Annie's Way - Cover

Annie's Way

Copyright© 2019 by Romance Girl

Chapter 4

Even though the situation was so dangerous, Annie did feel safe with Spencer. He helped her up in the truck and then put the groceries in behind her seat. He had spotted the other man when they came out of the store and he was sitting in a truck waiting. Spencer kept his eyes on the guy but never mentioned it to Annie; she was already so scared that all he wanted was to get her home. Their drive home was quiet. Spencer watched the pick-up truck that the other two guys from the store had gotten into, it followed them all the way back to Butter Cup Farms. Annie didn’t seem to notice, she was off in her own thoughts, the what if thoughts. Like what if she had gone into town alone, they would have her, and then what? What if Spencer hadn’t come into the grocery to meet her? What if Spencer had never come to help her at all? That was the worst what if of all. When Spencer turned down Butter Cup Lane, the other truck didn’t follow, they just drove on past. He didn’t like this little game of cat and mouse, he wanted this all to end but he couldn’t think of a plan that didn’t put Annie in danger, and he just couldn’t do that. And if his plan didn’t include Ron, then he would just send some new thugs to get Annie. No, he had to catch Ron with his hand in the cookie jar, so to speak. That meant making Ron come to them and come after Annie himself. No, she would never be strong enough to deal with that, he needed to think of something else.

When the truck stopped, Sloan came across the yard.

“Did you two have any trouble in town?” he asked.

“No, nothing really, Annie had an escort through the grocery and then they followed us home, but nothing happened. Anything here?” Spencer asked handing Sloan a couple bags of groceries.

“Well I didn’t have any company, but the phone just kept ringing off the hook and every time I answered it, someone would hang up, too many to be a wrong number.”

“What does that mean?” Annie asked.

“My guess would be that someone is trying to find out how many of us are out here. They know Walt is in the hospital, and you and I were in town, so if someone answered the phone out here then you have more help than just me. They’re just counting the players.”

Annie took the bag of groceries that she was holding and ran into the house.

“She can’t take too much more of this Spencer, what’s the plan?”

As they started around the house to the kitchen door, Spencer just shook his head.

“I don’t know. I have worked this out in my mind several different ways, but they all include using Annie and I just can’t do it, like you said, she can’t take too much more. I can’t knowingly put her in danger and every minute that I do nothing, they take a little more from her.”

They put the bags on the table; Annie’s bag was there but no sign of her.

“I hope she is laying down, she is so weak and tired.” Sloan said.

“I don’t think laying down is going to help much, unless it’s with me.” Spencer added with a smirk.

“You see little brother; I think that is part of the problem.”

“What is?”

“You, and your attachment.”

“What attachment, what are you going on about?”

“You have feelings for Annie, and you are letting them get in the way of the job. I think she is attracted to you too, but right now she doesn’t need a white knight on a steed, she needs ex-navy seal Spencer. A man with a plan, someone who will do whatever it takes to clean up this mess so that white knight Spencer can come in and charm the beautiful young maiden in every room in this house if he wants to. Hell Spencer, you could marry her and have ten or fifteen kids. You like this farm stuff and you’ve been wandering way too long. Get this guy behind bars and then see what happens between the two of you.”

Before Spencer could respond Annie came into the kitchen. “It’s time to put the roast in and get out to the barn,” she said trying to smile.

“Why don’t you stay in here and rest a while, Spencer and I can do the milking this evening?” Sloan offered.

Annie touched his arm and managed a sincere smile. “I’m fine; I’m a lot stronger than I look. I only need a few minutes to put these groceries away and I’ll be out.”

“Ok, we’ll go get started then” Sloan said.

As they started out the kitchen door Annie called to Sloan.


“The yard looks great, thanks again.”

“Anytime Annie, anytime.” was all he said as they went on out.

The milking went a little faster this time, not a lot but everyone seemed to know what their part of the process was and just did it. Everyone showered and cleaned up before dinner and when Annie put the food on the table, everyone was grateful.

“Annie you really are a good cook. I have never tasted anything this good, well if you don’t count the lunch you made today. I’m glad I won’t be here long, or I would put on a lot of weight. Can I have just a little more?”

They all had to laugh. It was a good sound. Spencer knew that everything Sloan had said earlier was true. He had to get past his feelings for Annie to help her. Sloan had to go back to Phoenix tomorrow night and then he and Annie would sit down and talk about his plan. Dessert was an Angel food cake with fresh strawberries that Annie had picked up at the store. As she stood to clear the table, she told the guys to go relax in the living room.

“This will only take me a few minutes and then I’ll go change the beds so we can all get some sleep. I’m shot and I’m sure you two must be tired too.”

“I sure am, I think it must be jet lag. I think I’ll just go on up to bed now if no one minds.”

“I need to change the sheets for you it will just take a few minutes, can you wait?”

“No, because I did that today while you were in town. You had enough to deal with, and I know how to make a bed, so I changed yours and mine.” He gave Spencer a strange look and then started upstairs. “Good night” was the last thing he said.

“I won’t be long, if you want to go up now too, I’ll be fine.”

“No, maybe I’ll catch something on TV; I’m not really that tired.”

Annie didn’t believe him but was herself too tired to argue. She hurried up and turned out the kitchen light. When she walked into the living room Spencer was not there. The TV was still on and it looked like he might have been reading the paper, so she sat and picked up a section to read too but a sound on the front porch brought her attention to the front door. When it opened and Spencer stepped in, she realized that she’d been holding her breath.

“I’m sorry, did I scare you?” he asked.

“Maybe, just a little. I didn’t know you had gone out.”

“I just wanted to take a look around and make sure everything was locked up for the night.” Seeing her look of concern, he added, “Everything is fine.”

“Good” she muttered.

“Shall we go to bed now?” he asked. With one stupid question he had just sealed his fate; he would get little sleep tonight, thinking about them going to bed, together. No one else had ever affected him this way, what was it about her that just took away all his control. Annie was just standing there. “Is something wrong?” he finally asked.

“No, I’m just running through a check list in my mind, you know like cows are in the barn, lights are all out in the house, coffee pot is turned off, doors locked, that kind of check list. Did anyone close the stall doors on the horses?”

“Yes. Everything is fine, now get to bed.”

Annie started up the staircase and Spencer followed right behind her, too close in her opinion and not close enough in his. When she turned to go to Walt’s room, Spencer turned with her.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“With you, to see if you need anything moved or cleaned up before you can go to bed.”

Annie knew exactly what he meant. Walt’s room had been demolished and her picture with the knife stuck in it was still on the desk, things like that might make it hard for her to sleep.

Putting her hand on the doorknob made her realize how glad she was that he was still behind her but when she opened the door, they were both surprised. Apparently, Sloan had done much more than just change sheets this afternoon. Walt’s room was picked up and swept, there were a few missing pictures from the walls and the one from the desk but minus a few desk drawers, the room looked good.

“That brother of yours sure is a sweetie, I really dreaded cleaning up this room. He is smart too.” she said turning to face Spencer, “We are both lucky to have him,” she added with a bright, warm smile. Spencer took a step toward her and she took a step back so he took another and so did she, when she felt her legs touch the bed, she knew she couldn’t back away any more. Spencer looked into her eyes with his burning question. She licked her lips slowly and then allowed her eyes to move down to his lips and then on down to his throat and on down to his chest, where she could see the hard shape of his shoulders and chest. She sucked in air to keep from getting light headed. He watched her eyes and could read her thoughts. They both wanted to be together, but he knew now was not the right time but before he could leave he had to taste her passion one more time. Putting his hands on her hips, she moved into his arms, all she had to do was look up and when she did his lips touched hers. It was much more than touching her lips; it was like claiming them, molding them to his so they would never again fit right with anyone else. He touched her lips with his tongue, and she opened a whole new world to him. When her tongue touched his, he almost, well he didn’t but almost; touching her like this was more intimate and powerful than anything he had ever experienced before. It was only a kiss; how could she be doing this to him.

She wrapped her right leg around his, pulling him closer and holding him tighter, afraid he would stop kissing her, and he could never stop. He was so strong and hard that she couldn’t let go. Her body, mind and heart were all screaming for him to make love with her, right now, and again after that and after that and after that until there was no more. He bent her back and laid her across the bed and then laid beside her without ever breaking the kiss, his hands move down to her bottom, grabbing her and pulling her up against him as tight as they could be. She could feel his want and need and knew it was as strong as hers but when it seemed he was pulling away from the kiss, her hands went up his back and into his hair, pulling his lips tighter to hers and assuring him that his wants and needs were matched. The sound of someone in the hall didn’t pull them apart until Sloan knocked on her door. They rolled away from each other and started to stand. Her door was partially open, and Sloan had known what he was interrupting. Spencer moved to the door.

They lowered their voices, but she could still hear part of the conversation.

“What the hell are you doing?” Spencer asked.

“I saw you come in here and when you didn’t come out, I knew you would need my help to get out.”

“I’m a big boy, Sloan, what makes you think I want to get out.”

“Don’t do this, Spencer; you know your feelings are more than this.”

“I know, but I can’t get past this. Every time she even looks at me...”

“I know, I can see it on your face but if you do this, you will lose your edge. When you can’t fight the feelings just tell yourself that her life depends on it. Now let’s go to bed!”

“Spencer?” Annie said standing by the bed.

“He went back over to her, pushed a lock of hair from her face and then kissed her again. This kiss was different, it was tender, not one of need but one of promise.

“Annie, I want you more than the air I’m breathing but we have to wait, I promise, soon.” He kissed her again. “Good night.”

As he walked down the hall to his room, Sloan was waiting in the doorway of his room. “I’m really sorry Spencer.”

“Thanks, and good night” was all he said before he went into his room.

When Annie got in bed she didn’t know if she should laugh or cry and that was her last thought. Exhaustion won out over the emotions. She had been having a pleasant dream when a movement in her room woke her. It was too dark to see what it was so she started to get up but before her feet could hit the floor; a man pushed her back down on the bed and covered her mouth with his hand. She tried to struggle but it was no use, he was stronger. Then she heard him whisper.

“Annie, stop it, it’s me Sloan, we have uninvited guests for our slumber party.”

She calmed down and then whispered. “Spencer, where’s Spencer?”

“Shhhhh. He’s fine; he’s just doing his thing. He told me to stay with you.”

That was when she first noticed that Sloan had a gun. “Stay low and move over here behind your bed just in case.”

She did as she was told and then whispered, “In case what?”

“In case one of them gets past Spencer, now quiet.”

They stayed in the quiet dark for what seemed like an hour, however; it was only about ten minutes, when they heard two shots and then a man screamed out in pain. Sloan had to hold Annie in place, although she didn’t say anything Sloan knew she was afraid for Spencer, he would never admit it out loud, but he was too. His brother had always had this special ability and that’s what made him a good Navy Seal, but it didn’t mean that Sloan still couldn’t worry about him and he did. Only a few more minutes passed before lights came on downstairs and Spencer called out to Sloan. Sloan went out to the hall rail and Annie heard Spencer tell him to call the Sheriff and an ambulance. Annie jumped up and started for the stairs. When she got to the bottom there stood Spencer, she just through herself into his arms. He held her tight and when she realized that he was ok she started kissing every inch on his face.

“Honey, I’m ok.”

She stopped kissing him and started to cry. “We heard the shots and then someone screamed, and Sloan was practically laying on me to protect me from anything, and he had his gun, I just can’t do this anymore.” Annie tightened her grip on Spencer when she realized that one of the men from the store was lying by the front door. “Did you shoot him?”

“No, but I’m afraid I did break his arm.”

“The Sheriff and ambulance will be here soon,” Sloan offered from across the room.

“He was in the house and armed when I stopped him, so that should put him away for a while. And if I don’t miss my guess, he probably can be charged with stalking or something else to increase the sentence.”

Annie didn’t know if it was the fact that the man was laying on the floor with a broken arm and until now, she hadn’t noticed that his ankles were tied, but she wasn’t afraid of him. She walked over and looked down at him.

“What does he want? I’m tired of running and I’m not afraid anymore. What does he want?”

The courage that had taken was gone and she stepped back when the man smiled at her. “He wants you darlin.”

“We’re divorced; he can’t have me.”

“Oh, sure he can darlin, he wants you dead.”

Annie stepped back in to Spencer, who put his arms around her.

“Well you can tell him for me that he can’t have that either because I want him dead, and I always get what I want.” Turning Annie toward the kitchen Spencer asked Sloan to keep an eye on their guest till the Sheriff arrived. “I think Annie could use some coffee and I sure know I could, we’ll put on a pot, call me if you need anything.”

Spencer pushed Annie in the kitchen and put a pot of coffee on, then turned back to her. Folding her in his arms and pulling her close he asked if she was all right.

“I am now,” she said, standing on tiptoes to reach his lips.

“Oh girl, you have cast a spell on me, God help me I can’t get enough of you” he proclaimed taking her lips in a hungry search for clarity.

Sloan called into the kitchen, “The Sheriff is here.”

Spencer pulled away but the look in her eyes brought him back for more. This kiss was shorter but filled with much more need.

“Sloan needs to go home for a few days’ tomorrow and after he’s gone, we need to talk about this.” Taking her hand, they started out of the kitchen until Annie caught her reflection in a mirror on the wall. Her lips were red and swollen, her face was pink from whisker burn and her hair, and well she had been asleep. She stopped him and pointed to the mirror.

“I can’t talk to the Sheriff looking like this. Stall him I’ll only be a minute; tell them I’m getting coffee.”

“True to her word in just a few minutes she came from the kitchen carrying a tray of coffee. The ambulance was loading the prisoner and one of the deputies was going along with him. They would set his arm and then he was going off to jail. The Sheriff questioned everyone thoroughly and even asked to see Sloan’s permit to carry a gun. The Sheriff still acted strange but did his job and promised to send a patrol car out past her place every chance they got.

“Annie, if you need help, don’t be afraid to call” was the last thing the Sheriff said to her on his way out.

After everyone was gone, they locked up the house again turned off the coffee and the lights and went back to bed. Annie didn’t think she would sleep the rest of the night but again exhaustion took her, and she slept sound until the alarm went off. When she got downstairs, she found Sloan sitting at the table with a cold cup of coffee in front of him.

“The pot is fresh, mine’s just been sitting here so long that it got cold.”

Annie took the cup, dumped it and brought him back a hot one.

“Did you get any sleep last night?” she asked.

“Not much, a little before we got company but after that none.”

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