The Way of War - Cover

The Way of War

Copyright© 2020 by Robin Lane

Chapter 53

Historical Sex Story: Chapter 53 - The Way of War The sequel to the Tides of War. The year is 1940 and David Ramage's grandson is posted to North Africa. There Shaun Ramage locks horns with the desert fox, Rommel. He meets an enigmatic girl and falls in love

Caution: This Historical Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   War  

Three days later Ken called him over to the radio, Ari Silverman wanted to speak to him.

Ari came straight to the point, “Shaun, I need you, Bobby, Ken, and Prof, can you get all your possessions together? Transport will arrive to pick you up at noon tomorrow. You won’t be going back to the base camp. Now is Prof available, I need to have a word with him.”

Mystified Shaun called out to Prof, he passed over the microphone and walked over to where Bobby and Ken were talking.

“We have to pack up fellers, we’re being pulled out at noon tomorrow,” Shaun told them.

Both looked surprised, “Is there a flap on somewhere in the country?” Bobby asked.

“I’ve no idea; I suppose we will find out tomorrow”. Shaun replied.

Prof came over, looking a little bemused, “I’ve been offered a chair under Professor Wiseman head of archaeology at Tel Aviv University, and there’s an assistant curators’ position at the museum if Barbara wants it. What’s going on Shaun?”

Shaun shook his head “Beats me; we’d better start packing.”

When Shaun emerged from his tent the next day, he found Stanley had drawn up all of the men.

As Stanley saw Shaun, he brought the men to attention, turned and gave Shaun a blistering salute. His throat constricted with emotion as he returned the salute. Only then did he notice Bobby, Ken and Prof standing to attention by the side of the tent.

Stanley gave the order to dismiss, and in seconds the four friends were surrounded by the men, each jostling to wish them farewell.

Last to speak with them was Stanley and Sol. “Do you know anything about what’s going on?” Shaun asked them.

Stanley nodded and smiled, “We know but are sworn to secrecy. Don’t worry; the men will be kept together. We are to be reformed with more men and vehicles tasked with protecting the Sini Road. We are to be called the Khana Scorpions, in honour of you and the L.R.D.G. You trained us well, thank you. Now we will pass on that training.

They passed along the line shaking hands with each of them. As Stanley reached Shaun, Shaun gripped his hand saying, “I can’t think of anyone better to lead them other than you.”

A 15cwt truck and a Ford Pilot car were waiting for them, some of the men piled their kitbags and rucksacks into the truck as they took their place inside the vehicle, with a final wave they set off.

They stopped outside what looked to be an office block, the driver directed them to the third floor. He would be waiting with their luggage for when they came out.

A young woman in shorts directed them from the third floor to an office. On opening the door, they found half a dozen men and women busy either typing or carrying pieces of paper around. In one corner, a powerful radio transceiver was manned by a young man who was scribbling onto a pad of paper. At the end of the room, through a glass partition, could be seen Ari Silverman. Cookie was with him. He saw them and beckoned them forward.

The office was tiny, Shaun thought, compared with the office he had in Alexandra, but he still dressed casually. Ari was in slacks and a polo shirt, he smiled saying, “You are no doubt wondering why you are here; all will be revealed, in a moment. First, I have to thank you for what you did. Some are claiming it was a miracle like David and Goliath.

Well if it was a miracle, it was helped by the training, knowledge and experience that you imparted into your men. And for that Israel is in your debt. We have not as yet got around to creating medals for our hero’s.

Hell, we are still trying to create a country. But things are changing for the better, and people are flooding in from around the world. Donations and modern weapons are pouring in. So we are in a much better position now than a month ago. There is talk of a truce, we have gained territory, and we intend to hold on to it.

But what has this to do with you? Well, in short, you’re going home”. Ari chuckled at the expressions on their faces. “A plane is on standby to take you to Rome, from there one of our representatives will book you on a flight, first-class, of course, to anywhere you want to go. I’ll be taking you in to see the Prime Minister in a moment for him to thank you personally, but before that, I am instructed to give you these.”

With that, Ari shook each hand and handed over an envelope. “Right gentlemen if you will follow me, David Ben Gurion wishes to see you.

The aircraft was a converted Liberator for passengers. Their luggage had already been put on board as they scrambled on board.

The speed of the events had disoriented them in some respects, Cookie who was still bound up tight, didn’t find the canvas bucket seats comfortable and moaned about them.

They were well out over the Mediterranean before Ken opened his envelope, his jaw flew open “My god, it’s a cheque for £100,000 he exclaimed.”

One by one, they opened theirs. They started to discuss what they could do with a sum like that.

“I suppose you’ll open a law office back home, Bobby?” Shaun enquired.

Bobby smiled ruefully, “No, I’ve grown to use to open spaces. I think I’ll buy a sheep farm. I know a girl who was raised on one who may like to help me run it.”

“Well, you don’t lack open spaces in New Zealand that’s for sure,” Cookie chimed in. “There’ll be no more working in a mine for me. I think I’ll go to London and open a restaurant. What about you Shaun, what will you do?”

“Probably buy more land to add to the game reserve,” he answered whimsically.

When they disembarked from the aircraft, the representative was waiting for them. He took care of their luggage and directed them into the first-class lounge.

“You will no doubt wish to change your clothes. I have instructions to give you this,” handing out $100 to each of them. “You will find clothes shops in the concourse.”

Once he found out where they wished to go, he set off to book their tickets. He returned in ninety minutes later with their tickets.

Bobby would travel with Cookie to London and catch the SS Haparangihi, a first-class cabin had been reserved for him to New Zealand. Shaun, Ken and Prof’s flight would be in eight hours to Johannesburg. Finding they required no more assistance he left.

They all bought a change of clothes, still being in their combat dress, they dumped them in a trash can.

They just had time for a meal before seeing Bobby and Cookie off at the departure gate, having vowed to have a reunion a year from now at the Crater. They managed to contain their emotions at seeing the men who had been such a significant part of their lives depart.

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