The Widow's Horny Family - Cover

The Widow's Horny Family

Copyright© 2019 by Kathy Andrews

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - She had been widowed and celibate for two years and had about reached her limits. Her horniness was increasing and she needed an outlet. She couldn't resist when her son approached

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Anal Sex   Analingus   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

The sun was shining when Peggy woke up. She sat upright in bed, confused for a moment. Then she swung her feet over the side and, wearing only panties, went straight to her son’s bedroom.

With relief she saw him sprawled there, still sleeping.

She had fallen to sleep waiting for him and had not heard Donny come home. That was unusual, because Peggy had always waited up for her son when he was at a late movie with friends. But then she had known where was and what time he would be home.

Last night she had not known where he was. And that made a difference, a big difference.

Simply because he was fucking her, she thought, was no reason for her son to ignore the established rules. Feeling angry, she showered and dressed, choosing a becoming skirt with pleats, a garment that emphasized the swell of her ass and swirled about her thighs as she walked. A tight, sleeveless summer sweater concealed her tits, but not the firm thrusting shape of them nor her nipples.

She had her usual coffee, thinking about what she would have to say to Donny about last night. The more she thought of his unconcern, the more she fumed. She thought about spanking him, but he was getting too big for that. She could ground him, as the teenagers called it. She could restrict him to the house for a few days, a week perhaps. If there was one thing Donny dreaded, it was being unable to leave the house during the summer months.

The sound of the telephone startled her out of her thoughts.

“Peggy?” she heard, the voice vaguely familiar to her. “This is Grace.”

Peggy’s eyes widened.

“Yes, Grace?” she replied, apprehension growing in her.

“I was wondering if you’d like to have coffee with me,” Grace said, her voice unusually low. “I know we’ve never been that close, but it seems we may have something in common.”

“I’d be pleased, Grace,” Peggy said, hardly believing she could possibly have anything in common with that tall, icy woman.

“Shall we say in an hour?” Grace asked. “Just you and I-Susy will be out, I’m sure.”

“Of course, Grace,” Peggy replied, hanging up.

She sat there, her coffee becoming cold, deep in thought. She was sure now that Donny had been caught with Susy. After living next door to this woman for some time, this was the first overture of friendliness ever. She recalled how Susy had squatted there to whisper to her mother. And now, Donny out most of the night.

She felt something was wrong.

For a moment she considered waking her son and asking him what he had been doing, perhaps getting some information from him before she saw Grace. Discarding the idea of talking to Donny first, she went to her bedroom and brushed her auburn hair and applied daytime make-up.

She rapped on the door and was admitted by Grace.

Peggy was surprised to see Grace wearing a robe. But, despite the robe, the woman was made up and her hair was gleaming. She still presented an aloof appearance, despite the smile of greeting as she ushered Peggy into the house. This was the first time Peggy had been in Grace’s house, and she was pleased to see the good taste of the furniture and original paintings on the wails.

She accepted a cup of coffee, black, from the tall woman. She looked at Grace, thinking she was more aristocratic in her bearing than cool as she had first thought. The woman was obviously well educated. Sitting on the couch with the coffee table-solid oak-holding her coffee, she waited as Grace sat at the other end of the couch, arranging the folds of her robe demurely over her thighs.

“You mentioned we had something in common,” Peggy prompted.

Grace looked at Peggy for a long time before answering. Peggy shifted nervously, glancing down to make sure her pleated skirt covered her thighs. Then she felt and saw Grace’s dark gaze fixed upon her tits. For a moment Peggy almost blushed, despite the many times she had been looked at his way by men and women, especially those times when she and her late husband had sized up a new couple to fuck with. Yet Grace looked at her tits not exactly with distaste. There was something in those dark eyes that Peggy detected, a warming perhaps.

“Our respective children,” Grace said.

Peggy’s breath caught in her throat. So it was Donny and Susy. Her anger started to flare again. She had asked him to keep his hands off the succulent girl, but he had gone ahead and done something with her and they had been caught.

“Go on,” Peggy said, her voice barely a whisper.

“As I said, we’ve never been close, Peggy. But there are reasons for that. Perhaps, if we should become friendly, you’ll understand.”

“Please, get to the point,” Peggy insisted.

“Yes, of course,” Grace said, and her gaze was again upon Peggy’s tits: “As it usually happens, parents become acquainted through the friendship of their children. I’ve been observing the growing closeness of my daughter and your son.”

“Has Donny done anything that-”

Grace cut Peggy off with a laugh. The sound was very low, throaty, and, Peggy thought, close to erotic. This was a Grace she hadn’t known about. “No, of course he hasn’t done anything to displease us. I suppose you’re wondering where your son was late last night?”

Peggy nodded; confused about this woman. There was no icy aloofness now, only warmth.

“Donny was here.”

“Here?” Peggy repeated, looking sharply at Grace.

“Oh, yes,” Grace murmured. “He’s a delightful boy, you know, and Paul and I couldn’t be happier that our daughter has taken a liking to your son. We watch Susy carefully about who she plays with, you know.”

My God, Peggy thought. This woman is talking as if those two children are planning a marriage, or at the least an engagement.

“We love to have Donny here, Peggy,” Grace went on. “We hope that you would welcome Susy into your home as we do Donny. There is an attachment between the two that Paul and I don’t object to in the least.”

Peggy picked up her coffee and found it cold.

With her mind whirling with puzzlement, she made the appropriate comments, but didn’t remember the things she said or half the things Grace talked about. She was there for over an hour, and, by the time she was ready to go, it seemed as if she had just arrived.

“I must admit I am surprised, Grace,” she commented as she stood up to go. “You’re not as aloof as you indicate.”

“My husband and I don’t get too close to people,” Grace replied. “As I mentioned, you may understand in time. You see, our family is quite close, and we wouldn’t like it if others pried.”

At the door, she turned to face Grace. Peggy was perhaps an inch shorter. “I assure you, Grace, I do not pry. Your business is not my concern, nor is your family. Please rest assured that I do not peek into your windows.”

Again Grace came out with that almost erotic laugh. She placed her hand on Peggy’s bare upper arm in an intimate manner. “Of course you don’t peek in windows, Peggy. I didn’t mean it that way at all. I know, know very well, that you don’t pry.

Grace was looking intently at Peggy, those dark eyes almost piercing. Peggy felt the fingers of the woman press into her arm softly. The falling of the robe caught her eye, and she glanced at Grace as the robe parted from neck to foot.

Grace said nothing, slowly pulling the robe back around her body. But not so fast that Peggy had not seen the woman’s body. Grace wore a bra, but it was a bra with no cups. It curved beneath her large tits, holding them up. Her tits had ruby-red nipples. About her waist was a black garter belt, and Grace wore nylons instead of panty hose. Her midnight-black cunt hair was thick and formed a perfect triangle.

She lifted her gaze to Grace as the robe covered the woman’s nakedness. Grace smiled at Peggy, opening the door for her.

Back in her own house, Peggy found the image of the tall, beautiful woman burning in her mind. What she had seen was not an icy woman at all. Grace, Peggy knew now, was not the cold person she presented about the neighborhood; she was, Peggy knew, quite a hot, erotic person.

The conversation, what she had not missed, told her nothing realty, except that Susy’s parents welcomed Donny into their home, and his attachment to Susy was also welcome.

She heard the shower going and went down the hall to see her son just getting out, his body dripping. His cock stood tall, quite hard.

Peggy forgot about Grace as she stared at her son’s cock.

“Mmmm, that’s beautiful, baby,” she murmured. She moved close to him and wrapped her fingers about his prick. Pressing her lips to his, she pulled his wet body against hers, soaking her sweater and skin. “Can I have some of it, Donny?”

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