Way Beyond Reach - Cover

Way Beyond Reach

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 5

True to his word, Sloan arrived on time. He carried the picnic basket that Liz had provided, and they strolled down the beach, neither mentioning last night. They headed off in the other direction than they usually walked. Finding a nice place for lunch was easy. Sloan complimented Sara on the sub and was surprised by her response.

“It’s all a part of my character.” She said with a smile and then leaned in and whispered. “Really, I am a gourmet chef.”

There, that was something he hadn’t known about her. After lunch, they walked a little further down the beach before Sloan said he had a surprise. He had rented a small boat for the afternoon and if Sara would like they could explore the bay.

“I would love it. I have always loved being out on the water, but I have to admit I do not swim well. I think I could survive if the boat tipped over, but it really wouldn’t be a pleasant experience for me.”

“Well that is good to know, I’ll do my best to keep us in the boat and out of the water.”

Sara smiled. They had walked the beach many times and even played in the water once or twice but come to think of it, he had never seen her swim or even go out past her knees. Something else he had just learned about her.

The sun glistened off the water like tiny diamonds. Sloan was a very good boatman because the ride was smooth. He seemed very comfortable and capable in most of the activities she had seen him perform. As they slowly putted around the bay Sara could see why it meant so much to Liz. Beside the dolphins that swam freely around them, she had noticed many other kinds of fish and the different kinds of birds were just too numerous to mention. As they approached the far side of the bay Sara got a close up look at the dredge parked by the mouth of the bay. As they continued around the bay, she told Sloan about the dredge and what Liz had told her.

“They want to dredge this bay to make the waterways deeper for more boat traffic. They really will damage the wildlife in here if they do. Where will the dolphins go if more boats move through here?”

Sloan watched the expression on Sara’s face change. She was truly concerned. This was part of the soft side of Sara. He liked the soft side. She was always fighting with him to prove she was strong enough for this job, that she wasn’t afraid and could take care of herself, but this was the true woman.

They looped around some grassy areas, but they were narrow and when the tide was out, they were probably not deep enough for the dolphins and other wildlife to survive in. She could read his mind, when he looked up. He had taken them back in from the canal in hopes of showing her that the dolphins could move back in farther but the look on her face told him she knew that it wouldn’t be enough.

“I can see that this upsets you Sara, but the locals seem to be fighting to prevent it from happening.” He offered.

“But Sloan, big business always wins.” She mumbled, and he was afraid she might cry.

“We can try to help, but since we aren’t residents, we can’t even vote against it.”

“I know.”

Sloan asked, hoping to change the subject, that if they took the boat back now would she like to just play on the beach for a while and Sara quickly agreed.

Dinner that evening would be delivered to her condo from the restaurant. After an entire afternoon on the bay they agreed, they were too tired to shower and dress for dinner. The baked fudge had been a great success and she was thrilled that he had raved so about it. After dinner, Sloan headed back to the beach house and Sara went to bed. There was no goodnight kiss and no touching and Sara was more than disappointed. She fell asleep and dreamed of Sloan making her his. He was a tender and amazing lover in her dreams, and she had to wonder if he would be that way in real life.

They had agreed to have breakfast together at the condo at whatever time Sloan arrived. The next morning, he arrived early and insisted on helping her make breakfast, and they enjoyed a leisurely stroll on the beach after. Sara hurried back to her condo to freshen up for a tour she had signed up for. She spotted Carlos standing on the beach in front of her building, but she didn’t stop to speak, and he just watched her. The resort offered many such trips and Sloan thought it would be good for Sara to get more involved. This trip was by bus to an art museum. It included lunch, which was served in the restaurant just before departure. Sara was seated at a table full of people that she had seen around but had not yet spoken with. They seemed to be very nice people and she had a wonderful afternoon.

She arrived back at her condo to find Sloan standing at her door with a pizza and pitcher of fruity drinks. She told him all about her day and that she had agreed to go with two of the women to the local arts and crafts fair next week. After the pizza was gone, they headed out to the beach to watch the sun set. Sara had a feeling that someone was watching them but didn’t see anyone, still she was on alert. And Sloan had noticed the fact that Sara was acting strange but just thought she had drawn a line in their relationship, and he knew not to cross it, so he simply said good night at her door, and he headed home. Sara had mixed feelings about all this. On one hand, she was proud of herself for not getting carried away with the situation but on the other hand, she missed that flirty, sensual tension that they had shared. As she fell asleep that night, her dreams were again of Sloan. Then there was a sound and it woke her. Someone was in her condo. No, she was dreaming still. But there it was again. Someone was going through her things in the other room. She could see shadows move from where she lay but was afraid to sit up, if she could hear them, maybe they would hear her. But just laying there was dangerous, what would happen when they moved in to her bedroom. Trying not to make a sound, Sara decided to make a run for it. If she didn’t make it out past whoever was out there, then she would scream. She knew that was a girly plan but what else could she do. She had spoken to the people next door a few times; maybe if they heard her, they would come over or call security, either way that was her only option. Very slowly, she rolled off the edge of the bed to the floor landing on her purse. Slipping it over her shoulder, she stood up. The intruder didn’t seem to notice that, because Sara could tell someone was still going through the drawers of the desk. The desk was over by the balcony and that meant this was her best time to run. As she inched out into the living room she could see, a tall dark figure bent over the desk. It was obviously a man but before she could get too much closer to the front door, someone grabbed her. She tried to pull away, but the other person was not letting go. Sara grabbed the only thing she could which was a lamp and hit the person holding her. It was enough for her to break free and get out the door. Around several corners, she finally stopped and hid to see if she was being followed. With trembling fingers, she found her cell phone and called Sloan.

“I need help!” She said in a whisper.

“Where are you?” He responded as if he had been awake.

“I’m two or three condos north of mine, hiding by the air conditioner.”

“Stay put I’m on my way.”

“Don’t hang up Sloan, talk to me.”

She was really scared, he could tell by the tremble in her voice. Somehow, he managed to keep her calm until he got there but when she saw him it all came out. She cried and hung on him as if her life depended on it and maybe it did.

“This is what you meant isn’t it?” She asked.

“I’m afraid so. Can you walk?” He asked, “I want to get you somewhere safe and at this hour I think that’s the beach house.”

With his arm around her, he helped her walk to the beach house.

“I know you don’t want to be alone, but I need to get back to your condo to check things out. I want you to lay here on the sofa and relax. I will lock you in and be back as soon as I can. Keep your cell phone with you just in case.”

“Just in case what? In case they followed us, down here and break in? I was locked in at the condo too remember and that didn’t stop them.”

“Sara, you have said that several times now, them, was there more than one intruder?”

“Yes. I could see a man going through the desk, so I tried to quietly get out the front door but just as I stepped out of the bedroom, someone else grabbed me and we struggled. I hit whoever, with a lamp and just ran.”

“Sara, you are safe here.” He said holding her close. “I really do need to go check out your condo, ok?”

She only nodded.

Sloan covered her with a throw and slipped out. He did not go back along the beach but went up between houses and walked down the road. He was looking to see if there was any traffic leaving the resort because at this hour, who else would be out. There was no traffic out on the road at this hour and Sloan was not surprised. If the intruders were leaving the resort they would be long gone by now, but Sloan really would have been surprised if the intruders left. This obviously was an inside job and Sara had just confirmed what Sloan had suspected, there were several employees involved.

When he arrived at Sara’s, the front door was standing open. After checking everything out, he called the night manager and reported the break in. The manager sent security to Sara’s condo. They checked things out too but didn’t seem too interested. Sloan insisted that they change the locks for Sara and the night manager suggested that she just change condos. Sloan said absolutely not, she had already been put out too much, she was not moving. The manager looked at Sloan with disgust, Sloan knew that look. It was saying that Sara was a spoiled little rich girl. Sloan had performed well, this manager thought they were people of wealth and that was the idea. The funny part was that Sloan really did have money, but he would never treat people badly because of it. He never expected more because of it and he would never use it to intimidate people.

When he returned to the beach house, Sara was all curled up asleep on the sofa. She looked so sweet and innocent. How could he resist her? Picking her up he carried her to one of the bedrooms and slipped her under the covers. It was already after 2:00, Sloan knew he wouldn’t sleep much tonight.

As the sun rose the next morning Sara awoke to the smell of fresh coffee but was startled when she woke up in a strange bed. The last thing she remembered was lying on Sloan’s sofa. Slowly she got up and moved toward the smell of coffee. From the doorway, she could see Sloan, freshly showered, with wet tasseled hair and wearing only shorts. He was magnificent. His body was toned and tanned and although he wasn’t a body builder, his body was still enough to make her feel warm. And he had a hard-firm chest and very defined abs. Yum. A brief encounter with Sloan might just be worth losing her job over. But then a wave of emotion hit her. She was embarrassed that she had been so frightened last night. He had warned her that this was dangerous, and she said she could handle it and now she had let him down. But what else could she have done. Just then, he looked up and spotted her in the doorway.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well?” He asked.

“As well as could be expected.” She answered taking a mug of coffee from him.

“I thought maybe you would sleep longer, I hope I didn’t wake you.”

“No, I am just an early riser.”

As he reached for a t-shirt, she realized that there were pillows, and blankets tossed on the recliner beside the sofa, he must have spent last night there.

“Well it’s too early for you to go back to your condo because maintenance is replacing all your locks, and they won’t be done till after 10:00. How about if we go to Aunt Millie’s for breakfast?”

“That sounds nice but I’m in my pajamas.”

“Well that’s easy to fix. My sister-in-law, Annie has clothes here and I’m sure they will fit you. Why don’t you just go on up to her room and see if you can find something.”

Sara could tell that he was avoiding any talk of last night.

“Are you sure Annie won’t mind if I borrow something, and when are you going to tell me about this sister-in-law?”

“I’m positive, and you have never met a more generous person. She is smart, very beautiful, really brave, and generous. Trust me she won’t mind at all if you borrow somethings.”

As she headed upstairs to find something Sloan’s words rang out loud and clear. Annie was everything that she wasn’t, smart, beautiful and really brave. Was he trying to tell her something? She was beginning to regret asking about this super sister-in-law. She told him that she could handle this job so why was it that every time things got a little rough, she ran to him. What if he wasn’t here? She stopped dead in her tracks, what if he wasn’t here? He was right. This was a dangerous job and she needed to start looking at it that way. She quickly found some clothes and they did indeed fit. When she returned to the kitchen Sloan only smiled, and said, “Wow, you look great.”

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