvenient times. She was often caught rubbing at them at break times by one teacher or another and sometimes by the administrative personnel.They would often scold her and tell that she shouldn’t rubbing herself like that.

It finally got to the point that her chest hurt bad enough that she went up to her teacher and whispered, “I hurt so bad that I can’t concentrate. I think my chest is even swelling.” At this point in none of the kids in the class had been given the “talk” about how their bodies would grow and develop over the coming years. With a concerned look at her, he said, “Go to the nurses office.” He suspected what was going on and, as a man, didn’t feel right about telling her the facts of life. She got to the nurses office and had to wait while she took care of a boy who had scraped his knee. When the boy left she explained what was going on. The nurse closed and locked the door to the back room of her office to give them some privacy. Once the room was secure, she told Andrea to remove her shirt. Andrea, as well as her sister, had been warned numerous times not to disrobe in front of others by their parents. But as they say desperate times call for desperate measures, she removed her shirt. The nurse carefully and gently poked and prodded at the little girl’s budding breast and nipples. She didn’t do in a sexual way and Andrea’s body didn’t react in a sexual way either. Her developing breast were slightly raised and a little reddened reddened, but not by arousal. She asked, “How old are you?” Andrea answered, “Eleven.” Smiling the nurse said, “Everything is fine. You are developing well, if a little early maybe.” With a puzzled look, Andrea said, “Developing? What do you mean?” The nurse responded, “Well your breast are beginning to grow. Soon enough hair will begin to grow on your legs and under your arms which you’ll want to shave off. It won’t be long until you begin your monthlies. Has no one talked to you about that.” “Not really,” Andrea replied, “I mean I know that mom has to do certain things each month, but...” the nurse interrupted her and said, “Okay, there are several steps between being a little girl like you are now and becoming a woman. The first step, which you are starting now, is that your breast begin to grow. Then you start growing hair in places you haven’t had hair before. At or about that time you will begin your monthly cycle, which simply means that once a month you will bleed down here between your legs.” She illustrated this by pointing at Andrea’s crotch. With that explanation she gave Andrea a couple of aspirin and sent her back to class.

Now that she knew what was going on with her body, Andrea felt better. She was also glad that it was just a natural part of becoming a woman. That night she talked with her parents about it. They were a bit surprised that Andrea was already at the stage of developing into a woman. Ann’s breast hadn’t begun to develop until she was thirteen and assumed that her girls would be the same.

The girls were in seventh grade when Anna began to develop as well. Because she had gone through it two years before, she was able to help her little sister. Unlike Andrea however Anna developed more quickly. She went for a totally flat chested thirteen year old to a not quite A-cup one within six months. Though she had begun to develop two years ago, Andrea was just beginning to over stretch her A-cup and would likely need a B-cup before too long. She had also began her monthly within eight months verses almost a year for Andrea. Both girls however were near the same height at just over five foot with Andrea being just an inch or so taller. The boys loved pulling Anna’s bra strap and hearing it slap against her skin. They had been doing the same thing to Andrea for almost two years now and Anna had always laughed when they did it. Now that it was happening to her, Anna didn’t like one bit. Every time it happened in front of Andrea would scold the boys, but inside she laughed to herself. (Nature has its way of getting revenge on little sisters I guess.)

That summer things changed. Anna had caught up with her older sister in height anyway, she was just an A-cup to her sister’s B-cup, but the two of them looked more alike than ever before. With exception of their breast size and a slight almost barely noticeable difference in their faces, they truly looked like identical twins. They even had the same hair style. Their hair was blonde straight and fell just below their shoulders. Because the nurse Andrea had gone to in the fifth grade had told her that she would need to shave the unwanted hair from her body, it felt natural to shave her pubic area along with her legs. She had never really thought about it until she was in junior high and saw other girls, in the showers at school, with a full or semi full pubic hair. Of course most of those girls were it the eighth grade rather than the seventh. Most of the girls in the seventh grade either hadn’t started or were just starting puberty and therefore didn’t have any hair down there.

We Aren’t Twins: The Auction;

Anna and Andrea were now in eighth grade. Anna was fourteen and Andrea was fifteen. They were walking home from school when they heard a what sounded like a police siren behind them. They both stopped and turned around. They saw what appeared to be an unmarked police car with a red strobe light flashing. It pulled up beside them and stopped. Two men got out. They were dressed like those plain clothes cops you see on tv. One of the men said, “Put your hands up and step over here beside the car.”

The girls complied. They had been taught from an early age to obey a police officer even if they hadn’t done anything wrong. It didn’t occur to either of the girls that neither of the men had shown them a badges of identification or anything. The girls were standing beside the car with their hands raised, when the same man said, “Turn around and put your hands on the car and spread your legs shoulder width apart.” Both men stepped behind one of the girls and began to frisk them, just like a cop might have though they seemed to linger a little longer around their breast. Then the men each took an arm of the girl in front of him and pulled it behind her and reached for the other one. Once both arms were behind the girls’s backs their hands were cuffed behind them. Both girls began to protest, “What’s going on? We haven’t done anything. Why are you arresting us.” Without a word, both girls were placed in the back seat. It wasn’t until they were being driven away that the second man answered the girl’s question. He said, “You aren’t being arrested, you are being secured. You see we have this little club outside of town. We often need to acquire talents such as you girls have for it.”

Andrea immediately said, “We,, We don’t have any talents. We can’t sing or anything.” He replied, “Oh, but you have other talents that you may not be aware of.” With that he laughed, thinking of how much fun they were going to have breaking these girls in.

Twenty minutes later they pulled up in front of a grand multi level ranch style house. The men got out and opened the doors of the car for the girls. Each grabbed an elbow of one of the cuffed girls and escorted into the house. The girls were led down to the basement where their handcuffs were removed and both girls were instead put in manacles that were attached to the walls. The first man said, “Okay, stay there till we come back for you,” as if they had a choice.

Twenty minutes later, though it had seemed hours to the girls, the two men returned. They weren’t alone however, there were several other men with them. The girls were dressed in their school uniforms which consisted of red pleated skirts that came just above their knees and a white button up blouse with the school logo emblazoned on the left shoulder in red. One of the men recognized the uniform as the one for the junior high rather than the high school one. (The high school one had an additional white stripe on the waist band of the skirt.)

The two men who had acquired them had said that they were high school teens, obviously they didn’t realize the difference in the uniforms. The other men in the room apparently hadn’t realized it either. The first man who had spoken to the girl said, “Let’s start the bidding at 500.” Because the girls looked like twins they were being sold as a set, rather than individually. Identical twins always brought more money as a set than a single girl would have by herself.

A bid of 500 was offered and almost immediately raised to 600, but the bidder wanted to see more of the girls flesh. The second man walked over first to Andrea, who was closest to him, and began to unbutton her blouse exposing the front of her bra. Andrea began twisting and verbally protesting until a ball-gag was put into her mouth. Anna too was protesting saying, “Leave my sister alone!” Until a similar gag was put into her own mouth, and her blouse also unbuttoned.

A bid of 750 rang out along with a request to see even more flesh. A pair of sisers was produced and both girls bras were cut away. Both girls were now exposed above the waist with the front of their shirts open and no bras. The first man stepped between the two girls who were attached to the wall. With a hand to each of the girls tits he fondled them and tweaked their nipples. He called out, “Now what am I bid for this smooth young twin flesh before you.” Several bids were called out and accepted. Then one man called out, “I’ll bid 1000 if I can see all of the girls.”

The two men who had abducted them looked at each other for a few seconds, then each walked to a girl. At the same time both began removing both skit and panties simultaneously. The girls had not yet given up and tried to kick the men as their skirts and panties were being removed. This effort became more and more futile, because as their panties came down the girls were less and less able to swing their legs for a kick. In the end both girls were hanging from their wrists restraints, because they kept trying to kick the men doing it and had lost their footing. The sisers which had removed their bras came back out and were used to cut away their upper clothing. Now the girls stood totally exposed before these men. With their hands attached to the wall by the manacals, they couldn’t even attempt to cover their nakedness.

Now that the girls were totally naked, the bidding quickly rose to 2500 dollars. The man who had recognized their uniforms as junior high rather than high school raised his hand and offered 5000. None of the other men in the room was able to or offered to raise his bid, despite the naked beauties before them.

Both girls were fitted with the blue collars inductive of his stable of slaves. Both girls were also fitted with new handcuffs and ankle restraints that allowed them to walk, that were barely long enough to allow them to be able to climb the stairs to get out of the basement.

Both of the girls were escorted to a panel van with no windows. It was blue and had no exterior markings that could identify it from any other van on the streets. The only thing that might have given away that it wasn’t just a utility van was that suit he wore. He solved that by putting on a full body jumper that was equally unmarked. He could easily pass for a plumber, an electrician, or any other trades person. He drove them to his villa which was nearly two hours distance away and set well away from any neighbors. He liked breaking in virgins and didn’t want any one to hear their screams and call the cops.

We Are Not Twins: A New Life;

After pulling up to his house, he got the two girls out of the van. He clipped leashes to both girl’s collars and lead them to the front door of the house. He opened the front door by pressing his thumb to a panel near the doorknob. A reddish laser light scanned his eye and a click could be heard as the door unlocked itself. He pushed the door open and escorted his new slaves inside.

After closing the door and assuring himself that it was fully secured, he removed the ball gags from the two girls and removed the ankle restraints. He said, “Welcome to your new home.” Both girls let out a gasp and opened and closed their mouths a few times to work out their aching jaw muscles. (Their jaw muscles had started to cramp from being held open for so long by the gags.)

He turned to the two girls and said, “Before I removed your other bonds, let me give you the tour of the ground floor. Follow me.” This was his first test of the girls. If they followed him, without him having to pull on their leashes, he could give them more freedom within the house. Meekly the two girls followed him around the first floor of the house. As they walked he told them of the various duties that the girls would have as far as cleaning, he didn’t include the sexual duties they would preform for him later. He ended the tour in the kitchen, where he removed their arm restraints. He then lead them down into the basement. There were several rooms down there as well. There was what he called the punishment room. It had oddly shaped furniture in it. They would be required to keep all of it clean as well. He then lead them to two other rooms. Both were bedrooms one for each of them. At the first room he turned to Andrea and said, “Ad, this will be your room.” Andrea protested, “My name is Andrea.” He swatted her naked butt and said, “Not anymore, your name is Ad.” The pain of the swat on her butt stung and brought tears to her eyes, but definitely she said, “But,, But...” He swatted her again bringing a cry of pain and said, “From now on your name is Ad.” She bowed her head and said, “Yes,,, sir.” Turning to her he said, “That’s better, but from now on you will address me as Master, until I tell you otherwise.” She ducked her head again and said, “Yes, Master.” “Good,” he said and lead her into the room. He sat her on the bed and left the room locking the door behind him. He then lead Anna to the next room. Opening the door for her he said, “An, this is your room.” She started to protest at being called An, but remembering what he had done to Andrea, she merely nodded and walked into the room. He sat her on her bed as well and left the room, locked in as well.

This being their first night in his house, he decided to be a go easy on them. He ordered a pizza delivery and after it arrived, he lead them up to the table in the kitchen to eat. He explained, “This is a special night. But from now on the two of you will be expected to cook all of the meals. I know that the two of you probably haven’t done a lot of cooking so, I will allow each of you one mistake in your cooking. After that you will be punished.” Both of the girls had helped their mother in the kitchen and knew how to cook, or at least how their mother had done things.

(Meanwhile: their parents)

In their home town, Andrea and Anna’s parents grew more and more worried. Their daughters hadn’t come home from school. They should have been home hours ago. At 7:00 in the evening they called the police department and a search for the two missing girls began. An Amber Alert was issued asking for any information on the whereabouts of 15 year old Andrea and 14 year old Anna. One old lady reported seeing two girls being handcuffed and driven off in an unmarked car that resembled the ones used by police. That had been at about 3:45 in the afternoon. But no other reports came in.

This report puzzled the police, yes they had several unmarked cars but all had been accounted for during the time of the abduction. Little did they know that two of their plain clothes detectives were corrupt and had rigged their car’s system to report being in one place while actually being half way across town. It had been these two men who had abducted the two girls.

None of the men bidding on the girls knew that the two men who were auctioning off the girls were truly in the police department. The two officers, though they used to abduct girls for their own pleasures, had found out that it was more profitable to abduct and sell the girls than to break them in themselves, though not as much fun. Over the years the two of them had made quite a retirement fund. All of it was in untraceable offshore accounts and so they weren’t too concerned about being caught however. On rare occasions they still acquired a girl for themselves, but they preferred girls younger than those they abducted for sell. (But that’s a story for another time.)

(The girls)

Back at the girls new home, a buzzing sounded from the man they now knew only as Master. He pulled the cellphone out of his pocket. He smiled at the message. It was the Amber Alert on his two new slaves. He now knew the full former names of his two new girls and exactly how old they were. He hadn’t been surprised that they weren’t actually twins, though he would keep the illusion that they were. Andrea had blue eyes while Anna had green ones, giving him the ability to tell them apart.

After the three of them had finished eating, Master gave the girls a tour of his own rooms upstairs. When he lead them back down to the first floor he said, “By the way, those collars you are wearing won’t allow you to escape from this house. If you so much as touch an exterior door, it will send you a jolt that will knock you out for several hours. By the way that is the first time you touch it and it is on the lowest setting. Each additional time you attempt it the jolt will increase in strength. The collars can only be removed by me and any attempt to do so will result in both the wearer and the one attempting to remove it a jolt sufficient to knock you out. Oh, and all exterior doors will only open with both my thumb print and retinal scan. So take good care of me, I am your only way out of the house.”

The next day Andrea was cleaning the living room. She accidentally knocked over a lamp. She was trying to right it as Master walked in. The lamp wasn’t as expensive as it looked, but he felt that he may as well start some of her extra training. He knew that soon he would be fucking both of the girls, and wanted the girl somewhat prepared. He had her follow him to the punishment room. There he told her, “Since this is your first offense, I will take it a little easier on you this time.” He then proceeded took her over to one of her pieces of furniture she had seen the day before. It had a somewhat padded that came to just above her waist. In front of it stood a stock for her head and wrist. There was also a removable step. He made her step onto it and place her head and wrists into the stocks. He then closed the stocks trapping her head and hands in it. At first she thought, ‘this isn’t so bad.’ Then he removed the step her feet were on. She began to panic when she felt the step removed. Now all of her weight was supported by her lower stomach and waist, her head and arms were immobilized by the stocks, and her feet were suspended several inches off the floor. She could still rock her hips forward and back, but that put more strain on her neck and arms and was painful. He then took a wooden ping pong paddle and, after showing it to her, proceeded to give her ten swats on each of her butt cheeks.

Anna heard Andrea’s screams of pain and came running to see what was wrong. She arrived in the room just as Master was delivering the last two strikes. He saw her arrive and put down the paddle, preparing for whatever the girl would do. As he had predicted, Anna yelled, “Don’t hurt my sister,” and ran towards him. He caught both of her hands as she got to him and said, “Looks like you need to be punished too.”

He drug her across the room and attached her wrist to a chain hanging from the ceiling facing her sister. Anna was still trying to kick him, so he caught her feet one at a time and secured them to additional restraints attached to the floor. Anna let out a squeal of pain when he pulled on the opposite end of the chain holding her arms. She was now barely able to keep her heals on the floor. He then adjust the chains holding her ankles. She had been able to stand on the whole bottoms of her feet with her legs together, but now her feet were a foot and a half apart and she was almost on her tiptoes.

He went over to where he had placed the ping pong paddle and picked it up. Turning back to Anna he said? “I went very light on your sister, however you tried to stop me and didn’t use my name. Therefore I think you will get double.” Anna’s eyes bugged out and Andrea cried out, “Master, please, let me take her punishment. She was only trying to help me.” He said, “That’s very noble of you, but your sister needs to learn her lesson as well.” Anna received twenty swats on each of her butt cheeks. He brought a cup of water for each of the girls and let them have a good drink. After the girls had had their drink, he reached first between Andrea’s legs then Anna’s. Both girls were wet and he congratulated both of them for liking their punishment. Unknown to either of the girls he had secretly added a substance, that was on his finger, to each of their clitoral hoods. The substance would insure that the girls would become extremely aroused, but not to the point of orgasm. They would merely secrete a fair amount of vaginal fluid. He then left them there still restrained.

He returned after half a hour to find both of the girls clenching and unclenching their thighs as much as possible. As he began releasing them from their restraints, he said, “It’s time to start your school lessons. Just because you girls now belong to me, doesn’t mean that you don’t need an education. I think you will learn to like the rewards I will give you for good grades. However you won’t like the punishments for bad ones.”

The three of them went to a broom that hadn’t been on the tour the day before. It was a fairly large library. One at a time, he had the girls read from the same book. This book, like all of the books in this library, was heavily sexualized. Each book in the library, including this one, graphic in detail, some even pictures that were equally graphic.

Anna, though she wasn’t going to admit it to anyone, had felt a tingling in her crotch while Master spanked her. She had begun to rub herself down there a couple of months ago and recognized the sensation she had felt between her legs. When Master had left them in that room, the feeling seemed to intensify. She felt the juices in her vaginal lips as they walked to the library and was surprised that she didn’t have wet thighs when they arrived at it.

Andrea too felt liquid between her legs as they walked to the library. Unlike her younger sister she had never played with herself down there and didn’t know what was causing it. She only that she needed something to happen down there. She didn’t know what she needed, but knew she needed something.

The level of arousal in both girls rose as they read. Anna found that every passage she read seemed to double the wetness between her legs. But as she listened to Andrea read her arousal built to the point that her breath came in gasps. She could tell by the way that she was panting between sentences that it was having the same effect on Andrea. Unconsciously both of them had begun to scratch the itch between their legs that had risen exponentially ever since their Master had punished them.

Their Master saw the effect that the substance he had rubbed on the girls earlier was having on the girls. ‘Soon,’ he thought, ‘I won’t have to force myself on them. They will be begging me to have my way with them.’ To ensure that their thoughts remained sexual, he invited them to watch tv with him.

The three of them went into the living room and turned on the tv. He pulled up the guide on the tv and told the girls to pick something. He knew, unlike the girls, that whatever they picked would be enjoyable. The girls decided to watch the cartoon movie “Brave”. Unlike the Disney version this one was quite adult only with not only sex but BDSM as well. Fearing what might happen after such a movie, the girls changed the channel. This channel too was of an adult nature. In fact every channel was of an adult nature. Even if the title of the show was one they recognized from regular tv or movies they had watched before all of the shows were adult in nature. They finally ended up on “Playhouse Disney” and watched as both Daisy and Minnie took on Mickey and Donald sexually.

After the show the girls went to bed. The girls were tired and discussed at how the characters of Disney had been perverted for the show. Secretly, though they would never admit it to any including themselves, they had enjoyed it. They also wondered what it would be like to have sex. They had been sure that this man would have forced them to have sex with him as soon as they arrived but he didn’t.

The next morning Andrea did something she never thought she would have to do. Her period had started during the night and she had nothing to take care of it. So she went to him and said, “I,,, I need,,, um, I need panties and a pad.” Knowing why she needed it, but wanting her to say it aloud, he asked, “Why.” She stammered, “Be,,, Because I started my,, my period last night.” Smiling he said, “How about a tampon instead.” She gave him a strange look and said, “I,,, well I’ve never used one of those before. I,,, I don’t even know how to put one in.” She blushed at the admission that she didn’t know how to use a feminine product. He simply said, “I’ll show you.” He then lead her to the bathroom and while showing her how to do it, inserted her first ever tampon himself.

The two of them came back to the kitchen area to rejoin Anna, but she wasn’t there. They found her unconscious in what he called the front room. Obviously she had used the distraction of him helping her sister to attempt an escape and found out that he hadn’t lied about the collars knocking them out. Andrea rushed to Anna’s side to check on her.

Andrea could see that her sister was breathing and looked up as he approached. He said, “Help me get her down stairs.” The two of them got an arm over their shoulders and half carried half dragged her down the stairs. Instead of going to Anna’s room, he directed Andrea to the punishment room. There Anna was placed face down on a padded table. He then proceeded to bind Anna’s arms and legs to it. With horror in her eyes Andrea asked, “Are you going to punish her like this?” He replied, “Of course not. The straps will keep her from falling off the table when she wakes up. Then I will punish her. It wouldn’t do any good to punish her while she is out cold. She wouldn’t learn from it.” Andrea begged, “Punish me instead!” He paused for a moment as if thinking about it. Then he said, “I don’t think so, but why don’t we ask her when she wakes up.” Andrea hung her head and in a mumbling voice said, “I don’t think she will let me.”

About that time Anna jerked once, twice, and then a third time. Half moaning she asked, “What happened, where am I?” “You tried to escape and got knocked out.” Now you are in the punishment room,” he said. “And you are about to get spanked.” In tears she walled, “No ... Not again,,, Please.” Well,” he said, “Ad has offered to take your punishment for you, but what do you think?” Anna immediately said, “No,, don’t let her do that. I,, I am the one who tried to escape.” Andrea said, “I am the oldest. I will take the punishment.” Anna said, “I am the one who tried to escape. I will take the punishment.” To settle the argument, he said, “ok,, ok, you, “pointing at Anna, “are determined to take your own punishment.” “And you,” he said pointing at Andrea, “are determined to take it for her.” “Ok, I was planning to give you 15 swats, so as you want to take the swats for your sister and your sister wants to take her own swats for herself. Here’s what I going to do. “You An, will get 8 swats while Ad will get 7 swats. That way you get one extra for the attempt while you Ad, get as close to half as possible.” With that the girls resigned themselves to the punishments they would each receive.

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