Sandra Is Different - Cover

Sandra Is Different

Copyright© 2022 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 5

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5 - She may not want to get ‘involved’ with, nor spend time with other people, she may even be a Loner, but she still has a lot of fun.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Exhibitionism  

I arrived at the university’s gym at the time agreed with Isla which was 30 minutes later than the previous week, and I had to wait a few minutes outside for her. I saw one guy come out carrying his kit bag and when he saw me he turned around and went back in. I wondered if he’d gone earlier hoping to see me and then left when I didn’t appear at the same time as the previous week only to see me outside and decide to have another workout.

When Isla arrived I turned and we went in. The ladies changing room was empty and within seconds we were both naked and putting our trainers and our leotards on.

“You look good Isla.” I said as I looked at her pokie nipples and the difference in colour of her nipples and areolae to the rest of her tits through the black, see-through leotard. I could also see her slit.

“So do you Sandra, that white leotard may cover you but it certainly doesn’t hide anything.”

“I’m not done yet.” I replied as I bunched the crotch and made it disappear between my labia and on one side of my clit.

“I’m going to do that later.” Isla said.

We went to the workout room and I was happy when I saw that there were indeed more young men, and more girls, although I didn’t know if the girls were there to look at me and Isla or just to workout. Some of the guys were definitely there to watch Isla and me, their eyes having found us just as soon as we walked in.

“Shall I follow you round Sandra, Suzie seen as we’re in flashing mode.”

We giggled a little then I replied,

“Okay Kat.”

We started doing my routine round the machines and before long I noticed that the crotch of Kat’s leotard had disappeared between her lips although her clit was still covered and not even protruding like mine was. All of a sudden I was grateful for my longer than average clit that never wants to hide below its hood.

There was 2 notable machines that gave us a lot of pleasure, the first was the exercise cycle where we pushed each other, on seats that was too high, until we’d both had an orgasm. We were both reasonably quiet and neither of us knew if any of the other people in the room had realised. The second pleasurable machine was the hip abductor where we both strained to keep our legs spread wide, and our pussies on display, to the small group of others, including 2 girls, in the room, some of whom had gathered in front of the machine.

When it came to the floor exercises Kat stood beside me and copied everything that I did, including the leg stretching. Kat really had to concentrate when I was doing my Katas, there’s a lot to remember so I did them slowly so that she could copy each move.

I decided to add 1 exercise to my routine, standing splits. I had been reminded of them one time recently when I’d been browsing the internet looking for exercises that would really display my pussy, especially in the leotard that covers next to nothing.

When Kat saw me going into that pose I saw her jaw drop then turn into a big smile as she lifted her right leg and pulled and pushed it until her foot was way above her head. The 2 of us stood there like that appeared to please our little audience because I could see a few growing bulges in the guy’s shorts. I also saw 1 of the girls licking her lips and I wondered if she’d still be around when we went to the changing room.

Floor exercises over, we were stood getting our breath back when a couple of the guys came over to us, both asking if we could ‘spot’ them.

“Sure,” I replied, “we’d be pleased to help you.”

Kat looked at me wondering what we were talking about so I said,

“Just follow me, it’s easy and I guarantee that you’ll enjoy it.”

And like having a guy’s face so close to her mainly uncovered pussy Kat did. Two different young men actually, because after the first 2, 2 more guys asked for our help as well. By the time we left the workout room I’m sure that Kat was just as wet and horny as I was.

As we walked back to the changing room I told Kat that I was thinking of adding some yoga poses to the end of the routine.

“Ones that really show off our pussies I hope.” Kat said.

“Of course, there’s no point in doing them if we can’t show our pussies at their best. Have you ever done any yoga Kat?”

“No, but I watched a bit on the TV once.”

“I’ll look on the internet, there’s bound to be some there.” I replied. “You will be coming again next week won’t you?”

“Try and stop me Suzie, I might even come another day this week. Now that you’ve given the courage to make it a lot more fun I think that I’m going to get a lot fitter.”

“I’ve given you courage? It’s more like you’ve given me some. Let me know if you come any other time, I might just join you.”

There was a third girl in the showers, the one that had been staring at us and licking her lips when she could see our pussies. No sooner that Kat and myself had started soaping each other than the third girl turned to face us revealing her bald pubes and tits about the same size as Kat’s, and said,

“That was quite a workout you two just had, and I have to say that I liked your outfits probably as much as the guys in there did, Are you two sisters or something?”

“No.” Kat replied.


“No,” I replied this time, “just friends who think the same way.”

“Well I like the way that you think, where did you get the leotards?”

I told her then added,

“We’d prefer to workout totally naked but we’re not sure that the management would approve, not like the swimming pool where we’re going next and no one there seems to care.”

“You swim naked at the pool? Oh, I’m Sofia by the way.”

I introduced Kat and myself (Suzie) then said,

“Yes, we’ve been skinny dipping there the last 2 weeks and no one has complained.”

“Interesting,” Sofia replied as I started soaping Kat’s tits. “So you 2 are not sisters or lovers, it’s just that...”

I instantly realised what Sofia was thinking and replied,

“We both get so horny showing our naked bodies that we just have to do something about it and it’s always better when someone else is playing with your tits and pussy even if it is another girl. That’s not a problem here is it?”

“Not at all, I couldn’t agree more, even seeing other girls expose themselves makes me horny, never mind exposing myself.” Sofia said, “would you mind if I caressed your tits Suzie? They’re so unique, fabulous, I wish that mine were the shape of yours.”

“Only if we can caress your body as well Sofia.”

The 3 of us smiled and all 3 of us were soon caressing each other all at the same time. The inevitable happened and minutes later all 3 of us were enjoying the afterglow of our orgasms.

“So,” Sofia said once our arousal had diminished a little, “you two are going nude swimming now are you?”

“Yes.” Both Kat and I said almost at the same instant.

“Are you coming with us Sofia?” I added.

Sofia said nothing for a few seconds then replied,

“You know, I think that I will, I’ve never been skinny dipping before.”

“You’ll enjoy it, and you’ll enjoy the men looking at you.”

As we were getting dressed I noted that Sofia also didn’t put any underwear on and she was wearing a short floaty skirt. As we walked over to the swimming pool I asked Sofia if she always went without underwear.

“I didn’t before I came here, my mother would have thrown a right wobbler if she found out. I did occasionally and if my brothers found out they’d start tickling me and we usually ended up on the floor with me with my skirt up around my waist. I sort of liked them seeing my pussy but it was a good job that they never started tickling me when my parents were around.”

“So your brothers seeing your pussy turned you on Sofia?” Kat asked.

“I never really put 2 and 2 together back then but yes, I suppose that it did.”

“So would you let your brothers fuck you Sofia?” I asked.

“Wow, direct and to the point Suzie,” Sofia replied, “just like your tits. You really are a lucky girl Suzie, my tits are just ‘average’.”

“Yes she is lucky.” Kat added.

“They’re just tits.” I replied. “I like all of yours, nice and soft and sensitive. I bet that all those girls with melons on their chests wish that theirs were like either of yours.”

“Or yours Suzie.” Kat added.

“But mine are a bit freaky, okay, some younger girls have them like this to start off with but they develop into ones that look ‘normal’, mine have never done that.”

“But you like them don’t you Suzie?” Sofia asked.

“I do, I like being different even if it is freakish.”

“Well I’m sure that they guys like them.” Kat said.

“They seem to, look at that guy at the Funfair yesterday, he couldn’t take his hands off them.”

“You let a guy at a Funfair grope your tits Suzie?” Sofia asked.

“She did,” Kat replied, “and you should have seen the dress that she was nearly wearing.”

“So you like flashing a lot of skin do you Suzie?” Sofia asked.

“I think that all 3 of us do.” I replied.

We were still giggling a little as we entered the pool building.

“Are you sure that this is okay?” Sofia asked as the 3 totally naked older teen girls headed for the archway between the girls changing room and the pool, none of them trying to cover their bits with their hands.

“No,” I replied, “but no one said anything last week so what the hell, let’s do it girls. What’s the worst that can happen?”

“We can get thrown out and barred from coming here again.” Sofia replied.

“Who will know, no one checked our student IDs when we got here. In fact there was only that girl in reception and she looked so bored that a football team could have walked in and she wouldn’t have noticed.” Kat replied.

“I wouldn’t mind a football team seeing us like this right now.” I said.

“Me too.” The other 2 said at the same time.

There were a few more people, guys and girls, in the pool than the previous week and I again was happy that I’d decided to go a bit later. No one said anything and only a couple of the guys stopped what they were doing and stared. We went to the end and dived in, having an informal race to the other, shallow end.

“Wow,” Sofia said when she stood up next to Isla and me. “That’s an amazing feeling, whoever invented girls swimming costumes wants shooting. Every girl should experience swimming naked.”

“Even when you get the guys perving on you as often as they can?” Kat asked.

“Especially when you get the guys perving on you as often as they can?” I replied.

We all giggled a little then headed off back to the other end of the pool.

We did a few more laps, usually stopping at the shallow end and standing up to talk for a while before swimming again. Most of the guys there stopped at the shallow end some of the time and had a good look at our tits, a couple of them trying to talk to us be each time we cut them off and they gave up.

When we’d had enough we got out at the shallow end and took our time walking back to the changing rooms letting everyone there see all of our naked bodies.

In the showers there was no touching each other but I had a play with my clit and had a nice little cum before we got out and dressed. As we left the building Sofia asked Kat and me if we minded her telling all her friends that Monday afternoons and evenings were nude swimming. Both Kat and myself said that we didn’t mind but secretly I was a bit disappointed because I like it when I am the only one naked and all men’s eyes are on my naked body but I told myself to stop being selfish.

Then Sofia asked,

“Do you think that we could be naked for our workouts as well?”

“Now that would be really good.” I replied, “but let’s tackle one problem at a time.”

We agreed and Sofia went off on one direction and Isla and me in another. As Isla and I walked I remembered what Lisa had said about working at the erotic equipment convention so I said,

“How do you fancy a day out Isla, working at an erotic equipment convention demonstrating sex toys to the public?”

“That sounds ‘interesting’, keep talking, what’s an erotic equipment convention?”

“I don’t know all the details yet but I do know that it’s promoting sex toys but there is one drawback.”

“What’s that?”

“We’d have to be naked all day in a place with hundreds of people walking around.”

“How’s that a drawback? I’d consider it a benefit. Do they pay us as well?”

“I have no idea, but I’d do it for free just for the benefits.”

“So would I Sandra. Where and when, I’ll happily skip a class or lecture to do that.”

“I don’t know any of the details but if you’re happy to do it then I’ll pass that on. I’ll let you know any more when I do.”

We parted with a reminder of where and at what time we were meeting on the Wednesday.

There was only Andy in the common room when I later went to make myself a coffee before going to bed. We both said hello but he seemed engrossed in something on his laptop and he ignored my nudity.

On the Tuesday afternoon when I got back to my room I decided that I was hungry, and as I didn’t think that any of my flatmates were at home I went to the kitchen totally naked and got on with preparing my food. No one had returned when it was ready so I sat on one of the sofas to eat it. As I was eating I realised that I was quite tired and when I finished eating I put the plate on the floor and decided to have a minute’s rest before going to wash my plate.

The next thing that I knew was Geoff and a couple of his mates were looking down on me and Geoff was saying,

“Hi Sandra, are you dead or alive?”

“Oh hi Geoff,” I said when I was awake enough to do so, “brought more of your friends to perv on my body again have you?”

“This is Simon and Oliver, remember them, they’ve come to make a cast of your chest.”

“What!? Oh yes, you haven’t actually managed to get some Plaster of Paris have you?”

“We have,” Simon said, “I’m doing an Arts course and we use it to make models.”

I was still groggy and was cursing that I’s agreed to it but as I started to come round I decided that it could be fun.

“Okay, where do you want me, what do I have to do?” I asked.

“Well,” Simon said, “if we were doing this with most girls we’d make the cast with the girl on her hands and knees and her tits hanging down but you doing that wouldn’t make any difference so we were thinking that you could lay on the table and we’d rub the mixture over your tits and pussy. Sorry, did I say rub, I mean spoon it on and then smooth it with the back of the spoon.”

“I think that it will be easier if you use your hands,” I replied, “you can get more in your hands than a spoon.”

I watched Simon and Oliver grin at the thought of putting their hands on my tits. Then I thought,

“What the hell, may as well let them do my pussy as well, they’ll only pester me until I agree.”

“Okay,” I said, “go and mix the stuff.”

Geoff interrupted before I could finish speaking.

“I’ll clear the table and get you spread out ready Sandra.”

“I was going to say that you could do my pussy as well but it sounds like you were intending to do that anyway.”

“We thought that once we’d got your nipples really hard you’d want us to do your clit as well.” Geoff said.

“And I suppose that you’ll be helping them as well Geoff?” I asked.

“Is that a problem Sandra?” Geoff asked.

“I guess not.” I replied.

Simon and Oliver appeared to be taking a long time getting their mix ready and as I lay there, spread eagle on the table, my nipples and clit were starting to tingle. Geoff was looking down at me and after a while he said,

“They’re taking their time, I’ll just get started making your nipples get really hard, I’m assuming that you’d want them at their best in the mould Sandra.”

I didn’t say anything as Geoff’s hands started playing with my nipples causing me to moan a little and the tingling to get stronger.

I was just getting really excited when Oliver appeared and said that they were nearly ready.

“Shouldn’t you rub some grease or oil on my skin first to make sure that you can get the cast off in one piece?” I asked.

“That’s what I’ve come over to do.” Oliver said as a bottle of cooking oil appeared from behind his back. “Will you help me please Geoff?”

Seconds later 4 hands were rubbing the cooking oil all over my chest and I was starting to think that if the kept going I’d have an orgasm. Then Simon appeared with a big plastic bucket and plonked it down on the table between my legs.

“We have to do this fast,” Simon said, “If we spend too much time tweaking her nipples this stuff will go as hard as her nipples before we’ve got it in place.”

Geoff backed away saying,

“You 2 get on with slapping it all over her chest, I’ll work on her clit to get that really hard.”

“That shouldn’t take long.” Simon said, “it looks as hard as my little finger already. Don’t forget the oil Geoff, we don’t want to have to rip it off.”

“I don’t suppose that would be any worse that ripping wax off her,” Geoff replied, “Do you wax Sandra, or do you shave? Or have you had it all lasered off?”

I don’t know why I answered that but I told him that I shaved every morning.

“Just like me.” Geoff replied.

“You shave your pubes and cock every day Geoff?” Oliver asked as he put another handful of cold, Plaster of Paris on my left tit and started spreading it all over that area.

“No stupid, I was talking about my face.” Geoff replied.

In between my moans and wondering how long I could hold back the orgasm that was starting to build inside me. I thought about me giving a blowjob to a man who had no hair there. I almost instantly wished that all men shaved their pubes, I’d developed a hatred for getting pubic hairs stuck between my teeth or stuck at the back of my mouth.

Other than a sort of wet feeling, my chest and tits felt nothing as the Plaster of Paris started to dry. Not only did it cover my tits bit it covered most of my ribs as well.

Meanwhile, Geoff was playing with my clit with one hand and rubbing the oil all around my pussy with the other hand. The inevitable happened and I orgasmed with the 3 of them looking down on me.

When I’d just about got back to normal I first heard Geoff say,

“Now that we’ve got that out of the way we should be able to get a cast of her pussy without her jerking about.”

Simon then said,

“Shit, this damned stuff has gone hard, I’ll have to mix some more. Give me a hand please Geoff.”

Simon and Geoff went to the kitchen and Oliver stepped close to me and said,

“Do I need to get you off again Sandra, we don’t want you cumming when the mix is drying.”

I looked up at Oliver and smiled. I didn’t need to say anything because I soon felt the finger of one of his hands enter my hole and a finger from the other hand rubbing my clit.

I was still quite aroused so it didn’t take long for me to be going over the edge again. I was still coming down from that high when I felt a dollop of the new mix land on my pussy. I gasped then said,

“Fucking hell, that was a shock.”

It’s a good job that you don’t have any of those flaps that get all over the place Sandra. I’d hate for a flap to get trapped when we pull the cast off.

“So would I.” I thought, again pleased that I had no inner labia.

As the cast of my pussy was drying the guys started to take off the cast off of my chest. I was expecting some of my skin to be stuck to the Plaster of Paris but with Simon on one side of me and Oliver on the other they gently eased the mould off me. When it was free I could see the shape of my chest, and in particular my tits. To me they looked more pointy and prominent that when I look down at the real thing. I felt proud of my shape.

“Spray it with silicone then peel it off and we have the basis for a jelly mould.” Simon said.

“Hey Simon,” Oliver said, “what’s the chances of you being able to use the Art department’s 3D printer? It looks big enough to be able to scan then print a perfect silicone replica of Sandra’s body.”

“You mean like one of those Chinese sex dolls?” Geoff said.

“That wasn’t what I was thinking,” Oliver said, “but yeah, it would be like that, a mannequin, like fucking the real Sandra anytime that we wanted.”

“Hey guys,” I said, “I’m still here, and who says that you can’t fuck the real thing anytime that you want, none of you have asked me. But I do like the idea of a perfect, silicone copy of me being out there. Is this stuff on my pussy dry yet?”

“Err probably.” Simon replied.

As he and Oliver started to ease the cast off my whole lower abdomen Simon said,

“It would take a couple of days to print something the size of Sandra, maybe if we could get Sandra there on a Friday afternoon after the Lecturer and staff have left we could get it started and leave it running all weekend. What time are you free on a Friday afternoon Sandra?”

“About 2, are you seriously thinking of making a 3D model of my whole body? Ouch, steady guys, that’s my clit that your pulling on.”

“Sorry Sandra,” Simon said, “the Plaster of Paris had moulded round the shape of your clit which has a little bell-end on it, I’m sure that if we take it easy it will come off. Can I let you know when we want you to come and be scanned. It doesn’t hurt or do any damage to you, we scanned one of the students head the other week and he’s still as stupid as he was before he got scanned.”

I thought for a couple of seconds. The idea of a perfect replica of me knocking around somewhere sounded great. I wondered if Simon could print lots of them and sell them.

“Okay,” I replied, “just let me know when.”

The cast came off me without any further problems and as I looked at it I liked the shape of my pussy, especially the hollow where my clit had been. I was quite proud of those casts but as I got up onto my elbows I saw that there was bits of dried Plaster of Paris all over me around where the casts had been.

“I’m going for a shower.” I said as I got off the table.

As I was walking to my room Emily was arriving and when she saw me she said,

“What the hell happened to you Sandra?”

“Geoff and his mates.” I replied, “go and see what they’ve got.”

Emily looked puzzled but she went to the common room and I continued into my room and the shower.

I didn’t go out of my room again that night although I did think about when I’d said ‘who says that you can’t fuck the real thing anytime that you want, none of you have asked me.’ and wondered if it had registered with any of them and if they’d ask to fuck me. I also smiled at the thought of Lisa’s shop replacing all her mannequins with perfect copies of my body, and the real me standing next to a couple of them, all naked and wondering if the customers would realise that a real naked girl was stood there watching them.

It was when I was idly toying with my clit immediately after I woke up that I realised that I no longer had any bras of knickers to wear under my old school uniform for Master Thomas. I thought that he’d want me to be wearing underwear like schoolgirls do so that he could slowly strip me. I’d have to get some. I decided that I’d go to the Gentlemen’s club via Lisa’s shop, that way I could buy some and put them on in the shop without any problems. Okay the underwear that Lisa sold wasn’t exactly aimed at schoolgirls but it would have to do. If Master Thomas said anything I’d just tell him that I put on my sexiest set specially for him.

I found it hard to concentrate on my class that morning, my brain was getting all excited about what the afternoon would bring, and my pussy was doing the same. I found myself pressing my knees together then opening them quite a lot of the time and I’m sure that the technician running the class saw a lot of my bare, wet pussy because he kept looking my way.

Finally it was time to leave and I rushed back to my room for another shower and shave before donning my old school uniform which consisted of knee length white socks, flat shoes, a plaid skirt (that I rolled the top a couple of times), a white blouse and the school tie that matched the skirt.

As I looked at myself in the mirror I was happy with my look but didn’t remember me looking that good when I wore that uniform to go to school.

With my little shoulder bag I set off and rushed to the shop. As I walked in Bella immediately asked me what I was doing there.

“I’m in a rush, I need a bra and some knickers.” I replied.

“I thought that you’d stopped wearing underwear Sandra.”

“I have, this is for a man to strip me before he spanks me.”

“What! You’re going to get spanked.”

“Yeah, can I tell you all about it tomorrow, I’m in a bit of a rush.”

By that time I was looking through the displays.

“Judging by what you are wearing Sandra I’m guessing that you want something that a schoolgirl would wear, a sexy schoolgirl.”


“Well a sexy schoolgirl might wear these.” Bella said holding up a see-through set that was quite small.

Bella held them up against me and they looked good.

“Come on,” I said, “I’ve got to put them on.”

I quickly led Bella to the changing rooms and I quickly stripped with Bella stood where the curtain would have been if either of us had bothered to close it. Putting the bra and thong on I looked at myself in the mirror and thought,

“I never remember any of the sluts at school looking like this when they got dressed after PE.”

“What the hell, they’ll do.” I said just as Lisa appeared.

“What’s going on here? Sandra what are you doing here and what are you doing wearing underwear?”

“I’m in a rush,” I replied, “Bella will tell you a bit about it, can I explain the rest tomorrow and can I pay for these tomorrow?”

“I’m sure that I can trust you Sandra, and I look forward to hearing all about it tomorrow.”

“You will, if I’m still alive or not in hospital.”

By then I had put my skirt and blouse on and was fastening up the buttons. Grabbing my bag I almost pushed Bella out of the way and shouted “Bye” as I headed out.

Isla was waiting when I got to our meeting place and I took a deep breath then said,

“You look good Isla, or are you Kat this afternoon?”

“I used Isla on Reddit so I guess that we are Isla and Sandra this afternoon.”

“Okay, I only invented Suzie to make if difficult for the guys at uni to track me down anyway. Hey, are you wearing underwear Isla? I just had to go out and buy some on the way here.”

“Yeah, I kept one of each just in case. Are you ready to get your backside tanned Sandra?”

“Let’s go.” I replied and linking arms we set off to walk down the street to the entrance to the Gentlemen’s club.

“May I help you ladies?” the old man in some sort of uniform said as we opened the door and walked in.

“I hope so.” Isla replied, “we’re here to see Master Thomas.”

The old man looked puzzled for a couple of seconds then replied,

“Oh Thomas, that explains it, follow me ladies.”

As we started to do so I looked around. The place looked like it was built and decorated in the nineteenth century. Not that it looked run-down or anything in fact it looked very smart, just old fashioned.

We were led into a big room that had lots of old, big armchairs, some on their own and some in groups. Each individual or group had a coffee table, most with cups of tea or coffee and some newspapers on them. Most of the men were just sat there reading or sleeping but we were led to a group of 5, middle-aged but distinguished looking men, all of them quietly reading.

The man who led us in coughed and waited. When one of the sat men looked up the old man said,

“Thomas, your guests have arrived.”

“Thank you Jeeves, that will be all.”

“Thank you sir.” The old man said then turned and walked away.

“Girls.” Master Thomas said, “which one of you is Isla?”

Isla lifted her right hand.

“So you must be Sandra.” Master Thomas said as he looked me up and down.

“Yes sir.” I relied.

“Has Isla told you why you are here Sandra?”

“I’ve been a naughty girl and I’ve been send here to be punished.”

“That is correct Sandra, and how do you expect to be punished?”

“Spanked sir.”

“Good, we’re all on the same page. Isla, Sandra, these gentlemen are George, Harry, Edward and Charles but you don’t need to worry about remembering their names, just call them sir.”

“Yes sir.” Both Isla and I said to Master Thomas.

“No girls, they are sir and I am Master Thomas.”

“Yes Master Thomas.” Both Isla and I said and the same time.

“Now girls, I don’t believe in spanking a girl who has clothes on so please disrobe, both of you.”

Both Isla and myself slowly started taking our blouses off then our skirts. We both stopped there knowing that that wasn’t what Master Thomas had told us to do.

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