Delores Throckmorten - Cover

Delores Throckmorten

Copyright© 2019 by MaryS

Chapter 7: The radio show

The podcast came alive at 10 am Monday mornings in the nations capital, Old York City. It was one of the top rated anti-feminist programs on the internet.

Steffi Miller was the podcast host of “The Joy of Patriarchy”. The podcast was a weekly produced series from World Wide Porn, Inc., or WWP. The podcast talked about the ideals of patriarchy and misogyny and the challenges of defeating Feminist ideas.

Steffi smiled into the camera: “Hello, female listeners of all ages, I’m Steffi and we have a special show for you today. We have from the Fundamentalist White Southern Christian religion, Mrs. John Denton. She’s here to talk about their female patron saint, St Mary Magdalene, and how St Mary’s teachings about Patriarchy and the Fundamentalist religion, go hand in glove to support their Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.”

She looked at her tablet. The public affairs division of WWP allowed Steffi to pen her own opening statement because of her enthusiasm for the Patriarchy and WWP. The company held her up as the perfect female employee, a female in which other women and girls within the company could look up to: “But first, here’s my opening monologue.”

Steffi paused and adjusted the pink bunny ears on her head and looked at her tablet.

“The Patriarchy is not a new system. It’s been the organizing force of human society for thousands of years. It predates class structure, economics, and even organized political power. It is, in essence, the fundamental power relationship from which the rest of human society is built. The idea that women and girls would have equality is rather absurd. Every single time and in every place on Earth, women and girls have been naturally subjugated. As females, we should celebrate this proud history of Patriarchy. Our greatest societies were built by men, while women and girls supported them and served as entertainment, cheap labor, eye candy, and whatever else the male society could come up with. That is the natural way of things. That’s how human society has functioned seamlessly for thousands of years. That’s the legacy Delores Throckmorten wants to throw out, in favor of an unnatural, untested, and philosophically bankrupt fantasy of women and girls being equal to men and boys.”

Steffi glanced at her tablet: “I know it’s comforting to believe that women and girls are shaped completely by socialization and it’s the reason why one group of people would oppress another, but socialization wasn’t there from the earliest societies, it started from somewhere, and if we’re going to analyze and support the Patriarchy we have to look at the root, who started the male and female socialization, for whose benefit is it being carried out?”

“Male socialization is of their own creation, it’s just men and boys being true to themselves. Take for example, when a boy attracts women and girls, he’s popular. When a boy takes charge of a situation, he’s showing his leadership ability or when boys are standing around exchanging information about women and girls, they’re shooting the breeze. Since they established Patriarchy why wouldn’t they make a system that gives them freedom to be who they really are? If you look at the differences between male and female socialization, males get shown from an early age that it’s okay to indulge in all of their needs and wants, it’s okay for them to do whatever their nature tells them to do, it’s okay to give into their impulses, sexual urges, and passions, they should be able to do whatever they want and get admired and praised for it! Men and boys should be true to themselves. Patriarchy is a lifestyle that supports their nature and even celebrates it, if you look at male created systems and representation, it’s all about celebrating the male nature.”

Steffi looked at her tablet, scrolling down a little bit: “Female socialization in turn is constantly being told no from the minute she is born. Nothing we do is good enough for the men and boys in our lives, we shouldn’t even want to be anything, except if it happens to fall into a small spectrum of whatever is convenient to the male society. All of our qualities that men and boys can’t use for their benefit are worthless to them. All of our effort and energy has to be spent on men and boys or it’s wasted. Our nature is to be suppressed, furthermore, we should actually be told what our nature is. We should be trained and educated to consistently go against our feelings, our instincts, our desires, our knowledge, our needs and wants. We should be focused on the men and boys in our lives and accept whatever they say our needs and desires should be.”

She glanced at her tablet: “The exact opposite can be said for men and boys, they have no reason to ever resist Patriarchy because they are already living their true nature. They will never destroy the system because it’s in favor of their nature. Look at it this way, if men’s nature was the opposite of Patriarchy they would already bring it down in a second. What Delores Throckmorten doesn’t understand is they have shown zero intention of doing anything like that. Men and boys will defend Patriarchy with all they got. Respect the Patriarchy. Love the Patriarchy.”

Kristi sat in the lobby looking at the comings and goings of women and girls. She was as nervous as nervous could be. She had been summoned by Reverend Plague two weeks ago because he wanted her to defend their Fundamentalist White Southern Baptist way of life to the secular world outside their borders. The reverend had perceived that the corrupt religions in the secular world were talking trash about the White Southern Baptist lifestyle. He thought that having a non-threatening female explain the role of females within their society would be the best route to take. He had chosen Kristi due to her high marks in teaching Sunday school, her enthusiasm for the church, and the fact that she was a model female citizen after having been “Throckmortened”.

Kristi had been taken to Sodom. For two weeks she was tutored on what to say about their religion and how St Mary’s diary supported the church. The reverend wanted everything to be perfect because corrupt religions and their false gods would be listening. Kristi had been placed in the female carrier luggage for shipment to the city, the reverend didn’t want her to be distracted. She was delivered to WWP’s studio in Old York City.

That was yesterday, now here she sat in the lobby adjusting her bunny ears. What kind of stupid idea was this wearing bunny ears she thought. Calm down she told herself. Her bigger problem was the thumb drive.

Kristi had a sixth grade education, she could read and write well enough, but the blogs she read were difficult. There was something called an ICON on the drive that said, ‘Reader Help’. She had clicked on it and it had words and meanings that she could use to understand most of the blogs. She did her best in writing her thoughts down and posting them on the net. But reading the different blogs on the drive, Kristi realized that it was different women who had written them. That it was women who passed the thumb drive along. So she wasn’t the only female in the world who knew who Delores Throckmorten was.

What intrigued Kristi the most was, the folder marked ‘Religion’. She was horrified at the blasphemy and filth that she read about what was called ‘atheism’. But she couldn’t stop reading it. Long ago she had doubt about their Lord and Master, but that ended in punishment, now here it was again. The NUTS taught that there was a literal heaven and hell, but where they were she didn’t know. Reverend Plague liked to say that their Lord and Master was all around them but she never saw him. Maybe as a female she wasn’t meant to see him. Females, she was taught, could be condemned to the lake of never ending fire which meant eternal separation from her Lord and Master, but if our Lord and Master were all around them like Reverend Plague said, how could she be separated from him?

As time went on and Kristi published her blog under the name Delores Throckmorten, she realized she didn’t have anyway to get the thumb drive outside the borders of her country. Sure she could have “left it somewhere” for another female to find, but how could she be sure if the female who found it would support feminist ideals. Whoever found it might turn the drive in and that would be the end of Delores Throckmorten. No, she had to find another way to get the drive out of her country and back to the secular world.

Then this opportunity presented itself. All she had to do was get the thumb drive to the city and “leave it somewhere” where another female could find it. What happened to it after that, well, at least it wasn’t inside her country anymore. She would be departing the city tomorrow so that didn’t leave her a lot of time to figure out how to make sure the drive found its way to a female who she thought would support feminist ideals. She looked around the lobby and frowned, not many options.

The door to the lobby opened and in walked an important looking woman, she had several girls trailing after her with tablets.

“Hello Miss Mitchell,” the receptionist smiled.

“Hello Julie, is the interview ready?”

“Yes ma’am, we were just waiting for you. You can go in.” The receptionist looked at Kristi. “Mrs. Denton, Steffi is ready for your interview. Please enter through that door.”

Trisha Mitchell paused and looked at Kristi. This was the first time she had seen the girl in person, otherwise, she knew Kristi through WWP’s pictures and dossier. Kristi blushed when she noticed Miss Mitchell was staring at her. Trisha turned on her heel and stepped into the sound booth.

Kristi stood up and straightened her dress. She wore a modest dress that came to her knees, covered her arms and had a white lace collar. She wore black two inch pumps and her hair was in a pony tail. She had her Lord and Master’s crucifix around her neck. Blasphemers, the uncouth, and atheists called it, a man on a stick. It depicted her Lord and Master, Jesus Christ on the cross, nude, with his cock sticking straight out. It was the symbol of His fertility that all Fundamentalist Christian females worshiped.

Kristi went into the studio while the girls who had come in with Trisha took seats in the lobby.

The cameras in the broadcast booth panned around to catch Kristi walking into the room.

Steffi: “Hello Mrs. Denton.”

Kristi smiled and took a seat across from Steffi and leaned into the microphone. “Hello Steffi.”

In the sound booth, Trisha Mitchell watched the interview. Bill Young wanted to make sure the interview went off without a hitch because this interview of a female from the reclusive Southern White Baptists would be ratings gold. Everybody around the world would be listening.

“Today we have a very special guest, Mrs. John Denton, from the White Southern Fundamentalist Christian religion in the new South.”

Steffi looked at her tablet and scrolled it a couple of times as Kristi looked embarrassed with the camera pointed at her. “Mrs. Denton is a Sunday school teacher and a stay at home wife. She finished school at the age of 12.”

Kristi blushed as Steffi smiled at her.

Steffi continued on: “She is married to her brother. What do they call that? Brother something?”

Kristi still embarrassed: “Husband brother.”

“What age did you and your brother get married?”

“I was sixteen and he was fourteen.”

“So you were four years out of school when you got married? Tell us about that.”

“Yes my father, who talks directly with our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, peace be upon Him, was told by him that I should marry my brother.”

“So you were 12 when you left school?”

“Yes that’s right.” To Kristi this felt like an interrogation. Just like what she had undergone the last two weeks.

Steffi smiled and leaned forward: “And today, what’s your marriage like?”

Kristi blushed: “Well I’ve learned to wash and iron his clothes, clean up his room, I mean our room. He’s taught me that my mouth is only good for two things, eating and sucking cock.”

Kristi looked at Steffi: “Can I say that?”

Steffi laughed: “Honey, you can say whatever you want.”

Kristi blushed and nodded. “And sex, he taught me about how he likes his sex.”

“We call it fucking.”

Kristi smiled and nodded.

“So tell my female listeners about your religion. As you probably know, there are dozens of religions around the world with a lot of minor religions. Tell us about the females in your religion.”

“In our fundamentalist religion, we are women and girls who value having a family over a career or higher education, just like our patron saint, St Mary Magdalene. We take seriously our domestic responsibilities, we are obedient to our husbands, son’s and brothers, but most importantly, to our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, just like his wife, Mary Magdalene. As females, we protect our religion from secular influence, such as secular science, evolution, and feminism which are blasphemous words to our ears. We assert that males are leaders within our households, civic institutions and businesses. Our fundamentalist ideals hold women and girls to the standard of a righteous female. That women and girls within our religion should strive for that idealistic vision as laid out by St Mary. As females, we need to be perfect in the eyes of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, praise be to Him.”

“What makes your religion the one true religion? Other religious communities would be interested to know the answer to that.”

Kristi looked into the camera. This is what Reverend Plague’s team had prepared her for: “We consider ourselves the one true religion and our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, the one true God. All other religions are corrupt and worship false gods. As White Southern Fundamentalist Christians, we have very specific ideas of what the proper structure of the family should be, the role of females within the family, and our support of our religious Patriarchy. Our White Fundamentalist authority is derived from our literal interpretation of the New Unabridged Testament Scriptures or NUTS and St Mary Magdalene’s diary.”

“Tell us a little more about this NUTS.”

“Our Holy book is called the NUTS, the C.E. 2180 edition and its a living document that changes with society. This newest edition allows for pornography and incest, what we call P&I, and female domestic discipline within the household. It also covers the new and improved stories from Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, and the sexual adventures of Lot and his daughters. The NUTS also includes the four female synoptic gospels, plus many other wonderful scriptures given to us by our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, peace be upon Him.”

“Is it true that only Caucasian people can come and live in your country?”

“I don’t what know Caucasian means, but if you mean white people, yes, as long as they worship our God, follow our religious rules with regards to females in the family, and that their DNA has no impurities, such as, remnants of colored people, blasphemers, and other uncouth cultures.”

Steffi looked at her tablet. The public affairs people had uploaded the questions they wanted answered: “Is it true that there are only two books allowed in your schools, the NUTS and St Mary’s diary?”

“Yes that’s true. We use the NUTS in our schools to teach geography, science, and biology and as a Sunday school teacher, I use it to reinforce scriptures, while the church uses it to bring forth the word of our Lord and Master to our males. St Mary’s diary is taught in all female grades as a guide for them to follow and to emulate our patron saint.”

“What are some of the things that are taught from St Mary’s diary?”

“St Mary teaches us that Christian girls will lick and suck and kiss godly cocks without being forced to do so. Other corrupt religions should be so lucky. Those corrupt religions forget that our Lord and Master made our mouths to resemble our cunts, that our mouths and throats are made to fit a good Christian cock, keeping it safe and warm until it is ready to deliver its life giving White sperm.”

Steffi had heard that the ‘fundies’ in the new south were crazy in their beliefs. She nodded her head. “We hear a great deal about St Mary Magdalene on the internet, but it’s often assumed as to what is being talked about. Please tell us about her and how she plays into your beliefs.”

Kristi looked at the microphone in front of her. It was in the shape of a cock: “We’re the one single ‘White Southern Fundamentalist Christian’ religion and that we hold to a certain body of beliefs. We trace our roots directly to St Paul, the Roman, and his ministry. We know from our reading of the NUTS that St Paul founded Christianity late in the first century, but it was St Mary’s diary which lays the foundation for how females should support the church.”

Kristi squirmed in her chair a little: “St Paul broke with the corrupt and cowardly 12 disciples, who were fake supporters of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, over the issue of the penis.”

“Wait, what? I thought there were 11 disciples after Jesus was crucified?”

Kristi smiled patiently: “Oh you mean Judas Iscariot. No Judas was still alive after our Lord and Master returned to heaven.”

“Almost all religions agree that Judas was a traitor to the cause and therefore killed himself.”

Kristi looked at Steffi patiently: “When our Lord and Master was crucified, the early church ministry needed somebody to blame for His death and Judas being an accountant, it was a natural fit, working with money and all. The early church ministry could say that Judas sold out our savior.”

“And what about this penis?”

“Yes, the issue of circumcision. The cutting off of a piece of flesh that covered the head of the penis. The 12 disciples wanted to convert the male Jewish population to Christianity as they already had been circumcised at birth. St Paul saw this as a very narrow path to growing the new religion. He saw the difficulty of trying to convert Jews away from their book of lies, the blasphemous Torah. But gentiles on the other hand, were ripe for conversion. He saw the bigger picture and said that the whole world could be converted to Christianity, without a single male having to be circumcised. Peter and the others argued that the gentiles needed to be circumcised, like their Lord and Master. That was the argument about the penis and circumcision. As we know from history, the version of Christianity that the fake disciples were pushing died on the vine and St Paul’s version grew.”

“You do realize that a circumcised cock is a much healthier cock?”

Kristi smiled: “Oh yes. Our males are circumcised at birth. It was the early Christian church under St Paul that circumcision wasn’t a requirement.”

“So what happened to St Mary during this time?”

“St Paul, who was Roman by birth, brought along St Mary, who was the widow of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, peace be upon Him. She in turn brought along her female followers and her blessed diary that we hold dear to our beliefs. The central tenet of our White Fundamentalist creed is that the NUTS, literally interpreted, is to be the primary guide to our faith, the Christian family, and education. That St Mary’s diary is used to support the NUTS, much like how females support the male hierarchy. We regard the NUTS as being divinely inspired and inerrant and that it supports our Patriarchal form of government. St Mary’s diary is used by females in our religion to gain divine understanding of our Lord and Master, praise be to Him.”

“I would have thought that St Mary would have stayed with the disciples instead of going with St Paul.”

“We know from our readings of the diary, that St Mary was not well like by Peter, Matthew, Mark, well all the fake disciples really, because, when our Lord and Master was alive, she controlled him with her womanly gifts, gifts that were given by God. It is those womanly gifts that we try and emulate in our daily lives.”

In the control booth, Tricia smiled. She like Kristi, too bad she didn’t live on this side of the border, she’d be useful to the Patriarchy, just like Steffi was a useful tool for the Patriarchy.

Kristi went on: “St Mary was the first to see our Lord and Master in the morning and the last to see Him at night. His disciples felt left out. They saw her as whispering things in His ear, putting crazy ideas in His head, using her feminine charms to get what she wanted from Him. But in reality, St Mary was being the perfect female for our Lord and Master. Loving, giving, setting her needs and wants aside for Him. She had no shame in sucking his cock while under a table as our Lord and Master talked about lofty ideals, the second coming, how to improve upon the writings in the old testament, and of course fighting the Romans.”

“So what other beliefs does your religion hold too?”

Kristi adjusted herself on the chair: “Well, our central doctrinal touchstone is that the NUTS is our primary source of faith and Christian living. It comes with a number of other important pieces of our belief. For instance, we believe in a literal Creation story and our children are taught Creation science as the only scientific system in our schools. The Theory of Evolution is just that, a theory, an idea that is not proven, whereas, Creation science is codified in the NUTS. Like I said, our teachers use the NUTS to teach science, biology, and geography.”

“Does your country have real science teachers like what we have?”

“No, our teachers are women and girls who have been taught Creation science, biology and geography by our church leadership. They are selected for their unquestioning loyalty and faith to the church.”

“What else?”

“We also believe that as a society we can derive religious precepts for government from the NUTS and that we incorporate them into our Patriarchal form of government. We believe that the NUTS sets out the one true and proper way to organize the Christian family. As White Southern Fundamentalists, we believe that the family was divinely ordered and that incest is divinely sanctioned from the days of Adam and Eve. We believe in a hierarchical structure of the family in which the roles of the male and female members are clearly defined. Furthermore, our religious society is built and maintained on the backs of absolute female obedience which is to be enforced with physical discipline at home.”

Kristi was warming to the subject and Steffi let her talk: “As White Southern Fundamentalists, we believe that the family is an institution created by our Lord and Master’s divine mandate. The NUTS states that the family belongs to Him and was created by Him to bring glory to Him and to honor Him. The NUTS cites the true account in Genesis of the creation of Adam and Eve and their family. The basis of our Christian family is found in NUTS 2:1, in which our Lord and Master condones the father laying with his daughters and his sons laying with his mother and sisters. He speaks of the males of the family becoming one flesh with the females of the family, it is what we call pornography and incest, or P&I, I mentioned earlier.”

Kristi continued: “As White Southern Fundamentalists, we regard a Christian marriage as being indissoluble and we flatly reject a females choice of divorce. The word divorce is a blasphemous and uncouth word. As White Southern Fundamentalists, we regard the issue of female marital unhappiness is that the good and proper Christian female will have an eternity of happiness in Heaven, and that the burden of enduring an unhappy marriage on earth is a small weight compared to running away from her household. However, we regard divorce as being acceptable for anybody not of our religion since they will be banished to the lake of never ending fire and therefore should be permitted all the earthly happiness they require.”

Steffi blurted out: “What is this P&I again?”

“Pornography and incest. P&I purifies our White race, keeps us holy in the eyes of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, praise be to Him. It prevents our DNA from being polluted by other unclean ethnicities and corrupt religions. With increases in unclean populations which are overrunning parts of the world, there is pressure on our White race to preserve our males sperm, keep it pure, safe and loved like our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. The NUTS teaches in chapter fifteen verse three, ‘Pornography and incest and all covetousness, let it be kept among you, as is fitting for Christians’. The Fourth Book of Pauline chapter ten verse twelve, adds, ‘The face of our Lord and Master smiles upon you and smiles upon those who fornicate with you, for you shall be keeping your sperm holy sacred for our Christ.’”

Kristi looked at the camera: “The Second Book of James chapter fifteen verses twenty-eight to twenty-nine, also cites pornography and incest, stating, ‘Whoever looks at their mother, daughter or sister, lusting after her, feeling rising need in his loins, should join with her in Christian prayer. Verse twenty-nine reminds us, ‘Those who watch and indulge in pornography, practicing incest, bondage and BDSM, as godly Christians, you are being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually faithful to your family and that is moral in the eyes of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ’ peace be upon Him.”

Steffi looked at her tablet: “So you’re happy in your marriage?”

“Oh, yes, I love my husband brother very much. He disciplines me to keep my mind focused, corrects my bad behavior when needed.” Kristi smiled and sat up straight: “I know every loving inch of his body. Not many women in the secular world can say that.”

“Yes that’s true.”

Kristi shifted in her seat. She hated sucking on his dirty toes and dirty toe nails. She shuttered slightly and smiled.

“Within the ordained family, the NUTS and St Mary’s diary set separate, definite roles for male and females. This is set out explicitly with a diagram of the Christian family as illustrated in the NUTS appendix and codified in our religious laws.”

“Please tell us about it.”

“First, our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, has authority over the husband. Second, the husband has authority over his wife and children. He is the head of household and his authority within his household is absolute just as it is with our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, peace be upon Him. As head of household, he sits in judgment of his wife and daughters. His word is the final word within the family. Third, male children are to obey their father and to learn from him the proper roles of females within the family. They are to watch and learn the ways a proper Christian male maintains his household. What authority the boys have over their mother and sisters is derived from their father.”

“This sounds pretty clear cut.”

Kristi blushed: “Yes. Fourth, in the absence of a father, the eldest male who has started puberty will be designated head of household. As with our Lord and Master, his authority within his household is absolute. As head of household, he is to sit in judgment of his mother and sisters. His word is the final word within the family. Should there be no male who has started puberty, then a male within the extended family of uncles and nephews shall be designated head of household until such time the male starts puberty.”

“Is it true that the eldest male, if he becomes head of household, can marry his mother?”

“Yes. It’s the males prerogative to either marry his mother or one of his sisters who has has their first blood or marry a female from outside the family. Marrying his mother or sister will keep the family’s bloodline pure, like me and my husband brother, but marrying a female from outside the family will introduce a new bloodline and possibly jealousy into the family unit. As we all know, jealousy among females of any age is a bad thing, even in our country.”

Steffi agreed. “Jealousy is a bad thing, even in the secular world. As females we must fight it and work with each other. So do you know of family’s that have this arrangement of a son marrying his mother or sister?”

“Yes. Where a father has died of some disease or an accident, the oldest son has become head of household. We have boys running their households. Most boys will marry their mother, other boys will marry their sister. In either case, it keeps the family bloodline pure and white.”

“What about when a mother dies of a disease or an accident? Are the rules the same?”

“A father can marry his daughter, as long as she has had her first blood or he can marry a female from outside the family.”

“What else?”

“Fifth, the wife and mother has no authority over her sons or authority within the household. Although she is married to the head of household and may even sleep in the master bedroom, this gives her no special standing within the family. She is responsible for the upbringing of her daughters though. She is to teach them the ways of the household. If the daughter runs afoul of a family rule or gets in trouble, the mother is also held responsible for the infraction and is punished alongside her daughter. Within our households, mothers and her daughters are treated the same.”

“Sounds like your society and our society are the same in many respects.”

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