Way Beyond Reach - Cover

Way Beyond Reach

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 7

Three hours later, they were walking on the beach. Sara had picked up a bag, so she could collect shells and driftwood. Sloan watched as she played in the waves and tried to claim the perfect shell. She really was a very beautiful woman. He was beginning to wonder if he was acting as goofy as his brother had when he was falling in love with Annie. He did remember that Spencer lost a little of his edge because he couldn’t tell Annie no. No matter how hard he had tried Spencer couldn’t control his love for Annie and it almost cost her dearly. Sloan vowed not to let that happen with this case.

Trying to throw himself back into the detective mode, he scanned the area for anyone who looked out of place, but he still felt a smile on his lips when he looked back at Sara. They walked on until they reached the little beach side restaurant where they had stopped before. The same little waitress greeted them, but this time Sloan never seemed to notice, he simply couldn’t take his eyes off Sara. They shared a sandwich, and both had a tropical drink. Lunch was quiet but comfortable.

“What would you like to do with the rest of the day?” Sloan asked.

“I don’t know, are you tired?”

“No, not really but if you are, we can go back.”

“No, not at all, I was just thinking about going over to the park and walking a trail.”

“Ok, that sounds like fun.”

Several hours later, they were back at Annie’s.

“I need to make a few phone calls and thought maybe we’d go to dinner about 6:00.”

“Good, I wanted to take a long hot bath and read for a while so that would be perfect.”

Sloan waited for Sara to close the bathroom door before he dialed Margaret. They exchanged information and Sloan took notes.

“Has that Johnson guy been bothering you anymore?” He asked trying to sound casual.

“At least once a day. He is nothing if not persistent.”

“What do you know about him?” Sloan finally asked.

“Steve Johnson is the one under investigation by the DA. Don’t you remember that was the case you were offered when you were helping your brother? There are all kinds of rumors about him. You know he was quite the ladies’ man. Rumor has it, his wife knows that he’s quite the ladies’ man too.”

Sloan could tell that Margaret wanted to ask about his association with Sara but knew Sloan would not generate gossip.

“Can you check on a couple more names for me?” He asked.

They exchanged some other information and hung up. Sloan’s next call was to his brother Spencer. They talked family for a while and discussed some business before Spencer finally had to ask.

“So, what’s up?”

“Nothing, why?”

“Because you called, and we talked about anything and everything and you’re still on the phone. Do you need something? Everything ok at the house?”

“Everything is fine. I was just thinking about you and Annie and how you met and all.”

“So, you miss us?”

“No, well yea of course I do but you know what I mean.”

“So, who is she?”


“Who is she, Sloan?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You’re off balance. I can hear it in your voice. You used to tell me that you could tell when Annie had me all twisted and off balance. So, I just figured it was a woman.”

“When did you know, you were in trouble?” Sloan finally asked.

“The minute I laid my eyes on Annie and couldn’t breathe. Even now if she gives me a certain look my brain scrambles and I can’t even remember my own name. Women have a very powerful effect over the right man. If this one, is all you can think about than she might be the right one. So, I’ll ask again, who is she?”

“It’s Sara, my new assistant.”

“Oh.” Was all Spencer said.

“Don’t give me that ‘oh’, I know what you’re thinking; never get involved with a coworker. But I do remember that you also broke that rule, and if I remember right it worked out well for you.”

“That it did big brother, that it did.”

Sara was dressed and ready for dinner when Sloan appeared in the living room.

“You look great” Sloan said when he saw her.

“You clean up pretty good too.” She responded.

They walked to dinner by the road but planned to take the beach back. Dinner was of course pleasant. They spoke to several other people who they had become acquainted with over the past few weeks. Sara noticed Molly laughing and chatting with a gentleman and when she noticed Sara, her look changed. Sara just didn’t like the woman, she was hiding something. As the meal ended, she and Sloan had coffee and split a dessert and it was obvious that both were lingering and didn’t want the evening to end. But as they finished the last of the coffee, they knew it was time to go. As they moved through the dining room Sloan was distracted by a man, he had met on the golf course one day. Sara was waiting patiently at the dining room door when she heard a voice call her name.

“Well hello Sara. So, nice to see you again. Are you enjoying your vacation?”

“Oh Carlos, hello. Yes, I am, is Liz with you this evening?”

“No not tonight. Want to join me for a drink?”

“Thanks, but I can’t, I’m just waiting for Sloan.”

“I see.” He said moving closer to her.

Sara did not want to appear rude, but Carlos was just creepy. She had gotten an uneasy feeling about him when they first met and had noticed him staring at her on several occasions. Even though Liz had assured her that he was just a lady’s man Sara still had a bad feeling about him. He was leaning in and whispering in Sara’s ear that maybe they could get together later, when Sloan looked up. Moving toward Sara, he could hear her saying ‘no I don’t think so’. When he got close enough to Sara, she took Sloan’s hand in hers.


“I sure am.” He said as they walked past Carlos. Once they were outside, he asked,” What was that all about?”

“Nothing really.”

“It didn’t look like nothing.”

“He was just asking me to meet him later for a drink and I said no.”

“Maybe you should.”

“What? Are you crazy, that guy gives me the creeps.”

“Ok, I just didn’t want to cramp your style if you wanted to go.” Sloan offered.

“Feel free to cramp, there is something about him that just bugs me. I’m sure he is probably a nice enough guy but just the way he looks at me, you know.”

“No not really but if your instincts are that strong, maybe you should listen to them.”

“Liz says he’s harmless, just a lady’s man, and that he just flirts with all the women. I think he is the local gigolo and is probably confused why I’m not interested.”

“He’ll get over it if he thinks we’re involved. Every time he sees you, we are together so maybe he’ll give up now.”

They strolled along the beach. Sara slipped off her shoes and let them dangle from her fingers. Sloan had removed his tie and stuffed it in his jacket pocket. After just a few minutes on the sand Sloan laced his fingers through Sara’s. It was just a simple contact but warmed Sara to the core. She knew it was too late, but still if she had any sense, she would drop his hand and run. Run as far and as fast as she could, she was only headed for heartbreak. But that was a place she already knew well. She couldn’t fight her feelings, if this ended in heartbreak then so be it, for now she would enjoy the love. The night was perfect, so romantic. The sky was so full of stars, the sound of the ocean rushing on the beach, a warm and gentle breeze blowing and Sloan beside her. She had already fallen in love with him, even knowing what it would cost in the end. They walked without a word all the way back to Annie’s. Once inside Sloan offered her a glass of wine and she accepted. Her emotions were all scrambled. She really wanted to keep this professional, but she also knew that she wouldn’t refuse if Sloan made the offer to share his bed tonight. Part of her wanted to just grab her book and go to her room but a bigger part of her was hoping for more. However; Sloan had run this same scenario through his head the whole walk home and he was determined to avoid this situation. No matter what his feelings were for Sara, he had to stay in control and when his control weakened, he needed to remember Spencer and the danger they faced because he acted on his feelings for Annie. They sat on the back deck in silence and drank their wine. Finally, Sara stood up and said she was going to bed. Sloan followed her in and took the wine glass from her.

“Good night Sloan, thank you for a lovely evening.” She said and headed to her room.

“Sara” he called to her. She stopped and turned. He had moved closer after depositing the glasses in the sink.

“Yes.” She answered.

He was so close now.

“I just wanted to ask how early you wanted to head to Charleston tomorrow?”

“Whatever works best for you, remember I’m just the date.” She said with a smile.

“You are so much more.” He said folding her into his arms. His lips claimed hers and for more than a moment he was lost. This was right. But before he could surrender to his emotions, his brain reclaimed control and he started to pull away. However, Sara was not ready for him to pull away, she needed this. Finally, she stepped back. Her eyes were smoky, and he looked confused. Sara touched his cheek and whispered, “Good night Sloan.” Then she turned and walked away.

Sloan tossed and turned most of the night until he fell into a dream with Sara. When his alarm went off the next morning and interrupted the dream, he was hurt and angry. The dream had been perfect, and in it, she was his and then it was over. Sloan threw the alarm clock across the room. He knew his mood would be bad the rest of the day but before he could even get out of bed there was a knock on his door.

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