My Way - Cover

My Way

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 4

“Morning Jamie.”

He just stood there staring at her. Even with bandages all over her face and edges of her hair burnt, she was beautiful. That satin nightgown peeking out from under her sheets was enough to make him crazy. At that moment, he decided that he was a sick man. Here lay a sweet woman who had been injured due to his negligence and she was warm and friendly to him but all he could do was look at her with lust. Yes, he was sick. Jamie found that thought shocking even to himself. He was not really that way, why did he feel that way about her? Sure, he had girlfriends before and yes a few were intimate but never had he felt this need before. He had to stay away from her, if not for her sake than for his.

“Good morning Victoria. I hope I didn’t wake you.” He said still standing in her doorway.

“No of course not. I have always been an early riser. I love the quiet of the early mornings; it’s where I prepare myself for the day ahead.”

Funny but that was the same way he had always felt.

“Do you want anything; could I call my mother for you?”

“No, that isn’t necessary she has already been in here. She just went to her room to find some clothes for me. Although she is taller than me, we do wear about the same size and since it’s warm out I can borrow her shorts and t-shirts.”

Jamie had known that after he took Victoria to bed at night that his mother went up and helped her get the nightgown on and covered up. The light being on should have told him that someone had already been in to see her. They had placed a night light out in the hall and Victoria said that was plenty for her.

“Is there anything I can do for you?” He asked. It almost sounded like a plea.

“Would you mind helping me set up?” She asked.

“No of course not.” This time as he entered the room, he felt like he had been invited. That was a silly feeling considering it was his home and she was the guest, but it was the first thing that she had asked him for. As he leaned close to her, she put her arms around his neck and he gently lifted her up to a sitting position. Their faces were so close, and she did not release him from the hold. She knew this was shameless, she really didn’t know much about this man but what she did know was that she wanted to kiss him. Just once, to see. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to see, maybe if his lips were as soft as they looked or what he tasted like. Either way she was asking for a kiss. He was just about to oblige her when footsteps coming down the hall made him move away, but it was too late. Jamie had missed a touch of shaving cream on the side of his face and being that close to Victoria he had gotten it on her.

When Elizabeth came into the room, she was pleased to see Victoria sitting up and Jamie standing beside the bed.

“Good morning son.” She said giving him a hug and then wiping away the last of the shaving cream on his jaw.

“Morning mom. I guess I will go get a cup of coffee and let you two do your thing, when you need me just call.” He said moving to the doorway. He was almost out the door before he heard his mother saying that Victoria had missed some shaving cream too. When he turned, it was to see his mother wiping a smudge of shaving cream from Victoria’s face too. Then the smile that he shared with Victoria added a hint of disappointment. By the time that Victoria was clean and dressed there was no reason to call Jamie because he had been hanging around out in the hall. His delight was restored when he picked her up to go downstairs and she snuggled up against him.

Monday was a busy day. While having breakfast a local rancher called to say that he was thinking of selling his land and knew Jamie was interested. Indeed, Jamie was. He had purchased several of the small ranches and land around them. Just as he finished breakfast, there was a delivery of feed and in the afternoon the vet was coming out to check over some calves. A quick lunch and a moment here and there was all he had with Victoria until dinner.

As they sat quietly staring across the dinner table at each other Victoria’s eyes misted over, the brilliant green in her eyes that he was so drawn to, glazed over and the color changed. It was the desire in her, she could not help herself. His hair was dark and thick, it was cut in a style that moved when he did, and it almost called out to be touched. Running her fingers through it, gently pulling it down to bring his face closer to hers for that perfect kiss kept running through her mind. She had never in all her life thought that she could be aggressive with a man but here it was. It was kind of a good feeling. She knew what she wanted and that it would be wonderful, but she just needed to get it. Then the thought entered her mind that maybe he was not really attracted to her, maybe he was just being nice because of the accident. After all she was burnt, and all broken up. She was insane to think that a man like Jamie Way would normally look twice at her, he was just being nice.

Jamie noticed that the color changed back in her eyes. He had mixed feelings. The perfect green was like a warm blanket he wrapped himself in whenever he looked at her, but the misty green was somehow sexy. Like a woman having passionate thoughts and he wished they were for him.

Tuesday morning had the whole house buzzing. Dr Riley would be by today and the women were both excited. Jamie didn’t see it; maybe he would never understand women. Mid-morning the phone rang reporting that Dr Riley would be by about 4:00. Jamie decided that he had better be there to watch over his mother and Victoria. But unfortunately, Dr Riley came early. It was about 2:00 and he was gone before Jamie ever got back to the house. But when he did, things had changed. Elizabeth was all gussied up and looking happier than Jamie had ever seen her before. Victoria was sitting at the kitchen table with her cast propped up on another chair. The doctor had removed most of her bandages and a normal person would have been shocked by the burns and bruising but not Jamie. He was just glad to get a better look at her face. Her head was heart shaped. She had high cheekbones and bangs fell gently across her forehead, burnt frizzy bangs. The right side of her forehead sported a goose egg that was bruised and split open. It appeared to have a stitch or two in it. Her right cheek was burnt the worst and was still covered by a small piece of thin gauze. Her chin was cut in several places but even with all that the only thing that upset Jamie was the bruising around her eyes. He knew when the cuts and burns healed, and the bruising went away that she would be perfect, as it stood now, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

She was embarrassed and tried to look away when he talked to her, but he was not going to let her get away with that. He had waited almost two weeks to see this much of her face and she had no right to deny him that.

“You look amazing Victoria.” Was all he could manage?

Elizabeth handed him a glass of fresh lemonade and studied him before twirling and saying, “How do I look, Jamie?”

He smiled and kissed her cheek. “Oh, mother you always look amazing to me. But what’s this all about? I thought Dr Riley wasn’t coming till 4:00.”

“He was early. I don’t know but I think he just got done sooner with his rounds and stopped by. He just left.”

But almost as if on cue there was a knock at the kitchen door, and it was Dr Riley again.

“Hello again ladies. I hope you don’t mind the intrusion again, but I forgot something when I was here earlier.”

“Of course, we don’t mind Billy, come on in.” Elizabeth said floating over to the door.

“Jamie, good to see you again. You are the reason I came back.”

Jamie just stood there looking at him.

“Jamie is?” Victoria asked

“Yes. In all my concern about you I didn’t realize that Jamie needed my service too but while at the hospital this morning, Dr Preaze asked how your burns are healing. The nurse found your file for me and I realized that no one had told me you had been burnt too. Mind if I take a look?”

“No of course not but I’m fine. My burns were only first degree and not bad at all. Victoria is the one you should focus on.”

The doctor indicated that Jamie should remove his shirt. When he did all eyes were on Victoria. Her intake of breath at seeing him without a shirt was obvious. Jamie even blushed. “The burns are almost gone and shouldn’t even leave a scar, but this cut on your back should probably have an antibacterial cream put on it till it’s healed. You did get a tetanus shot for that didn’t you?”

“Yes, I did. It was more or less for the nurse, so she would stop nagging at me.”

“You don’t need to tell me, nurses are trained to nag and if you think they nag at patients you should see how they nag at doctors.”

Jamie turned so Dr Riley could smear the antibacterial cream on. And then he handed Jamie the tube. “Twice a day should do it.”

Jamie nodded and took the tube. “Listen Doc since you’re here is it ok for Victoria to be sitting out here and how did you get out here anyway?” He asked looking at Victoria. She just smiled and pointed to the doctor.

“Yes of course it’s ok. She is strong and healthy, and I don’t think it will do her any harm if she moves around a little. I don’t want her attempting the stairs yet but with help she can hobble around a bit. She still needs to take it slow and easy but there are a lot of things she can do until she’s back to normal.”

“Jamie guess what. When I get this cast off my arm, your mom is going to teach me to quilt. That is something I can do while my leg heals and build strength in my arm.” Victoria heard the words coming out of her mouth and realized how excited she sounded. It had been a long time since she was excited about anything. Elizabeth was becoming a good and true friend and Victoria was thankful for every day that they had together.

“Well I need to get going, again” Dr Riley said as he headed for the door. “I will see you all Thursday.” As Elizabeth walked Dr Riley out to his car Jamie reached for his lemonade.

“Jamie, come here please” Victoria asked, “I want to see that cut on your back. Is that because of the accident?” She touched his back just below the cream and he shuttered. Reaching for his shirt he moved away.

“Yes, but it’s nothing. When the car exploded glass and little metal pieces shot everywhere.”

“How did you get hit?”

“When I pulled you out, I knew it could explode so I put you in the ditch and laid over you in case it did. And of course, something did. It was small but went in deep and they told me it might take a while to heal. Trust me, I’ve been hurt worse.”

She didn’t like that, the thought that he had been hurt worse or that he had ever been hurt at all for that matter.

Wednesday was just a nice day. Jamie decided that he finally had to mow the yard and Elizabeth needed to spend some time in the garden. Weeds were taking over, and she wouldn’t have that, so Jamie pulled out a lounge chair and the umbrella from the patio table and positioned Victoria, so she could get some fresh air and sunshine and keep Elizabeth company while she weeded. Jamie waved at them every time he went by on the mower and Paula brought them all some iced tea about half way through their chores. As Elizabeth was standing up and saying that was it for the day, a car turned in off their land, it was Sheriff Tubber.

“Hello Elizabeth, Miss Thatcher.” He said tipping his hat. I have good news for you; all your belongings have arrived. I had them put in the empty building next door to my office and I brought out the suitcases. I hope this will get you by for a while.”

“Oh yes Sheriff, thank you. You are just too kind.”

Jamie had seen the sheriff pull in and headed that way. Elizabeth offered the sheriff some tea and Jamie took Victoria’s bags up to her room. When he came back down, they had all moved to the front porch. Jamie poured himself a glass of tea and joined them. The next couple of days just flew past. Elizabeth reminded Jamie and Hank Saturday morning before they went fishing that she had invited Dr Riley for dinner, and they were counting on trout. Jamie still wasn’t too sure how he felt about Dr Riley and he really wasn’t sure how he felt about Dr Riley and his mother becoming an item, but he did his part for dinner and so did Hank. Hank knew that he would be the fifth wheel at this dinner, but he really didn’t care, it was for Paula’s trout dinner. Normally he ate with the other hands but that had always been his choice. He said it gave him a better relationship with the guys if he ate and played cards with them, truth be told, he liked it. Tonight, the hands were having chili, which was a special treat for them. Paula didn’t like it so if she was eating dinner there, it had to be something she liked.

After Jamie and Hank returned home with the trout, they went out to work but the women really went to work. Elizabeth set up the bar in the living room and she and Paula set the table with the good silver. Paula was preparing trout on a bed of rice and Elizabeth was making a salad with lettuce from her own garden. Paula would make cream puffs for dessert using Elizabeth’s’ mother’s recipe. Appetizers were cream filled chilies, sweet salmon cubes and crab spread. Paula had noticed that Elizabeth was going all out for this dinner and it somehow tickled her to see Elizabeth this excited. After all the food prep was done and the bar was set, they threw together some things quick to go with the burgers Rolly was going to fix on the grill for lunch. The lunch bell rang, and everyone gathered quickly. After lunch was cleaned up Elizabeth asked Victoria if she felt up to a shower. Definitely! After nothing but sponge baths since the accident the chance to get in a shower was exciting. Elizabeth had asked Dr. Riley if Victoria could get in the shower and he finally gave in when they agreed to wait till Saturday. They would put her leg in a plastic bag and tape it tightly past the cast. Her arm could just be wrapped in plastic and taped at both ends so she could use her hand. A shower, who would have thought that a shower would do so much to brighten her spirits. She had a pretty dress that she could wear now that her own clothes had arrived, and Elizabeth had promised to paint her nails. And Elizabeth had a surprise for Victoria. Any minute now her cousin would be stopping by and she was a beautician. If Victoria wanted, she would trim up her hair and might even be able to trim off the burnt. She had a surprise for Jamie tonight too, Dr Riley was going to remove Victoria’s last bandage. Of course, it was way too early to wear makeup, but she knew it would make Victoria feel better and that would make Jamie happier. Just then the doorbell rang.

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