My Way - Cover

My Way

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 11

As Jamie climbed the steps to his room, the power pulled him to hers.

“Are you asleep?” he whispered.

“No, come on in.” The room was dark except for the moonlight shining in her windows. She slid over and patted the mattress for him to sit. “Is something wrong?” She asked.

“No, everything is alright.” He answered. “Would you mind if I just laid here with you for a little while?” There was no sexual implication in his words; he just needed to be near her. In no time, she could hear the quiet of his breathing and knew he was asleep. She had to smile, for the first time she shared her bed with a man, this was not how she had pictured it. Especially this man. But it was nice having him beside her and she drifted off to some wonderful dreams. She could hear an alarm going off somewhere down the hall and realized that Jamie was still beside her. Slipping quietly out of bed, this was her chance to get coffee for him. Later when she kissed his lips and he woke up smiling she greeted him with a mug and the last piece of yesterday’s cinnamon coffee cake. He had to smile, this was almost perfect. He had spent the night in Victoria’s bed, with her, in his clothes, yea that part was strange, but he awoke with her lips on his. Yea he could do that every morning. They shared the coffee and even the last piece of coffee cake. He had insisted he wanted to share everything with her.

After everyone had gotten up and had breakfast, they saddled up some horses and went for a ride. Victoria had wanted to ask Jamie to take her riding after her cast came off but there had been so much going on that she just hadn’t asked. But this was a wonderful surprise, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Paula had packed a picnic lunch and that would keep everyone out of the house until midafternoon. Jamie and Hank took everyone up to the lake for the picnic and then they spent a little time fishing and just laying around. Jamie had announced that anyone not fishing should take a book or something relaxing to do for an hour or so. Mimi and Victoria both did just that, but Jamie wouldn’t rest until Victoria at least tried to fish and since she caught one on her first cast, it was almost impossible to get his pole back from her. The whole moment was funny until Hank said, “The next time you can’t go fishing with me, I know who I’ll bring up here.” Jamie stopped dead in his tracks and turned to Hank. Everything got quiet. Jamie was about to say something, but Hank just glared at him. Of course, Jamie was being ridiculous, Hank was his best friend, and would never betray him and Victoria was not in love with Hank, she was in love with him. This feeling was a part of love that Jamie didn’t like. For almost a whole minute he was ready to rip Hanks head off. Jealousy was a bad thing but when Victoria squeezed Jamie’s hand, he knew it was a mistake, there would never be a reason to be jealous, and she loved him. She curled up with her book and he and Hank caught trout, lots of them. Spencer and Annie had gone for a walk, Marshall had brought some paper work with him and he was sitting off on a boulder reading. Samantha, true to her nature had ridden up the hill a little farther so she could use her cell phone better.

On the ride back, Spencer told everyone that the lake was a great place to go swimming and if it was as warm tomorrow as it was today, he would take anyone that wanted to go back for a swim.

While the girls cleaned up and helped get dinner started the guys took the horses to the stable. A short time later they headed for the showers. Just as Paula and Spencer were caring the casseroles over to the bunkhouse to feed the hands Sloan and Sara pulled up. Spencer hollered that they were here, and everybody came running out of the house to greet them. Dr Billy had been invited to dinner again and so as soon as he arrived dinner was served. Elizabeth had covered some of the tables in the courtyard and was serving dinner outside tonight. The casseroles were heavenly and again the wine flowed freely. At the end of the meal there were only scraps of salad left and the heel of one of the loaves of garlic bread, but the rest was gone. Dessert was a fresh peach cobbler and several pots of coffee. As they sat around talking Elizabeth slipped in side and turned the tree lights on. It was like she had just lit up the dark Texas sky. Again no one wanted the evening to end but finally it was time and they all turned in. Just as the last light went out in the house, the phone rang, and again five minutes later, and five after that until Jamie unplugged the main. When he awoke the next morning, it was alone in his own bed and he kicked himself for not staying with Victoria again. This was Friday morning the day before his brother’s wedding and the day before he was to ask Victoria to marry him. He wanted to wait till Sunday but knew he could never last that long. When he opened the kitchen door, he found all the women bouncing around the kitchen like they were on a mission.

“Hey, I thought all the wedding stuff was ready.” He called out.

“Oh son, when you are talking about a wedding, there is always more that can be done. Spencer just took a big pan of cinnamon rolls out to the bunk house and I’m sure I heard him say he would have breakfast out there.” Elizabeth added.

“Smart man, I think I’ll join him.” Jamie said as he headed for the door but turned around and spotted Victoria. Moving through the women he put both hands on her hips.

“Good morning” He said kissing her.

“Good morning yourself.” She said wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back.

“Woooooooo” Went the whole room.

“Wooo all you want.” Jamie said kissing her again. Finally, he had to stop but not before he asked if she had slept well last night. She knew what he meant, had she slept well without him. She just shook her head no. He smiled and headed for the bunkhouse. Friday did turn out to be a fun day after all. Some went swimming, some just lounged around, and some went in to Van Horn shopping. Elizabeth assured them that everything was ready, and she would need no help. She in fact disappeared for a few hours and when she came back Jamie was sure he could smell Dr Billy’s aftershave. He liked Dr Billy ok and if he made his mom happy, then he would have to let go of his doubt. Lunch had been on your own today, but Sloan was going into town to get Tenderloins or burgers for everyone for dinner. There was a bar in town that made the greatest tenderloins anywhere. They were about an inch thick with crunchy breading and the meat was at least three times the size of the large bun they served them on. As kids, they would always ask for tenderloins when it was an order dinner out night. Tonight, however they had to eat in the house. Everything was set for tomorrow. All they had to do was put the table cloths on, arrange the centerpieces and turn on the stars and the dining area would be ready. Elizabeth, Annie, Mimi and Sara all left early the next morning for the church. They needed to meet the florist and help arrange the flowers and candles there before he could deliver the other flowers to the house. When all was said and done at the church, Sara stood with Elizabeth at the door and cried.

“Thank you so much Elizabeth. You have gone completely out of your way to make this wedding perfect and I just can’t thank you enough. I didn’t even think I wanted a wedding until we got here. After meeting Sloan’s family, I can’t imagine eloping anymore.” As they turned and started to leave the church Elizabeth gently squeezed Sara’s hand, she was part of the family too.

Back at the ranch everyone was busy. Jamie and the ranch hands were off early feeding cattle and doing daily chores. At noon Jamie and Hank came in to help with the wedding. The florist arrived, and the tables were covered, and center pieces placed. There were flower arrangements placed here and there and then there were flowers for the bridal party. Jamie suggested that they leave those in the wine cellar, so they could stay cool longer. The bartender and waitresses all arrived and started to set up. Several musician friends of Jamie’s came by to drop off their instruments and have a quick run through. Everything was going as scheduled. Samantha, Marshall and Victoria had been carrying food back and forth from the bunk house to the kitchen and so on. There were trays of steak and chicken waiting for the grill. Bo would come in while they were at the wedding, shower and get the grill going. Every bathroom in the house and bunkhouse was being used. Everyone was scrambling to get ready at the same time. When they had finished everyone was gathering in the living room to wait so they could all go together. Everyone was dressed except Sara. She rode to the church in her sweats. She was so afraid that something might happen to her dress that she wouldn’t risk wearing it till she was at the church.

The wedding went off without a hitch. It was beautiful, and Sara was a gorgeous bride. As they mingled after and took pictures of the wedding party and family, Jamie couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous Victoria was. She would be a beautiful bride too. As they all caravanned home from the church Jamie took advantage of the alone time.

“Victoria do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” He asked.

She scooted closer and smiled. “Thank you and do you know how handsome you are?”

“Listen honey before we get back to the house, I wanted to talk to you about something. I know this isn’t the right time or place, but I can’t stand it anymore.”

She looked at him with fear in her heart. He had said that he loved her so why was he sounding so melodramatic.

“Jamie if something is wrong, could you wait to tell me till later? This has just been such a perfect day that if you have had second thoughts about how you feel, tell me tomorrow, ok?”

Jamie looked at her face. She was getting this all-wrong. Turning off the road and parking beside some trees, he smiled as the drivers behind them tooted their horns. People would think that he was pulling over for some hanky panky and as nice as the thought was, he just needed to talk. Still sitting in the truck, with both hands gripping the steering wheel, he took a deep breath.

“Honey get out.” He said climbing out of the truck and coming around to her door.

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