Way Beyond Reach - Cover

Way Beyond Reach

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 12

They all had a nice lunch and after lunch Walt was going over to Boyd’s to help him milk goats. Annie said she was going to take a few minutes to run back in town and get that shorts set if Arleen still had it.

“Would you like for me to pick up anything for you Sara? Or I would love the company, you are always welcome to go.”

Gauntlet thrown down.

Sara hesitated and was trying to think of an excuse but knew there was no excuse, she knew it and so did they.

“You don’t have to go.” Sloan whispered to her.

“I know.” She answered and was quiet for a moment.

“You know Annie, you are taking a big risk here.” Sara told her.

“Am I, really?”

Sara heard herself saying, “Fine, what time are you going.”

“After I finish cleaning up lunch. I have big plans for dinner and need to get back here, so I can get started on it.”

Lunch had been light. And Sloan had been around often enough to know that it meant dinner would be big.

“Can I do anything for you, while you girls are gone?” Sloan asked. “Or maybe you would like me to go along as driver and fashion expert?”

Annie laughed and left the kitchen.

Sara went over and sat in Sloan’s lap.

“Thank you.” She said kissing him over and over. “I will be fine, because I know that if I’m not, when I get back here, I can just walk right into these arms and be safe again.”

“That’s my girl.” He said kissing her deeply.

“Get a room.” Annie told them when she came back into the kitchen. And then she had to giggle. “That was fun Sloan.”

“Yea, yea, yea. That’s what Spencer keeps telling me.” Sloan growled.

“I wonder where we picked it up?” And she laughed all the way out to the car with Sara following along behind her.

“Hey Sara, hold up.” Spencer shouted to her from the barn.

She walked toward him.

“I’m really trying to stay out of this, but I need to tell you a secret. Well maybe it’s not a real secret but anyway I just wanted you to know that Sloan called me one day and asked when I knew that I was so in love with Annie that I couldn’t get out. Remember he was here for most of it and he could see it before I could, so he was worried that he had gotten there with you and might have missed it. My point is, he loves you more than he ever expected to, more than any man expects to. He knows that you are the right woman for him. The Way men are all a little slow in that department so give him some time. He can’t let you go but he’s afraid of what’s next.”

“Sloan Way afraid of anything, I don’t believe it.” She joked knowing that Sloan was watching and would start her way if he thought Spencer might say something to upset her.

“My point Sara, he was in love with you, head over heels, completely and totally before any of this happened. I’m just asking you to remember that if you ever think about walking away.”

She hugged Spencer.

“I love him that much too, Spencer. He is strong and smart and loves me. How could I ever walk away from that?” And she turned back to Sloan and blew him a kiss.

When they walked into Arleen’s Sara was nervous but was surprised to be greeted so nicely by Arleen.

“Ladies, I am so glad you came back. I held the things back for you that you were trying on yesterday, just in case you wanted them.”

“We certainly do, that was so nice of you. I was afraid my shorts set would be gone.” Annie said. “I just need to check out one more thing so if you will excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

Arleen came around the counter and took Sara by the elbow.

“I wanted to apologize to you especially.” She told Sara.

Sara was shocked.

“That is very nice of you, but I’m the one who should be apologizing, I probably scared off all of your customers yesterday.”

“Nope. You see Annie is a dear and old friend not to mention a great customer and when she came home, she taught this whole town not to judge others, we haven’t walked in your shoes. And I don’t need to know or understand, but speaking of shoes, did you see my clearance rack yesterday, I have a pair I know you are going to love.” She said pointing down to the shoes Sara currently had on and the pair on the rack.

“Are you kidding, I do love those but are they my size?”

And the nervous moment was gone. When Annie and Sara left, Sara had her blouses and the shoes. Annie bought two pair of shoes and the shorts set that she had wanted. And Arleen hugged them both before they left.

“Stop back any time Sara.” She called to her.

Sara smiled and waved.

“Do you have any idea the kind of impact that you have made on this town Annie? They all just love you, you are the golden child.” Sara told her, and Annie laughed.

“Could I ask one more favor before we go back Annie?”

“Sure, what cha need.”

“I would love to take five minutes to walk through that home store again?”

“Sure, take ten.” Annie laughed.

Sara really loved this store, it spoke to her. There was just something calling to her in there, but she couldn’t find the item that had been calling to her, so she left empty handed.

She helped Annie a little in the kitchen, but this was a special dinner for Sara and Sloan and Annie didn’t want Sara working on it.

“Go read, walk the grounds or go play with your man but get out, shoo. This will be the last night here for you guys, at least for a little while and I want it special, so shoo.” Annie finally told her. They were planning to head home in the morning and Sara had to admit that she wasn’t as happy about it as she should have been.

She found Sloan heading toward the house when she stepped out on the back porch. He stepped up on the deck and took her into his arms.

“I missed you woman.” He said kissing her.

“I missed you too but had a great time with Annie. She is wonderful.”

“Yes, she is. Are you ready to head home tomorrow?” He asked.

“Sure, I guess so.”

“Come here and sit with me for a minute, please?” He asked pulling her over to the swing on the porch.

“I have been doing a lot of thinking these past few days and I would like to make some changes to the office when we get back.”

“Really like what?”

“I’ve decided to hire another investigator and not take any more cases myself.”

“Wow baby, that will be a big change for you, are you sure about that?” She asked.

“Definitely. I will have to go back and forth to the office in Phoenix and that will be enough travel for me.”

He was just about to ask her if she would leave the office and do something less dangerous when Walt pulled up and he was crazy excited.

“I did it, I did it, I did it.” He was shouting.

They just stopped and stared at him. Annie came running out of the kitchen to see what was wrong.

“Papa, what on earth?”

“I did it baby girl, I finally did it.” He said pulling her into his arms and dancing around the porch with her.

“Papa.” She said stepping back so he grabbed Sara and danced around with her and she liked it.

“He must have won the lottery.” Sloan finally said.

“I did my boy, I did, but not the money one.” And then he just laughed.

“Papa, stop, please, you are starting to scare me.”

“Oh honey, I’m just happy.” He told her and stopped dancing. “And by the way I won’t be here for dinner tonight.” And he reached for the back door to the kitchen, and then stopped and turned back to them. “Because I have a date.”

The smile on his face was the biggest smile Sloan had ever seen on him.

“A date!” Annie shouted. “With who?”

“Molly Denison.” Walt answered. “Her name is almost musical, isn’t it?” He said to no one in particular.

Sara had to suppress a giggle, and Sloan just slapped the old man on the back.

“Way to go Walt.” He said.

“Way to go Walt?” Annie said, “Are you completely insane?” She said hands on hips glaring at Sloan.

“Oops, sorry.” He told her.

“Papa, what do you even know about this woman?” Annie asked.

“Oh, baby girl I know lots of things about her, but the two most important things are that first off, she makes my blood boil, and the second is that she is going out with me tonight. I have to go get ready.” He said rushing into the house.

“Spencer!” Annie screamed running to the barn.

“I know it’s not nice to laugh but this could get good, maybe we should stay a few more days.” Sloan said.

“Are you kidding, we are getting out of here at just the right time. You can call Spencer in a week or so to see how this all played out.” Sara suggested.

“Maybe you’re right, this could get ugly.”

“Do you know this woman?” She asked Sloan.

“No, I played nice with some of Annie’s neighbors in the past, but I don’t even remember hearing her name before. But she must be someone special, I don’t think Walt has ever even dated in all these years.”

“Well it’s hard to find someone who makes your blood boil.” She joked.

“No, it isn’t.” He said pulling her into his arms. “You have always made my blood boil, so I know just what he means.”

“Oh, that is so sweet.” She said kissing him and then he kissed her and then they were just one big moaning, panting blob until Spencer stepped up on the deck.

“Get a room, please, isn’t it bad enough that I have to go question Walt about this little gold digger that he’s dating, but what kind of an example are you two for him?”

“Do you think he may have forgotten something, I could go up and give him the talk, like I did with you.” Sloan said.

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