Bentley Bright - Cover

Bentley Bright

by G. Rose

Copyright© 2020 by G. Rose

Erotica Sex Story: Bentley, a charismatic, 15 year old friend of the narrator starts a sex club of attractive neighborhood teens. By the third meeting it was all-out sex for this jacked-up bunch, which included the narrator's girlfriend and cute 14 year-old sister. Oh, and the narrator's mom gets involved on the periphery there somewhere...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Interracial   Pregnancy   .

Last night I slept on the couch while my best friend slept with my wife. This is pretty standard whenever Bentley comes to visit, which is five or six times a year. We are all in our mid-thirties now, but we have been friends since third grade. How do I feel about this? Damn proud! That’s how. You see, Bentley is the most strikingly, devastatingly handsome, most charismatic man you’ll ever lay eyes on. Girls and women have never been a problem for him; they throng around him. He can sleep with whomever he wants to sleep with; that he chooses to sleep with my wife whenever he’s in town makes me proud of my wife, and proud of him that he makes me feel this way. No, I’m not gay, it’s just that Bentley and I have a special relationship.

You see, Bentley is a devilishly charming Afro-American. He is tall, light brown, with short hair, a strong, square jaw with a deep cleft, and, striking bluish-gray eyes. Now, finish that off with intelligence, an easy, brilliant smile and a gift of gab, and you have a leader, a man who can charm the pants off anyone. In fact that’s pretty much where this story begins, with Bentley charming off a whole bunch of pants ... and skirts, and bras, and panties. None of this would surprise anyone who ever met him. People of all ages were always more than eager to please him. He was always class president and played the lead in all school plays. Male teachers sought to be his friend, and female teachers flirted with him outrageously. He was not very athletic, but the star athletes flocked to his side, wanting to be his friend, for he was more popular than all of them put together. And all the cheerleaders were begging to spread their legs for him.

Bentley and I became best friends very early on. I suppose this was largely due to geography as his house was just four houses down the street from mine, in the development we lived in. Also, I was the neighborhood storyteller, and Bentley was an unabashed fan of my fictional stories. In truth, he had more and better stories to tell, true stories, by the time he was fourteen or fifteen. But he never got tired of hearing mine, and frequently asked for them.

One day, when we were fifteen and sophomores in high school, Bentley approached me to ask if we could convene a meeting of neighborhood kids in my basement rumpus room. He and I and a few others often gathered there in the afternoons after school since my parents both worked. I asked him what it was about, but he said “Patience, dude. You’ll find out tomorrow.”

As kids arrived, they all asked me what this was about, but I could only shrug my shoulders. I noticed, however, that all of the girls were cute; not a dog among them. By three-thirty there were nine kids gathered; six boys and three girls. All of us were either freshmen or sophomores and lived in the neighborhood.

Just as Bentley walked to the front of the room to address us, my sister, a freshman, came down the stairs with an angry look on her face. She looked at me and then Bentley and demanded, “Hey! Why wasn’t I invited?”

“I wasn’t sure your brother would want me to,” answered Bentley. He had a questioning look on his face as he looked at me. I just shrugged as I had no idea what this was all about. Finally, Bentley said, “Well, you’re here now. I guess y’all will have to decide after you hear my pitch.” I was frankly surprised that Sis hadn’t been invited since she was easily the prettiest girl there, and I knew Bentley was attracted to her. He was never overt about it; probably because he didn’t know how I would respond, but his interest was obvious. In truth, I was kind of proud that he had an eye for my sister.

Bentley looked around at all of us and began. “The reason I invited you all here is to tell you something interesting. I just read about some kids our ages in France who formed a really interesting club. Being teenagers, they all wanted to know more about sex, but, like us, had to be really careful not to get a bad reputation. You know, to become the fruit of the grape vine. So, what they did is come up with an oath of secrecy, so none of them would ever say anything about the club to anyone else. Ever. A sort of ‘what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ thing. So, I propose we all take the oath and then we can teach each other about sex. And no, before you ask, nobody will ever have to do anything they don’t want to do. No means no, and stop means stop. And if anyone doesn’t honor that, the rest of us will make his or her life miserable, and we will blackball him or her from any contact with the rest of us for the rest of our high school careers. This will be a safe place. Some things might be uncomfortable at first, but everyone gets comfortable after a while; at least they did in France. And, anyone can quit the club anytime they want to. They just can’t say anything about it to anyone else.”

All of this was spoken through an endearing smile. And, as I said earlier, people just always wanted to please Bentley. Everyone wanted him to like them. Everyone wanted to be near him. And three out of every four girls in our school already had a crush on him. It was hard to imagine any of them saying no to him about anything. And I mean ANYTHING.”

“Okay. Now if you want to be in the club, raise your right hand and repeat after me. And remember, you can quit anytime. ‘I, then your name’”– of course several kids repeated ‘then your name,’ and everyone laughed. Bentley laughed, too, then started over. “I, Bentley Bright, will never divulge the activities of this secret sex club to anyone, ever. To do so would make me a dishonest traitor and earn the disgust of all club members forever. Furthermore, no member of this club will have anything to do with that person again, ever.” We all repeated the oath.

There was a little giggling here and there, then one of the girls asked, “Do we have to fuck someone?” “Daisy!” Bentley exclaimed. “Weren’t you listening? No one has to do anything they don’t want to do.” Of course, Bentley was counting on peer pressure to prod people to stay with the program, wherever it led – or rather, wherever he led it.

“Alright, now we can do whatever we want to without worrying what anyone outside our club will think or say. Now, around the house, I like to just hang out in my underwear. It feels great, and I encourage y’all to join me.” With that, Bentley stripped off down to his boxers and stood with his hands on his hips and looked at all of us to see how we would respond. Most of the guys started stripping right off, but the girls were a little more hesitant. Then, my sister giggled and pulled off her t-shirt and dungarees, threw her hands in the air, and did a “Ta-da!” Frankly I was surprised at first that everyone stripped to their skivvies or their bras and panties or thongs. Later, I realized that was just what Bentley does to people. People want to please him, and will do just about anything to do so.

There was a lot of laughter then, and a little good natured ass slapping. Then kids put some tunes on, and started dancing and playing pool and ping pong.

An hour or so later, one of the girls asked Bentley, “Is that all? Do we just strip to our underwear and dance and stuff?”

“Today, yes. Next time, tomorrow, we’ll take it a little further.” He grinned. “Sound good?”

“Yeah!” She smiled and high-fived him.

As we assembled the next afternoon, Bentley said, “Okay, kids, now it’s time we see what boys and girls look like, up close and personal, and not just in pictures.” We all just started looking at one another, wondering just what he meant. Then Bentley stripped, but he didn’t stop at the boxers, he took everything off and stood naked with his hands on his hips looking around at all of us.

There were some gasps, especially among the girls. I suppose by then we shouldn’t have been surprised that Bentley was also pretty impressive between his legs, sporting a good eight inch, very thick and partially erect cock. Everyone hesitated for a bit, then I stripped. I did not want to disappoint my best friend. Then the others started stripping, although the girls went about it rather slowly. But, again, my sister pushed them all along by dropping all of her clothes right after me, and wearing a big smile.

She was obviously proud of her body, and, let me tell you, she had good reason to be. She was a very pretty, blond, blue eyed, pony tailed girl, with the cutest conical tits and almost freakishly long nipples. God, she was hot! Yes, I was embarrassed to be staring at her with my jaw hanging halfway down to my dick, but she was beautiful; sexy beyond belief. I had been uncomfortable when around her ever since she started to develop curves. And she knew it. The little devil would just smile at me knowingly and never mention my bashfulness. Yes, I loved her; she was my sister. But sometimes I seriously feared I might be IN love with her.

Soon, all of us were naked except one girl who kept her underwear on. One of the boys spoke to her. “Hey, June, get with the program!”

Bentley spoke up quickly, “No, Jim, that’s up to her. Remember, no one does anything they don’t want to do. Everyone should be comfortable.”

June uttered a meek thank you to him.

Then Bentley sat down on one of the couches (there were three, an armchair and two recliners). “Okay, if any of you girls want an up close look at what a guy’s equipment looks like, here’s your chance.”

To my embarrassment, Sis took two quick steps and dropped to her knees between Bentley’s legs. She said, “Can I hold it?”

“Sure you can.”

“Thanks.” And she reached out and took a firm hold on his cock with her right hand while her left hand cradled his balls. At this point I didn’t know if she had ever done anything with a guy before, but she certainly wasn’t the least bit hesitant. She moved the cock this way and that, examining, and pulled the balls up toward her face for a better look. She looked into his eyes and said, “Feels nice.”



“Yes, really.”

All the rest of us were crowded around them, trying to get a good look, when Sis stuck her tongue out and licked a drop of pre cum from the tip of Bentley’s cock. I nearly said something, as I was a bit embarrassed at her forwardness, but I was also growing a boner at this erotic sight.

Sis was staring into Bentley’s eyes and wearing a big grin when she bent her head down and kissed the crown of that cock. “Can I do anything I want with it?”

“Yes, as long as you don’t hurt it.”

“I would never hurt it.” And with that she pulled the cock into her mouth and proceeded to suck him off. With enthusiasm. Sliding her hand up and down the shaft as she did so.

My sister was always outgoing and brave, but I was still flabbergasted that she would suck him off right in front of all of us. As she worked her magic, Bentley said, “Guys, why don’t you all sit down so the girls can get a better look at you.”

Amazingly, the other three girls were on their knees inside of ten seconds. Apparently, they wanted to please Bentley, to give him what he expected, and also not be outdone by my cock sucking sister. They grabbed the pricks and looked them over closely, giggling and looking at each other and Sis, then one by one took them into their mouths. One of the boys sitting next to Bentley raised his hand to Bentley for a high five, but Bentley just shushed him with a finger across his lips and a head shake. “Be respectful, Jim.” Bentley always seemed to know just what to say and do, no matter the situation.

Sis lifted her head to ask, “What do you want me to do with the cum?”

“That’s entirely up to you, but guys like it best when a girl swallows.”

She smiled broadly at him and said, “Okay,” and went back to work diligently sucking on that big cock, obviously trying to make him come.

“I hope we can do this more leisurely some time, Abby, but I’m almost there now.”

She looked up at him with a shit eating grin and said, “Anytime, handsome.” As she took the cock back into her mouth, she jerked her head just an inch or so, obviously surprised by a mouthful of cum. Then her cheeks hollowed out rhythmically as she sucked him dry.

As I jealously watched the other boys getting blown, Sis stood and came to me. “Do you want me to suck you next, brother?”


“Why not?”

“Because you’re my sister!”

“Well, I hope we can get you over that. We live in the same house; it’s going to be hard to stay away from that handsome lance you’re sporting.”

Jesus! My already hard cock bounced a couple times after that. I was mortified; my own sister wanted to suck my cock! Holy shit! And she looks so damned sexy with a cock in her mouth. How the hell do I resist? But I knew that if she sucked me, we would soon be fucking, too. And I couldn’t let that happen.

After the other boys had blown their loads, Bentley said, “Okay guys, now we get the ‘up close and personal’ duty. Want to sit down here, Abby?”

Bentley stood and pointed to his place on the couch. Abby was grinning ear to ear as she took his seat. “Thank you, “she chirped.

“Can I touch?”

“I wish you would.” Sis spread her legs for him.

“Will you open it for me?” he pleaded.

She didn’t hesitate; she just reached down with both hands and pulled her pussy wide open for him.” God it was hot!

Then, Greta, a girl I’d been flirting a little with over the past few months, came to me and noted, “You’re hard, but nobody took care of you. I’ll do it if you like.” Wow! This cute girl was offering to go down on me. Maybe there is a god after all. Greta was a little chubby, but had a really cute round face and a sweet personality.

“Um, okay. Thanks.” I motioned to the guy sitting next to my sister that I wanted to sit there, and he grinned and moved away. I sat down and Greta smiled coyly as she dropped to her knees and took my cock into her mouth. If there’s a heaven, I want it to be just like this, I thought. Man, I love this club! Two days ago, I barely dared to speak to this girl and here today she’s sucking me off. Life is good!

Sis, while holding her cunt wide open for Bentley, looked over at me and cooed, “I know Greta’s sweet on you, but so am I.” And she leaned into me, banging shoulders.

I noticed then that Bentley had his face in Abby’s cunt, slurping away like there was no tomorrow. She was moaning and groaning and I began to moan along with her. Talk about weird! Here we were, sister and brother, perched on a sofa next to each other getting eaten out. What a great club!

The other girls were now spread wide on the couches while boys fingered or licked them. There was a whole lot of moaning going on. I was about to blow my load, so I exclaimed, “Greta, I’m going to cum!” She simply redoubled her efforts until my cum was splashing on her tonsils and she was swallowing as fast as she could. God, she loved it. She was moaning louder than the girls who were getting eaten out. I decided then and there that if she wasn’t going to be my girlfriend, it wouldn’t be for lack of effort on my part.

So, ever the gallant, I asked, “Greta, want me to do you now?”

“Oh, yeah!”

So, we shifted positions, and I was soon on my knees with my face in a cunt for the first time. She showed me her clit and explained how that was the seat of sexual pleasure for a girl. I gave it special attention, licking and sucking on it to my heart’s content. When I thought the moment might be right, I queried, “Greta, will you be my girlfriend?”

She smiled, but then her smile began to fade. “I will. I would like that, but we will probably want to do stuff with the other kids in the club, too, you know? Is that all right?”

“Yeah, of course. I’d like to try out the other girls, too, but I just mean you’ll be my favorite, and we can date and stuff. Okay?”

“Yeah, okay. And I’ll try out the other boys.” She was quiet for a few minutes, then she ventured,” You’ll want to try your sister, won’t you?”

“No!” I laughed.


“Because she’s my sister!”

“But it would be really hot, you know?”

“You want me to have sex with my sister?”

“Yeah! I’d really like to see that.”

“Well, we’ll see,” I said, to put an end to the discussion. “Right now I have a pussy to lick.” Greta giggled at that. She was running her fingers through my hair, probably daydreaming of watching me fuck my sister. Soon she was cumming, and forcefully pushing her cunt into my mouth. She bent over me and kissed the top of my head. As she sat back, sated, she pushed my head away. “You have to stop now. It’s too sensitive.” I was feeling pretty proud of myself for having brought the girl off when my sister brought me back to earth with an ear shattering scream. She was cumming, but it sounded like she was being stabbed with a sword.

As things quieted down again, Bentley stood and walked to the front of the big screen TV. “Okay, guys. Did everyone get off?” There was a lot of cheering and giggling in answer. “So, look, we are probably going to want to take the next step tomorrow; or at least some of us will. Are all of you girls on birth control?” Only two of the girls shook their heads yes. Well, listen, any of you who can lay your hands on some condoms should probably bring them tomorrow. And bring extras, of course.” He chuckled. “And Abby and Daisy, can you approach your parents about getting yourselves on the pill? Condoms really suck. It’s so much better skin to skin.” They answered that they would try.

I wanted to say that Abby was too young, but I was afraid they would all come down on me if I did. And, it was Bentley who was asking, after all. If Bentley wanted my sister to go on the pill, then she should go on the pill, I thought.

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