My Way - Cover

My Way

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 9

Oh God, Jamie knew that look. That was the same look he shared with Victoria. The one that meant I wish we were alone now, so I could rip all your clothes off and make mad passionate love to you. Could his mother still have those kinds of feelings? Why not, he knew that he would feel that way about Victoria till he had breathed his last breath. It was just a little disconcerting knowing your own mother could think those thoughts.

After dinner Jamie helped Victoria into his truck and headed for town. He had told the sheriff that they would be there by 7:00 and they were cutting it close. Sloan had come along with them but had not said much. He didn’t want to horn in, but he really wanted to know what the sheriff had to say about the fire. He greeted them and asked them to have a seat.

“I’ll take you next door and show you what’s left if you want but I really just wanted to ask you a few questions first.” Sheriff Tubber said looking straight at Victoria.


“First did you bring your list? The volunteer fire department put out the fire, but I had to wait till the fire marshal could get down here today, to confirm it was arson. We had content insurance so to answer your question; our insurance will cover your loss.”

“Oh, that is good news.” She said smiling at Jamie.

The room grew quiet, very quiet.

“Miss Thatcher do you know anyone who might want to cause you any trouble?” The sheriff finally asked.

“Why no of course not, why would you ask such a thing?”

“Sheriff you don’t think that somebody set that fire to get at Victoria, do you?” Sloan asked coming to his feet.

“Well I don’t know son. Although I find Miss Thatcher charming and very nice and others that I have asked have said the same, we are a small town and do not normally have much crime.”

“Are you accusing Victoria of something?” Jamie said now coming to his feet.

“No of course not, calm down boys. What I am saying is that there have been a few things happen around here and they seem to be connected to her. It may be coincidence, but I need to investigate it all the same.”

“Connected to me, Sheriff, you have to be kidding. I don’t even know very many people around here. Why would anyone want to do this to me?”

“Well I don’t know but let’s talk about that for just a minute. You know the Ways and they just had a fence cut and a herd of steers run off.”

“Sheriff you can’t think she had anything to do with that. I just figured it was a prank and we got the steers all back.” Jamie said.

“I’m just connecting the dots. Next you know Dr Riley and he was nearly killed coming to see you this week. And last but by no means least you know me, and my name is on the lease for the building next door that your things were stored in.”

Victoria went pale and took a deep breath.

“Sheriff I swear this is all just a coincidence. It has to be.”

The sheriff knelt down in front of her, “Victoria, I am not accusing you of anything; I just had to point out the connection. I think someone is messing with you.”

“Well yea my brother, but he would never burn down a building.” Sloan said with a laugh. “Oh, come on you guys I was trying to lighten the mood.”

“Thanks, but let’s stick to the problem. Do you think she is in any danger?” Jamie asked.

“No.” The sheriff answered.

“Can we see the building?” Sloan asked.

“Sure, come with me.”

The sheriff’s office had smelled like he had been roasting marshmallows over an open fire but the building next door or what was left of it smelled terrible. The back wall was burnt completely through, and the floor was covered with piles of burnt wet things. Everything was black and grimy. Her boxes had been stacked just inside the front door to the right.

“That’s it. That is where we put your things. I’m really sorry but nothing survived.”

Victoria started to cry, and Jamie pulled her into his arms.

“Shhhh it’s ok. Things can be replaced. You didn’t want those old memories anyway. You moved here to make new ones, remember.”

She nodded. That was all true so why was she crying? Maybe because the sheriff had almost accused her of this. No, he hadn’t. He had been nothing but kind and merely mentioned that there might be a connection with all this other stuff. After they left the sheriff, as promised they stopped for ice cream. Victoria wasn’t really in a party mood, so they got it to go. At home Sloan told Elizabeth and Dr Billy what the sheriff had said while Jamie and Victoria dished up the ice cream and made a fresh pot of coffee. Sloan suggested that maybe it would be a good idea for Dr Billy to not mention to anyone when he was planning to visit Victoria. Jamie agreed and said he would tell all the ranch hands to be alert and double check the fences at least along roadways.

“Honey don’t let this get to you, we know you have nothing to do with it. Somebody could just as easily be messing with us.” Elizabeth offered.

Well it was a slight possibility, but Victoria wasn’t going for it. Someone might actually be doing this to get at her. The whole idea made her sick.

The next day was without incident and the day after that Sloan went home. He had promised to bring Sara to meet them as soon as possible. The days passed quickly and nothing strange happened until one morning Jamie went out early. He was headed to the bunkhouse when he noticed that there was something on the hood of his truck. It was a hammer. His front window was shattered, and the front seat was slashed. Nothing was missing inside but someone did quite a number on it. Jamie called the sheriff and he came right out.

“Why would someone do this? This is sick.” Jamie said in pure disgust.

“Have you had any trouble with anyone lately?”

“No of course not.”

“Have you had any close calls or any fender benders lately?”

“No. Why would someone do this to my truck? I mean it must mean something. They were here and could have done something to the house or any of the buildings or vehicles, why my truck?”

“Do you need it?” The sheriff asked.

“Well of course I need it.”

“No, I mean do you need it right now?”

“Yes, I do. I’m taking Victoria in to get the cast off her leg this morning. But that certainly wouldn’t be a reason to do this to my truck.”

“Ok, who knew you were taking her today?”

“I don’t know I guess everybody. We’ve been talking about it for days, ever since Dr Billy said it was time. I have to meet with attorneys this afternoon and she didn’t want to wait till tomorrow.”


“Why what?”

“Why didn’t she want to wait till tomorrow?”

“Because the physical therapist that has been coming out here to see her will be back tomorrow and she was hoping to get started on her leg therapy. This whole thing has been really hard on her and I hope you are not going to start that somebody is messing with her again, because she wouldn’t let on, but I know that it really scared her the last time.”

“Ok I won’t say anything about that in front of her, but you need to keep an open mind and be on the lookout for someone who might not like her.”

The sheriff took pictures and filed his report. When Jamie told Elizabeth and Victoria about the truck, they were shocked.

“Why would anybody do something like that?” Elizabeth asked, “We really need to start locking things up better around here at night. Did any of the guys hear anything in the night?”

“No. The sheriff talked to all of them and Bo had come in late last night and said the truck was fine when he came in about 2:00 am. There were no other tire marks or foot prints.”

“What about the hammer?” Elizabeth asked.

“It was ours.”

The phone rang and pulled Elizabeth away.

“I’m borrowing Hanks truck and we can leave anytime you are ready.” Jamie said taking Victoria’s hand.

“Oh, Jamie we don’t have to go today, after all that has happened, I really understand. We can go tomorrow.” Victoria offered.

Moving closer, much closer he slipped his arms around her.

“Unless you don’t want to go for another reason, we are going. Why should you miss the chance to start therapy tomorrow just because of a vandal? Besides it gives me some alone time with you.”

When she smiled up at him, he lightly kissed the tip of her nose. The look in her eyes changed to a dark, deep need and it was one Jamie completely understood.

Hanks truck was older and had a bench seat, so Victoria was able to sit closer to Jamie. It seemed that any little moment of contact that they could have, was taken. They were both burning up inside for each other, but Jamie continued to resist. Victoria had never been intimate with a man but that didn’t mean that the strong burning need in her was any less controlling. She was afraid that she was becoming shameless for all the flirting and open sexual opportunities she had given him. But Jamie was obviously a man of honor and she loved him even more for that.

The cast came off with no complications. The doctor announced that she would be back to normal in no time. He had asked her about the therapy and said it was fine to start anytime. This was not the same doctor who had removed the arm cast. This one was much younger and seemed to be touching Victoria a little more than Jamie thought was necessary. For example, when he brushed a few stray hairs from her face or when he held her hand when he asked how the leg felt after the cast was off. She smiled and laughed but when she turned to Jamie and smiled it was different. He realized that she was happy and just being polite with the doctor. But the look she gave him was so much more. They had planned to eat lunch out, but her appointment took longer than planned and with the late start they had to grab fast food and head home. Jamie was meeting with attorneys to finalize the purchase of the Perez property and Victoria knew it was important.

Driving through Valentine on the way back Jamie waved to several people and Victoria felt proud sitting beside him. He was a man that everybody liked and respected. He was a good businessman and more importantly a fair businessman. That she suspected was part of the respect. He had made an extremely fair deal with Mr. Perez and had even been a little generous. She had heard stories of other properties that he had purchased in the past, and everyone had made out on the deal and were very happy. She liked that. But come to think of it, what didn’t she like about him?

Back at the ranch Jamie helped her out of the truck but she walked in to the house all by herself. This was a first and she was proud of it. Things had certainly been different from the way she thought it would be moving to Valentine. She had been afraid that she would have trouble making friends and fitting in. She was sure that the first few months she would be all-alone, but the accident had been a blessing in disguise.

Although she had been hurt in the accident there was nothing that didn’t heal and in trade, she became involved with the nicest family anywhere. They had taken her in and treated her like family without question. Maybe that was just the way in Texas, but she knew the Ways were special and she would always love them all. Well at least Elizabeth and Jamie. Sloan was still out there. She realized that she was having all these thoughts because now she was better. With the leg cast off, she would have to move on.

Jamie had used his influence and connections in town to help her keep the job at school. The deal had been that if she finished out the school year that they would consider her for the position full time but because of the accident she couldn’t. The school board had agreed that she could have the position anyway and come fall she would have a job.

Next, she would need to find a place to live and set up housekeeping. Her linens and house wares were all destroyed in the fire, so she would need to replace them. She had been hoping to find a furnished place to live since she had no furniture of her own. This might be more difficult, but she would find something. How was she ever going to thank the Ways, they had done so much for her.

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