Hard Day at Work, Honey? - Cover

Hard Day at Work, Honey?

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: What a porn actress has to put UP with

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Slut Wife   Prostitution   .

“Did you have a hard day at work, honey?”

She got a bit tired of the lame joke but gave her husband the answer he wanted. He was sitting on the couch naked and his cock was pointing straight up. So she simply said, “Only three but lots of retakes.”

Milly, not her screen name, was a part-time porn actress. Two days a week she acted as if she enjoyed all the sexy stuff you see on your screen. She’d enjoyed the plain photo shoots when she started in adult modeling. Less strenuous and no dialogue or vocalizations needed.

That’s when she met her husband. He was one of the photo crew for the producer who employed her the most often and he’d asked her to dinner one especially nice day after an oceanside picture shoot. He’d treated her like a person and hadn’t expected to fuck in exchange for the meal. Her pussy was sore anyway. She didn’t have a boyfriend at the time so the male models’ oversized dicks were the only and rather intermittent exercise it got.

He asked her for a regular date and she did invite him “in” at the end. It felt so good to do what she, and not the director, wanted, and to get that soothing hot cream pumped and spread inside. “Creampies” weren’t yet in vogue so semen was sprayed on various external body parts or in her mouth. Some she liked the taste of, but not all.

They became a couple and he was often on shoots. The producer noticed her improved visual “image” as she showed off for Randy, short for Randall. She liked the double meaning because he invariably was that on those working days. Her pussy was in much better condition and he got it last thing in the day, usually just before sleep.

She moved on to videos while he stayed with the photography crew although would occasionally be on her set when his crew wasn’t busy. The first time he saw her get a creampie he was wild after they got to the place they were now sharing.

Milly spoke in rhythm with his thrusts, “I ... guess ... you ... like ... my ... pussy ... wet!” He nearly blew the end off his dick and she squealed with the force of his spurts. “OMG, much better than those pros!”

When they’d recovered, she murmured, “If I’d known you’d react like that I’d have told you about it long ago.”

His dick stiffened inside her as he said in a startled voice, “That wasn’t the first time?”

Her pussy squeezed his shaft, “Hell no! Happened a lot but we weren’t supposed to let it show. Cumming only on the outside for the camera. Even in the photo shoots when you were watching, the male model couldn’t always hold back completely so shot a little to take the tension off. I remember the day we had our first date. I’d worked with these guys before and liked them so had a quickie with each back in the dressing room. We build up a lot of tension, you know. That’s what took me so long to join you for dinner and why I wouldn’t fuck you after.”

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