A Visit to Matilda's - Cover

A Visit to Matilda's

Copyright© 2020 by Freddie Clegg

Chapter 2: School’s In

Matilda’s turned out to be a large Victorian building on the edge of town. It was a grey stone, three story house set in its own grounds with a long gravel drive leading up to the front porch. I turned up on time and as instructed. Suzanne had said that I would be there for three days but that I needn’t take anything with me. A taxi dropped me at the gate. “Rather you than me, mate,” the driver said as I got out, which I found really embarrassing rather than, as perhaps I should have done, worrying.

I walked up the drive to the imposing front door with its brightly polished brass letter box and door plate inscribed with the single letter “M”. Pressing the button marked “Ring”, I could hear the sound of the door bell somewhere inside. A few moments later the door opened.

Standing inside was a burly, bearded and moustached man wearing a maid’s costume. There was little pretense of femininity – dark hairs on his legs were visible through the sheer nylon of his stockings and the wig he wore to give him the semblance of a woman’s hair style was perched so precariously that his lace maid’s cap seemed to be the only thing keeping it in place. If I had been embarrassed by the thought of what might lay in store for me at Matilda’s his appearance was strangely reassuring – at least, I thought, if this is what they have in store for me I wouldn’t look any worse.

“Good evening, Sir,” the ‘maid’ at the door greeted me without any apparent embarrassment.

“I’m here for the course,” I said, trying to behave as though it was perfectly normal to be greeted at the door by a bearded man in a dress.

The ‘maid’ nodded, “Naturally. Please come in.” He waved me inside. “If you would just wait there a moment,” he said gesturing to a chair at the side of the hall, “I’ll find Miss Matilda.”

“Thank you,” I said, taking a seat as he tottered off on heels that made it difficult for him to walk steadily. I sat for a few minutes and was beginning to wonder if I had been forgotten when suddenly a door opened and an imposing woman strode into the hallway. I got to my feet. She gave me a nod of approval. This, I assumed, was Matilda. She was dressed in fine Edwardian style, with a long skirt of deep emerald velvet and a tight jacket in a similar material. Her deep-brown coloured hair was piled high on her head. She gave me an appraising look.

“Ah,” she announced. “You will be Mr Meakin. I see you have brought no bags with you. At least that is one instruction you have been able to follow. A good sign. Do you have something for me?”

Suzanne had given me a note with instructions to hand it over on arrival, so I passed the envelope across.

“Very good,” she said, opening it and reading the letter inside. “Well, this all seems to be in order. Come along and follow me.”

“Err, can I ask a few things first,” I said.

“I don’t think you need to bother. We know what we are doing here.” With that she strode off passing the rather grand staircase and headed towards a plain door to the rear. “This is the way staff get into the hall. I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that you won’t use the main staircase. Your accommodation is up on the top floor. The service rooms are in the basement. You’ll soon get used to the stairs.”

As we got to the bottom of the stairs down to the basement, a stern looking woman emerged from a small office. In contrast to Miss Matilda’s sumptuous dress, the newcomer was dowdy. Her long, straight, dark skirt had no ornamentation and her plain, white, high-necked, blouse showed no sign of flamboyance either. Her elongated face and thin nose gae her a rather supercilious appearance which was emphasised by her gold rimmed half-moon spectacles.

“This,” Miss Matilda announced, “is Mrs Danbury. She will see to your placement here and supervise the various training programmes that you will need to follow. I am sure that you will find your time here productive, as long as you follow her directions.” Then turning to Mrs Danbury, she passed across the note I had given her. “No special requirements, Mrs D,” she said. “I suggest that you get him started straight away.”

“Very good, Miss Matilda,” Mrs Danbury said as the elegant Matilda departed. She turned to me. “Well, I assume you know how we do things here?”

“No, not really,” I said, “my wife didn’t...”

“No matter. You will catch on soon enough. Follow me.” Mrs Danbury set off along a corridor, down some stairs into the basement and back through a maze of passages and small rooms. She opened a door to one and showed me inside. One wall was lined with cupboards. “All the staff wear a uniform. You will start as a scullery maid. If you grasp the simple tasks for that role, we may allow you to progress further. Undress please.”

Mrs Danbury stood back, arms folded while I took off my jacket, shirt, trouser, shoes and socks. I’m not particularly unfit but she didn’t seem very impressed with what she saw. “And the underpants,” she said in the bored tone of one who had seen it all many times before. Something, however, had obviously displeased her. “Oh dear,” she said, “I see you have not been fitted.”


“A restraint. For that.” She pointed to my crotch. “It saves any argument about unnecessary sexual activity. Never mind. I’m sure we have one suitable.” She rummaged in drawer of the old pine table that stood in the middle of the room. “Let’s see.” She looked back and forth between me and the drawer. “This one should do.”

She held up a small metal cage. I knew what it was, Suzanne and I had played with one at home once when she had made me wear one for a whole evening. It sounded as though this one would be in place for much longer than that. I wasn’t sure I was keen.

“Don’t make a fuss. All our students wear them. If you have a problem with that you are of course free to leave. Or, if you don’t want to fit it yourself I can always get one of the other staff to help me fit it for you”

I could imagine what Suzanne would have to say if I turned up back at home so soon. Equally the idea of the mustached maid wrestling me into submission so that Mrs Danbury could put the thing on me did not appeal. I reached out and took the device. It slid over my cock quite comfortably. Mrs Danbury was evidently a good judge of the size needed.

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