Friends Stoppin By - Cover

Friends Stoppin By

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Country wife is very hospitable to visitors. Very!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Sharing   Slut Wife   Interracial   Water Sports   Prostitution   .

My wife is real sociable. She was raised that you extend every hospitality to visitors. My Momma loved takin visitors to her bedroom. My sisters did too when they got old enough to fuck. So, of course, that’s what I expected of my wife.

I’d found out early that she was a slut and had fucked a lot. All the guys at the barbershop said she was a first-class piece and their friends agreed. I knew from usin my sisters that a lot of screwin didn’t hurt a pussy none even if’n it weren’t always my meat. So I figured if a woman was fuckin around she’d appreciate my dick all the more.

It was real good when we had visitors at our farm. It was nice cause she could often stop what she was doin and take them to the house or barn. Her pussy was so wonderful hot and slippery when I fucked her afterwards. She loves me so much cause I let her have her fun. Her first marriage didn’t last when her husband could only stick it in her once a day and got pissed when he found the neighbor boy pumpin her pussy. She got mad and telled him that the farmhand and the mailman’s peckers wus real good too.

We met when she was screwin my older brother one day when I got home and he was tired out afore she wuz finished so asked me to take over. When I said she was real snug even after takin my brother’s big pecker she laughed and said he was the third one already that day. Some guy’d stayed over at her place last night and she stopped by to see her daddy on her way here. I fell in love right then but she already had plans for that night.

I took her to the diner the next night and lots of guys stopped by the table to say hi to her. I knew a bunch but not all of them. When we got to my house she just took off her clothes and said “Let’s fuck.”

After we screwed a while she answered my question. Yes, she’d fucked all of them boys. I kept askin things, “How many dicks been in yer pussy today?”

“Only two cause we had this date.”

She’d didn’t bring clean underwear even though she planned on spendin the night. That’s cause she never wore any. Kept her cunt ventilated and one less thing in the way when a hard pecker was a’wantin in.

We fucked agin but when I woke up in the night with a hard on she weren’t there. I follered the sounds to my brother’s bedroom and she was aridin him. She smiled at me and said she’d be along shortly.

At dawn she wuz gone agin. This time she was being pounded by Pa while Ma wus out feeding the chickens. I done her one last time befur we went to church. She said the preacher could really make her praise the Lord when she was facing heaven in his office.

The next time I had her nekkid with me I asked her if’n she had any babies. She said she seen a doctor after all the seed she got shot in her didn’t make her belly swell. He told her some complicated story but it had to do with an infekshun she got from a travelling salesman when she was real young. She kept hopin and tryin though.

She would get married agin but hadn’t never found a man who wanted to do more than fuck her and leave. Mebby no man would put up with how well known her pussy wuz and how she just loved to get differnt dicks all the time.

She wuz SO happy when I tolt her I might be able to do that. She stayed in my bed ALL night and gave my brother a blow job when she went in to pee and he was awhackin his dick on the toilet. She likes sucking a dick while she pees and she’s gotten to likin having guys piss on her pussy when she’s in a fuckin mood. Her first husband sometimes did that to rinse her out afore he fucked her.

We started out by her sleepin with me every night she didn’t have already promised to some guy for his birthday or something. She wuz so thoughtful that she fucked me before and after she went there. Of course what she did during the day wuz her bizness.

When it worked out, she moved in and my brother got her more regler too. His girlfriend stopped by to fuck me some since she were gittin less of him and didn’t spread it around like mine did. I showed her the peeing play my girlfriend showed me and sometimes all four of us gets a bunch of beer and goes out to the crick. It’s easier to rinse off out there.

She said we wuz sort of engaged so she stopped kissin other guys, specially them spit swappin kind, cause that were something purdy intimate that shud be saved for husbands and such. She shore is perlite.

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