The Best Laid Plans - Cover

The Best Laid Plans

Copyright© 2019 by George Foxx

Chapter 3

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 3 - I really am a good guy. It just seems like young girls keep throwing themselves at me. Who am I to argue with them?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Mind Control   Romantic   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   Squirting   Small Breasts  

Grace said, “Betty, your papa probably hasn’t informed you, but with the family business revenue falling so rapidly, your only career option is to learn to be pleasant company for a man and look as beautiful and sexy as possible. To secure your lifestyle, you will need to be self-disciplined and keep your figure perfect for the rest of your life. A wealthy man can always afford a mistress if his wife does not please and satisfy him. Since you have no dowry to secure your marriage, you must learn to provide all the pleasure your husband has ever dreamed of. You must learn all the skills needed to please him and you must willingly and eagerly service him any time he wishes. It is well known that the successful wife charms or seduces her husband into all the sex he is physically capable of. Men who have limp dicks, because their wife takes proper care of them, rarely stray. In addition, men love a woman who provides all the pleasures a whore can but does it for free and without any drama. If a girl can make a man believe she is giving him sex because he is skillful and because she loves him, she is almost certain to keep her husband faithful for life.

“Good girls can expect assistance from skillful hands, lips, tongues, and bodies to make masturbation truly worthwhile. As Mistress Linda mentioned, naughty girls will find themselves restrained so they can’t sexually relieve themselves in any way.”

My sisters and I turned and left Betty locked in the stocks. We all made sure to swing our hips in the sexiest way we knew. Dad had been teaching us how to be sexy, how to be the kind of slut men adore, and how to satisfy men’s psychological as well as physical sexual needs.

After exactly an hour we assembled in front of the pillory. I said, “Miss Brown, the world is brutally hard and changing by the moment. We are going to provide you with education and experiences to enhance your ability to survive. Many people who find themselves in your circumstances make poor decisions and try to do something criminal. They are always caught and severely punished. We will teach you how to do things privately and legally so that you can maintain your comfortable life-style. We do apply simulations of real-world consequences for any bad choices you make.

“As my daughters have told you, your best chance for a good life lies in learning to be a pleasant companion for a wealthy male. You secure your place in his affections by eagerly satisfying all his sexual needs. The wise woman goes a step further and learns all his deepest, most secret, dark desires and finds a way to make all of his dreams come true. This must be done in a way that shows your husband that you do not judge him, and you must give him his dirtiest desires in a way that makes him feel comfortable and that he doesn’t need to beg. If you can teach yourself to do the most perverted thing he desires in a way that makes him feel you are doing it eagerly because you love him, you will ensure your future.

“If you are lazy or sloppy in your work you will be paddled by one of the triplets, using a wooden paddle. If you are chronically disagreeable, you will be left alone in the stocks to reflect on why no one wishes to share your company. If you steal or directly disobey a staff person, you will be put in the stocks and spanked with a leather strap. If you strike a staff member, you will be tied to the whipping post and flogged. If you are particularly recalcitrant, I may use a cane, as they do in Singapore. I understand it is particularly painful when applied to the soles of a girl’s feet. If you show you are not concerned for your own future, we will find out if you are concerned for your own survival. Nipple torture can be quite effective in motivating a girl to change her ways. Electric shocks applied to the labia can be quite motivating as well. In extreme cases, the shock can be applied directly to the clitoris. In the literature, it is reported that females tortured in this way experience incredibly strong orgasms throughout their entire body until the pleasure nerves in the clit short out and stop working permanently. If a girl is determined to fight me to the end, there are methods developed by Native Americans which will take a malefactor to the edge of sanity. I won’t go into details about those methods unless we find you are determined to resist, Miss Brown.

“I’m sure you are a rational girl and this brief discussion will have encouraged you to do your best during your time with us. I won’t bore you with unnecessary information. A girl who does her best can expect to be politely and kindly treated. Learning to please a husband sexually can be quite pleasant for a girl, Miss Brown. Your dorm leaders are prepared to help enhance your pleasure, and when you have mastered the basic skills, you will work with me on advanced topics. In that setting, Miss Brown, I will teach you how to receive the maximum possible pleasure while you are taking care of your husband. Becoming orgasmic with a fat old man makes giving him satisfaction bearable. If he is well equipped and teachable, you may even find yourself enjoying servicing your husband.

“A few girls have asked why we don’t specifically prepare a girl to please a rich woman in a lesbian relationship. My answer is that men are generally easier for a woman to please and tend to remain content over a long term when they know a girl is doing her best for him. A rich woman, on the other hand, tends to be more demanding, more difficult to please, and more capricious. Therefore, the chances of a long-term relationship are greatly reduced. We feel it is not in your best interests to specifically prepare you for a lesbian relationship. If you secure the affections of a man and he feels you are meeting his every need, he is likely to be indulgent with you and allow or perhaps even encourage you to have a relationship with another woman, as long as he is included.

“Now do you have any doubts about our commitment or questions you feel cannot wait?”

Betty said, “I have a temper. I tend to act without thinking. I take it I will be punished for that kind of outburst as well?”

“Temper tantrums are not a legal defense for injury to a person or damage to property. We are going to help you with your temper by reminding you that besides making you disagreeable, tantrums can lead to criminal charges or civil suits. Applying an appropriate correction will help extinguish tantrum behavior,” I said.

Betty asked, “My parents disapprove of masturbation, but Mistress Linda said masturbation is encouraged. If they disapprove of masturbation, how can they approve of you training me to be a courtesan?”

“Your parents reevaluated your prospects, dear. They considered our proposal for your course of study very carefully. They took several days to discuss our presentation before they sent you here. They now agree that your best chance will to be learning to be fun in social situations, attracting a suitable male, sealing the deal by getting a marriage proposal, marrying and then keeping your husband as happy as possible,” I said.

Janis said, “I know you are too tough to fold up when I tell you this, so there is no reason to hide it from you. Your mom has given up on you. Your dad has very little hope for you. This is your last chance dear. Work with us and things will be quite nice for you. When we think your training is close to complete, we will assist you in meeting and getting the interest of an eligible man. Because we can’t control who will be at an event where we present you, we will provide training that will prepare you to be the companion of a younger man who likes athletic adventures, for a mature man who needs the confidence boost only a beautiful young woman fucking him frequently can him. Your youth, beauty, and simmering sexuality help him realize he is in his prime. We will also train you to please an older gentleman who likes sex, but has medical issues. You can be very sexy if you let us help you. You are not a lost cause.”

Linda said, “It’s time to put your big girl panties on and learn when a girl should go commando.”

Grace asked, “Promise to be good if I unlock the stocks?”

“I’ll be good, Mistress Grace,” Betty said.

Grace unlocked the stocks and Betty straightened up slowly, gingerly stretching her spine.

“Just call the triplets, ‘Mistress.’ They know who they are, so you don’t need to say their names. My daughters think you need to call me, ‘Headmaster.’ I think you need to get used to using a title of respect because some of your possible matches will want you to call them, ‘Sir,’ ‘Master,’ or perhaps ‘daddy.’ The sooner you get used to and comfortable with those kinds of rules, the easier it will be for you to please a prospective husband and you’ll be less likely to make mistakes that would get you in trouble,” I said.

“Yes, Master. Thank you, Master,” Betty said.

I smiled and offered Betty my arm. She took it and we walked to the bus. The only kitchen was still in the bus. To keep the food from getting cold, we ate at the kitchen table in the bus. Janis gave Betty a set of sweats she was allowed to wear for lounging. The top was forest green and the pants were crimson.

Before she put on the sweats Betty knelt in front of me and whispered, “I’m very horny Master. Would you please take care of me and make me cum?”

“Baby girl, you need to be suffering before I give you relief. If I make you cum now, you won’t truly appreciate the orgasms I give you and then you won’t appropriately demonstrate your gratitude,” I said.

Janis hadn’t heard so she said, “Daddy, it’s not a great idea to do her right away. She needs to go without for a while so she will really feel like she is about to die from need. If you let her cum now, she won’t hurt enough or be desperate enough to really beg you to fuck her. Kneeling before a man and truly begging, not just play acting to manipulate a man, is necessary if a girl is to learn her place and not act like a spoiled brat. Besides, a rich and powerful man would be able to see through play acting, so she needs to know in her belly and her cunt what it is like to genuinely beg a man for relief.”

Linda added, “She needs to beg us to help her first and find out for herself that a girl can’t possibly satisfy her the way being stuffed full of your cock will, Daddy.”

Grace said, “You could make her stay naked if you want daddy. Learning to get excited from having a man look at her is something important for her to learn. Learning how to show off her body for a man’s pleasure is also something she needs to know.

“I want you to cover up tonight, Betty. When you’ve lost ten pounds, you may show off your body to me,” I said.

Now I know it’s not politically correct, but there is nothing politically correct about being a trophy wife, let alone a de facto sex slave. There’s an expectation that the girl is going to have a killer figure. It doesn’t do anybody any good to give out participation trophies when the job description includes “swimming with sharks.” Betty had the pretty face to be a pageant winner. If we could get fifteen pounds off of her and tone up her body, she’d fit that job description to a tee. I was glad she was horny and wanted to do something about it. That should help motivate her to work on her weaknesses and develop the self-discipline to stay slim and sexy.

We had a simple dinner and then my triplets took Betty out to the dormitory.

I couldn’t get to sleep; being alone in bed for the first time in a while made me feel restless. I hadn’t had my bedtime fuck tonight, so I couldn’t relax. Sometime around midnight Linda got bored with being in the dorm and slipped into my bed. She was naked and she was hungry for me. We made love with a passion that was new for us. I poured a copious load of my seed into her, then we went to sleep. Around 4AM Grace slipped in bed with us. She was naked. She reached for my cock and started stroking me. I got hard before I woke up. Grace climbed on and was riding me when I realized I wasn’t dreaming and I was balls deep in the very tight, very wet, and very hot pussy of one of my daughters. We fucked more than we made love, but I could tell both of us were getting what we needed. I shot off deep inside my little girl’s orgasming cunt. I swear it felt like her womb was hoovering up my sperm through her cervix. I whispered, “I love you Gracie.” and kissed her good night. Both my daughters whispered, “I love you daddy.” I fell asleep happier than I’d ever been.

The next day Janis started working our student. Betty chopped wood and weeded the garden. Janis made Betty dig into the side of the hill where the root cellar was going to go.

Linda, Grace and I drove the pickup to the Mount Shasta and Shasta Lake area looking for hungry hippie chicks. All of them we saw that day had an old man. Linda said, “We might have to go into San Fran and meet the Gray Dog for a while to find a fresh off the farm chickee babe who doesn’t know the whole hippie thing is dead. She’d be better off with us exploiting her than get conned by a pimp who will make her turn twenty tricks a day and probably keep her drugged out of her gourd to keep her manageable.”

Grace said, “If we teach her to love getting your big cock shoved up her little cunt, daddy, she’ll willingly turn tricks for you without any drugs.”

I said, “I don’t want to turn girls out. I want to teach them how to make a man very, very happy; then hook her up with a nerdy scientist or professor who doesn’t know how to get his own girl. We’ll sell her and be gone as soon as we get the money. The nerd is going to treat her great. We just have to make sure she is brainwashed to love the crap out of whoever we sell her to and want to fuck him any time he gets hard, for the rest of her life. Then we hope it lasts long enough the guy doesn’t get pissed off and come looking for us.”

Linda said, “I think we ought to go down to LA and try to catch a few of the girlies headed to Hollywood. By the time we got them up here, they’d be so disoriented they wouldn’t have a clue how to get anyplace, so they wouldn’t try to run away.”

“I don’t know. I think all that transporting would be sure to get us caught. San Fran ought to be doable if we can’t find any starving backpackers,” I said.

“A hippie van would be good for hunting for runaways, but people might remember it. I suppose we are better off going low profile since we’ll be aiding and abetting runaways,” Grace said.

We started Betty’s training. In our staff meetings we all agreed we needed to be sure not to go too easy on her, because she was obedient and cooperative. We wouldn’t be doing her any favors by doing an incomplete or sloppy job brainwashing the girl. Her best defense was going to be genuinely striving to make her owner happy. Being completely addicted to getting fucked by a hard cock should provide motivation too.

We started driving around the major backpacking destinations and doing a lot of Betty’s training while we were out hiking. We hiked up to a hot spring that was “clothing optional,” to check for runaways. When we got to the spring, we hit the jackpot. There was a naked blonde sitting on the edge of the soaking pool, crying her eyes out. My triplets surrounded her and soon found out that Lucy had hiked up with her boyfriend three days ago. She had refused to let him fuck her ass, so he took all her clothes, including her hiking boots, and left her there naked, with no food.

Lucy was fourteen. She had been humping her boyfriend for almost six months and loving every second of every screw, so she was going crazy without having a man fuck her every day. Lucy knelt in front of me and offered herself to me. I smiled and whispered in her ear, “What about limits?”

“No limits Master. As long as you are using my body for your pleasure, something on or in my body is going to get rubbed the right way, and I’ll love it. I know some girls feel humiliated by admitting they like sex, but I truly love fucking, Master; so fuck my pussy or my face or my tits. Anything you want to do to me will get me off just fine. I have absolutely no shame admitting to you that I’m a slut. The main reason I ran away from home was so I could have lots of sex with my boyfriend.

“Unfortunately for me, he never got any better at doing me, no matter how many times we did it. He was only good for two minutes and then he’d squirt. If you can keep your identical triplet daughters satisfied, you probably know some tricks I need to learn and I’m anxious to experience fucking a man who knows what he’s doing. The reason I fought with Gregg about fucking my butt was because he was selfish and never thought about my pleasure. He didn’t work at getting me off. I was just asking him to eat my pussy so I could cum, since he always came so quickly,” Lucy said.

Linda said, “Dad, I’m surprised that both our tuition paying student and our runway girl seem to need about the same things.”

Janis said, “I’ll bet if we grabbed some girl who had Norman Rockwell illustration type parents and who is all repressed about sex, she’d fight you tooth and nail until the brainwashing took effect. I feel a little guilty about it, but I’d love to wear out a girl like that with a nice, big strap-on and get her to the place where she can’t wait to cooperate with our daddy.”

Grace said, “I remember how itchy my clit got before daddy started fucking us. I’ll bet most girls are about the same as we were and would be glad to get some relief from feeling so horny. The only reasons most girls don’t have sex any time they have a chance are fear of pregnancy and being scared to be labeled a slut. If you get tagged with the slut label, guys expect you to put out even when they are mean to you. The really top-quality guys don’t want to have anything to do with sluts. If I had found a guy who was as interested in making me cum as he was in shooting off in my pussy or my mouth, I would have screwed him all he wanted. As it turned out, I had to wait for my dad to decide I was old enough to fuck in order to get the kind of attention I wanted. It’s a lot less scary with my dad anyway. I know he won’t hurt me or ridicule me. If I don’t do something right, he’ll just teach me to do it how he likes it and show me what to do so I get off really, really good; every time I’m pleasing a man. Then we’ll practice until it’s perfect for both of us.”

We finished up the girl’s dorm and went into SF looking for wannabe Hippie Chicks. We found two at the Greyhound depot and one at the Trailways station. We found another girl who was trying to get away from the trucker who gave her a ride from Georgia out to Richmond, CA. He had raped her at an Interstate rest area within a few miles of picking her up. He kept on raping her every time he stopped his rig. He kept her tied up in the sleeper so she couldn’t get away.

Gladys said she really didn’t mind the sex or even the being raped too much, but the guy never bathed, and she was never able to enjoy getting fucked because he smelled bad. Gladys said she thought that if she was getting forced to fuck, she might as well enjoy it. Gladys pretended she started loving fucking and got the driver to fuck her four times in a row after he had driven a full day. He was so tired when he squirted the fourth time, he fell asleep quickly and didn’t tie her up. He slept so hard it was almost like he was dead. She was able to find her clothes and get out of the rig without waking the rapist trucker.

Anne was from Minnesota. She was trying to escape the cold and snow to become a hippie chick. She was looking for a free love style commune, so I knew she would give in to the brainwashing pretty quickly. She was tall and very slender, but she had a beautiful face and nice sized breasts. The fact she was looking for a free love commune told me she had very strong sexual desires and wondered if one man could satisfy her. Anne didn’t have any experience because she was taller than most of the guys in her school. Guys never bothered to find out that she would have put out on the first date if they had asked her out and treated her nicely. Instead, guys focused on teasing her for being tall. Anne was definitely frustrated and badly in need of sexual relief.

Connie was from South Carolina. She ran away because the youth pastor of her church raped her. Her parents wouldn’t believe her when she tried to tell them about the assault.

The rapist blamed Connie, saying she moved her body in ways that tempted him too much for a mortal man to resist. She was still frightened God was going to punish her for tempting the minister with her body. I knew it was going to take a long time for her to recover from being raped by a minister and see religion in the proper perspective. Teaching her to love sex so she could be programmed to be an obedient sex slave would be difficult and time consuming. I was glad I didn’t have any organized crime buyers who would rush me into selling a girl before she was fully trained.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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