The Voice - Cover

The Voice

Copyright© 2019 by Westside24

Chapter 3

It was close to six weeks later when Scott received a phone call from Lynn his attorney.

“You are officially a single man now since the divorce is final.”

“Were there any problems in doing it?’

“Her lawyer did call saying Diane wanted more of her share of the assets. I told him that was not going to happen and if she insisted I was going to change the grounds for the divorce to adultery and I could prove it. He didn’t ask how I could do that but said he would need to check with his client. Later when he got back to me he said the division of assets was acceptable. I’ll send you some papers and my bill. Now will you let me go after them?”

“What do you want to do?”

“I want to sue Donald Prescott’s ass off for using the power of his position as well as the bank for breaking up your marriage.”

“It was probably broke before she took up with Donald but go ahead. There is no love lost now between me and her after what she said. If there is anything I can do to help let me know. I don’t like saying this but getting back at her because of what she said is something I would relish doing. Just let me know what you need,” and the call ended.

Scott had finished painting all the rooms and closets and was thinking of what else he could be doing. He was averaging about a book a month to narrate and a few commercials but that still gave him considerable free time. The winter months shortly would be here. He could try and do some snow skiing at the ski runs that where in the area but the thought of injuring himself in doing that caused him to disregard that idea. There was the casino and while he would go there that could become an addictive habit which he wanted to avoid.

The one thought he had was that of becoming an author himself. He had read or narrated enough books which gave him the thought that he could do it. He had an idea about a story involving an ex-CIA type who is the head of a black ops unit working directly for the new ultra conservative President. This man is given a wide reaching directive to eliminate corruption and stop terrorism. If necessary he is authorized to administer instant justice. With nothing else to do in his free time Scott thought he would give it a try in writing a novel.

One thing he did know was that he wasn’t going to hunt and peck to type out the story. He would dictate it and then have someone transcribe it into a computer word format. While speech recognition software was available for him to use he felt uncomfortable in using it and preferred not to use it. Maybe in time he would change his opinion but for now he was going to do the story by dictating.

Since his divorce Scott had not had sex and he honestly admitted that he was missing it. What man wouldn’t he thought as it was something very pleasurable. To solve that problem and if he got lucky he thought maybe he could find a willing companion at the casino. He had heard it said that casinos were a target rich environment.

After having dinner at the casino Scott went to the blackjack table which he thought gave him the best odds among all the games of chance. He was actually doing pretty well in being money ahead when a lady somewhat younger than him sat down next to him at the table. After playing more Scott thought a new dealer had become hot. Rather than lose all of his winnings he left the table and went to play the video poker slot machines.

Scott was close to breaking even in playing the video porker slots when that same lady who had joined him at the blackjack table now took a seat at the slot machine next to him. He thought facially she was just a little better than average looking and that was only because of the amount of makeup she had on. He also saw she had some nice sized breasts and wondered if in fact they were all real or were they supplemented by a padded bra.

Any port in a storm was his thought as he started up a conversation with her. She was pleasant and seemed interested in Scott. She said she just came here to escape the loneliness as her husband was an over the road truck driver and was seldom home.

Scott thought because of what she was saying there was a definite possibility of having a roll in the hay with her. That thought however did a one hundred and eighty degree turn when she suggested that if he was to compensate her they could go somewhere so they could have more privacy and fun.

Scott had never paid for sex before and he wasn’t about to start now. He thanked the lady as he stood and said he needed to be going since he had to pick his wife up who was a police officer and was coming off duty. This so-called lady had completely fooled Scott and he eventually was able to laugh about it on his drive home.

When he wasn’t narrating audiobooks or doing commercials Scott was working on his novel. This was what had done during the Thanksgiving weekend. He celebrated that holiday by himself. His Thanksgiving meal consisted of a few slices of turkey breast, instant mash potatoes and a can of string beans. He did treat himself to a large slice of the pumpkin pie he had purchased. Being alone was not the way he wanted to spend the holiday and he gave some thought as to what he could do to avoid a repetition of it happening again in the future. Maybe he could do some travelling was the best idea he could come up with.

It was two weeks before Christmas and Scott was just about finished with the extremely detailed outline for the novel he was contemplating. He received a phone call that the caller ID indicated was from Dana.

“Hi Dana, what can I do for you?”

“I don’t know what plans you have for Christmas Day but if you are in the area I would like to invite you to have dinner with me and my husband along with my brother and his family at my house.”

“I don’t have any plans for that day and I appreciate the invitation. What time is dinner?”

“Two o’clock and you don’t need to bring anything.”

When the call ended Scott thought it was nice of Dana to invite him to dinner. Not only was she a very attractive woman she was also a classy person and it showed with her invitation. While she said he didn’t need to bring anything he thought it would be nice if he did give her a gift. After thinking about it for a while he came up with an idea which had him to send an e-mail.

Three days before Christmas he received a phone call from Lynn.

“Hi Lynn, Merry Christmas and what did I do to deserve this call from you?”

“Let me tell you that it is going to be a Merry Christmas for both of us. The reason is that I just settled the law suit I filed against the bank and its now ex-President. I am sending you some papers to sign and after they are returned they will be issuing a check. After I take out my fee and minor expenses the balance will be sent to you. Your share will be around one point four million.”

Scott was speechless for a while. He couldn’t believe he was going to be receiving a check for that amount of money.

Finally he said, “Wow, I don’ know what to say other than thanks. Can you tell me how this came about?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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