Beach Booty - Cover

Beach Booty

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Horny hottie finds every way she can to fuck in public or where she might be seen. That leads to a very interesting career.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Romantic   Sharing   Gang Bang   Polygamy/Polyamory   Exhibitionism   Prostitution   .

Bunny was a real rabbit when it came to sex. Her hormones had given her big beautiful tits that drew guys like bees to honey plus generated lots of motivation to enjoy the male attention in very tangible ways. Lovely, innocent-looking face, and a pussy that never got sore completed the package.

She was an exhibitionist, getting off even faster when somebody was watching her fuck. She’d do a turnabout when the guy who was in her ran out of juice. Gang bangs were one of her favorite activities because she could demonstrate her talented twat over and over again to an appreciative audience.

This hottie loved to go to the beach to show off. An extremely tiny bikini, if you could even call it that, was her favorite. There was a band that barely covered her nipples up top and a thong that required her to shave her pussy to avoid violating any of the rather loose beach rules.

She’d take one of her fuck buddies with her and they’d put down an air mattress covered with a towel under a beach umbrella. When she got tired of swimming and parading around the beach, she’d take her buddy back to their little place and he’d spoon up behind her, pushing her thong aside and sliding his pecker into where she liked it the most. She usually took a long-dicked guy so she could get full in spite of her plentiful buns. She’d been to this beach often and quite a few guys knew her. Many of them had found time and place to spread her legs previously so they came up to see if there was any action available.

So here she was, full of cock talking to other guys about getting theirs in her. If there was a guy she had especially fond memories about, she would use her talented pussy muscles to ripple the guy inside her and get him to shoot his wad. She then told him to go find some things to do and stop back later. This new guy then took his place and was her cunt-filler of the moment. He was not to move, she instructed, so as not to get them in trouble for public sex but she’d see to it that he enjoyed himself. They were never disappointed and in a little while he was replaced with yet another fresh piece of cock-meat.

After four guys had emptied their balls in her, she decided to go for a little dip in the ocean and tease some of the older guys who were drooling as they watched her go by. There was one who was brave enough to approach and ask if he could buy her dinner. She flippantly said that she was wearing her best dress up clothes so he quickly countered with, “I’ll get a room and we can call in whatever you want from room service.”

He was a pretty good-looking guy wearing some expensive clothes so she thought, “What the hell.”

Being rather direct she simply said, “I’ve got a guy with me that I can’t just abandon. You either spring for a cab to get him home or he can join us. If you are interested in what I think you are, he might be a good addition to the fun.”

Barry’s eyes lit up, “Okay. You’re on. Go collect him and we’ll get out of here.” That was easily accomplished and they all got in his Mercedes. She was reading him right. This guy had money and they went to a very nice hotel with a great menu. Billy, her long-dicked fuck-buddy, was very quiet and just paid attention to what was going on. This would be an adventure, that’s for sure.

Their host was probably twenty years older than they were, an older man than almost all the guys that Bunny had ever gotten naked with. She wondered if he’d be any good in the sack.

They enjoyed their dinner, especially when Bunny removed the tiny bits that were covering her body and rubbed up against her generous host. When she unzipped him and began sucking he protested a little bit. “I want to see what you bring into the party,” she explained, so he let her continue.

Billy pulled his dick out and started rubbing it, quite used to Bunny’s proclivities. His claim to being a regular part of her sex life was that he would do anything she asked. At that meant anything. She’d peed in his mouth, shit on his dick, rolled him over to let another guy fuck his ass, and many other things. His long, long cock was special to her to as she sought to find one that out-measured it.

With the food devoured, she began testing to see who would call the shots tonight. Would it be her or Barry? “Hey guy,” addressing him without using his name as a measure of control, “Come on over here and taste my pussy. You seemed quite interested in it at the beach so here’s your chance.”

Barry knew the game to, “I’d rather your friend cleaned it out for me. You got it pretty messy out there from what I saw. Whenever I get in it I want to feel the real you not some other guys’ leftovers.”

Billy jumped at the chance to show his stuff and started licking and sucking away at the Y. She noticed that Barry’s cock only got about half filled. That sure wouldn’t do for what she liked.

“Okay Billy, now that you’ve got me taken care of, go over and get Barry big enough for my fussy cunt.”

Barry laughed, “From what I saw your criteria is pretty broad. Don’t act uppity with me. If you want me bigger then do it yourself. Let’s see how good you can suck cock.” She got busy and he had a long and thick uncut tool that she dropped her cleaned up cunt on as soon as she’d hardened it.

“Hey Billy,” Barry called out, “I bet this cunt is big enough for both of us. Go ahead, stick yours in on top of mine. Let’s show this slut what it really means to be full of cock.” Billy happily complied and that cock-on -cock friction got Barry off just before Billy shot his hot stuff in there too. Two depleted pussy pistols were now coated with each other’s “bullets”. Bunny collapsed on Barry’s chest and was snoring lightly. She’d had a “cunt-full” day!

“Thanks Billy. That worked great now you get some sleep and we’ll fuck the hell out of her later.”

It wasn’t a dream, Bunny happily discovered as she was jolted back to consciousness by that familiar thrusting in her lower regions. Barry was slipping it to her from behind as she laid on her side. Billy’s cockhead filled her field of vison so she opened her mouth and began sucking its familiar shape. After a few minutes she spit it out and complained, “My belly is grumbling. Time out!”

Barry shot his stuff just then and went to call room service. When the cart appeared Bunny met the young man at the door, cum running down her thigh. She gave him a crotch squeeze as she put the tip in his briefs.

After draining both prostates they checked out and Barry drove them back to the beach parking lot. He gave her a little kiss and said he’d be in touch. She knew what kind of touch she wanted. He was a hunk with money.

Three days later they were on a regular date. After seeing her best dress, he took her to an upscale store and she got refitted. Then to a very nice restaurant. He had a number of questions for her. “Are you over eighteen?” She nodded, having a mouthful of food that was SOOO good. “Did you graduate high school?” Another nod. “Do you have a job?” One more nod. “Where?”

This one required a verbal response so she swallowed first, “At Mickie-D’s running the counter.”

Barry took a sip of his cocktail, “You might be the kind of personal assistant I’ve been looking for. My current one is getting married soon so I’ll lose her. Do you have a passport?”

“Why would I need one?”

“Because I travel all over the world. Do you speak any other languages?”

“I’ve learned a bit of Spanish. Is that good?”

He nodded, deep in thought. “Because I work odd hours and travel so much, it is best if my assistant lives with me. Would you have any difficulty with that?”

She grinned, “Would you want sex too?”

“Of course. You’ve had a good sampling of me already and there will be situations where fucking others might be required. That’s partly why I am losing Jennifer. Her fiance had trouble with that part of her job. I take it you have no special love interest.”

She reached for his hand, “I’ve deliberately avoided that complication. So what does it pay and when can I start?”

He quoted a figure that shocked the shit out of her. She couldn’t make that much money for regular whoring and this would be that but a real cut above with lots of other fringes. He added, “Part of that salary goes to a trust account that you gradually get ownership if you stay with me. There are also bonuses based on how well you help me close deals. I’ll elaborate more on that sometime when we are travelling. First of all, I’ll let you pack your essentials. Let’s give most of your clothes to Goodwill and get you dressed better. They will be charged against your salary but there will be plenty left over. A stop at a hair and nail salon would be good too. There will be some other things we can do the dress you up a bit although your natural beauty won’t take much. What kind of birth control are you on?”

Now that it was getting into her territory she said proudly, “I have an implant that suppresses my periods too.”

Barry smiled, “Good! They can be inconvenient but I’m going to get you an IUD for backup since nothing is foolproof. The clinic I use will check you for unwanted bugs every month as well. I don’t take chances.”

Bunny’s mind was in a whirl with the sudden and drastic change in her life. She called Billy when she got home and told him to get his ass over here pronto. He had a sister close enough to her size that the clothes would be appreciated. Other girl stuff also got loaded in his car.

“What the hell is going on?” he inquired when she gave him a chance.

“I’ve got a new and great job with Barry and it starts now. I won’t be needing any of this stuff. You aren’t going to see much of me for a while because I’ll be living with Barry and travelling a lot. You’ve been a good friend and I’ll miss you. How about a goodbye fuck until I get back here?”

That turned into the longest and most tender session she’d ever had with him and when things calm down, she noticed he was crying. “Billy, what’s wrong?”

“I just realized how much I’m going to miss you. I know you did a lot of stuff with other guys but it was just for your own pleasure. You included me a lot and I feel pretty close to you. I might even be in love with you. Please send me an email every Sunday telling me what you’re doing and that you’re okay. Please!”

Bunny promised and as she traveled to Barry’s place his words kept going through her mind. Billy was special to her and she just hadn’t noticed how much. She would keep in touch and make it a point to visit him whenever she could.

Her days were very busy learning about this new job. Not only was the departing assistant teaching her an awful lot of new things to absorb in a short time, but Barry signed her up for some online training as well. This was maybe the most she’d ever had to focus in her whole life. Barry fucked her every morning and evening but she didn’t have much time to think about sex otherwise.

She visited with Rachel to learn some of the things that were above and beyond regular office duties. The somewhat older woman admitted that she’d enjoyed the travel and the money and some of the “professional fucking”. She told about some examples of being with these men who were generally older and quite skillful. Men who appreciated what they were getting. Once in a while there was a jerk but a word to Barry took care of that as a problem. Even though she loved the man she was marrying, there would be times when she might miss the raw excitement of spreading her legs for relative strangers.

The two weeks went quickly and on Rachel’s last night Barry invited both women to his apartment and had a nice dinner catered in. Bunny watched as Rachel took his cock for the last time and then Rachel watched as Bunny got symbolically laid for the transition of responsibilities. Just as she left, Barry gave Rachel the sign on and password for the holdback account he’d created for her. It held almost a quarter of a million dollars. They were both invited to the wedding.

They were still waiting for Bonnie’s passport even though they’d paid for it to be expedited. There were enough local clients for her to accompany him and see how things went on site visits. She was expected to study their portfolios and be ready to assist at any moment during the time with the client. Barry said that sex with these local clients was rare. The overseas ones most often asked for that is part of doing business.

About six weeks after Rachel’s departure was her wedding. After the ceremony she took Bunny aside to see how things were going. She was pleased that the young woman was motivated and excited. “I’ve got some news for you too. I’m already pregnant! I made sure it was my husband’s. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.” Bunny hugged her, thinking that someday she might find herself in a similar position in life but did not share the news with Barry.

New passport in hand, she and Barry flew to Costa Rica to work with a company that sold packaged vacations. They traveled from resort to resort, getting the best accommodations. When they ended up back in San Jose on their last day, Jorges, the company CEO, spent much of the day negotiating. When things were close to an agreement he made the expected demand. “I was hoping that you would bring Rachel again. She was a very good helper for you. This young one has potential, I expect. Let me negotiate with her overnight and I think we will come to a conclusion in the morning.” As expected, Barry agreed. Bunny was not surprised, having consulted by email with Rachel and learning this man’s hot buttons.

Her extensive practice served her in good stead as she gave this man what he expected including the feeling that he was a much better stud than he actually was. As his limousine took them back to the hotel where Barry waited she felt like an actress and had to suppress her smile.

Jorges gave her high praise and happily signed the contract. As they were taken to the airport, Barry told her, “Great work, Bunny. You just got a $20,000 bonus which will go in your account as soon as they make payment. Rachel used to tell me about her adventures so you can fill me in tonight for a relaxing time.” She fell asleep with her head on his shoulder, quite proud of herself.

Things went along quite well for the next several months. Once or twice a month she’d have to use her carnal skills to close a deal. Some of them required acting and some of them didn’t but she made money on every one. Barry usually fucked her at least once every day although there were the occasional female clients that wanted his attention. Even then, he was usually eager for her when returning.

True to her word, she’d been regularly emailing with Billy. He’d change from one crappy job to another and she started sending him some money since she had way more than she needed with practically no expenses. He would always tell her how much he missed her and she gave him a very much edited description of what she’d been doing. It was enough that he knew that Barry would be between her legs a lot.

It was Thanksgiving time and she was getting a bit homesick. Her mom and some other relatives were still alive and so she asked Barry if she could take that long weekend visit them. He was agreeable since he had family to go see as well and she got a plane ticket.

Billy picked her up at the airport and was practically in tears as he hugged her. “Can we stop by my place first before we go to your mom’s?” She knew exactly what he wanted since he said he hadn’t dated anybody since she left. She kissed him with a yes and he got her off three times to his two before they headed to her mom’s house.

Mom was so happy to see her. Money that she sent there was also much appreciated since mom couldn’t work and her late father’s pension wasn’t much until mom reached Social Security age. She asked Billy to come back later. She really edited what she told mom about her job and working conditions.

Although mom didn’t entirely approve, her daughter was a grown up and when she said that Billy was going to stay overnight she held her tongue. Their fucking was a lot more restrained with mom not far away but it was good to be in her own bed.

Everybody was up early Thanksgiving morning, fixing food and getting ready for the rest of the relatives to arrive. It was such a good old-time fun with everybody getting in everybody else’s way and little kids running around and being noisy. Cousins were eager to know about her bigshot job and were utterly impressed that she was going to other countries. Many of them had never even been out of the state they were born in.

Late in the afternoon, after things were cleaned up she borrowed her mom’s truck and drove over to Billy’s house. His mom and dad were pleased to see her and introduced her around to the rest of their family that had gathered. She recognized a couple of the cousins around her own age that she had fucked in her wilder days and they all commented how really good she looked, probably wishing they could get some more. In days gone by she would probably have taken them out to the barn and fucked them one after another but she was getting more sophisticated now. Besides, Billy’s feelings seem to be stronger than ever and that would probably just hurt him.

It was a great visit and she promised to come back at Christmas time. Billy cried again at the airport but she said she’d see him soon and she had an idea that she was going to pursue.

Barry wanted to know about her family time and since he knew Billy, she said that he was the only one she’d gotten naked with. There was something she would like to explore. Was he open to ideas? He said to go ahead.

“I think that you could use a dedicated driver and maintenance person around this property, kind of like the nobility in Europe has done for a long time. Remember that castle in England we went to and they had that man in uniform that met us at the airport? Billy needs a decent job and that would be a really good one for him.”

Barry thought for a moment and replied, “I’ll give that some consideration and talk it over with you some more, but it might be a good idea.” Then they went back to fucking with Barry admitting he had a favorite cousin back home that kept him from getting horny.

A few days later Barry brought up the subject again, “I probably wouldn’t have to pay him much considering I’m providing room and board, and with him having to learn a lot of things yet. I would put money aside for him like I do you and he would get an allowance. Knowing your history with him, I expect you’re going to want to fuck him regularly.”

Bunny smiled, “He knows that I do you ever since that first time we were all together. If you ever feel that you’re not getting enough of me, just mention it and I will readjust as need be. I think I’ve got plenty to keep you horny guys satisfied.”

Billy was soon on his first ever plane ride and Bunny met him at the airport. He was in awe of the Mercedes town car that he’d ridden in before but couldn’t drive it until he got a local driver’s license and was put on the insurance. His eyes were even wider when they drove into the fenced in estate with the big house and the four-car garage.

As he and Barry sat out on the back veranda, Bunny brought them some beer and snacks. The new arrival was getting a list of responsibilities as well as indications of who would teach him what. Many of these things, like lawn work, had been done by paid contractors so it might actually save a little money by doing it all in house, not that it would really matter. The contractors were paid to teach him the specific things that they had done and were given a nice severance bonus for doing so.

Much like Bunny’s had been, Billy’s clothes were pretty shitty so she took him to the farm supply store to get some good work clothes and then to a department store to get him dressed up for somewhat more formal things, like driving. Sometimes it would be pretty casual but other times he would have to dress up in a white shirt and blazer. They weren’t going to go the European route with the uniform and gold braid.

He collapsed in his bed each night, never having worked so hard in his relatively short life. He was only seventeen. Bunny smiled when he turned down offers of pussy beyond the piece he got on arrival for a couple of days until the weekend came and he got some rest. Barry was pleased with his decision and tried not to overmanage.

It was Sunday noon before Billy emerged. Barry and Bunny had been to a social event the night before so they’d slept in too. All were in robes getting the first shot of java. Bunny smiled at him, “Had a shower yet?” When he shook his head she added, “After we get something to eat I’d like you to take one with me.” Barry winked at her. They’d just fucked.

The sounds from Billy’s room were unmistakable and a second shower was needed after he made up for lost time. Barry offered to take them to the beach for some recreation the rest of that afternoon. It was only a 45 minute drive.

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