Way Beyond Reach - Cover

Way Beyond Reach

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 8

Sara awoke to total darkness. Her head was pounding, as she tried to rub her head, she realized that her hands were taped together. She tried to move her legs then and realized that they too were taped. She started to scream and call for help. She screamed and screamed but no one came. She struggled until she was exhausted. Then she started to cry and finally cried herself to sleep again. Sometime later she awoke to the sound of footsteps. It sounded like someone was walking overhead. She must be in a basement. That explained the dark damp feeling. Sara was going to scream and then reconsidered. What if that was the one who did this to her, and she was about to find out because she could hear someone coming down stairs. They fumbled with the door, it must have had a lock on the outside because they were having trouble getting it open.

“Well, you’re awake.” A gruff male voice said. It was still too dark to see who it was, and she wasn’t sure about the voice, had she heard that voice before?

“Who are you, what do you want?”

“In time my dear. I brought you some food, I’ve promised to keep you healthy, at least for a few more days.”

She could feel his breath close to her ear.

“If you are really good maybe I’ll even give you a little light.” And with that he kissed her, and she pushed him away.

“Don’t you touch me!” She shouted.

“Ok, but that cost you the light. Besides we’ll have plenty of time to get close if he doesn’t pay the ransom and even if he does.”

The man turned, and he headed to the flight of stairs. Sara heard a door slam and lock. She started to cry again. Sometime later, she managed to calm herself enough to notice the smell of food that he had left on the end of the bed. It was chicken strips and French fries and Sara realized she was starving. As she ate, Sara gave herself a survival talk. “You will get out of this, you are smart and physically fit. Sloan is no doubt looking for you, but you need to take care of yourself, just in case. Stop and think who would do this? Her mind was blank. Why would someone do this? The case maybe. No these were thieves they were after, not kidnappers. This was personal! Ok don’t panic, think, where are you? Sara sat quietly trying to think and realized that she could hear water. It sounded like it was water lapping on the beach, so she hadn’t been moved very far. She was in a basement near the beach? No that didn’t make sense, houses on the beach didn’t have basements. Sara sat there trying to stay calm and think this through, but the only thought that kept coming to her was that Sloan had been right, she should have gone home. Then it hit her, her kidnapper had said he could give her light, so there must be a lamp or something down here, all she had to do was find it. Feeling around the area Sara confirmed the fact that she was on some kind of pulldown bed, there was a light switch by the staircase, which didn’t work and there was no window on the wall with the bed. But Sara kept feeling around and found a table that did have a flashlight on it, that made searching a little easier. Finally, there it was, a battery-operated lamp. This was strange too but at least she could have some light. After a few minutes of fidgeting with it, there was light. That was a comfort considering everything. There was also a man’s wristwatch on that same table. It was ticking and said it was 7:30. Sara rationalized that by the food she had just eaten, that it must be pm. She spent some time looking around; maybe she could find another way out or a weapon. But no luck on either. There was a toilet at the other end of the room, and no matter how dirty and disgusting it was, Sara had to use it. An hour later, she had devised a plan. She would keep the flash light with her on the bed and could, if need be use it as a weapon. Whenever she heard footsteps upstairs, she would turn out the light and pretend to be asleep. And her plan worked well the next day. The man dropped off two meals to her and never touched her. That afternoon she had managed to pry open a floor to ceiling metal cabinet. It was loaded with stuff, and she even found a long screwdriver to use as a weapon if Mr. Hot lips got any ideas again. Sara had also realized that she had been here at least two full days and maybe longer.

Warren had interviewed everyone on the island with no success. Sloan was getting mean and edgy. He felt this was all his fault and he should never have let her get involved.

Sloan had started prowling the streets late at night looking for clues and associating with unsavory characters in hopes of finding Sara. He was checking for anything. Warren was called once to vouch for him, when he was caught window peeping. He explained that he was just looking for a missing woman, but the homeowner didn’t buy it. Sloan had not shaved in days at this point and he couldn’t remember when he showered last, but he couldn’t stop looking. He didn’t need to eat or sleep until he knew Sara was safe and back with him. Most of the homes on the island were built up in case of flooding so Sloan checked out under as many homes as he could. He also checked out all vacant rentals and empty houses. He refused to eat or sleep whenever Warren suggested it. Warren met up with him daily and tried to get him to back off, but Sloan couldn’t. And sleep was not possible. Every time he drifted off, nightmares overwhelmed him, Sara calling for him, or scared, crying somewhere in the dark and the occasional dream where she was hurt. He might never sleep again.

Sara awoke to the sound of footsteps overhead.

Oh crap! Here we go again, she thought to herself. The man fidgeted with the lock again and finally came in. He called Sara, but she didn’t move, he nudged her shoulder, still nothing. With a grunt of disappointment, he dropped the bag of food and left. After she was sure he was gone she turned the light on. She checked to see if the door was still locked and it was. Not surprised but still disappointed, she sat down to breakfast. How she had longed to be with Sloan at Aunt Millie’s right now. Her thoughts went to Sloan. She missed him and not just as a rock and protector. She had decided that she was in love with him sometime back. Right now, she was regretting the fact that she might never get the chance to tell him. She knew in her heart that he was looking for her, but Sloan was a smart and resourceful man, why hadn’t he found her yet? Her thoughts went dark. Who was this guy who grabbed her? What did he really want? What was he waiting for? And, where was she? She had a plan. The next time her abductor came back she would be awake and talk to him. She had a screwdriver and flashlight in case he got touchy-feely again. Hours passed and finally he was back. He opened the door and called to her.


“Well it’s about time you woke up. Can’t have you damaged.”

“Who are you? What do you want?”

“No, you don’t need to concern yourself with any of that.”

“Yes, I do, why are you doing this?”


“No one will pay any ransom for me.”

“Sure, they will and then I’ll get an added bonus. So, I’m feeding you and keeping you as healthy as possible. Now how about you repay the favor and be really nice to me? I have been watching you since you hit this island and have just been waiting for a little intimate time.” He said moving towards her.

“Touch me and you’ll be sorry.” Sara said.

“I’ll take my chances.” Just then she raised her feet and pushed him away, he fell back over something and hit the ground. He threw a few four-letter words her way and went to the door. “That just cost you breakfast.” He said slamming the door. That was just fine with her. The less she had to deal with him the better. This had been going on for days now and Sara was getting past the terrified feeling and moving toward the curious feeling. Why was this happening. What did this guy really want? What did he mean couldn’t have her damaged?

Things started to come together for Slone one afternoon while sitting at the bar, Warren was a few minutes late for their meeting, so Sloan ordered a drink. After a sip or two, Molly moved over and took the seat next to his.

“Hello there. How is everything going? Any word on Ms. Walker?”

“Nothing new. I’m just waiting to talk to that PI guy to see if he knows anything else.”

“Well you look exhausted. You know you really should let the pros handle things like this and you should try to relax.”


“Let me set you up with a few drinks, good ones. I have a friend who is trying to earn some extra money for college by giving massages, she is really good. I could give her a call. I could set it all up for you and maybe you could even use Ms. Walker’s condo? Since you’re not really a guest here I shouldn’t even make the offer but under the circumstances I think it will be alright.”

Molly was all honey sweet and acting weird, more than normal. Sloan decided to play along.

“Well I have to admit it sounds good but as bad as I feel I don’t know if a massage will do it, maybe I should just go home and get drunk.”

“Now that wouldn’t make you feel any better. Let me give Rosie a call and you two can work out the arrangements. Just remember she is trying to earn money for college so be generous.” She added winking.

“Well maybe a massage would help. Why don’t you have her meet me here about five o’clock?” Molly smiled and left the bar.

Warren walked in and sat down at the bar, “Hey there,” Sloan said.

“Hey.” Warren answered and ordered a drink.

“Can I talk to you for a few minutes?” Asked Sloan.

“Sure, but I don’t know any more now that I did the last time we talked.” He moved over to a small table. Sloan shared his new issue regarding Molly.

“She really just came right out and made that offer?”


“Well okay, how do you want to handle this?”

“Molly suggested that I take this girl to Sara’s condo. So, I’m thinking I’ll meet her here, we’ll walk to Sara’s, you’ll be there maybe with that deputy we met the other day.”

“You mean the one that arrested you.”

“He didn’t arrest me.”

“No but he was going to.”

“Yeah, yeah, I talked him out of it.”

“Uhha, go on.”

“Back to the case if you don’t mind, if we bust Molly and this girl on prostitution charges maybe they will talk and have information on the kidnapping to trade.”

“Okay, it’s worth a shot” Warren said.

“Right now, it’s all we have.”

“Okay, what time is she coming here?”

“I’m meeting her at the bar at five and we will walk over to the condo right away. I’ll appear eager.”

“Okay we will be set up and ready. I’ll make arrangements with the Sheriff.” Sloan finished his drink and left trying to look upset. Warren ordered lunch to go and headed out.

At five o’clock Sloan walked into the bar all showered and cleaned up. Before he could even take a seat, Molly approached him.

“Hello Mr. Wright.” And then she snickered.” Mr. Wright, I just caught that. I’ll bet lots of women think you could be their Mr. Right.”

“Well a man in my position has to be aware of that when dating, that’s probably why there is no Mrs. Wright” he said with a perfect smile. His teeth were straight and white like he had taken good care of them.

“Well talk about perfect timing here comes Rosie now. Rosie, this is Mr. Sloan Wright.” Rosie smiled and gently took his hand in a light handshake but before releasing his hand, she let her finger lightly run the length of his palm.

Sloan smiled at her, apparently, that was supposed to be seductive.

“Hello Mr. Wright, I understand we are going to be working some stress out of you today.” Rosie was petite blonde with beautiful green eyes, and she was really a beautiful woman, Sloan was starting to hope that she was really just offering a massage.

“Yes, I hope so. Shall we get started?” As they walked, they talked. She made several comments that concerned him, but he would have to wait to see if she openly propositioned him. As they entered Sarah’s condo, he had a cold chill hit him. It wasn’t like he was cheating on Sara or anything, but it felt that way. He had to continue telling himself that this was for Sara. Rosie went over to a closet and used her resort key to open it, as she was pulling out a massage table she said,” do you want me to use the table or are you more comfortable on the bed?”

“The table will be fine.”

“Okay, do you have a robe; I need you to take your clothes off.”

“Yes, I think there is one in the bathroom. I’ll go put it on.” A few minutes later he was back.

“Okay, just climb up on the table and loosen your robe.” He did, and she peeled the top part of the robe down to his waist. She used a little lotion on her hands and started. So far so good, she was just giving him a massage. She pushed the robe up and worked on his legs. Back across his shoulders again.

“Oh, that feels good.” Sloan said.

“Well I know all kinds of tricks to make you feel good, but it’ll cost you.”

Sloan had worked on investigations in the past, so he knew that she had to spell it out completely before she could be arrested.

“What are we talking; I don’t have a lot of cash on me.”

“Well, you’re pretty cute, so I’ll give you a discount.” She started listing acts of sex that he’d never heard of before.

“And I will spend the night for a grand.”

“Well if I’m so cute can’t we work out a better deal?”

“No, I’m afraid not, my boss has rules.”

“Oh, you mean Molly. I’m sure I can work out something with her.”

“No, I’m afraid not she is strict she gets a cut of whatever I make.”

“Or maybe we could ask her to come over and we could negotiate a better deal. Not that you’re not worth a grand it’s just that I don’t have that much cash on me. What do you think?”

Rosie pulled out her cell phone and called Molly, they had a short conversation and she hung up.

“She will be here in just a minute.”

“Okay good, now do I have any more massage time coming?” He asked smiling and giving her a sexy look. A knock at the door brought Molly.

“Well Mr. Wright, I understand you would like to negotiate a deal?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact I would. I would like to keep Rosie all night, but I only have eight hundred dollars in cash on me, under the circumstances I really don’t want to go in search of an ATM.”

“Well I suppose we can make an exception this time but if you want Rosie again, it will cost you a grand.”

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