Annie's Way - Cover

Annie's Way

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 9

The following Friday morning though, Spencer got a call. He listened to everything the caller had to say without interruption.

“Are you sure about all this?”

“Ok, great job, thanks and let me know anything else that turns up. IOU.”

When Spencer hung up Annie was staring at him. “So?”

“Annie, I need to check in to some of the information I was just given, I know it isn’t easy but let me do this before we get into it, ok?”

“No! This is about my life, I need to know too.”

Moving to her, he tilted her chin up; this was as much physical contact that they had shared in days. He looked into her eyes and knew she had a right to know but it was all so dirty, he just wanted to spare her a little of the hurt.

“Annie, let me ask you a question. Did you have anything to do with Ron that might be illegal.”?

“Spencer! I truly resent that.”

“I’m sorry baby, but these are questions that need to be asked. When did you suspect that maybe Ron was dirty?”

Annie didn’t want to get into this, she was not proud of any of it and she certainly didn’t want to relive any of it.

“Annie, I need to know?”

“I guess I knew right after we got married.”

“What and you stayed with him?”

“Oh please, don’t give me that shocked look. I didn’t stay because I loved him or even because I could have anything I wanted, I stayed because I had too. He had people watching me all the time. I was like a prisoner in my own home, except it wasn’t my home. I tried to get away.” She remembered back, and he could see by the look on her face that it wasn’t a good memory. “I waited one day till Ron was gone and thought I could just pack up and leave. I was just throwing my things into a bag when the housekeeper came into my room. She didn’t say anything she just turned around and went out again, by the time I got down stairs Ron was there waiting. I tried to explain that I wanted out, that I wasn’t going to ask for alimony or anything like that and he just laughed. I told him that this wasn’t even a real marriage, but he just stood there blocking the door. I started to cry and said I just wanted to leave and that’s when he grabbed me. He threw me across the room like a rag doll. I tried to fight back, and I screamed for help, but I knew no one would come. Ron paid his people well for their loyalty and punished them severely when he didn’t get it, as I soon found out. When he was finally satisfied that I wasn’t going anywhere he looked down at me and said that I really wasn’t very smart because marriage had nothing to do with this. I was his, I belonged to him and the sooner I learned that the better it would be for all of us.” Annie stepped back and squared her shoulders and held her head up. “I tried to get away a lot of times but never had any luck until, well until I did get away. I sometimes feel bad that Angelina is still involved with all that, but she could have left once too, and she didn’t so I guess she belongs with them.” Annie had remembered the day that she and Angelina had gone shopping and Annie thought it would be her opportunity to get away, but Angelina had stopped her and then told Ron. Annie bit back the tears of betrayal, that was a long time ago, another lifetime ago.

Spencer waited while Annie dealt with her feelings from the past. When the look on her face returned to normal, he asked again.

“Honey, I hate interrogating you, but this could be important. When did you know Ron was dirty?”

“Like I said before, right after the wedding. The reception was full of people who didn’t belong together. I noticed how some of them were acting, like they didn’t want to be there but were obligated. There were important and influential people and then there were people like Mark and the three goons that Ron sent to watch me. The women were sleazy and those that weren’t were snooty, too good for the rest of the world. It was an odd group. So, I asked Don who all these people were, and he said just people who work for Ron. I couldn’t figure out why commissioners and such would be working for Ron, and then I heard a man tell Ron that he had done what Ron wanted, and that cleared the slate, that he was done and didn’t owe Ron anything else. Ron grabbed the man and said I own you; you’ll do whatever I want, whenever I want. And if you ever talk to me like that again, it will be the last thing you say. Then he let go of the guy and just walked away. I put all the pieces together fast.”

“Did he ever involve you in anything?”

“No! At least not that I know of, but he came into my room once, and he was in a hurry and didn’t even speak to me. He just grabbed my purse and took my wallet out. I didn’t object because he never let me have any money and there really wasn’t anything else in there so why put myself through it. He flipped it open and pulled out my driver’s license and stuff and then left the room. Later I did ask him for it back and he gave it to me, so I asked why he wanted it and he said he just needed my social security number. When I asked why, he hit me. I didn’t ask any more questions.”

Spencer had never really hated anyone before, but he could honestly say that he hated Ron. But that story helped to verify some of what the phone caller had told him.

“Spencer, what is this all about?”

“Come over here and sit down, I’ll try to explain part of it. You know that I put out feelers through all my connections to dig up anything on Ron.” Annie nodded. “Well one of my friends just called to tell me that they are tracking Ron’s business transactions. You know, who he deals with, what they do, what money is involved and so on. Well it turns out that you have a Swiss bank account, with a lot of money in it.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do. That’s what Ron used your social security number for. See I told you he was smarter than I was giving him credit for.”

“What are you talking about?”

“He is putting a lot of dirty money in that account. He put it in your name with him as beneficiary.”

“And that means what?”

“That means if you know the password, we can make him crazy by closing the account.”

“But I don’t”

“Does Ron know that?”


“Then that explains a lot.”

“Not to me. What does it mean? I can’t get to his money so I’m no threat.”

“Well actually you are. You see Ron can put as much money in the account as he wants but he can’t get it out. You’re divorced and your name is the only one on the account. I think he must have thought that you would never get away and he could always use you to get to the money if needed. And if he ever fell under investigation, your name would not be investigated so the account would not be discovered.”

“So that’s why he wants me?”


“So, all we need to do is tell him I’ll sign whatever he needs if he never comes near me again. Once he has his money, he shouldn’t be interested in me any more anyway, right.”


“What do you mean maybe?”

“Annie there is an easier solution to this for him.”

“Like what?”

“Like killing you. He is listed as the beneficiary on the account. Once you’re dead, he gets the money anyway.”


“There must be something else; he said you have something he wants. Think Annie, think.”

“I don’t know what it could be I swear.”

Just then the phone rang, and Spencer answered it. “Hello.”

“Yes, we are, do you have any experience?”

“Ok why don’t you come by this morning, great see you then.”

“Who was that?” Annie asked.

“Someone who wants to work here. Walt and Barney have been putting the word out that we need an extra hand. We were hoping to hire someone that they knew so it might limit the risk of getting someone that Ron could buy. This guy said Walt talked to his dad, sounds young but there isn’t anything wrong with young. He’ll be out this morning. It was still early but dairy farmers never noticed early.

Just then the back door was opened, and Walt and Barney came in.

“Papa where have you been, I thought you were still in bed.”

“Oh, good heavens no, Barney and I were out feeding the horses, stalls are clean, and we let the horses run this morning. Is that coffee ready yet cause I’m overdue for a cup?”

Annie just stood there. Walt had been up and made coffee, was out working and had made arrangements with Spencer to hire a new farm hand and where had she been through all this. She did remember them talking about hiring someone the other night at dinner, but she didn’t realize that they meant right away. Here stood all her men and she wasn’t keeping up. Food, she would feed them that was something that she did well, maybe she should stop having Annie pity parties all the time and rejoin the real world, her world.

“I have a coffee cake in the freezer; it will just take a couple minutes to heat.” She offered.

“Don’t go to any trouble honey, we’ll just grab a bowl of cereal.” Papa announced.

Annie poured coffee and the guys grabbed bowls. While they were eating, she took her coffee and slipped out to the porch. Sitting on the swing she took in the morning. The weather here was always nice, they were far enough south that it warmed early, and they were close enough to the ocean that there were usually soft breezes. The growing period started earlier and lasted longer. Annie’s flowers were beautiful, and her garden was growing quickly. She always loved the morning and this one was beautiful, clear sky, just enough breeze to make the tops of the trees dance and a fresh cup of coffee in her hands, what more could she ask? Annie watched a robin in the birdbath and had to smile at its determination to get clean. Hummingbirds were at the feeders and the whole back yard was full of squirrels playing tag. When breakfast was over, the guys all headed out to the barn. Walt stopped on the porch and studied Annie.

“Honey, you ok?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“Good. Did you know that this weekend is festival?”

“No, I guess I just forgot, why would you like to go?”

“Yes, I think so. I was just telling Spencer about how nice it is and thought maybe we could all go for a while.”

“Sure, but what about the girls?”

“Well I thought we could go after we milk this morning and maybe grab a bite of lunch and maybe you would take Spencer back this evening for dinner and a little dancing?”

“Let’s see how lunch goes.” She said not wanting to commit to any alone time with Spencer. He had told her over and over again that they had to keep this a hands-off situation and dancing was definitely not a hands-off activity.

“Ok, but I would like to get to church Sunday morning and spend some time at the festival tomorrow. Any problem with that?” he asked. He was not trying to push Annie, but he was tired of watching her hide out on the farm. She was young and so full of life that it ripped him apart to know she was missing so much.

“Sure, that would be nice.” she said.

But he wasn’t sure the tone of her voice was sincere.

Annie went back into the kitchen. There were no dirty dishes, there was no lunch to plan and if Papa had his way, there would be no dinner to fix either. The rest of the house was cleaned up and she had just changed the sheets on all the beds two days ago, so there wasn’t anything for her to do but go help in the barn. Papa had fed the cats and was working on the computer, he kept excellent records and really didn’t even need the computer, as he had it all stored in his head. Only a short time later an older pick up came rushing down the lane. A lanky young man got out and headed to the barn.

“Hello, I’m Dave; I called this morning about a job.”

“Hello son, you spoke to me,” Spencer said coming from nowhere, let’s go into the office so you can meet Walt and talk to him about the job.” Spencer introduced them and went back to work milking. He was a take charge kind of guy, but he never over stepped his bounds. Leaving Papa to hire the kid was only right and Spencer was the kind of man who knew that. There were a lot of things about him that Annie admired but that was a big one.

After only a little while, Papa and the boy came out of the office.

“Everybody this is Dave. He is Dr. Prater’s son. Dave is going to be a senior in high school this fall and can help out around here on weekends and for second milking after school starts, but till then he will work whenever we need him.” Papa introduced him around and explained that Barney would be his supervisor. Annie had been concerned about this maybe hurting Barney’s feelings but when Papa made him a supervisor that fixed it all. Dave caught on fast. He had milking experience but not a lot. He worked the rest of the morning and Walt asked if he could come back in the morning.

“Yes sir, 5:30 sharp.”

“Now go have some fun, maybe we’ll all see you at the festival later.” Papa said as Dave headed for his truck.

“Good kid, I think this is going to work out fine.” Papa said patting Spencer on the shoulder. Spencer only smiled and started to close up the barn.

“If we’re going to festival, I’d better get home and shower.” Barney announced.

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