Annie's Way - Cover

Annie's Way

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 6

That evening after dinner they made plans to pick up Walt after milking the next day. Sloan would wait for them to leave and then go the other way to the airport, like they had done before. The phone started ringing around 7:00, with hang up after hang up, until about 8:15. Spencer had had enough, he unplugged the phone and they spent the rest of the evening watching TV. Annie was still acting funny when they went to bed, but Spencer let it slide. Everyone said goodnight and turned off their lights, but Annie couldn’t sleep. She paced back and forth in her room for what seemed like most of the night. About 11:30 she went downstairs and made a cup of tea. The house was dark, and Annie could feel the cold night air blowing in a window they had forgotten to close. She closed the window and curled up on the sofa with her tea. She had spent many nights alone in the past year waiting for the sun to come up drinking tea. Maybe she would go back upstairs and try to sleep again. Taking her empty cup to the sink, she did feel tired; maybe she could get a few hours’ sleep after all. Annie put the cup in the sink and reached up to turn off the light.


“Annie are you ok, where are you. Annie!”

She could hear Spencer and Sloan coming downstairs and when they got to the kitchen she was sitting on the floor by the sink.

“Annie what’s wrong?” Spencer asked picking her up off the floor.

“Someone is out there,” she whispered.

“Well I doubt that they are still there after that scream, but I’ll take a look.” Handing Annie to Sloan, Spencer opened the kitchen door leading to the back porch, then stepped out and pulled it closed behind him. A few minutes later he came back in.

“Well no one is out there now but those flowers you planted under the window say someone was there. They are all smashed. We need to call the Sheriff and file a report. The good news is that the camera out there should give the police a good description of him. Let’s call the sheriff and get this over with.”

Annie sat next to Spencer on the sofa, covered up and shaking.

“I didn’t feel threatened,” she told the sheriff “but he scared me. One-minute I was putting my cup in the sink and he wasn’t there and the next I reached up to turn off the light and he was. Just standing there looking at me, on my back porch, in the middle of the night.”

“Face it sheriff that would be enough to scare anyone.” Sloan said handing him the tape from the camera.

“What’s this?” the sheriff asked.

“It’s a tape of our visitor. I put cameras around, and we got him on the back porch. The cameras are motion sensitive and the minute he stepped up on the porch, we had him. I think you will find the tape interesting.”

“Why is that?”

“We watched it before you got here, and you can see that our visitor was caring a knife. That should add some charges to his visit.”

“Yes, it should, if we can identify him and find him. But this tape will certainly help. You two are really very good at this.”

“I can go one better, sheriff. I can give you make, model and license number of the truck they drive and can even give you an idea where it is parked.” Spencer said.

As the sheriff was leaving Spencer walked him out.

“Do we have a problem?” he asked the sheriff.

“No, I don’t think so” the sheriff answered.

“Good because this job is important to me,” he said shaking the sheriff’s hand goodbye.

“I think I understand,” the sheriff said as he got in his car, he had picked up on the word job, “I’ll keep you informed.”

‘Thanks” was all Spencer said, and the sheriff drove away.

“Let’s all try to get some sleep” Sloan said when Spencer came back in.

Again, they turned off the lights and went to their rooms. Annie did fall asleep but only to find the monster was hunting for her again. She was hiding in a dark corner of the basement and she could hear him coming down the stairs. He was loud and she knew he was mad.

“Come out now because if I find you it will only be worse” he growled. “Annie, come out!”

He was getting closer but just when he was about to find her, he went the other way. He was still calling for her and he was getting madder by the minute, but she had to get away. He was moving farther away; it was now or never. She ran for the stairs and started up them, but from underneath he grabbed her ankle. “Give it back!” He was hurting her ankle and she was losing her balance, if he didn’t stop pulling on her she would fall. Annie knew she was going to fall like it had already happened. When she hit the basement floor, he was on top of her, pouncing like a cat. He had his hands around her throat, and she was gasping for air. But just like before, there was a stranger there and he pulled the monster off her and started pounding on him. She couldn’t see the man, but he wore jeans, a white shirt and cowboy boots with gold tips on them. She could breathe again. The monster was gone, and the stranger was picking her up. As he held her close, she noticed a scent from this man, she knew that scent but where had she smelled it before. It was near her now, not in the dream but in real life, she was struggling to wake up, someone was talking to her. When she opened her eyes, Spencer was leaning over her in her bed.

“Spencer, what’s wrong?”

“You must have been having a nightmare. I could hear you, so I came to wake you up but when I came in, you quit crying, so I just sat beside you for a minute.”

“It was my monster dream again.”

“Are you ok now?”

“I think so.”

“Then I’ll go back to bed. Good night Annie.”


“What?” he asked standing by her bed?

“Could you stay for just a little while?”

“Sure” he said tucking her in and then going to the other side of her bed and lying down. An hour later Spencer woke up to find Annie lying tightly against him with her head on his shoulder. He smiled, gently kissed the top of her head and went back to sleep. Spencer was an early riser, so he was surprised and concerned when he woke up and Annie was gone. When he went around the corner to use the bathroom and she wasn’t in there, he started to worry. Moving downstairs quickly but quietly, he checked each room as he passed. When he got to the kitchen, he was relieved to find a fresh pot of coffee had been made. Then the porch swings creaked.

There she sat in a pair of sweat pants holding a cup of steaming hot coffee. The mornings were still cool and the steam from her coffee rose from her mug.

“Hey there, what are you doing up so early?” he asked.

“Just couldn’t sleep, thought I would come save the pansies that our late-night visitor trampled.”

He looked over at the flower bed and realized that she had in fact saved most of the flowers in that bed.

“Annie, it is barely day break, you must have been out here in the dark. You need to be more careful, like you said when we get rid of these three, Ron will just send more. Why didn’t you wake me?”

“Because when I woke up, I was wrapped all around you and I thought I’d better get up before you woke up.”


“Because I don’t know how to handle all this.”

“I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“My feelings. I’m afraid and need you but then I’m not afraid and I want you. Get it?”

“You mean like yesterday in the kitchen?”


He sat on the swing beside her and put both arms around her. “I certainly understand that second feeling,” he said before kissing her. When the kiss ended, he held her close. “In all the cases I have worked on for Tommy and others like him, never have I let myself get involved. Do you know what I’m telling you?”

“That this is a mistake?”

He used his thumb to push some hair away from her face, “Never.”

“I don’t get involved because I don’t want to lose my edge, and because I have never wanted to get involved before.”


“Annie, this is not just a job to me I need to get things taken care of between you and Ron so I can see if there is a you and me.”

Annie just sat looking at him. She had wondered that same thing many times now but had no idea that Spencer had even momentarily considered it. But before she could say anything, she noticed Sloan was coming through the kitchen.

“Morning all.” he said, happy for once not to be breaking up a hot little kiss.

“Morning Sloan, can I get you a cup of coffee?” Annie asked.

“No, don’t be silly, I can get my own coffee.” He held the kitchen door open and followed Annie inside.

But Spencer didn’t follow. He just sat on the porch swing and felt sorry for himself. Here he was starting to pour his heart out to the first woman who had ever really touched it and she jumped up to get Sloan a cup of coffee. What was he supposed to think of that? Well he knew that she didn’t have any feelings for Sloan, well not those kinds of feelings, but she still hadn’t responded the way he had hoped she would. Now wait a minute Spencer, he told himself, this woman is on the run from not only a bad marriage but from an abusive and crazed ex-husband, what do you want from her. Ok so pledging her undying love was not realistic but something a little more warm and fuzzy would have been nice.

“Spencer, can I fix you something special for breakfast this morning?” Annie asked standing at the porch door. “I’ll make you anything.”

Spencer knew that she was trying to tell him something, but he had never been any good at reading women. He stood and headed in to the kitchen.

“Where did Sloan go?”

“He went upstairs to pack; he is still planning on surprising your brother.”

Spencer refilled his coffee cup and when he turned around Annie was sitting on the cupboard smiling at him.

“Come here a minute.”

Spencer put his cup down and moved over to Annie.

“Closer” she said.

So, he smiled and stepped closer.


He complied.

That brought him within reach, and she put her arms around his neck and pulled his face to hers.

“Just so you never again have to wonder what is between us.” she said tenderly kissing his lips. When he accepted the kiss and leaned in to her, Annie wrapped both her legs around his waist and held on tightly. That only made him intensify the kiss.

“Would you two get a room for crying out loud.” Sloan said coming into the kitchen. “I’m not really too sure that it’s safe to go off and leave you two alone anywhere.”

“It’ll be fine big brother; we just had some things we needed to work out of our systems.” Spencer responded.

“Uhm uh, I see.” Was all Sloan could handle. “Let’s go get the chores done and then I’ll head for the airport.”

Boyd showed up right on time and they did the milking while Annie dusted and swept the house. After lunch they were going to get Walt at the hospital. Annie could hardly wait. She had planned potato soup for supper that night. It would be a while before Papa could eat regular meals and Annie planned to keep his meals hospital friendly until Papa was really better. Her potato soup was a meal in itself. With bits of ham and lots of cheese, made with new red potatoes and of course made with Annie’s love. Lunch was just hamburgers on the grill, but no one complained. And then it was time to head to the hospital. Annie and Spencer would head toward town and Sloan would slip out behind them and head to the airport just like he had done before. Boyd stayed at the house and kept an eye on things.

When they pulled up to the front door at Buttermilk Farm, Boyd was sitting on the front porch swinging.

“Walt, you old goat, welcome home.”

“Boyd, why you...” The two men laughed, and Spencer helped Walt into the living room. Annie was flittering around like a hummingbird. She was not only getting on Walt’s nerves, but she was driving Spencer crazy too. After Annie had pushed pillows behind Walt and then taken them back out and covered and uncovered him, moved a table closer so he wouldn’t have to reach so far if he wanted something. Spencer finally spoke.

“Annie if you don’t calm down and stop your buzzing, Walt is going to make me take him back to the hospital to get some rest.”

“But I’m just trying to make him comfortable.” she protested.

“I’m fine honey, but he’s right, can you just calm down. I’m home now, it’s all over.”

Annie only looked at Spencer; she knew it was far from over.

Four more days past with no problems what so ever. On the fifth day Tommy Clay called. He said he was just checking on how things were, but Annie wasn’t buying it. Tommy was a caring man and always had nice conversations with Annie when she called him, but he had never just called her. He didn’t sound strange or anything, but instinct told Annie that something was wrong. Just as they finished their conversation and were saying goodbye, almost like an afterthought, Tommy asked if Spencer was handy and could say Hi. Annie handed him the phone and watched Spencer’s face.

“Hey buddy, what’s new?” The look on Spencer’s face never did change. After a few minutes Spencer commented, “Well that does sound interesting, we’ll have to try it next time we go fishing. By the way, Sloan wants to go with us next time too.” Spencer didn’t say much more. After they hung up Spencer went back to whatever he had been reading. In the past few days Papa and Spencer had spent all their free time together and most of that was spent reading. In the evening since the weather had been so nice, they would go out back and sit after dinner and Papa and Spencer would read until the light got bad. Papa had always loved a good Western. Spencer just seemed to read any and everything. Papa made it a point to get out to the barn several times a day to check on the girls. He was pleased that Spencer had taken good care of them. Walt had liked Spencer from the first moment that they met. He was a man’s man, a strong, secure kind of man and Annie must have noticed it too because every time they were near each other, Annie’s cheeks were always red, and Spencer’s breathing was more labored. By dinghies there was an attraction between them, and Papa was hoping things would work out.

Nearly a week passed before Annie and Spencer were alone in the barn together. Since Papa had come home, she and Spencer had been like strangers. They had found a few evenings where they shared the porch swing and several times during meals, while passing food, they touched but Annie really missed his touch. There had been a day not just too long ago that she would have killed any man that touched her, but things had changed. And now here they were alone for the first time in at least a week. Annie watched him as he put the milking equipment away and he must have sensed it because he stopped and turned around.

“Is something wrong?” he asked.

“No, I was just watching.” she said smiling so hard her teeth hurt.

“Well why don’t you come over here and do this because I know I would sure like to watch too.”

“Ok.” Annie got up and went over to put things away but as she approached him, that was all he really wanted to see. Taking her in his arms and pulling her in tight was all she needed because she stood on tippy toes to get at his lips. She needed him in so many ways. But just then they heard Walt coming.

“Annie” he called.

“Yes Papa” Annie answered trying to put some distance between herself and Spencer.

“Honey, the doctor’s office just called and wanted to know if I could come in today instead of tomorrow.”

“What time?” she asked

“Right after lunch, can you take me?”

“Sure, I can but I’d better get lunch ready then.” She helped Papa back into the house and Spencer soon followed.

Papa had been nagging since he had come home for steak and eggs for lunch and today was the day. Annie had the nicest looking rib eye steaks and scrambled up some sweet peppers and hash browns. Papa was in heaven. He still didn’t eat as much as he usually did but his appetite was good, and he did enjoy his meals.

“We better get going honey.” Walt said standing up using his cane for support.

“Papa don’t I have time to clear the table. I haven’t even showered today; can I shower first?”

“No honey I need to be there by 12:00. You look fine and we can get the dishes when we get back.

“Oh Papa, I have to shower, I smell like cows. Spencer do you think it would be ok if I stayed here to clean up the kitchen and take a shower. I really don’t need to go, and Barney is here to help if something happens. It’s the middle of the day, what could happen?”

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