Sandra Is Different - Cover

Sandra Is Different

Copyright© 2022 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 4

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - She may not want to get ‘involved’ with, nor spend time with other people, she may even be a Loner, but she still has a lot of fun.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Exhibitionism  

I woke just as the sun was coming up and started to remember the night before. I touched my butt and it hurt a little so I looked in a mirror and saw that it was red. Then I remembered my ‘dress’ and knew that I had to go and hopefully retrieve it. As it was very early and very quiet, I decided to go and look for it as I was, totally naked.

As I walked into the communal area I was surprised to see Geoff, Emily and Andy sat on the sofas quietly talking. I also saw a few bodies of people who had decided to crash on the floor.

“Hi Sandra,” Andy said, “how are you feeling, you looked totally pissed last night.”

“Yeah, I guess that I was, I’ve never been drunk before, is your head supposed to hurt this much?” I replied.

“Yeah, not much that you can do about that other than drink lots of water.”Geoff said.

“Err Sandra,” Emily said, “do you know that you are totally naked?”

I looked down at my bare front and replied,

“Oh, so I am, I hope that none of you are upset at the sight of me like this?”

“Hell no,” Andy replied, “do yo remember taking your clothes off last night?”

“Did I? Oh dear.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it Geoff said, no one was upset, in fact all the guys were commenting that you have a great body.”

“No I don’t, my tits are too small.”

“I wish that I had tits like yours Sandra.” Emily replied.

“They look great to me.” Geoff said.

“You think so?” I said as I cupped both of my tits, “they are rather pointy, like ice cream cones.”

I dropped my hands as Andy replied,

“Yeah, and those nipple, wow!”

“Stop it Andy,” Emily said, “you’ll embarrass poor Sandra.”

“I doubt that,” Geoff replied, “after last night and now this morning.”

“Actually,” I replied, “I don’t feel at all embarrassed at the moment.”

“That’s probably from the vodka last night, you’re probably still a bit pissed” Andy said, “you were drinking it like water Sandra.”

“Was I?”

Just then the guy who had crashed on the floor and I was stood right next to his head, groaned and opened his eyes.

“Fuck,” he said as he looked straight up to my pussy, “are you a boy or a girl?”

“I’m a girl you idiot, can’t you tell the difference? I replied.

“When a girl has a clit that big I have to wonder.”

“My clit’s not that big, is it?”

“No it’s not Sandra, it’s just that it sticks out a lot.” Emily replied.

“Don’t most girl’s clits stick out all the time?” I asked.

“No they don’t Sandra, “Emily continued, “just some, we’re all a bit different.”

“Oh, right, so I’m not some kind of freak then?”

“Far from it.” Andy said, “I bet that half the girls at uni wished that they had a body like yours.”

“I doubt that by thanks. I think that I’d better get that water now.”

“Don’t go.” The man at my feet said, “I was just enjoying the scenery.”

I went and got a glass of water and loudly gulped it down then I went back to where the others were and Emily said,

“Do you know that your butt is all red Sandra?”

“Has someone been spanking you?” Andy asked.

“What?” I said and tried to look at my butt.

“Oh, I don’t remember.” I lied as I untwisted my head and looked at Andy, Geoff and Emily.”

“I think that your dress is over there, behind that sofa.”

“Oh thanks, I was wondering where that got to.” I replied and went to look for it only to find that it was right next to another sleeping guy.

I deliberately kicked him to wake him and when he looked up and saw the naked me I saw his jaw drop,

“Excuse me, I need to get my dress.”

There was no response so I lifted one leg and put it on the other side of him giving him a great view of my spread pussy, then bent over at the waist and picked up my dress. As I extricated myself I thanked him the told everyone that I was going back to bed.

I’m sure that I had a few pairs of male eyes on my red butt as I walked out of the common room and back to my room where I put the ‘dress’ away then jumped on my bed, spread my legs and my fingers got busy.

“Another success.” I thought, “Now I can wander around here naked and no one will complain.”

After 1 orgasm and a bit of a nap I got up and did my normal bathroom routine. As I showered I thought about those 2 guys in my room the night before. I much preferred to sneak out of a guys room after he’d gone to sleep but pretending to be drunk and passed out had worked just fine in my room so that would become my ‘plan B’.

Looking out of my window I was disappointed to see that it was raining so there would be no wandering around in just that top. It needed washing anyway, so I resigned myself to a day of catching up with my chores and homework. I also helped my flatmates clean-up after the party although I did put a skirt and top on before doing that, I thought that I’d just be naked occasionally to start with and that I’d had my share of being naked around the others for at least a day or two.

After my lessons on the Monday morning I again headed to the sports centre taking only the clothes that I’d worn the week before. I’d decided that I was brave enough to repeat the last weeks exposure but I was still a bit nervous as I left the changing room to go to the workout room. Part of that nervousness was the fact that once I’d got the white, mesh leotard on I bunched up the crotch part inside my labia lips with it resting down one side of my clit. My clit was exposed and throbbing a bit and as I opened the door to the workout room I saw that there were indeed a couple more guys there than the previous week. I smiled as I guessed / hoped that going 30 minutes later had taken me to a time when more guys went there.

Also there was a couple of girls, one wearing shorts and a T-shirt, the other wearing a tank top and a little white tennis skirt which I thought looked cute.

I’d decided to do the same routine as the previous week and as I went to my starting place I saw that 2 of the guys were looking at me and talking to each other. I kept an eye on them as I started on the first machine which I’d adjusted to put a bit more resistance on it, something that I had decided to so with each machine and keep doing each week until I was struggling too much.

As I was straining I kept looking over to the 2 guys who were still staring at me but I ignored them and continued round the machines. When I got to the hip abductor I deliberately went up 2 notches and when it first forced my legs wide apart I was struggling to close my knees.

By the time I’d got to that machine I was covered in a layer of sweat which made my nipples and areolae more visible and with my legs spread very wide apart nearly all of my pussy was visible to everyone as well. I deliberately ignored everyone but at the same time using my peripheral vision to see who was looking at me, and this week it was more than the previous week.

I tried to look at the faces to see if any were familiar and when I thought about it, one of the two men who had been all the time did look a bit familiar. I wondered if it was the same guy and if he’d come back with a mate to see if I was there again. I also noticed that the girl in the tennis skirt was spending a lot of time looking at me.

As I strained to close my knees I wondered if the girl was a lesbian and what it would be like to be fucked by a girl.

When I gave up on the hip abductor I climbed off the moved on to the next machine noting that I had really got a sweat on and the leotard was very see-through.

I kept going and got to the end of the machines then went to the floor mats and tried to remember everything that I’d done the previous week. After a while I noticed that one of the two men was using one of the machines whilst the other had pulled a bench away from the wall and setting up some weights either end of a bar that was resting on 2 stands over one end of the bench.

When I finished the reps of one of the exercises and was having a short breather, the man came over to me and said,

“Hi there, my name is Alex and I was wondering if you could do me a favour?”

I looked him up and down and saw a nice bulge in his shorts then replied,

“Sure, I’m Suzie but I can’t imagine what I can help you with.”

“It’s dead easy but I have to have someone standing holding the bar when I lift it just in case my muscles give way and the bar comes down quickly, it’s called spotting.”

“Okay, I could do with a break, but you’ll have to tell where to stand and what to do.”

“No problem Suzie, and thanks very much.”

Two minutes later he was on his back on the bench with me stood at his head end of the bench and his eyes looking straight up at my pussy which was near as damn it totally exposed.

“This is cool.” I thought, I wonder if I have to stay like this for long enough to make me cum?”

When he told me to spread my hands and to hold them just under the bar I realised that standing with my feet together wasn’t a good idea from a balance point of view, and from my voyeur’s point of view, so I spread my feet a bit more than shoulder width apart.

“Perfect Suzie.” Alex said, “I’m hoping to do 10 reps, is that okay with you?”

“You bet it is.” I thought, “have a good, long look.”

What I actually said was.

“It won’t take too long will it, I don’t want to cool down too much.”

I have no idea how long it took for him to do the 10 reps but I had cooled down a fair bit by the time he had finished, but my leotard hadn’t dried out too much, especially around my pussy which had definitely got wetter.

Alex thanked me again and I replied that it was my pleasure, which it definitely was, before I went and continued my routine.

The girl who had been staring at me came over to me when I started my Katas and after she’d closely watched me for minute or so, and when I paused before starting the next Kata, the girl said,

“What are those things you are doing? I’m Isla by the way.”

“Suzie, Karate Katas, they’re specific sequences of motions that are used to practice Karate technique that are used for combat.”

“You’re into Karate then Suzie?”

“I was when I was at school but I gave it up when I came here because my parents wouldn’t pay for me to join a club round here.”

“So did you achieve Black Belt standard then?”

“Yes I did.”

“I bet that you can look after yourself.”

“If it came to a fight I’d kick the guy in his balls and run like hell.”

“Yeah, I’d probably do that as well. Okay, thanks for the info, I’ll let you get on. Mind if I watch?”

“Be my guest.”

I resumed going through the Katas but I’d only done 2 more when Isla said,

“Err Suzie, do you know that your leotard has bunched up on your crotch?”

“Again,” I replied, “I knew that it was a mistake buying this one, it’s not bothering you is it? I mean you being able to see my pussy.”

“Not at all, and I bet that the guys here won’t be complaining either.”

I giggled a little then said,

“Well they say that universities are the place to experiment and get to know yourself and others.”

“Yes they do, sorry to have interrupted you.”

Isla watched me finish my Katas then I said,

“Well that’s me done until next Monday. A shower then a relaxing swim for me.”

“Yes, I’m finished as well. A shower for me as well.”

We both left the workout room and went to the Ladies changing room where I stripped naked then went to the showers. There was a communal one and a couple of individual ones but I went to the communal one and turned a shower on. Just as it had warmed up I heard Isla say,

“Mind if I join you Suzie?”

“Please do.” I replied and turned to look at Isla.

She was totally naked and as bald below her neck as I am. I hadn’t noticed before but she is of a similar build and has small tits as well, although they of the conventional shape.

I watched Isla get under the shower and turn to look at me.

“Do you always wear revealing clothes to the gym Suzie?”

“I didn’t before I came here but something changed in me and when I saw that leotard I just knew what I wanted it for.”

“Wow, maybe I should get one of those myself.”

“You’d look good in one. You should see the bikini that I’ve bought as well. It’s got no material, just the strings”

“Where do you wear that? I mean it must be illegal.”

“I wouldn’t know about that, I wore it swimming in the pool here last Monday, that’s where I’m going after this.”

“And you’re going to wear a bikini that doesn’t cover your tits or pussy - again?”

“That’s right, although I did get a couple of guys staring at me last time.”

“I bet that you did, and I bet that the guys there will stare at you again. Do they let girls swim topless here?”

“No one said anything to me last week but they don’t have lifeguards here to say anything. There is a sign saying that if we drown it’s our fault not the uni’s.”

We just stared at each other for a few seconds with the water pouring down on us, then Isla said,

“You’ve got nice tits Suzie.”

“Thank you Isla, so have you, yours look more natural than mine.”

“Maybe they are more of an average shape but the shape of yours is better, I bet that all the guys stare at them, do you wear low cut and loose tops without a bra and keep bending over in front of the guys?”

“I never wear a bra, no point, and I haven’t really got any low cut tops.”

“You should get some Suzie, with tits like those you’ll drive the guys crazy, can I touch them please, to see if they feel like mine, they look like they’re made of car tyre rubber.”

“What? I’ve never had a girl fondling my tits before, I’m not a lesbian.”

“Neither am I but that doesn’t stop me appreciating a nice girl’s body.”

I wasn’t sure about being touched like that by a girl and after I’d been thinking about it for a few seconds Isla said,

“You did say that we are at university to experiment, and you can touch mine if you want.”

My hand raised up and so did Isla’s, and we each touched each other’s tits. Without saying anything and looking into each other’s eye, our hands started groping the other’s tits.

“So firm.” Isla said.

“So soft.” I replied, then be both leant forwards and our mouths met.

After a quick, then a long, tongue tangling kiss our mouths parted and I said,

“Wow, I never expected that to happen.”

“Neither did I.” Isla replied and our tongues tangled again.

Also, our right hands went to the other’s pussy and we started masturbating each other. I searched for Isla’s clit but it took a bit of finding and I guessed that my clit really must be bigger than most.

I orgasmed first, closely followed by Isla as I kept my fingers busy right through her orgasm.

We both stood there looking at each other, still with the shower water cascading down our bodies before Isla finally said,

“Wow, what a surprise, a nice surprise I must add.”

“Yeah,” I replied, “but I’m still not a lesbian.”

“Neither am I Suzie, but the odd little moment with another girl like you will always be nice. Can I shampoo your hair for you Suzie?”

“Thanks but I’ll wait to do that until after I’ve had a swim. Can I do you, I mean yours?”

“Thanks but I think that I’ll go for a swim as well, you don’t mind if I come with you do you?”

“Not at all, but have you got a bikini with you Isla?”

“No, after what you just told me I thought that I’d just wear my knickers.”

“Go topless?”

“You did last week.”

I laughed and replied,

“Yeah, I may as well have been.”

We finished our showers, dried and went to get dressed.

“No knickers Suzie?” Isla said as I pulled my skirt up.

“No, I’ve stopped wearing them since I got here.”

“Well after swimming in my knickers I’ll be going back to my room knickerless. Maybe I’ll stop wearing any as well.”

“It does make life more ‘interesting’.

“I can imagine.”

I watched Isla put her knickers on and saw that they were a G-string. I also noted that she didn’t put a bra on, in fact I never saw one.

We were soon in the swimming pools changing room and stripping off and Isla watched as I put the ‘strings only’ knickers bottoms on.

“I’ve got to get one of those.” Isa said.

I gave her the name of the shop where I work and told her where it was as we walked out to the pool, Two girls just wearing G-string bottoms, mine without any fabric in them. Being with Isla gave me a bit more confidence and I pushed my chest out as we walked.

There were more people than the last Monday and I immediately saw 2 guys look at us making my pussy get wet. Ignoring everyone, Isla and I dove in and started swimming to the other end, me immediately remembering the nice tickling of the water rushing passed my tits and pussy.

We stopped at the other end and as our heads came above the water Isla said,

“Wow, that was a nice feeling on my tits.”

“Wait until you feel the water rushing passed your pussy.” I replied.

Isla’s hands immediately went down to her G-string and it was soon in her hand above the water. I smiled as she wrapped it around her wrist then said,

“Come on, race you to the other end.”

The other end was the shallow end and we both stood up, the water only coming up to our waists, our tits attracting the attention of a few of the guys there. Ignoring them Isla said,

“Suzie, I’ve noticed that your butt is a bit red, are you okay or has someone been spanking you?”

“Both,” I replied, “long story but a couple of guys spanked me on Saturday night and it still hasn’t completely faded.

“Did you like being spanked, did they make you cum?”

“Yes, I think I do like being spanked, and no I didn’t cum, but I got close to it. Have you ever been spanked Isla?”

“Lots of times, I’ve got this uncle that I used to go to to get spanked, He knew that I liked it and he always made me cum.”

“Wow, do you miss him?”

“Yes I do, I haven’t had a good spanking for a couple of months now.”

“There must be hundreds of guys at the uni that would like to spank you Isla.”

“Probably, but I’m looking for an older man, a sort of father figure, that’s what turns me on the most.”

“Well if you find one let me know.”

“I will, I’ll amend my advert on Reddit, with 2 of us it might be easier to find someone, we might even get a sugar daddy who will pay us to present our bare butts to him.”

“That would be nice, lets swim again, there’s a guy heading our way.”

We swam off leaving him standing there watching our butts as we swam. As we swam I thought about Isla being naked and me not quite being naked and I decided that if she could then I could, so when we got to the end of the pool I pulled on the strings at my hips then wrapped the strings round my left wrist. I saw that Isla was watching me and smiling.

“We’re going to have to make a run for the changing rooms.” I said.

“Why bother,” Isla replied, “I’m sure than no one here is going to complain even if there was someone her to complain to.”

“Good point Isla, and I do like men seeing me naked.”

“Me too, maybe we should walk back to our rooms dressed like we are.”

“Nice ideas Isla but I think that that’s pushing it a bit too far, we need to find a place where there are loads of men and not much chance of anyone calling the cops.”

“Yeah, if I think of anywhere I’ll let you know.”

We swam some more lengths then decided that we should be leaving, Isla cursed as we swam towards the steps to climb out, just too late for a couple of guys arriving and diving in.

“We’ll just have to swim to the steps at the other end and get out there,” I said, “then we’ve got to walk the length of the pool to get to the changing room.”

“You’re as much of an exhibitionist as I am Suzie.” Isla replied.

We both giggled and swam to the steps at the other end of the pool. I got there first, climbed out then turned to watch Isla climb out. As I turned I saw that 3 guys had already stopped swimming and were looking at my naked front and Isla’s naked back as she climbed out. We ignored the guys and walked to the changing room.

“That was fun.” I said as we got out of the sight of all the guys.

“Yes it was, and you say that you come here every Monday afternoon Suzie?”

“I only started last week but I intend to make this and the workout a regular thing. I was a bit earlier last week and there wasn’t as many people around but this week I came a bit later and there were more guys so either word has got out or the place just gets busier as the day goes on.”

“So what time are you coming next week Suzie?”

“I think that I’ll aim for a 3 p.m. workout and see how many guys are there.”

As we entered the shower I continued,

“Isla, I have a confession to make, I’ve been using the name Suzie just to get a bit of anonymity when I’ve been going to parties with the sole intention of getting laid and it’s sort of stuck and I give that name to most people who ask. My real name is Sandra, I hope that you don’t mind that I lied to you.”

“Well SANDRA, I wish that I’d thought of doing something like that, I’ve been using my real name all the time, so no, I don’t mind and you are forgiven SANDRA. Will you shampoo my hair for me?”

“Only if you’ll do mine.”

“I’ll do your anything Sandra, can I play with you while you do my hair?”

“Only if you’ll let me do the same to you.”

Washing my hair took longer than normal but I didn’t care and I’m sure that it doesn’t take Isla that long to wash her hair but we both gave each other another orgasm so we were both happy.

“I don’t know if I’ll bother bringing this bikini next week,” I said as we were getting dressed.

“I’m not bringing a bikini or knickers either.” Isla replied, and with a bit of luck I’ll have a leotard like yours by next Monday as well. Where did you get it from?”

“So you’ll be joining me next Monday, I can teach you some of the Katas, and I got the leotard from where I work on a Thursday afternoon and a Saturday. It was quite cheap.”

I also told her that the shop is called and where it is.

“Do you think that we could workout naked as well Sandra?” Isla asked.

“I think that that might be pushing it a bit too much but maybe we should talk to some of the guys and ask them what they think?”

“I think that we know what their replies would be Sandra,”

“Of course, stupid me. We need to find out if the university has any rules about it. Do you know anyone on the admin side who we could ask?”

“No, but I might know someone who does. I’ll make some enquiries.”

We parted company when our buildings were in different directions, both of us promising to be at the gym at 3 p.m. the next Monday. As I walked the last quarter mile I was thinking about myself. I was starting to change a little, not be so recluse, enjoy other people’s company more, not be so shy all the time. I was actually smiling when I got to my room. The other thing was that being with a like-minded girl gave me more courage to do outrageous things, I smiled at the thought of Isla and myself streaking a football match or something like that.

On the Tuesday morning I woke just before 8:30. I had a lesson at 10 so I had plenty of time. As I lay there toying with my clit I heard someone’s door slam shut and I wondered if one of my flatmates was in the communal area or getting themselves some breakfast. Feeling a little aroused I decided to try out my idea of wandering around the communal area and kitchen area totally naked. I didn’t imagine that Geoff, Zack or Andy would complain but I wasn’t sure about Emily or Lizzy.

As I left my room Zack’s door opened and a sleepy looking Zack came out.

“Morning Zack.” I said.

“Oh yeah, morning Sandra, couldn’t you be bothered with any clothes?”

“Naw, you don’t mind do you?”

“Hell no. I might even bring my bed out here so that I don’t miss you walking around like that.”

“Hey Zack, I’m no top model, just an ordinary, average girl.”

“Not from where I’m standing Sandra, I think that you have an amazing body.”

“Thank you Zack, please forgive me if I don’t agree with you.”

“You should Sandra.”

I didn’t want the conversation to go any further so I went and put the kettle on. Zack was still there watching me when I walked back to my room with a mug of coffee in my hand.

The rest of the day, and the Wednesday daytime went much the same as other days at the uni but when I got home on the Wednesday afternoon I decided to go for a run. We’d been encouraged to run when I was at Karate so it was nothing new, just the location and what I was going to wear. That was my new white skirt, a spaghetti strapped tight top that was thin enough to mould itself to my body showing the bulges made by my little tits and nipples, and trainers, nothing else. When I put the skirt on it again felt like I was wearing just a belt and I checked the length, front and back. My butt and pussy were covered – just, so I set off knowing that the skater type skirt would bounce about, hopefully revealing both my butt and pussy to anyone who cared to look.

I ran through the streets to the park intending to run along all the paths but as soon as I got there I decided to stop and make the skirt even shorter. When I started running again my slit and the bottom part of my butt were visible to anyone who cared to look, more so when the skirt bounced up as I ran.

I passed quite a few people but I wasn’t sure if they realised what they could see or not but the excitement was in knowing that I was on display and they could could see my bits if they looked.

I ran passed a couple of young men who were walking the same way that I was and as soon as I was passed them I heard one of them say,

“Hey mate, look at that.”

I was only about 5 or 6 metres in front of them by then so I decided that one of my trainer’s laces needed to be re-tied. I stopped, bent at the waist and retied it. I knew that they could see all of my pussy and I also knew that they would catch up to me in seconds, but they didn’t, and when I stood up straight and started running again, a quick look over my shoulder told me that they had stopped a couple of metered from where I had stopped, obviously to get a longer look.

I smiled and kept running.

I had intended to stop at the kids play area and maybe have a swing or a go on the slide, even have a climb on the monkey bars but when I got close I saw a handful of kids and a couple of parents with them so I kept running and thought,

“Next time.”

I didn’t look to see how many other people stared at me and saw my butt or pussy on the way back because I didn’t bother looking. The fact that my goodies were on display was enough for me, but my fingers did get busy when I had a shower afterwards.

The next morning I again went to get my breakfast totally naked. Unfortunately none of my flatmates were around to see me but it sort of felt ‘natural’ so I decided that I’d do the same every morning.

The next exciting thing was at work on the Thursday. It was just us 3, Lisa, Bella and me, that afternoon, and it turned out that it wasn’t too busy. Bella introduced me to a game that she sometimes plays with one of the other girls when it was quiet.

Whenever we saw a man waiting outside the changing rooms we took it in turns to go into a changing cubicle, that could be seen by the man, with a dress to try on. We’d give the one of us in the cubicle a minute or so to get naked then the other one of us would go and pull the curtain wide open, the ‘victim’ standing there just waiting to be exposed to the waiting man. Of course the ‘victim’ would pretend to be shocked and curse at the other one of us but taking her time to pull the curtain closed.

When the curtain was closed again the one of us who had exposed the other would walk out of the changing room saying to the man,

“Sorry about that, I never expected her to be naked.”

I was the ‘victim’ twice and each time I stared at the man for a few seconds before screaming and pulling the curtain closed.

As the shop was closing Bella left as quickly as she could and as Lisa was shutting the shop she asked me if I would be interested in earning a bit of money on an evening occasionally.

“Doing what?” I asked.

“Well, my boyfriend runs this business providing escorts for businessmen who haven’t brought their wives with them but need a partner to attend business diners and parties and I was wondering if that sort of thing would interest you Sandra?”

“Maybe, what would these escorts have to do?”

“Look beautiful and go along with whatever the businessman asks her to do.”

“You mean fucking her?”

“Maybe, some men just want a scantily dressed girl on their arm for 2 or 3 hours.”

“But, I’m guessing, some want to spend all night fucking her.”

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