Sandra Is Different - Cover

Sandra Is Different

Copyright© 2022 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - She may not want to get ‘involved’ with, nor spend time with other people, she may even be a Loner, but she still has a lot of fun.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Exhibitionism  

Hi, my name is Sandra and I am different to most women. I’ve been told that I am anti-social, a bit of a recluse, an introvert, and I tend to agree with those assessments.

As I was growing up I realised that I had great difficulty making friends. I watched other girls talking to other girls that they hadn’t met before but I had no desire to talk to srangers, I didn’t want to know them. I was okay talking to girls or boys who I was ‘forced’ to talk to and had sort of got used to, like classmates, but I never really became friends with any of them, no sleepovers and no party invites.

This never bothered me as I was quite happy with my own company and that of the family cat and dog. It’s fair to say that I enjoyed the company of those pets more than I did of other kids.

Both mum and dad did their best to ‘encourage’ me to make friends but it never really happened and they even considered taking me to see a shrink but I kept telling them that I was happy the way I was, which I was.

As a result of this, when, at the ripe old age of 18, I went university still a virgin. I had read online lots about university life and I was looking forward to getting rid of my virginity without much conversation and no emotional attachment. I’d read about Glory Holes on the internet and I was hoping to find one where I could sneak in, suck a cock or get fucked, then sneak out never having seen the face of the man or spoken to him.

The first few weeks at uni were somewhat difficult for me. I didn’t have any problems with the other students on the same course because I could just go to class, do my work and talk when necessary, then not see then until the next class.

The same couldn’t be said for the other 5 students in the same accommodation as me, they were all probably great people but they all wanted to make new friends, which of course I didn’t. I spent more time in my room, on my own, than with all of the others combined.

I soon realised that the freedom of being at university and living, essentially, on my own, gave me some freedom that I didn’t have at home, and that gave my brain the opportunity to think a lot more about my fantasies and the new opportunities that had opened up to me. I started thinking about sex and my body a lot more than I ever had before.

One day I realised that the idea of showing my naked body to male students, tutors and men in general was appealing to me. It was turning me on, making my pussy very wet. With my new freedom I decided that I was going to explore the side of my character that I never realised I had. I was going to flash my naked body with no, or very little, chance of repercussions or reprisals. I wondered if this new side of me had something to do with my upbringing.

Going back in time to living with my parents, my parents were never the controlling type, nor were they prudish in any way. It was quite common for any of us to wander around the house in just our underwear, and sometimes less, and no one thought anything of it.

Of course I’d had ‘that talk’ with my mother, and the lessons at school and I’d got interested in sex, and I did the things in bed on my own that I’m sure all teenage girls do, but I really wanted to lose my virginity. Unlike all the other girls at school, if the stories that I overheard were true, I just never had the opportunities to become a ‘full’ woman until I went to university, nor did I have the chance to explore my other kink.

As I’m sure you are aware, parties are a big thing at universities and I did go to them with the intention of attracting men so that I could lose my virginity and have lots of sex. My intention was to get them into bed, fuck, then leave without giving them my address or phone number, or a false one if pushed.

One thing that I did do whilst still at home was to change the way that I dressed as I got older. I liked the short skirts and low cut tops that the other girls my age wore and I managed to get my parents to let me keep up with the fashion, even though I didn’t go out much, to feel good wearing them or to show them off to the boys that I was scared to talk to but wanted them to fuck me.

What did make me feel good when I did go out was when I was able to roll the top of my skirt so that it was really short and I could feel the wind on my knickers and that made me feel nice. I think that doing that was a substitute for not being able to find a boy to have sex with.

Going to university gave me the opportunity to go further with the way I dress, to look like a slut with ultra short skirts and baggy, low-cut tops, not that I have any sort of cleavage, but it does give me the opportunity to bend over so that guys can see my tits down my tops.

Anyway, I think that now would be a good time to describe myself just so that you don’t think I’m some grossly over-weight, ugly girl. Actually, I’m quite slim, almost skinny but with the traditional girl’s hourglass figure. My dad embarrassed me a few months ago when he told me that I had a cute little bubble butt. Comparing what I see in a mirror with other girls at school and then university I think that I’m pretty average or maybe a bit skinnier than average, average height with light brown hair, although I do have small tits, only a 32AA. When my breasts first started developing my mum bought me a training bra but after a couple of weeks I decided that I didn’t like bras and decided not to wear one until I had breasts that needed some support. Mum was happy with that and the training bra was consigned to my underwear draw never to come out again because my tits never grew bigger than an ‘AA’ cup and the only bra type top that I ever wear is a bikini top when I go swimming. Oh, and I have long, light brown hair that I usually wear in a ponytail.

Jumping forward to my new life as an undergraduate, lots of the other girls at university often wore skirts that were so short that they often gave the boys and tutors a glimpse of their knickers and I was pleasantly shocked when I accidentally noticed a couple of girls who weren’t wearing knickers under their very short skirts.

When I saw my first commando girl I started to think what it would be like to go commando myself and it didn’t take much courage for me to do it myself and the thrill that it gave me was something that I’d never experienced before and I swore that I’d do it every day.

The girls that I saw flashing their pussies were newbies like me, at Freshers week and before my course actually started I had started wearing only my shortest skirts with no knickers underneath. I’d also been to one party that my flatmates persuaded me to go to but I soon realised that all the boys there were taking the opportunity to spend their subsistence loans on booze and having no repercussions from their parents. The only good looking ones were too pissed to be able to give me what I wanted so I left early and went straight to bed where my fingers got to work.

Once my course started I saw a couple of guys in my group that were cute and I could easily have jumped into bed with them but they were in the same tutoring group as me so I put them off-limits for sex but that didn’t stop me from letting them see up my skirts or down my tops when the opportunities arose.

Oh, I haven’t mentioned that I have a great dislike of pubic hair and I kept it trimmed short when I lived with my parents but when I moved to university I got rid of it altogether and I’ve been shaving everywhere below my neck just about every day since. When my finances improve I’m going to get it removed permanently with laser treatment.

Life with my flatmates continued with me avoiding them as much as possible and when I had to talk with them it was always in short and to the point conversations.

I was happy, hardly ever having to talk to anyone.

It was only a week before I was invited to another party and I put on my shortest skirt and thinnest tank top and went with the others, one of the boys commenting that it must have been cold as we walked from one block of student accommodation to another. You see my nipples were making not so little tents in my top.

What I neglected to mention earlier was that I have huge nipples for the size of my tits and they, and my areolae are much darker than the rest of my skin. With me never wearing a bra they become quite prominent when I have a thin top on, especially as my little tits are very conical in shape and very pointy. Boys that have seen my tits tell me that they are like ice cream cones or miniature traffic cones.

On the subject of protrusions, I have one between my legs as well. My clit is also quite big and too big for the little hood that fails to hide it, something that makes it easy for my fingers to make me cum. The other thing about my pussy is that I only have a very thin layer of that fatty tissue on my pubis and my inner labia just never grew out from inside my outer labia. It’s like my pussy just never developed properly, just like my tits, apart from my clit that is and it does stick out from between my outer labia, all the time. My hood is just incapable of hiding it.

Sorry, I digressed, the party. I was pleasantly surprised to see that no one was drunk or high on weed or pills or whatever and my very short skirt and headlights attracted the attention of quite a few boys. I quickly dismissed the ones that I didn’t fancy and made a special effort to talk to the first cute one that did try to hit on me.

Maybe someone had told him that uni girls who wore very short skirts and no bras were easy to get into bed because it wasn’t long before his hands started wandering and I didn’t stop them.

When one of his hands discovered that I was knickerless his fingers were soon opening my pussy lips and rubbing my clit; and I was loving it. I was stood leaning back on a wall and he was stood beside me with one hand up the back of my skirt and I had spread my legs a bit so that he had easy access to me.

I was soon having my first orgasm in public although I don’t think that anyone other than that boy and me knew it. But I loved it. It was a strong one, so strong that I vowed to have more orgasms in public, with or without the help of a boy.

The guy was good with his fingers and he brought me to a second orgasm before he invited me back to his room which turned out to be a bit of a dump but it had a bed with cleanish sheets and we were both soon naked and fucking like rabbits.

Ethan (his name) didn’t know that he was taking my cock virginity and there was no bolt of pain when he first entered me, my hymen having been broken by a cucumber a long time before. Of course I knew about cocks going soft after they had ejaculated and it happened but I didn’t want that to be the end of it so I gave my first blowjob to bring it back to life before we were at it again.

That happened twice more before Ethan finally fell asleep and I quietly left. He had never asked me for my name nor my phone number and I didn’t offer or leave them. All I left for him was what I hoped was a memory that was as good as the one that I had.

Back in my room I was very pleased with myself, two firsts and a desire to repeat both experience over and over again.

Oh, in case you are wondering, on my first day at university I went to the medical centre and got one of those contraceptive implants in my arm. There was no way that I wanted to get pregnant and the woman there told me that there was a good chance that my periods would stop (which they did), and that turned out to be a bonus for me. Also at the medical centre there was a big box of condoms with a sign saying ‘Help Yourself’ so I got a big handful and stuffed them into my bag.

I went to sleep that night a very happy Sandra with my fingers toying with my clit between my spread legs.

I started going to more parties, sometimes ones that I wasn’t invited to but had overheard people talking about. I figured (correctly) that no one would refuse entry to a reasonable looking girl wearing very little, ans often carry some booze, and at about half of them I’d find a guy that I fancied and we’d end up in his bedroom having a good fucking session.

At one of the parties when I was pretending to be a bit drunk (I found that pretending to be half drunk helps break the ice for some of the guys), one of the guys there started daring the girls there to take their clothes off. Some just took their outer layer off and a few stripped to their knickers but I was the only girl who got completely naked and I spent a couple of hours like that before I hooked-up with a guy and went back to his room which turned out to be in the same building so I went there wearing only my shoes and carrying my dress. Again I crept out once he had fallen asleep not leaving my real name or phone number.

Going to those parties was turning out to be a great way of getting my sexual cravings without any attachments.

One of the parties that I had overheard about, and gone to, turned out to be a guys only party. I’d misheard them talking about a games night and assumed that they meant party games not electronic games so when I knocked on the door and was let in I was faced with half a dozen guys all wondering what the hell a girl was doing there.

When I said that I thought that I’d made a mistake and gone to the wrong address, the guys begged me to stay (possibly because of how little I was wearing and the booze in my hands), inviting me to play their electronic games. As I was telling them that I don’t play electronic games I was thinking about being the only girl there with half a dozen guys.

“Stay and talk to us when we’re not actually playing.” One guy said.

“We promise not to get you drunk or rape you.” Another said.

My brain was working hard trying to decide what to do. After a minute or so of silence I replied,

“Well okay then, but at the first sign of any of you doing anything that I don’t like I’m leaving, and I must warn you that I have a Black Belt in Karate.”

That got a few comments and promises to be good.

I wasn’t lying about the Black Belt, right from an early age my father took me to Karate lessons and over the years I got quite good at it. Amongst other things I learnt self-defence and I was confident that if any man attacked me I could put him in hospital if I wanted to.

My dad also took me to swimming lessons because the school ones were rubbish. The lessons were in a privately owned pool that had separate male / female changing rooms but as usually happens when just one parent takes a child to swimming lessons the child changes in their parents designated changing room. That meant that I always got changed and showered in the men’s changing room.

I never thought anything of it, even when I got older and started to notice the difference between girls and boys. Often when I was getting showered after my lesson boys and sometimes men would be changing and showering at the same time. With my family not having any hang-ups about clothes the idea that getting changed and showing in the men’s changing room just felt natural and I never thought anything about it. Even when my chest started to develop little bumps on it.

I often think back and wonder just how old and how developed I would have got going on like we did, before one of the swimming instructors asked if I would enter a swimming competition. My dad and I talked about it and decided that if I was good enough to enter a swimming competition I was obviously a competent swimmer and didn’t need lessons any more, and we stopped going.

I digress again, back to the party. Those guys who weren’t actually playing started talking to me and offering me drinks. When I told them that I didn’t drink alcohol I lied, my parents let me drink wine and beer at home. As I was saying that I didn’t drink, my brain was developing a plan. I let them persuade me to have a beer, my plan being to quickly act like I was drunk and at least let them see me naked.

My pussy was starting to get wet as my brain considered a few possibilities...

With some encouragement, my first beer disappeared quite quickly and as a second one appeared in my hand I started to pretend that the alcohol was getting to me. By the time the second bottle was empty I was still very sober but pretending that I was drunk.

I started sitting very lazily with my knees drifting apart letting the guys see that I was knickerless and a bit wet.

As the contents of a third bottle of beer was going down my throat I heard some whispering about a gang-bang and my pussy got even wetter. I’d read about gang-bangs and I’d watched a few videos online and each time that I watched one my pussy begged for attention as I imagined myself in the ‘victims’ position.

For a couple of seconds I questioned what I was doing but those doubts soon disappeared as my nipples and clit got harder and my vagina leaked some more.

My pretending to be drunk got more real, I started slurring my speech a little and flopping about on the armchair some more.

“Phew, it’s hot in here.” I said and got the response that I wanted.

“Why don’t you take some of those clothes off?” One of the guys asked.

“Oh, I err, I am only wearing this top and this skirt, I shouldn’t take them off, you’ll see me naked.”

By that time the electronic games had stopped and all six guys were round me.

“Don’t you worry your little head about that Suzie (the name that I’d given them), we’ve all seen naked girls before.” One of the guys said.

“Are you sure?” I asked, “it is hot in here and if you’re sure that none of you will be upset? I don’t want any of you calling the police and getting me charged with indecent exposure.”

“There’s absolutely zero chance of that happening.” Another guy said.

“Are youuuuu suuuuuuuure.” I replied.

By then my heart was pounding. I knew that I was about to get totally naked in front of half a dozen guys that I’d only met minutes ago.

“Sure.” a guy said, “It’s no big deal, we’ve all got sisters that we’ve seen naked hundreds of times.”

I knew that he was lying but I continued,

“I don’t know if I can take my clothes off, I think that one of you put something in that beer because I feel really funny.”

“No we didn’t.” Half of the guys said, then one continued,

“You’re just not used to drinking alcohol but don’t worry, we’ll look after you Suzie, no harm will come to you here, we are all gentlemen.”

I giggled the said,

“Can one of you help me, this top is so tight.”

Six guys stepped forward but only two of them managed to get their hands on the hem of my top. Two more hands grabbed my hands and pulled me forward off the back of the chair so that my top could go up and off.

I giggled and said,

“Don’t look at my little titties guys.”

“No we won’t.” A couple of them lied.

Within seconds I was topless with six guys staring at me. I made a half-hearted attempt to cover my tits but my big nipples were sticking through my fingers and I did nothing to hide them.

I lay back on the chair and said,

“That’s a bit berrer but I’m still warm.” I said.

“Do you want us to take your skirt off Suzie?”

“Yeah, please, that might cool me down. Can I have another beer please, a cold one?”

The tingling got stronger and my pussy got wetter as hands went to the waist band of my skirt. It was a denim one with a stud and a little zip and fingers quickly unfastened those then went to the sides and started pulling. All they did to start off with was to lift my butt off the chair and I giggled as the hands finally moved to the hem and pulled.

“Don’t look at my pussy.” I said as my bald pubis then my shiny slit became exposed.

“Wow.” I heard one guy say, “look at that clit.”

“Yeah, it’s as big as her nipples and I thought that they were big.” One guys said.

“Think what it would be like to chew on one of those three.” Another guy said.

“You’re being naughty guys.” I said as I giggled.

A cold bottle of beer was put in my hand and I pretended to take a swig from it, then I held it against my right nipple.

“Oooh, that’s nice” I said as my nipple got harder, if that was possible.

“You like cold things on your nipples do you Suzie?” On of the guys asked.

“Of course, don’t you?” I replied, “aren’t you guys hot too?”

“It is quite warm in here.” Another guy said.

“I should go back to my room, I shouldn’t be naked in here.” I said, “you guys might touch me or rape me.”

“We won’t rape you Suzie, you’re safe with us.” One of the guys said.

“Good, but I need to go to the toilet, I’m not used to drinking beer.”

I made a clumsy effort to stand up and got half way then fell back onto the chair.

“You guys have got me dwunk. hey, take your hands off me.”

“I was only helping you sit safely Suzie.” One of the guys said.

“You’ll be touching my tits and pussy next, would you like to touch me guys?”

“Is that an invite Suzie?” One of the guys said.

I stayed silent for a good minute, imagining their hands on me and me getting more horny.

“Yeah, I haven’t had a good fuck for like, ages.”

“Would you like us to fuck you Suzie?” Another guy asked.

I giggled then replied,

“Not all at once, my pussy won’t take six cocks at once.”

“Just to be clear Suzie, you want us to fuck you?”

“Yeah, why not, I need a good fucking, can we use one of the beds please, that floor looks dirty.”

“Sure,” one of the guys said, “you can use mine, it’s the first on the right.”

I started to get to my feet again but again feigned being incapable and flopped back down.

“Can one of you help me, I think I’m too pissed.”

The nearest two guys helped me to my feet and I pretended to have jelly legs so arms went round me, one of them grabbing a tit, and I giggled again then said,

“You guys will be gentle with me won’t you, I’ve only been fucked once before,” I lied, “and you will wear a con, con whatever they are called, you don’t want to get me preggers do you?”

I was half carried to the untidy bedroom and, presumably, the owner hurriedly straightened the bed covers and I was lowered onto it. As I was going down I spread my legs so that all the guys who had followed us could see all of my pussy.

“Come and get it.” I loudly said then giggled again.

I closed my eyes and soon felt lots of hands all over my body, one set of fingers going straight to my vagina and invading it.

“Oooooooooooooh that’s nice.” I genuinely said.

Those fingers started finger fucking me and some others started rubbing my clit and before long I was cumming, my body shaking and jerking and my mouth saying a few rude words.

When I started to come down from my high I opened my eyes and said,

“That was good, who’s next?”

“That was only fingers Suzie,” one of the guys said, “do you want a real cock next?”

“Yes pleeeaaassee, fuck me hard.” I replied then closed my eyes again.

Seconds later I felt a cock sliding up and down my slit and I moaned. Then the cock was gently pushing into my vagina and I said,


“Umph, umph.” I said as the cock really started pistoning in and out of me.”

“That’s nice.” I managed to say before I relaxed my body and just lay there with my eyes closed

But I did open them when I orgasmed again which was just as I felt some warm cum filling the end of a condom deep inside me.

This time it was just moans and me saying,

“That’s nice.” As I looked up at the face of the guy that was fucking me.

It was very much the same when the other guys took their turn to fuck me. As the third guy entered me I heard on of the guys say,

“Is she out cold?

“Naw, I don’t think so, just going in and out of sleep. She wakes up each time that she cums.”

On it went until all six of the guys had fucked me and I’d managed to cum with each of them. When I’d counted the sixth load of cum being deposited inside a condom inside me I just lay there with my eyes closed.

After the sixth guy climbed off me I heard one of the guys say,

“What are we going to do with her?”

“Let her sleep it off.” Another replied.

“That’s my bed, she might be there all night.” Another replied.

“You could cuddle up to her and fuck her again.” Another suggested.

“We could all come back and fuck her again.” Another suggested.

“Not a bad idea mate, Stu, you might need to sleep on the couch in the communal lounge tonight mate.”

“I’m going back to the game.” One guy said and I heard three others agree with him.

A short time later I felt something covering me.

“What are you doing Stu? Someone asked.

“Just covering her, keep her warm.”

“Naw, leave her like that then we can come and look at her pussy whenever we want to.”

Then I felt my clothes land on one of my still spread legs but I didn’t move, still pretending to be asleep.

“She might want them when she wakes up,” I heard one guy say. “You know what girls are like after the fun is over.”

“Yeah, they pretend that you haven’t seen them all naked and they become all shy.” Someone replied.

“Yeah,” someone else said, “they should make girls be naked all the time then they couldn’t pretend to be shy.”

“I don’t think that that’s going to happen mate.” I heard before everything went quiet.

Shortly after I’d thought that I heard the rest of the guys leave I opened my eyes, and I was right, I was the only one in the room. I put my right hand on my pussy and gasped a bit when I touched my clit

“Still want more eh girl?” I thought and my fingers went to my very wet hole.

Not wanting to risk playing with myself, and wanting to get out of there, I withdrew my hand and went to get off the bed. I was surprised to feel that I still had my shoes on so I grabbed my clothes and went to the open door.

I stuck my head out and looked to my left. I could see that the guys were engrossed in their game and not looking my way so I quietly crept to my right to the front door and quietly opened it, stepped out then quietly closed the door.

As I turned to put my clothes on I heard a male voice say,

“Looks like someone has had some fun, walk of shame back to your place is it?

“Something like that.” I replied as I dropped my skirt and lifted my top up so that I could put it on, also letting the guy get a good full frontal look at my naked body for a couple of seconds before my top came down and covered my tits.

I looked at the guy and smiled as I squat to pick up my skirt and then stepped in to it.

“Lucky guy.” The young man said as my slit disappeared behind the denim, then he walked away.

As I headed back to my place I thought about how happy I was. I’d been fucked by not one but six guys one after another and I’d realised just how much I liked being seen naked by men. It was truly a milestone in my life.

When I got back to my room I crossed gang-bang off my bucket list but added, two guys at the same time, three guys at the same time and a bukkake. I also added all four again but added on to the end of each one, ‘in public’.

The next morning before I went off to one of my classes I was thinking about all sorts of things including my finances. Being the sort of anti-social person that I am I don’t spend a lot, if any, on clubbing and pubbing like the other students, but I had decided that I needed more clothes, revealing clothes, but they cost money so I decided to see if I could find a job.

As I walked to my class I looked at all the notice boards and saw a few adverts for part-time work. Some were for fast food outlets which I ignored because I didn’t fancy flipping burgers, but two drew my attention. Both were working in fashion shops selling clothes for young women. As I walked on I made two phone calls and was lucky to get two interviews that afternoon.

Both were in the main shopping area of the city which was a good ten minutes walk from both where I was right then and where I live. I realised that I wouldn’t have time to go back to my room and change so I checked what I was wearing, smiled and thought,

“Sod it, if they don’t like girls in very short skirts and tops that show that she isn’t wearing a bra then fuck them, I’ll try somewhere else.”

The first interview was with a man, the manager of the shop. As I went in I saw three or four other girls working there, all wearing some sort of uniform. The interview went okay but the man’s eyes rarely went higher than my chest. That didn’t bother me, in fact I deliberately pushed my chest out making my conical, little tits really point at hm. Nor did the fact that his eyes often went down to my bare legs as I sat there with my knees slightly apart. What did bother me was that he looked creepy.

I left thinking,

“No thanks.”

The second interview was much better. Not only were the other staff wearing a variety of clothes which I later found out belonged to the shop, but the manager was a woman in her early thirties and when she first saw me she looked me up and down and gave me a big, warm smile.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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