Young Studs - Cover

Young Studs

Copyright© 2020 by Jade

Chapter 2

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Two attractive single mothers, from different social backgrounds, indulge together in sordid, sadistic lust with their teenage sons! But where will their sexual indulgence lead if the lads get the upper hand in the affair?

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Coercion   Pedophilia   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   FemaleDom   Sadistic   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Size   Violence  

At Carlton Manor Iris and I were reclining in sun chairs, secluded by shrubs and flowers. The azure blue sky was traced with high stratus and the scent of Jasmine was in the air. When I arrived, Guy had been so pleased to see me; and then so eager to introduce me Ralph.

Ralph was a handsome lad and had looked me over with an unnerving confidence; and it was clear to me how much Guy saw him as a role model.

I felt relief now, at how short our trauma back home had lasted, and Iris had assured me that over the coming weekend I would be enjoying a warm relationship with Guy once again.

Here within the grounds of Carlton Manor life felt far from the madness of the war in Europe, and after my reunion here with Guy earlier, the lads had jaunted off together to play cricket on the village green.

But for now, Iris had suggested we could chat about Guy’s prospects of working through the summer here at the manor! This was an exciting idea which I was eager to explore with her.

I found Iris an attractive woman with fair bubbly hair and hazel eyes that sparkled while she spoke. Her voice had unmistakable breeding and the polo jumper she wore failed to conceal her fine shapely figure. This was a woman I felt I could admire.

“There’s plenty for Guy to take on here Margot.” Iris was saying, “The war-effort took the last of our workers away some while ago.”

As I listened, I felt naturally at ease with her and found her enthusiasm in the face of austerity infectious as she spoke on,

“Oh Margot, there’s so much I want to show you here. It’s an ideal place for our lads to share together this summer. I’m sure you’ll feel the same in a day or so and I have a lovely little room ready for you”

Iris would have to be in her mid-thirties like myself yet had that confidence of a woman in control of her life. She was wearing jodhpurs and as we came up to the stable yard it occurred to me she rode horses.

“Do you ride much Iris?” I asked peering into the stable.

“Only a hack round the lanes when the weather’s OK; how about yourself Margot?”

“Well, I sometimes get my bike out on a fine day.” I quipped, “How many horses are there?” I inquired.

Iris laughed, “Only my gelding now, he’s grazing in the meadow: several were stabled here before the war but with the price of hay in the winter...”

“Is your husband in the war Iris?” I asked cautiously.

There was an uncomfortable silence before she answered.

“Ronald was lost in Afghanistan over six months ago Margot.” She replied evenly.

“I’m so sorry.” I mumbled awkwardly, my blunder causing me to blush.

Iris slid her hand through my arm. It’s OK Margot ... really, she said simply, “Come on! Lets show you the kitchen garden.”

Later, in the cool of the library we relaxed into deep cushioned armchairs and with each of us holding a generous glass of brandy Iris took a deep sigh and began quietly recounting her life at the Manor to me. Iris was born to the Manor and over time had come to inherit the whole of it. But the place had become a bit run down and needed a fair bit of investment to bring it back up. Ralph had been at boarding school when she became married to Ronald Archer; an Army officer. Iris sighed at fond memories. “The place became busy with people working and we were happy with how things were shaping up. He had plans to make the Manor a thriving concern ... but then that war... “ Iris paused to sip her brandy and I remained silent; knowing she had more to say.

“The Army recalled Simon and before long I hardly saw him. Oh, the occasional flurry of leave; then a return to the prudence widowhood.

I missed Ronald; but I was lonely and fed up to be honest.”

She paused with a look of wry bitterness.

“Or to speak plainly Margot. I became sex-starved.”

Iris looks at me boldly,” Tell me Margot, has the war deprived you of sex?”

I put down my glass; surprised at her candour. Yet suddenly I felt activated.

“Why damit Iris, Yes It has!” I declared wryly, “ I’ve been starved of sex! Why I even get envious if I see dogs at it in the street! “ I said unflinchingly.”

Iris laughed mirthlessly, “Like a bitch on heat Margot?” And placing a hand on my thigh added, “Margot, I will not even tell you some of the evil thoughts I’ve had when alone with my horse! But what’s a girl to do with her pent-up sexual urges?”

Grinning mischievously together my hand went over hers and our eyes met with a special trust.

Iris said softly, “Then to complicate matters we get the needs of a growing boy.”

I held my breath as she paused to sip her brandy before saying kindly,

“It’s OK Margot, I do know how boys get out of hand, when your alone with them at home ... Guy’s got himself into a passion over you; hasn’t he Margot.”

Suddenly I knew it was confession time for me. As I spoke, I felt a surge of relief wash aside my shame.

“It wasn’t Guy’s fault really. I was half naked when I accidentally disturbed Guy in my bedroom; he was ... masturbating. It stunned me a little; seeing his muscular body that way.” I looked up to Iris for her reaction.

She simply gave me an encouraging little smile with a nod to continue:

“Well; we cuddled and then kissed and I ... I helped him finish ... If you see what I mean ... but that was all at the time; I just left him to cool off.”

I look at her and Iris simply smiled encouragingly, so I continued,

“The trouble was the following day. Guy caught me off guard in my robe and ... he suddenly became amorous again.”

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