Grandfather's Gifts - Cover

Grandfather's Gifts

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Special gifts for a lifetime from a special man.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Romantic   Sharing   Incest   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   .

Lisa was so excited! She was going to live with her grandfather who she adored. Many happy holidays and school vacation times had been spent with him and her grandmother who, sadly, had died a year earlier. Lisa felt that this extended visit would be good for her grandfather who had seemed quite lonely.

She had graduated early, being a very bright and motivated student, and was preparing to attend the community college just a few blocks from her grandfather’s home. Perfect!

She wasn’t going to be a burden so took on housekeeping and cooking duties without being asked, just like at her parents’ home. Grandpa marveled at how she just took over. He also marveled at the tight and minimal clothing she wore in the summer weather.

Lisa was a slim blond with high-set b-cup breasts which didn’t need a bra so her nipples stood out proudly under the tight tank tops she often wore. Running shorts were her favorite other piece of clothing and they were not overly large either. Watching her move around the place stirred a response he hadn’t had in a while. She was damn cute!

Grandpa also noticed how she seemed to want to spend time close to him. The depression that had been building since losing his spouse was definitely lifting.

“Grandpa, is it OK if I get a tan topless in the back yard? There is a pretty tall fence.” He could only nod and she happily went out the patio. The first time he peeked out she was on her tummy but the next had her tits pointing skyward. His crotch swelled even though he told himself that was “naughty”. But he couldn’t stop looking either.

When she came in she was still topless. Seeing his embarrassment she laughed a little and said, “I saw you peeking at me but I figured you’d seen breasts before so I wasn’t concerned. I hope you don’t mind now either.”

He sure as hell didn’t mind but didn’t tell her he’d seen very few women’s bare breasts in his whole life. His eyes were riveted on her cute chest and she noticed. “Grandpa, do you think I’m sexy?” He nodded so she continued, “I’m SOOOO glad. Nobody has ever seen me like this and I wasn’t sure.” Then she flounced off to her bedroom. Grandpa’s cock was harder than it had been for way more than a year.

The next day was warm and sunny too and Lisa took off all her clothes to get the rays. She called to him, “Come out and get some sun too. It’s good for you.” He came out in a swim suit and tried not to look at the small blond muff at her crotch. When he laid down she asked if she could put some sunscreen on him so he didn’t burn. How could he refuse? He was lying on his stomach to hide the swelling at his crotch but she insisted he turn over after covering his back. Her touch had made his erection fill completely.

When she wouldn’t let up, he complied and she acted as if she didn’t notice the swelling in his boxer style suit. She started at his feet and skipped from his thighs to his face and started back down. When she reached his waist she nonchalantly said, “You need a tan all over like me. Let’s get this suit off. I know you are hard but I’d be insulted if you weren’t.” She pulled his suit off and rubbed lotion all around his rampant cock.

Taking hold of it she said, “I’ve never seen one of these in real life. It feels better than I thought. Can I rub it?” Without waiting for an answer she began sliding her lotion covered hand up and down its length and he soon erupted on his belly. She squealed, “Oooo! That’s neat! Did it feel good?” She rubbed her hand in the cream as she asked, “I made you feel good. Can you do the same for me?” Her other hand took his and pulled it to her pussy. Soon she was moaning in pleasure too.

Se wiped him off with a damp washrag and they got some rays. Then she suggested they shower together. Grandpa was in a bit of a daze with all this and just followed her lead. After they dried each other off Lisa asked for a glass of wine. Her parents let her have some on occasion at home, she explained.

When they were seated on the couch, still nude, he finally got his voice, “I don’t know why you are doing this. Incest is not a good thing.”

She got the cutest look on her face as she replied, “My dear Grandpa, you know I’m adopted so it isn’t technically incest. I’ve done a little fooling around with boyfriends but am still a virgin. Now that I’m sixteen I can have sex legally with whomever I choose. I want to explore the wonders I’ve only read about and I can think of no one I’d rather have as my first than you.”

Grandpa was dumbfounded. He didn’t know what to say. He’d only been intimate with his wife and she was older than Lisa when they first got it on. Lisa moved closer to him and took hold of his refilling rod, “You have had a vasectomy so it’s perfect.” He could feel his resistance crumbling as she pursued her quest. When she bent over and took his cockhead into her mouth he was lost. “When this shoots next I want it inside of me.”

Pulling him to the floor on his back, she straddled his waist and pointed the rigid organ skyward. Carefully aligning her pussy with it she slowly lowered herself until the head rubbed against her outer lips. She slid it forward and back to spread her juices then began the downward journey to engulf her first male genital visitor. She stared intently at his face and a small smile spread across hers as the male organ filled her bit by bit. When their pubes met she leaned over and kissed him. It was not a granddaughterly kiss either. Lots of tongue, and as she sat up his hands were cupping her breasts.

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