The Best Laid Plans - Cover

The Best Laid Plans

Copyright© 2019 by George Foxx

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - I really am a good guy. It just seems like young girls keep throwing themselves at me. Who am I to argue with them?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Mind Control   Romantic   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   Squirting   Small Breasts  

Holly said, “I consider you my husband now. I know I need you, but I don’t think I can survive in the wilderness without female friends. There is too much ‘woman’s work’ for one woman. Now that there is the first of what I hope are many babies to care for, that means even more work. I ask you, as my husband, to consider my friend Mary’s feelings and invite her to join our family as both my sister and your wife.”

I smiled and said, I’d be proud to do whatever I can to make you and your sister happy, Holly.”

I wanted to laugh because I had gone to great lengths to find homes for some excellent women that I already had a relationship with. They knew how to behave in a harem so there was peace and harmony. I did the divestiture for what I saw as the good of the women. Now, another group of women wanted to give me family responsibilities and husbandly duties I hadn’t asked for. I was going to have two women looking to me for their physical welfare, health, and sexual satisfaction. Old Robbie Burns sure had it right. I don’t know if mice make plans, but the best laid plans of this man had totally gone astray. Perhaps the poet should have written, “The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray; especially if there is a woman involved. As I was to find out, the more women there were involved, the less recognizable a man’s plans became when all parties had revised and approved them.

Both of those women agreed I should add a third girl to the mix as soon as possible. I was determined to stall as long as possible, but every day Wanda looked more mature and more fuckable. I hoped I could resist her charms and her relentless demands for my attention until I was convinced she was close enough to legal for it not to matter in terms of warping her impressionable mind. I suppose Holly and Mary are right. Sleeping in the same bed with a couple who makes love as often as is physically possible has already either made sex, “no big deal” to Wanda, or scarred her for life. Adding another “wife” to our bed certainly is going to make all the fucking going on impossible for Wanda to ignore.

We survived the winter, produced a report the government thought well enough of to offer Wanda, Holly, Pepper, and me Canadian citizenship. Because everything was going through a government office in Ottawa, there were no inconvenient questions and no snooping from local officials. When spring came, we cleaned up the site so you couldn’t tell we lived there.

We bought as many acres of remote wilderness as we could afford. We borrowed a bulldozer and scraped a landing strip along the edge of a big meadow. I bought a second-hand bush plane and I got my pilot’s license updated. The plane needed inspections and renovation, but the air service that had owned it maintained it very well. It had a turbine engine so we could fly over mountains and carry our growing family along with the supplies we needed and could not grow or make ourselves. I put up a metal hanger that could stand up to the wind and snow in that part of the country. We applied all we had learned from the experimental site so we could keep the hanger warm enough to keep the jet fuel and engine oil from getting so thick the engine wouldn’t start or the battery get too cold to produce enough power to spin up the turbine.

We didn’t have a cliff face on our land, so we built the earth ship configuration out of old tires, insulated heavily, and then covered everything with ten feet of soil. We collected up all the boulders and big rocks and covered the roof with those to help hold the dirt in place and to discourage bears from digging. We did an even better job of protecting the air intake and exhaust pipes so even a ten-foot snow fall wouldn’t block the openings, but the pipes were protected from bears breaking them and critters getting inside.

We built another earth ship structure to protect horses from weather and predators. We had to make the air exchange system much higher capacity so the horses wouldn’t get respiratory diseases from stale air. We planned to keep the barn colder so the horses would grow out and keep a winter coat. We connected the living quarters and the barn by a tunnel so we could take care of them even in the worst weather.

I had boarded our Paso Fino horses when we sold the ranch. I bought a serious horse transport rig and we all drove down to California to pick up our horses. I’d sold our trail and pack horses with the ranch because they were nothing special, but the Paso Finos were so special we wanted to keep them and preserve the bloodline. I did a lot of video calls with Juan to learn the special training techniques we would need to learn to complement the Paso Fino bloodlines.

Juan and I worked out several breeding experiments to see if a Paso Fino hybrid would have a better temperament than a standard quarter horse. However, I was determined not to get crazy about the experiments. Mule guys are prone to experimental breeding because every mule is a hybrid. I can see the value of breeding a Clydesdale mule, but I’ve got to agree with Dave Stamey, that when someone starts talking about an Arabian mule, that’s just plain wrong!

We had a nice big sleeper cab, so we didn’t have to stay at hotels or motels. Mary was wearing me out, making up for lost time, I guess. Holly still needed to rest up the parts that got stretched out delivering our daughter. Pepper was a great baby. Traveling didn’t bother her a bit. She didn’t give a damn where or how she had her breakfast, just as long as it was pretty much on time. Holly liked to have me nurse from her breasts if Pepper didn’t drain her breasts for some reason. I was glad Holly felt that way, because I loved the feel of her nipple in my mouth and the warm liquid flowing onto my tongue and the sweet taste of her milk.

I knew subconsciously that Holly and Mary had been up to a lot of fooling around together, but the first time I saw them, it got me from limp noodle to steel beam in micro-seconds. I could tell Wanda wanted in on some of that action too, but the girls were being good and they told her that if Wanda had to be legal for me to touch her, then they weren’t going to give in to her under-age nympho act either.

I was particularly wiped out when Mary got done with me. I’d cum way more than was usual for me. I was sleeping so hard, I didn’t realize I was being molested in my sleep until I went off in a certain girl’s mouth. By the time I was awake enough to think clearly, none of the girls were claiming responsibility. I decided that if “Don’t ask, don’t tell was good enough for the American military, it was good enough for me. I’d just keep my eyes closed if I wasn’t sure who was using my cock at the moment. I took the position that I could only control what happened when I was awake, so if someone wanted to do something sneaky while I was asleep, I wasn’t going to let myself get bent out of shape about it.

We got to California and dropped the trailer where the Paso Finos were boarded. We used the semi-tractor as a camper because of the big sleeper and “camped out” while we got all the traveling and veterinary documents we needed to import the horses into Canada.

We loaded up the four horses and the Mexican and Peruvian style trail saddles, plus all the other tack. I made sure we had the hay storage area and the grain bins full. I topped off the water tanks, then we headed north. We went to some of the premier U.S. National Parks, and we did some trail rides to exercise the horses and get the horses re-acquainted with us. We tried to get back to the truck by afternoon so we could use the sleeper and not have to bed down on the ground.

We were too busy gawking at the Grand Tetons and lost track of time, so we ended up using saddles for pillows and saddle blankets to try to keep warm. Having three hot girls interested in pressing their sexy bodies tightly against mine is quite helpful when you need to stay warm at night. Thankfully it didn’t rain. When we rode through parts of Yellowstone, we were better prepared. The trouble about sex outdoors or in a tent is for the person on top to keep the vulnerable parts of their anatomy warm. If a guy is on top, his butt can get frosty, if a girl is riding cowgirl style, her nips can get hard from the cold, not arousal. We had four big rectangular sleeping bags that we could zip together to form one quad size bag. If we were content to take it slow and gentle on our sides, we could keep all our tender bits covered. If one of us got really excited and needed some serious pounding, passion tended to trump practicality and we often had to warm up the person who left something hanging out, with a four-way hug.

We got home and went to work prepping for winter. We were getting some license fees from our inventions and some endorsement deals from gear we tested came through. That let us fill up the hay loft in the barn with top quality horse hay. You see, cows will eat pretty much any old plant, but horses have a more discriminating palate. Horses are prone to respiratory troubles too, so there can’t be a bunch of dust or mold in horse hay. We went for a mix of two types of grass hay, which usually has a higher protein content, and super-premium alfalfa.

There was a respectable mountain range nearby. Some enterprising fella had started a ski resort for beginners there. Of course, it went under because you have to have the snob appeal of incredibly difficult runs to draw in the rich folks. I was able to buy his two slope grooming machines for cheap. I left one setup to do a bunny slope for us to use and I modified the other to be a long distance, emergency evacuation vehicle. I bought all his chain saws and other maintenance tools too.

I researched which breeds of horses were best for pulling snow sleighs, and I got two teams, one was a matched pair of Morgans for a passenger sleigh and the other pair were Clydesdales for the equivalent of a heavy farm wagon, but on runners. I also had a buggy and a farm wagon built. I planned to use horses as much as possible in our day to day operations, saving the diesel-powered vehicles for emergencies or things that had to be done but were impossible or dangerous for horses to do. I didn’t have much experience with draft horses, so I was going to need to experiment to see if one breed was better in snow. I was wondering if Tennessee Walking Horses would make a good driving team, but it reminded me that I needed to setup satellite internet service so I could research those questions over the winter. It’s better to be sure what you want to do than to have horses you can’t use that you have to keep over a winter.

Canada has more experience with distance learning than the U.S. so several good, non-religious, commercial education plans were available that met all Canadian requirements. I got all the girls tested and enrolled at the proper level. I ordered the materials so they would arrive before we were snowed in.

We got all our electricity generation and storage equipment setup. One new source was the river running down from the mountains. The turbine hydro-electric generator was in a pipe that diverted water from the river. The inlet was deep enough that it would be beneath the surface ice. When there was debris in the river, I had an alternate inlet setup so I could keep the inlet from getting clogged.

All of us got a bunch of exercise cutting up dead wood into wood stove length pieces and carrying them to the hydraulic splitter. I had replaced the gasoline engine with an electric motor. The splitter reduced logs to smaller pieces, usually either quarters or eights splits so the wood pieces were small enough to burn efficiently in a wood stove. After splitting, the firewood had to be carried to the storage area.

We wanted to have a big river stone fireplace so we could have fires for relaxation and enjoyment. All of us knew it improved our mood and made us feel warmer when we had a fire in the fireplace. I didn’t want to use wood routinely so we didn’t deplete our supply in case we had an electrical failure and needed the alternate heat source for survival. I went ahead and built the fireplace, but it was put together so the heat loss through the chimney was minimal. Insulated doors covered the hearth so that we didn’t have drafts when the fireplace wasn’t being used.

Mary got pregnant and her hormones kicked into high gear. While Mary had definitely kept me busy, it hadn’t been the same as when Holly seemed to be trying to find out how much sex it takes to kill a man. Mary was suddenly horny all the time. She wasn’t at all shy about waking me up or jumping on me when I was working in the barn or on some project. Holly was past her six-week checkup and her doctor had cleared her for sex. We got her fitted with an IUD so her body could rest and recover before I got her pregnant again.

The buggy was delivered, and as summer was winding down, one of the girls’ favorite things to do was to go for a buggy ride so we would be alone while we fucked each other comatose. Because of mosquitoes and deer flies, we had to put mosquito net around the buggy sunroof. When we stopped for a romantic interlude, we would lower the net curtains to protect us from the blood sucking insects. The pair of Morgens pulled nicely together and didn’t take a lot of management to drive. That was good because I usually had a girl kissing me. More often than not I had my hands under her dress, engaged in some form of foreplay. We found we needed to carry soap and water with us so I didn’t introduce some sort of undesirable bacteria or fungus into the hot, wet pussies I was prepping for strenuous recreational use.

Holly’s first yeast infection prompted a flight into the nearest town with a clinic. The doctor prescribed medicine for both yeast and bacterial vaginal infections, and we bought enough to treat each of my girls if they developed a similar malady when flying was impossible. I bought skis for the plane and had the local flying service keep them in their warehouse. I’d have them installed after the first snow.

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