The Princess and Her Intended - Cover

The Princess and Her Intended

Copyright© 2019 by Spherical Spoon

Chapter 5

“It seems,” Tillian stated. “That there are people in the woods looking for you two.”

Myre gasped. “Is it the three men who attacked us?”

“Yes, and no,” Tillian replied. “The three men are in the party, but there is a fourth person. However, I can’t quite seem to properly see them. They must be some sort of mage to block my powers.”

“What should we do?” Leya asked. “Can they find us here?”

“It appears that the mage penetrated the forest’s wards. If they are as strong as they seem, then it won’t take long before the party finds us.”

Myre’s face grew pale. “Bu-but, we can’t go back!”

Leya held Myre’s hand and kissed her cheek. “My love, if it comes down to it, I’ll distract them and you can make a run for it.”

“No, Leya!” Myre exclaimed. “I can’t let you do that. If they find us, then they will find both of us.”

Leya gave a small smile.

“Ah, this may work,” Tillian muttered softly. “Or it may not.”

“Huh, what?” Leya asked.

“I can use Myre’s likeness and attempt to draw the party away. But, if the mage is powerful enough, they will see through my illusion easily,” Tillian explained.

“If you avoid the moonlight, it should be fine, right?” Leya asked tentatively.

“Whatever do you mean, child?” Tillian asked.

“When we followed you here, we could see your form when it was lit by the moon,” Leya said.

“Yes, I remember the two of you whispering about that,” Tillian muttered. “And you saw it too?” she asked, turning towards Myre.

Myre shook her head. “Leya mentioned it, but when I looked, you avoided the moonlight so I didn’t see anything.”

“My illusions do not unravel with moonlight,” Tillian said. “That being said, it is interesting that you saw through it, as least partly. Moonlight does have magical properties, but common humans such as yourselves should not be able to harness it,” she continued, talking mostly to herself.

Myre and Leya stayed silent, unsure of what to say.

“Tell me,” Tillian said to Leya. “Are your parents mages?”

Leya shook her head. “My parents are farmers. I was chosen to be Myre’s handmaiden when I was little, and brought to the castle to serve.”

Tillian nodded. “And you’re sure that your parents are your parents?”

“Of course! Who else would they be?”

“Hmm,” Tillian said. “Interesting. But that is a mystery for another day. Now, I do not like to use another’s likeness without their permission. So, Myre, will you grant me your likeness?”

Myre said, “Yes, certainly.”

Leya was a little wary, but kept quiet.

Tillian reached towards Myre, and plucked one of her hairs off the top of her head. “This will do,” Tillian said.

Tillian placed the hair inside her palm and it seemed to melt into her skin. Tillian seemed to give a small shudder and a faint blue aura glowed around her. Suddenly, there was a flash, and Myre and Leya averted their eyes. When they turned back and blinked, Myre stood where Tillian was, or at least, Tillian looked exactly like Myre.

“How do I look?” Tillian asked, in Myre’s voice.

“Do I really sound like that?” Myre asked Leya.

“You do,” Leya said.

Myre walked in a circle around Tillian, eyeing her up and down.

“Wow,” Myre said. “I’ve never seen myself from the back before.”

Leya chuckled, and patted Myre on her palm. “You are pretty from all sides.”

Myre blushed.

“Before I leave,” Tillian said, interrupting the moment between the pair. “What is the name of the strongest mage in your kingdom?”

Myre and Leya looked at each other for a moment, then shrugged.

“I don’t know if our kingdom even has mages,” Myre said. “Father handles all of that kind of stuff. I’ve never seen a mage before.”

Tillian nodded. “Very well. I will also need bits of your clothes”

Without waiting, Tillian ripped off a piece of Myre’s pants. Before Myre or Leya could react, Tillian shimmered and disappeared.

“Help! Somebody, help me!”

“Did you hear that?” Horace asked. “Someone’s calling for help!”

Horace ran off quickly in the direction of the voice. Pacent, Kalom, and Yicnar followed closely behind. The voice cried out again, sounding a little further away somehow.

Horace quickened his pace, and reached a clearing where he thought he had heard the voice originate from. Looking around, he didn’t see any signs of activity.

“Help!” the voice called out again from a distance, in a slightly different direction.

“Over there!” Horace said, pointing.

“Wait,” Pacent said. “What if this is some kind of trick?”

“What do you mean? Someone needs our help, and I’m duty-bound to help them!” Horace replied.

“It may be the Fae,” Pacent said. “Aren’t they known for playing tricks on people?”

“That may be true,” Horace said thoughtfully. “But I cannot ignore a call for help.”

With that, Horace set off again in the new direction the voice had come from. Pacent shook his head and looked at the other two men.

“What do you think?” Pacent asked.

Kalom replied, “We stand a better chance with him than without, I say we follow.”

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