Sandra Is Different - Cover

Sandra Is Different

Copyright© 2022 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 3

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - She may not want to get ‘involved’ with, nor spend time with other people, she may even be a Loner, but she still has a lot of fun.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Exhibitionism  

My alarm woke me and after quickly rubbing one out I went to the bathroom and did my thing before putting on a dress and shoes and leaving to go to work. After a quick stop at a coffee shop I was soon walking into the shop with half a cup of coffee in my hand.

“Morning Sandra.” Lisa said.

“Morning Lisa.” I replied.

“You look a little tired Sandra, good night was it?”

“Yes it was actually, I went to a party and got fucked by 3 guys.”

“Lucky you, I just had one fuck from my regular boyfriend, my days of jumping into bed with lots of different guys each night are gone.”

“I bet that you could tell a few good stories Lisa.”

“I probably could, and I still have a few wild times, times that you might enjoy as well Sandra.”

“Tell me more.”

Lisa didn’t get the chance as one of the other girls arrived and we got started getting things ready.

I wore a loose fitting top and a very short skirt that day and I was eager to try bending over in front of any men that came in and when I saw any suitable candidates I ‘accidentally’ dropped some thing so that I had to bend over, either facing them or looking away from them. After I’d flashed the men I’d look at them to see their reaction. The ones who were standing right next to the girl they were with were the best, a mixture of guilt and pleasure on their faces.

Us girls played a few practical jokes on each other, including Bella pulling the changing room curtain back and exposing me to a man waiting for his girl. I did the same to her later on and we both had a good giggle about it.

Pete made another delivery and when the bell rang to let us know that he had arrived, Lisa sent me to open up and check the delivery. Pete was in a jovial mode and he pointed out a box of skirts that he said I might like. When I asked him why he thought that he suggested that I open the box and look at them.

He was right, when I held one up I saw that it was really short, only about 30 cm and the back and less than 20 at the front.

“You’ll look great in that.” Pete said. “Why don’t you try it on?”

“What here, now?” I asked.

“Yeah, why not? No one can see you?”

“Apart from you Pete.”

“I don’t count, I’m only the delivery driver.”

“Oh you count Pete, you’re a man.”

“And a man that appreciates a beautiful naked girl Sandra. Go on, it would be my tip for unloading the wagon for you, at other branches I wait for the staff to do it.”

“But I’m not wearing any underwear Pete.”

“I know Sandra, you keep bending over.”

“You were looking? You naughty man.”

Pete was smiling and I knew that I shouldn’t really try any of the stock on right there in the loading bay, but hey, what harm could it do and we’d both get a thrill out of me stripping for him. I quickly looked around then unfastened the skirt that I was wearing and let it drop. As I stepped out of it Pete said,

“Wow Sandra, I bet that you never need to buy a drink when you go out.”

I giggled a bit then waded through the box of skirts to find my size then turned to face Pete to put it on.

“I wish that my wife had a pussy like yours Sandra.”

“Thanks Pete, I like it.” I said as the skirt shimmied up my legs.

As the skirt got to where it was supposed to be I smoothed it down and checked my butt. As my hand slid off the hem my hand met my flesh right below my butt.

“I’d better not bend over wearing one of these.” I said.

“Why not Sandra, you’d give every man in the room a hard-on if you did.”

I giggled a little then moved my hand to the front and slid it down the front of the fabric. My fingers went off the hem and onto my bare pubis.

“I’d get arrested if I went outside wearing this.” I said, “my pussy isn’t covered.”

“I doubt that you’d get arrested Sandra, no man in his right mind would arrest you. You look great even better if you took your top off.”

“You want to see my tits Pete? You do know that they’re only tiny.”

“From what I’ve seen so far they are perfect Sandra, I love tits that just fill my hand and the hard nipples try to press a hole in my hand.”

“What makes you think that my nipples are hard Pete?”

“Those bulges in front of your top Sandra. You’re not trying to tell me that it’s not your nipples that are making those are you?”

“No Pete they’re all me. So do you really want to see them?”

“I’m a normal, healthy man Sandra, of course I do.”

“Okay then.”

I pulled my top up and off showing Pete my little tits.

“Perfect Sandra, just perfect, I love the ice cream cone shape and how they just sit there, they look as solid as traffic cones. Can I touch them please?”

“Sure, why not.” I replied, in a nonchalant tone, not trying to let him know that they were begging for attention.

“Hmm, you have nice hands Pete, so gentle.”

“Thanks, you like your nipples being teased then Sandra?”

“What girl doesn’t?”

Pete kept teasing my nipples and my arousal level was increasing. Although it would have been nice to cum right then I didn’t think that it was right so I stepped back and looked at Pete who had a nice smile on his face.

“So what else have you brought us Pete?” I asked.

“One thing that you girls here might like, the skirts in those boxes.” Pete replied as he pointed to a couple of boxes.

“What’s so special about these?” I asked as the still topless me opened one of the boxes.

“Pick one up and feel it.”

I did and quickly realised that the skirts were made of some sort of very thin, silky material and were of a sort of skater style. There was a selection of colours as well as patterns, and they were very short but they were of equal length front and back, I wouldn’t be showing anything just a long as I stayed stood up straight.

“Try one on Sandra, I’m sure that Lisa won’t mind.”

I looked for and pulled one out that was my size and it felt so light and slippery, if I wasn’t gripping my hand it would surly have slid to the floor. I put it down and took off the skirt that I was wearing leaving me totally naked again. As I put on the different, silky, white, skater skirt it felt so nice as it slid up my legs.

“Perfect.” Peter said as I stepped into the skirt then he said it again as the skirt slid up my legs.

“You look amazing Sandra.” Peter again said.

And it felt amazing as well, I could feel it round my hips but below that I felt nothing, it felt like I was wearing just a lightweight belt. My mind suddenly went to wearing that skirt at the gym or at the track or even out jogging round the park or streets. It would definitely bounce around giving flashes of my butt and pussy. I had images crossing my brain of people seeing my goodies.

“Earth to Sandra.” Pete said.

“What! Oh yes, sorry Pete I was just, well, daydreaming.”

“I can imagine what.” Pete said as I shook my head to bring me back to reality.

“I love coming to this branch, Lisa really does know how to pick cute staff.”

“Pete, are you saying that some of the other girls strip off for you and try clothes on out here?”

“And more Sandra. Although it’s usually just quickies. This is my favourite branch to deliver to.”

“I can believe that.” I replied as I put my top back on but left the silky skirt on because I wanted to show Lisa and Bella.

Pete’s delivery was complete and I didn’t think that I could justify being out there any longer so Pete shut the doors on his lorry and I lowered the shutters. Just as I was starting to go back to the shop Lisa came in and said,

“Oh, you’re done, Pete didn’t try to rape you then Sandra?”

“It wouldn’t have been rape Lisa, hey, have you seen these new skirts, I tried one on, I hope that you don’t mind.”

“Of course not, and I doubt that Pete minded either.”

“No he didn’t, feel this fabric, so soft, and in this design I can hardly feel it below my waist.”

“Keep it on if you like Sandra, you will attract a few men like that and they’ll try to talk their partners into getting one, can you put out some of the new stock please Sandra, it won’t sell stuck in boxes back here.”

I moved the boxes and racks to their proper place which meant bending over slightly and Lisa said,

“You do know how much you are showing Sandra? You’re quite wet you know.”

“I know, since I came to uni I can’t stop thinking about sex, I just want to show my body to the whole world and fuck as many men as I can.”

“I’m sure that you’re not the first girl to feel that once she’s escaped the confines of living with her family. You enjoy yourself whilst you can, you’re only young once.”

“True, and I don’t want to grow old. I look at some of the old biddies walking around and I hate the thought of looking like they do.”

“Don’t even think about it Sandra, as you get older your opinions change. Live for today and worry about tomorrow tomorrow. Tell you what, keep that skirt, I’ll log it as promotional stock.”

“Thank Lisa, you’re not so bad for an oldie.”

“Hey, a little less of the oldie Sandra.”

“Just Kidding Lisa, you’re like a twenty year old to me.”

“Thanks, back to work before I need to punish my lazy staff.”

“Promises, promises.” I replied.

The rest of the day was good, working there is like 50% fun and 50% working whilst daydreaming and trying to think of places to go and things to do that can get my naked body seen. Just seen, I don’t particularly want to talk to any of the people looking.

I did however, have to talk to some of the customers and it felt nice feeling like I was bottomless whilst I talked. I saw a couple of male partners looking at me which made me happy. I also gave a couple of them a show as they waited at the entrance to the changing rooms, I’m getting so forgetful about closing the curtain whilst I try something on. I think that that forgetfulness is a disease that affects all the staff there because I walked into the changing room area a couple of times and saw Bella naked once as she tried on a dress and Charlotte was showing her bare butt to both a man and me as I passed her.

As I was putting the skirts that are shorter at the front than at the back on the racks, Lisa asked me to put one on one of the mannequins in the front window. As I was doing that, and bending over, I knew that the silky, white, very short skirt was ending half way up my bare butt and that and my pussy would be on display to people walking by, but I just ignored them.

As I put the skirt on the mannequin I kept adjusting where it rested, or put another way, how much of the plastic pubis was showing. I finally left it with just a hint of flesh coloured plastic showing to anyone who was standing a couple of metres from it. I knew that my brain was thinking where I could lower and raise the height to show more of me and if my brain was doing that I was sure that a lot of other girls brains would be doing the same thing. I realised that if I got one the right size I could easily pull it up a bit to display my slit or I could pull it down a bit to cover my slit dependent on where I was. I decided that I was going to buy one just as soon as I had the money.

When it came to the end of the day I went to the office to change back into my skirt and collect my bag. Lisa was there and as I started taking the white, silky skirt off Lisa came in and said,

“Don’t bother changing Sandra, you can have that skirt. You wearing clothes like that is attracting business, I noticed 3 couples come back here more than once today and the man staring at your legs and butt as you keep leaning over a bit. All good for business, keep it up.”

On the way home I could feel very gentle tugs of the skirt as it bounced up and down as I walked. The faster I walked the more bouncing and tugging I felt. I wondered if it was bouncing high enough for people to see my slit and butt. I looked around at the other people but none of them seemed to be looking at me.

One thing that I did daydream about that afternoon was that top that I wore out the previous Sunday, that really was a huge turn-on. The opportunity to wear that top came that evening when I got back to my residence building. Two of the girls and one of the boys that I share a group of rooms with had decided to have a party at our place. It would have been difficult for me to shun it, and it would have been very anti-social, not that that part would really bother me except that I have to live with these 5 people at least until the next summer.

As Lizzy (flatmate) was telling me I tried to think of a good excuse but then thought,

“Hell, it’s about time that these guys got a taste of the real me, I’ll be at the party, as me not Suzie, but I will wear just that top. If this lot haven’t already seen my tits and pussy they’re in for a treat tonight. It will be slutty Sandra not slutty Suzie that my flatmates saw.”

I dumped my bag then went back out to get some booze. I wasn’t going to get drunk but I was hoping that most of the other party-goers would. Then I got myself something to eat followed by a shower and a quick check that no ugly hairs had sprouted since my full shave below my neck that morning. A quick tidy-up then putting on that top and I was ready.

None of my flatmates had seen me when I went out that previous Sunday so none of them had seen just how little of me the top covered. As soon as Geoff (flatmate) saw me he said,

“Wow Sandra, that’s one hell of a dress, you look, like, amazing, I never realised that you looked so good.”

“Thanks Geoff.” I replied and looked down to my chest to check that neither of my nipples had escaped, they hadn’t.

I got appreciative looks and comments from my other male flatmates Andy and Zack. Emily, my other female flatmate asked me if I was on the pull. I replied that I’d see if any cute guys turned up.

When I went into the kitchen area I saw a small mountain of booze and I wondered if I’d be able to stay sober, especially as Zack put a glass of vodka in my hand saying,

“May as well get off to a good start.”

I sipped a little then when no one was looking, emptied the glass into the sink and filled it with water. As I walked back to the communal area I saw that a couple more guys had arrived and Zack was introducing them to everyone. When they got to me one of them said,

“Wow Zack, I think that we’re going to have to play a few party games later.”

“Leave Sandra alone Luke, she’s a bit shy.”

“She doesn’t look at tall shy to me mate.” Luke replied.

I smiled then quickly turned to the right to see what had caused the noise that I heard. It was nothing but I felt my left nipple escape but didn’t look down to check. Instead I looked at Zack, Luke and Ash and saw that all 3 of them were staring at my chest.

“So,” I asked, “are you 3 all on the same course then?”

It was a couple of seconds before Ash answered without his eyes raising from my left, very hard and tingling nipple.

“Err yeah, do you know, err, no, I mean err, where did you say you came from Sandra?”

“I didn’t Ash, I live in a room just down there now.” I replied pointing towards where my room was.

Zack was the next to say something,

“Err Sandra, can I have a word with you in the kitchen area please?”

With that he took my right hand and almost pulled me away from his mates. A few steps later he turned to face me and said,

“Sandra, you’ve had a sort of wardrobe malfunction, your left tit is showing, I just thought that you’d want to know.”

“Thanks Zack,” I replied, looking down then adjusting my ‘dress’ to cover my nipple. “This dress has a habit of doing that and my damned nipples stop it from sliding back. I don’t know why I wear it, it’s been causing ‘wardrobe malfunctions’ as you call them ever since I bought it. It’s a bit too short as well, you will tell me if my pussy is showing when I sit down won’t you?”

“Sure.” Zack obviously lied, then added, “can I get you another drink?”

“Please, that vodka was nice.”

I watched as Zack filled my glass with vodka then handed it back to me.

“So Sandra, we never see much of you, you seem to spend all your time in your room. You should come out and socialize with the rest of us.”

“Aren’t you seeing enough of me right now Zack?”

“Well you’re not leaving much to our imagination Sandra and we’ve noticed that you always wear very short skirts and all your tops seem to be a bit like that dress that you’ve nearly got on right now.”

“I like to dress this way, I’m not ashamed of my body even if my tits are quite small.”

“And so you shouldn’t be, there are too many girls around that dress like nuns.”

“Don’t girls wear next to nothing when they go clubbing?” I asked.

“Quite a few do, have you never been clubbing Sandra?”

“No, never fancied it. Too much noise and guys trying to get into girl’s knickers, if they are wearing any that is, I hear that knickers aren’t as popular as they used to be.”

“I wouldn’t know Sandra, I’ve never seen up a girl’s skirt or had my hands up there?”

“Yeah right, do you really expect me to believe that Zack, what about that girl I saw you with the other afternoon? You seemed to be very handsy with her.”

“Okay you got me. Are you wearing any knickers Sandra?”

“You can’t go asking a girl that Zack.”

“Why not? If I have a bet with Andy or Geoff about wearing any will you prove it for us?”

“Zack, have you seen how short this dress is? If I sit down or fall over everyone in the room will know if I’m wearing any.”

“I can’t wait, would you like another drink Sandra?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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