Wachin the Shew
by Tony Tiger
Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger
Erotica Sex Story: Entertainment is hard to come by out in those hills. You use what you've got and make do with what's available.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Slut Wife Wife Watching Gang Bang .
Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please.
Clyde and Mabel have been married almost 15 years but were screwing off and on for several before they decided to move in together and make it legal. It was not an arrangement based on romance but practicality. Clyde had a decent job and the best dick of the moderate number Mabel had tried. There wasn’t a big menu of men out in the sparsely populated hill country where she was brought up on a hardscrabble farm.
Ever since a cousin taught her about boy-parts-plus-girl-parts, it had been at the top of Mabel’s interests. With other girls grabbing husbands it made getting laid more difficult due to the evasive maneuvering her cunt fillers had to do after matrimony. The possibility of having a man in her bed every night, and maybe during the day too, made the young woman aggressively pursue the likeliest prospects.
She didn’t have birth control back then and condoms were expensive for her very limited budget, so she just played it bare, figuring that if she could get a bun in the oven she could blame one of the several seed-planters she was taking on as frequently as opportunities occurred. A conception didn’t happen but her eagerness was not lost on Clyde who was looking for regular pussy and a housekeeper. He lived alone in the cabin his grandfather built and worked as a farm equipment mechanic, a sought-after skill in those parts.
They had a wedding without maternity clothes, a notable rarity, and settled in to housekeeping and lots of screwing. Instead of arranging dates or other meet-ups, that nice hard thing was available whenever Clyde wasn’t at work. Besides the bed, they fucked on the kitchen table, in the rocking chair on the porch, and on a quilt in the yard. They tried the outhouse but it was too stinky. A pond on the nearby stream was good for cleaning bodies and fucking as well.
The neighbor couple who lived on the other side were sometimes there with the same idea and they showed off for each other. While they didn’t swap when all four were there, a couple of consequences occurred. Clyde got real interested in watching the other couple screwing and it got him hotter for his own wife. Mabel, on the other hand, had premaritally fucked the husband and they began meeting at the pond once in a while to renew the acquaintance of their genitals.
In spite of all the sperm injections, Mabel’s womb stayed empty to her disappointment but not Clyde’s. There were enough noisy brats in the family at gatherings and he got his fill of them there.
This was back in the Fifties and Clyde’s above-average income for the area allowed him to buy a radio. That was a source of entertainment in the evenings when their sex parts, mainly Clyde’s, need a rest.
Being a guy, he was interested in sports and began inviting friends over to listen to sporting events. A watershed moment occurred when he asked Barney, a long-time acquaintance, to listen to the World Series. His friend was thrilled, having no access to a radio. Informed that dinner would be provided, he took a bath and put on his best overalls, stopping to pick up some shine and wine because he knew Mabel like the latter.
Clyde went outside when he heard Barney’s truck rattling up the rough road to the cabin. He greeted his friend and led him to the front room of the cabin where the radio was already babbling the pre-game verbiage. Handing the beverages to his wife, he ordered her to serve them up.
Not thrilled by the dominating attitude her husband took on when guests were present, but unwilling to make a scene, she resorted to subterfuge to retaliate. Reaching under her skirt to her un-pantied pussy, she got her finger coated with its secretions and dipped it in the glass she would serve to Barney. He’d tasted it many times before and added his own flavor to its source on a number of occasions during her search for a mate. But would it flavor the nearly tasteless shine? She’d watch his reaction.
When he took his first sip, Barney turned towards her and smiled and winked. She gave a big grin back. Some more ideas for entertainment began to form in her mind as she worked through the big bottle of wine while she cooked.
It was an evening game in another time zone so by the time it was over it was getting late. With all parties quite tipsy, Mabel gathered up her boldness and started in on her plan.
Standing up in front of them, she announced, “You boys seemed to enjoy thet game thet’s played with balls. Ah knows another one thet’s a lot more interesting tew me. It’s one Ah’ve played with both of yew but it’s bin a long tahm since with Barney. Let me shew yew the playin field.” She went to the radio and found some music that she could dance to.
“Ah knows yew boys bin to girly shews and Ah read up on them. Here is how Ah would perform if’n Ah were in one of them.” She had changed from her dress to a blouse and skirt and her prettiest underpants. She didn’t own a bra. As she danced to the music she swirled her skirt and bent over so her tits showed a little but from the partially unbuttoned top of her blouse. Barney began making encouraging hoots and Clyde joined in soon enough. Their sex had been getting a bit boring and infrequent so this was fun.
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