Way Beyond Reach - Cover

Way Beyond Reach

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 4

The building was old but clean and it might have even been someone’s house years ago but by the age of the sign out front, Aunt Millie’s had been here for a really long time. They were seated at a table by a window with a view of marsh land, which was surprisingly beautiful. There was a crane standing just a short distance away in the marsh and he looked so graceful. Just past the crane was a mound of rocks reaching up out of the water and Sara could see turtles resting there. These marshes and back waters held hidden treasures and she just spotted two.

When Aunt Millie came back, it was with three mugs of fresh hot coffee.

“Honey, did this boy tell you that he was taking you to the best place to eat around?”

“Yes ma’am, he did.”

“Good boy. Just for that I’ll go fix you some breakfast.”

“No, no not so fast Aunt Millie. I was hoping you could sit a little and visit.” Sloan said.

“Oh, you young folks don’t need me hanging around; I’ll just go get you some breakfast.”

After she had disappeared in to the kitchen Sloan and Sara just sat there quietly looking at each other, what was there to say? Just a short time later, Aunt Millie came back from the kitchen with more fresh coffee and juice.

“So, what are you fixing us?” Sloan asked.

“It’s a surprise, but you’re really going to like it.” She said over her shoulder as she slipped back into the kitchen.

“Sloan, how did you ever find this place? Your Aunt Millie is delightful.”

“Just lucky I guess.” He said giving her a smile and a wink.

Aunt Millie came through the door caring a tray and humming. She placed an omelet with fresh baked berry muffins in front of Sara and for Sloan, sausage gravy over fresh baked biscuits and home fries. The gravy was thick with sausage and the biscuits were so flaky.

She sat with them and watched their faces for approval. When Sara rolled her eyes, and moaned, Millie smiled.

“Good, huh?”

“Oh, wow! This is better than good.” Sara said popping another bite in her mouth.

“You think that is good?” Sloan offered, “Just try a bite of this,” he said pushing a fork full to her lips.

“Millie these home fries are great what do you do to them?” Sara asked.

“No, no, no, my dear that’s a secret.” Millie said pouring herself a cup of coffee and smiling with pure delight.

Just then, the back door opened, and several people came in to work. Two young girls, that Sara guessed to be waitresses and a man who looked to be maybe late thirties and he was carrying in a crate of fresh fruit.

“Well I guess that’s my cue to get back to work.” She said. “Now you young folks eat up and just let me know if you need anything else.”

“Thank you.” Sloan said taking her hand.

Sara noticed that the man who had just come in was watching them closely, but the girls didn’t even seem aware that they were there.

As Millie walked away, she started humming again. What an amazing woman. They finished the meal and called to Millie for the check.

“There ain’t none.” She said as she stood before them.

“Oh, Millie we have to pay you.” Sara said with sincerity.

“Now I told this boy before, he was welcome here anytime and that makes him family, I don’t charge my family.”

Sara stood up and hugged her.

“You know my mom always taught me it was polite to leave just a bite left on the plate when the meal was done, but I’m afraid I have no manners today because I just couldn’t leave even one bite, I hope you don’t mind?” Sara said with a smile.

“Millie, we have to go but I’ll have to stop by again just as soon as I can.” Sloan was saying as he hugged her, and in that moment, he slipped a twenty-dollar bill in her apron.

“Good, I’ll be waiting.” She said as she waved them out the door.

A few miles down the road, Sara broke the silence.

“Are you ever going to tell me about Aunt Millie?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well she sure seems attached to you for someone you haven’t known very long.”

“Well she is just that kind of lady. She sure took a liking to you, didn’t she?”

“Yes, but I think that was only because I was with you. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m sure she is a very friendly lady, but she thinks of you as family. My own family doesn’t think of me as family, so what did you do to win over that sweet lady?”

“Ok, do you remember that I said I stopped in to Aunt Millie’s the first morning that I got here?”


“Well when I walked in the door was open, but I could tell the place was closed and I was just about to turn around and leave when I heard a fight going on in the back. So, I called out to see if anyone would answer, when no one did I went in to the back. There was a man fighting with Aunt Millie. He had her by the arm, and she was kicking at him and telling him to get out. When they saw me, he let go of her. She stood her ground and told him to get out again. He said no, he wasn’t going anywhere. She said he was fired and if he didn’t get out now, she was calling the Sheriff. He stood there looking at me and said fine, but he would be back. She told him if he came back, he would be sorry. The man pushed past me and went out to the parking lot; I followed him and wrote down his license plate number. He saw me doing it and I think that might have given him a little cause for concern.”


“Because I gave the number to Millie and suggested she call the Sheriff after all. You see she had hired him as a dishwasher and found him stealing from the cash register. That is what the fight was about? When she called the Sheriff, he ran the plate and the guy was wanted. Millie said I saved her, but I think she could have handled him. The Sheriff called her the day before yesterday and told her that the highway patrol had picked up the guy and were sending him back to Indiana where he was wanted for armed robbery and aggravated assault.”

“So, that’s why you have been driving clear out here for breakfast every morning, to check on her?”

“No, of course not, where else could you get a breakfast that good.”

“So, you are a modest hero too.” She said with a smile.

“I’m not a hero and what do you mean too?”

“Nothing, nothing at all. Hey look, we’re here. Welcome to Charleston the sign announced.”

“Where shall we start first?” He asked.

“I don’t know I have never been to Charleston before unless you count landing at the airport, because that’s all I’ve seen of Charleston. Liz told me to be sure to stop at The Old City Market. It is the only thing I know of here.”

“Ok, let’s save that till later. How about we take a tour of Fort Sumter, you do like boat rides don’t you?”

“Yes, I love boats.”

“Wonderful then we will tour the naval yard too. I have always loved touring all those aircraft carriers and ships like that. I think it was because my brother was in the Navy.”

The boat ride over to Fort Sumter was a bit bumpy but definitely worth the ride. The history behind this place was amazing. The sun was bright and warm, and Sara was glad that she had brought along her sunglasses. After the boat ride back, Sloan found a place for them to sip a cold drink by the water’s edge. The building that was connected by many ramps was a museum of sorts. It told of missions this ship had been on, its crews and even how it became part of the museum. There were short movie clips, a souvenir shop and even a place to get lunch. Sloan promised a much better dinner, but Sara was quite pleased with lunch. Again, it was the company, not the food that she cared about. The drive to the naval yard was short and by 1:00, they were walking the decks of the USS something and he took her hand. The rest of the afternoon was spent sightseeing, shopping and just being together and they held hands through most of it.

Neither mentioned going back to work or even what they were planning to do about trapping the thieves. After a long and enjoyable walk through the open market that Liz referred to as the old slave market, Sloan suggested dinner. They were just standing by the car talking food and what sounded good and he leaned in and kissed her. She smiled at him and he knew it was a really bad idea, but he did it again. She moved into his arms and kissed him back. He couldn’t let go of her, there was just something about this woman. It was nearly 7:00pm and they did need to talk a little business before heading back. They stared at each other for a few moments and then got in the car. After all, what could they say? Sloan found a very nice place along the coast for dinner and although Sara felt a little underdressed, Sloan didn’t seem to care. He ordered a bottle of wine and shrimp cocktail for two, but when Sara looked at the menu all she could think of was salad. She had been eating way too much and too often on this trip and she had to stop. But Sloan finally convinced her that they could split an entrée and salad, and both cut back a little. He wanted the salmon steak and she wanted a Caesar salad. They agreed no potato but could not give up the dinner rolls.

Sipping her wine Sara asked, “So are we going to talk about the case?”

“Ok, can I go first?” He asked, and she nodded yes.

“Good, I want you out! I had no idea that we were dealing with thieves of this caliber. They are on top of all this and we are not even on the same chapter yet. I will not risk your life like this anymore. I want you to pack your bags tonight and get out first thing in the morning.”

Sara just sat there shocked. How could he say that? They had just had such a nice day together and she had no clue that he wanted her out.

“What? Did I just hear you right?”

“Yes Sara, you did. I won’t play fast and loose with your life. I think this is much more serious than Gibbons let on and I’m worried that you could get hurt. I want you to pack up and head home. I will finish this case up and tell Gibbons that we don’t want any more of his business.”

She wanted to punch him; it was taking everything in her not too. After all that she had recently been through and he was telling her that he didn’t think she was strong enough to handle a couple little threats or scares. Who did he think he was anyway? However, just before she exploded in his face, a thought came over her. He was trying to protect her. He thought this was for her own good.

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