Way Beyond Reach - Cover

Way Beyond Reach

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 3

Sloan really was an interesting man. She felt safe and happy when she was with him. This thought delighted and confused her. She had sworn off men and although she could be friendly and flirty, she could never again be serious. So why did she feel this way with Sloan. It had to be because he was a decent, caring man who just wanted to keep her safe. Yes, that was it, it had to be. He was a good and decent man. Then why did she feel angry when he smiled at the waitress?

“Why are you staring at me like that?” He asked.

“I’m sorry was I staring?”

“I think that’s what they call it.”

“Funny, very funny. I guess I was just daydreaming.”

“Well good, I’m glad that what I was saying held your interest.” He smiled, and she knew he was being gently sarcastic.

When the waitress returned with their order, Sara again noticed the flirtatious smile Sloan gave her. There was no reason for her to be jealous. Sloan was her employer, nothing more, if he wanted to make a fool of himself chasing after a teenage waitress, then what business was it to her.

“Daydreaming again?” He asked.

“I guess so. I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Any time you want out all you have to do is say so.”

“No, I’m fine.”

“I was thinking maybe I should pick you up for dinner. It would give me a chance to check out your room for bugs and things.”

“Ok, if you want to.” Sara responded.

“Would you rather meet me?” He asked surprised by her reaction.

“No! As a matter of fact, I would rather not walk that path alone.”

“Really, why?”

“Well I wasn’t going to mention it but last night I heard something in the bushes.”

“What, like a squirrel?”

“Well at first I thought it might be but...”

“But what?”

She could tell he was concerned, and she swore she wouldn’t mention it to him but maybe he needed to know.

“Well ok, but I want you to know that I can take care of myself. I’m not one of those wimpy women who needs protected.”

“Ok, I’ll remember that. Go on.”

She told him about the walk and then about the phone call at breakfast. She could see concern in his face as she finished but he responded well.

He was not about to scare her more or insult her by implying she couldn’t take care of herself, so he very calmly took her hand.

“Reggie and I both expected there might be some bugs planted to see when you were in the condo, and maybe even to see if you were a plant. We both figured that they would keep pretty close tabs on you just before the burglary, but neither of us expected it this quickly. I thought that maybe after a week or so they would start watching you, I’m very sorry that I did not prepare you for any of this. We will just have to move our plans up, so we stay on top of them. Are you going to be ok with all this?”

“Sure, I think so. But don’t you think it’s time you filled me in on all the details?”

“Yes of course. I would rather we not discuss this at the resort or for that matter even on the island. Let’s finish the day off just as planned. You go back to your condo, follow through with your plans for the day and we will get together for dinner. I will pick you up and we will walk that path together. I will ask if you would like to spend the day tomorrow sightseeing in Charleston. You of course will love the idea of spending the whole day in my company and quickly accept when I ask you at dinner tonight.”

“Oh, yes, and there is another dose of the sarcasm that I love so much. Go on.” She said smiling.

“We of course will really have to go because I am sure at that point, they will be watching you and while there, I can tell you what to expect next.”

“Sounds like a dream come true.” She responded.

“And there is the sarcasm that I, love so much.”

“It must be contagious. Ok, ok maybe we should head back now after all I have a massage scheduled.”

“Good, I’m glad to see that you are playing the part so well.”

They walked along in silence most of the way back but when they reached the beach house where Sloan was staying, he continued to walk with her.

“Is it ok to be seen together?” She asked.

“Sure, it is we are old friends just spending some time together.”

“What about my condo?”

“What about it?”

“Well my bedroom is trashed. Should I clean it up, call housekeeping or wait till you can take a look at it?”

“Is it really trashed, or did they just go through your drawers?”

“No, it’s trashed. My mattress is flipped and it’s a real mess.”

“Then call housekeeping. Tell them that you just came back from a walk and found it that way. It is somewhat true. Remember you are not the type of woman who cleans up after herself. You have a staff to do that. Act shocked but don’t over play it.”

“Ok. Well thanks for walking me back and I’ll see you this evening.”

“Yes about 6:00. I’ll stop by early and we can look things over. Now you go on with your day and don’t worry, I’ll be around.” He was afraid that last statement would make her mad, but she just smiled. Go on now and I’ll wait till you get inside.”

“Thanks.” She said gently touching his shoulder.

Once inside she was surprised to find Liz.

“Ms Walker. I’m so glad to see you. I tried and tried to call you about your massage but couldn’t get an answer, so I came by to tell you in person, but when I came in and you were not here, I got worried. I went in to make your bed and Ms Walker, you won’t believe, it is terrible. I think someone went through your things. I called the office and they are sending security over right away.”

Sara moved toward the bedroom as if she had not known about the intruder before.

“Oh my! What a mess. Oh no, my jewelry.” Putting on the act, she ran to the safe and opened it. Just then, security arrived.

Liz explained that she was looking for Ms Walker and found the mess. She also told them about the strange phone call she had received that morning from Ms Walker. Thinking quickly, Sara admitted to calling Liz that morning because when she came back from breakfast, she found that her door was not latched. She just wanted to know if Liz or housekeeping might have been there. When Liz said no to both Sara simply said she figured that she hadn’t pulled the door closed when she left. “I went out for a walk on the beach and ran in to an old friend and we walked over to the ocean side, had a cold drink, and then walked back. When I came in Liz was here and told me about the break in.”

Security seemed satisfied with the story and since nothing was missing, they would just file the report. Liz told Sara that she and a housekeeper would clean up the mess while Sara had her massage. The masseuse would be arriving almost any minute. Sara was too keyed up to enjoy the massage, but she tried.

By the time, Sloan arrived, Sara was exhausted. He could see it in her eyes and felt bad that he had let her get involved.

“Good evening.” He said kissing her cheek lightly as he passed in the doorway. “I brought you something,” He said extending the bouquet of flowers to her. “Do you have a vase we can put these in?”

“I’m sure we can find something. They are so beautiful, but you really didn’t have to do that.” She said smelling deeply in to the center. “What is this?”

Sloan signaled her to be quiet. In the center of the flowers was some type of device for listening or watching or something. Thinking fast, she continued the question. “What is this, you dear man, are these lilacs in this arrangement, and how did you know they were my favorite?”

He smiled at her to again say good job. For someone who had very little investigating experience, she was fast on her feet. He took a small device out of his pocket and walked around her condo. His instincts were good too because he found a bug in her kitchen phone and one behind the headboard of her bed. He didn’t need to check any more there was no doubt that someone was listening to them. So, he smiled and winked at her, let the show begin.

“I am so glad that you invited me to dinner this evening.” Sloan said.

“Well I’m glad you could join me. This little get away is hard enough but I never realized how lonely I would get. It was wonderful hearing you were nearby. Sometimes an old friend is worth more than money.”

“Sara, what a sweet thing to say. I hope that I’m not being pushy, but I have decided to stay here on the island for a while longer because you’re here. I was hoping we could spend some more time together.”

“Oh Sloan, that would be so nice.”

“So are you ready to go, we still have plenty of time for a drink in the lounge before dinner.”

“Yes, just let me grab my purse.” Sara picked up her purse and as Sloan was helping her with the lace throw, she was wearing over her shoulders, his hand brushed her neck and they both froze in place. The touch of his hand was like lightening through her stomach. He slowly moved his hand away but could not get over the tingle in his fingers.

As they left her condo, Sloan was careful to pull the door closed and locked it. Small lighthouse path lights lit the boardwalk. They were staggered on both sides of the boardwalk so there was constant light as they walked. There were many decorative lights throughout the garden area and several tall lights on the tree side, but Sara was still afraid to take that walk again at night. Sloan noticed that it bothered her much more than she had let on. As they stepped down from the little bridge, he moved to the bush side of the walk. Sara knew it was silly, but it did make her feel better. Something about him just made her feel safe. He was by no means rough and rugged, but he was tall, fit and well-built and obviously, a man who could handle himself. The walk was quiet. She felt comfortable enough with Sloan that she didn’t need to talk. He seemed to sense her thoughts and she his. Once inside the lounge, they were seated. Sara ordered an iced tea, but Sloan ordered a Scotch. He was not a big drinker but tonight he wanted a shot in the arm or maybe a kick in the pants. Their conversation was casual and short because within a few minutes the Maître’ D announced that their table was ready. But watching her walk toward their table, regret washed over him hard and he wanted to get Sara out of this. They could start over with someone else or try another tactic. He was not going to let her continue with this little game anymore, it was not worth the risk. But before he could say anything to her, they were escorted to the dining room. Once seated, a waiter brought them water. Another waiter appeared to get drink orders and a third waiter presented them with menus and introduced himself as their waiter for the evening. After ordering dinner, the real show finally began. They chit chatted, shared bites of each other’s meals and flirted ever so slightly. Sloan invited Sara to Charleston and breakfast the next day and she eagerly accepted. Coffee and dessert were shared in silence. The smiles and looks they gave each other were all that was necessary. Before signing the bill, he asked if she wanted anything else.

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