The Long Vacation - Cover

The Long Vacation

Copyright© 2020 by Justin Peter

Chapter 1

True Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Its about me and my school days friend getting along in an vacation and when things get started between us in Toronto

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   MaleDom   White Female   Indian Male   First   Safe Sex  

Hello, Readers. My name is Peter. I am 27. I look good and smart with attraction on my face. This is my 1st sex experience story.

Deepti was my schooltime friend. She was my mom’s best friend’s daughter. We know each other from school days and are very close. So basically she was like my best friend.

But from the day I started getting erections my feelings for her took a new shape. Deepti came to my place during her summer vacation and stayed with us for a month. So being family friends we never had any problems with our parents if we hung out with each other. She finished her 12th exams. So she was a bit relaxed and was waiting for her results. She came from a rural background, not much aware of city life. She looked innocent, traditional and bookish girl. She was good looking but not modern.

I started thinking about guiding her how city girls live and behave so that it becomes easy for her to survive. I started telling her about changing her hairstyle, dressing style, way of talking. I got some money from my mom to buy some dresses for her and to go to the beauty parlor.

Mom also wanted her to look fresh and good like a city girl. So she told her to listen to me. My dad was also supportive. Later, while shopping, she said that her mom doesn’t like the modern way of dressing. But my parents supported her and encouraged her.

Now Deepti was very happy with me and my family. We used to get a lot of time together. She started telling me what she likes, dislikes, hobbies. I started teasing her to make her more engaged. So things were good. Once I was reading a sex novel at night. She was reading some other book.

Deepti(De):- Honey, what are you reading? Can I borrow that book? I have finished this one.
Me:- This is not for you, you are still a kid.
De:- What? Don’t joke, Honey, give me, na.
When I said no she just pulled the book from me and hid it under her bed sheet. Then I let it be with her. That book didn’t have any pictures. The next day her body language was a little different and a bit shy. She might have read the book. Later that night.

De:- Honey, what kind of book is that?
Me:- Oh, it’s just a time pass book.
De:- I read it today and found it very weird.
Me:- Why weird?
De:- How can people write such things in books?
Me:- What’s wrong? Readers like it, so writers write. So how did you find it?
De:- I don’t know. but the first time I read something like this.
Me:- Now you are a grown-up girl, you can read them, no problem.
De:- I am still a kid. I gave a naughty smile and asked, “From which angle?”
De:- What you mean.
Me:- By your age (22 years), city girls have 2-3 boyfriends.
De:- Honey, why you tease me like this always.
Me:- That’s reality yaar. I have another similar book, do you want that?
De:- Do you want me to read?
Me:- Why not, you should be aware of such things as general knowledge.
De:- Is it good? In our village, this is considered a bad thing.
Me:- In cities, nothing is bad as long as it provides knowledge.
Then she said ok. I gave her another sex storybook, with sex pictures in it. She took the book and started going through it quickly. She noticed some nude pictures in it.
De:- Honey, what’s this book? It looks containing dirty pictures.
Me:- This is only for your knowledge if you don’t like then return it.
De:- It’s ok I will try reading.

The next day evening, I went to her to ask about the book.

Me:- Have you finished that book?
De:- Yeah but can I keep it with me for a couple of days?
Me:- Yeah sure, all this reading is for your knowledge only and nothing else. Don’t tell anyone that you are reading such things. I will also not tell anyone.
De:- I will keep your secrets and you keep my secrets.

Now she was becoming freer with me. She started reading such books in my presence also because she knew I support her. I gave her a couple of similar books which she accepted happily. All these days I was encouraging her for reading for general knowledge. I didn’t do anything with her. She was getting good confidence. A few days later I took the next step.

Me:- Deepti, I am keeping my laptop without a password. You can use it if you want. There are some naughty movies/video clips in one folder which you can watch for your general knowledge.

She smiled and nodded yes. When I came back home in the evening, she was really shy and was unable to look into my eyes directly. I understood that she might have watched those porn movies. Later in the night, I asked her if she liked those videos. She smiled and said, “I don’t know.”

Me:- It’s ok, nothing to be shy. We are like friends. We have agreed to keep our secrets na.
De:- Yes. Honey, I feel very bad and awkward when I see such things but I like them also, what to do?
Me:- This is normal, everyone feels the same. So learn to enjoy life and don’t worry.
She nodded yes.

Me:- Tonight we will see some of such movies together.
Se:- No no, I feel shy.
Me:- Don’t worry, nothing will happen. I’ll be there na.
That night we both saw porn movies together. I started explaining those scenes also in Hindi. She said she never heard such language before. From that time onwards, we started talking freely with each other using dirty language also. She was not minding it. The next day I had an exam, so I was busy studying.

De:- Honey, if you are not using your laptop, can I use it? I said fine. Then she took my laptop and started watching some porn herself. I liked her freedom now. After an hour, I teasingly asked her, “Hey Deepti, your panty must be wet by now na.” She smiled and said, “How do you know?” Me:- I know everything. De:- I have put my pad now to manage the wetness. Me:- Wow really innovative. You can take out your inners. Girls generally don’t wear inners at home. Then she went to the washroom and came back. I said now feeling free and better na. She smiled.

Me:- By now, you must be an expert in sexology right? (she nodded yes) Can I ask you a few things to test your knowledge? (she said yes)
Me:- How many holes are there in pussy?
De:- One.
Me:- Wrong, it’s two.
Then I explained to her that one hole is for pissing and another one is for sex.

De:- Honey, in one video, one young girl got some blood when she did it, why?
Me:- Every girl gets blood the first time when virginity is broken. It pains also a little bit, later it becomes normal and they start enjoying.
De:- Oh! Is it?
Me:- Have you ever seen any nude penis in real.
She first laughed and said no. Then she said, “Yeah, small kids.”
Me:- Do you want to see in reality how it looks?
She closed her eyes and said, “No, I feel shy. “
Me:- I have not even shown yaar. Deepti, can we see each other nude, just to see how we look without clothes.
De:- Are you mad?
Me:- Not really na. Only seeing yaar. You may not even remember that I used to clean your shit when you were too young. I used to give you a nude bath.
De:- I must be too.
Me:- Let’s see each other nude na tonight.
She thought about it for some time and said, “Ok only once.”
Me:- Only for tonight, let’s sleep together nude. I will not do sex with you.
De:- Ok, promise first.
Me:- Promise.
Then she agreed to sleep nude with me for one night but no sex.

I finished my studies early. I told her to come to bed. She came and laid on one side. I slowly unbutton her gown and tried to take it out. She was hesitating but allowed me to take it out. Then I made her fully nude. She was very shy. She tried to hide her boobs and pussy by her hands. Then I also got fully nude. She was amazed to look at my huge hard dick. She said, “Oh god so big.” I told her to touch it and get a feel. She did that. Then I also touched her boobs and pussy area. I told her that kissing is not sex. Sex is when the penis goes inside pussy. I asked, “Can we do kissing since it’s not sex?” She hesitantly said ok.

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