Happy Hangers - Cover

Happy Hangers

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Lifelong friends share many pleasures in life's journey. Hermione's massive mammaries are a focal point for lots of them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Sharing   Gang Bang   Orgy   Water Sports   Big Breasts   .

This was one of his two favorite happenings. His head was propped up and he could look down at the short curly red hair on the top of her head as Hermione, who preferred “Hermie”, sucked lovingly on his cock. Tommy’s hands were full of her big luscious mammaries, hanging down due to her hands and knees posture. The other “happening” would be to position himself behind her just like his friend Jack who was slowly stroking in and out of her welcoming pussy, nicely trimmed with ginger curlies. He would be hard-pressed to decide which one he liked better so tried both at every opportunity.

Hermie made those delightful opportunities available quite often, as she had for a number of years. The three of them had been neighbors practically since birth and had shared everything from baths to birthday parties to playing doctor out in the shed. When Hermie, who was a year older than the boys, excitedly took them to the shed and revealed her pussy drooling white stuff and explained how an older boy had just showed her a new fun game to play with their parts, they shared in her loss of virginity with theirs departing too.

The new pastime was enjoyed frequently and Hermie always told them about the other boys who she shared it with. She was not the brightest light on the tree nor the prettiest but her burgeoning bosom and easily opened genitals made up for all of that in boys’ eyes. Like a kid in a candy store, her excitement led her to many beds and other places where intercourse could occur. When after six months her sexual abandon became obvious to the boys, they stepped in as friends and cautioned her about being more selective.

Tommy spoke as they were recovering for another go at her always-ready crotch, “Hermie, I heard that you were banging Billy Jones.”

She grinned at him and replied, “Sure am. He brings his two brothers and I get one on each tit while the third fucks me. They can keep going a LOOOONG time.”

Continuing, Tommy added, “I just had a sex ed class and wonder what kind of contraception you are on.”

“What’s ‘contraception’?”

“Oh, shit!” muttered Tommy. “You might have a baby!”

“I like babies,” she added.

Tommy was upset but had to reach her, “If you get pregnant that will really mess up your fucking.”

She looked concerned, “I guess I don’t want that! Are you ready to fuck again?”

Tommy sighed, “Guess it can’t hurt anything now. But you must tell your mom that you are fucking and she can get you something to keep pregnancy away.”

A few days later Hermie proudly showed the boys the bump in her arm. “This will let me fuck all I want with no babies. Can we do it now?”

Her friends did get her to cut back to a half-dozen guys, the best of the bunch, and a promise to talk to them before she added anyone else to the list. There was some slack to be taken up and they managed the time and energy to do it. She was a vigorous sex partner and easily handled just the two of them at one time. The three brothers and an older guy rounded out her round-heel times.

It was bound to happen. One Saturday when Tommy and Jack knew her parents were away, they dropped in on her because they hadn’t been laid by their one and only since Wednesday. The door was open and they just entered as usual. Hearing noises from her bedroom they discovered three guys naked within and doing just what naked young people are most likely to be doing. Spotting them in the doorway, Hermie pulled her mouth off my hard one and squealed, “Oh goody! Two more to fuck me. I’ve almost worn these ones out. Get naked!”

It was Billy and his brothers. First freezing at being caught, they relaxed when they heard their happy slut’s comments. The one who was in her mouth rolled her on top of him so Tommy put his rod in her mouth and Jack got some tit-fucking as she rode.

After those three had dumped cum in her pink and messy box, the other two peckers were ready to keep the train a’rolling. Billy had brought some beer and the new-cumers got one too. Just before Billy finished on top as the second of the double-bangers he gave a yelp, “She’s pissing on me!” and pulled back so quickly that his pecker snapped up to splatter cum on his belly. A yellow stream followed him and soaked his belly and parts before slowing to a dribble.

Hermie looked embarrassed, “Just couldn’t hold it any longer and didn’t want to make you stop.” Billy wiped himself off with some of her clothes and the three left.

Jack was giggling, “I remember how we used to pee on each other out in the yard. It ain’t so bad!”

“My other guy likes it a lot,” Hermie volunteered.

Seeing an opening for a question he’d had for quite a while, Tommy spoke up, “Tell us about this guy.”

Hermie brightened, “He likes to fuck me!”

Jack snorted, “We figured that. Is he our age? What does he look like?” “He’s really old,” she replied, “maybe as old as our dads.”

Tommy butted in, “I didn’t know guys that old could still fuck.”

Nodding her head vigorously, Hermie said, “They sure can. He’s got a big one and he knows how to use it to make me feel good. I love fucking him.”

Jack interjected, “So what else about him besides his big dick?”

“He’s got two boys about your age and he says they are virgins. He wants me to fuck them so they will know how to do it. There kinda cute and I’m pretty tempted but I was going to talk to you about that. Now that Billy and his brothers might not come back they might be lots of fun for me.”

At this point, Tommy climbed on her and buried his bone while Jack started working on her big nipples. As they got her wound up, Hermie kept talking, “I sure love fucking. It was awful nice being your first pussy and I’ll bet his boys would like that too. I’m supposed to go over there tomorrow night for dinner and I’ll bet I get fucked a lot. How about we get together the next day and I’ll tell you all about it.”

Each of the guys dumped their last load in her before they had to go home. The next night they were rubbing their boners thinking about their friend’s pussy getting royally reamed. They knew from experience that it wouldn’t get hurt or nothing but, being teenagers, they were horny waiting for the next piece because it was more than six hours away.

Hermie was out in the shed right on time and pulled up her dress and laid back on the old mattress that was there. The guys and flipped a coin and Jack shoved his pecker in first. While he was pumping away, Tommy asked her, “So how was your time with the old man and his boys?”

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