Tara's Tingling Twat - Cover

Tara's Tingling Twat

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger

Science Fiction Sex Story: A single girl in the future celebrates sexual freedom while coping with the predicted but poorly dealt with climate change.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Interracial   Water Sports   .

Tara stretched out her arm and it found no one in the bed beside her. “Damn it! I want my morning screw!”

She went to the toilet and peed. A little bit of semen dripped down on the tissue when she dried herself. She thought, “That was a pretty good piece last night and I wish he was here for another round. Oh well, there’s other ways to take care of this.” She walked down the hall to the common room, knowing there would be other people in her predicament.

Sure enough, there were three guys there that she’d enjoyed on previous occasions so she picked out the one who’d pleased her the most and headed over to give him in nice naked hug. Nobody was wearing clothes because it was much more comfortable in the warm temperature of the building.

The year was 2140 and the world was pretty damned warm. It was the predicted consequence of the ignorance and folly of the stupid politicians back in the 20th and 21st century. They had been warned but put selfish interests ahead of everything else. They were all dead so they couldn’t see what their ignorance had wrought.

From the way she hugged him, Rolf knew exactly what she wanted and his rising rod let her know he understood the invitation. He followed her back to her room and they tumbled on the bed. A 69 was a good way to start. She thought she tasted pussy on his organ and he definitely recognized semen where he was dining. But it was no big deal even though it wasn’t his. He’d put his into another partner last night and again this morning but the promise of fresh pleasures got him ready for action anyway. He’d be able to hold out quite well during their joining because of that.

He was a bit older than her 17 years and had plenty of experience between women’s thighs so she knew she was in for a satisfying session. Sex was all for pleasure at her age. Mandatory birth control made sure of that. The earth’s population had swollen to 10 billion and the disruption in the food chain from climate change had made that unsustainable. All women were now required to get implantable birth control when they became fertile and it could only be removed when and if they were approved for reproduction.

The population had dropped to a sustainable 2 billion worldwide. The rapid advance of medical science started in the mid twentieth century had kept going and all communicative diseases had been eradicated or controlled. Great progress had been made against cancer and the various forms of dementia also, so the human lifespan increased by many decades with excellent quality until end of life.

She never tired of feeling a man inside of her. That intimate stretching and rubbing, together with the stimulation of her erogenous zones all over the outside of her body, was a hunger which recurred just like the one in her stomach. In her reflective moments, she thought how sad it was in days gone by, as she had studied in sex history class, that so many women and men were confined to just one partner. That must’ve been terribly boring. There was a reason why things like food and sex organs came in lots of different varieties.

The shape and curve of the man who was stroking her pleasure points right now was different than the one she had gone to bed with during the sleeping. He rubbed her differently in different places and even sucked on her breasts in his own unique way. As she was exploring her recent entrance into sexuality she was feeling the urge to merge at least twice every day. A morning session like this one was important, and one or two or even three copulations were great at the beginning of the sleep time. An afternoon session was a bonus.

Automation had progressed a long way so there were no menial jobs anymore and even the ones that existed were only half-time so that left plenty of opportunity to pursue various interests. At this point in her life her primary passion was male interaction of the most pleasurable and intimate kind. There were many other girls her age who had similar interests and with their great capacity for indulging themselves in carnal activities, sometimes finding a functional male when you needed him the most was a challenge. Even the less attractive guys were getting laid a lot more than in the “good old days” of the 20th and 21st centuries.

New experiences kept changing her perspective as she proceeded on her quest. An older friend of the families who was visiting spent four nights in her bed because her family’s quarters were filled. What started as an accommodation turned out to be a wonderful learning experience as he pummeled her pussy less often than her younger partners but with a different and more enduring style. She squeaked out her orgasms feeling his sperm painting her deepest parts just as happily as her young studs would do. He was in his 40s and got her to thinking what it might be like to do men even a good bit older than that. With the amazing healthcare and aging suppression that the many years of science had wrought, she thought she understood why her mother was happy sometimes screwing men over 100 years old. She’d have to ask for a recommendation or referral.

Tara was finally old enough to go to sex camp even though she’d been indulging since she became a teenager. It was an activity that unbonded people between 16 and 26 could sign up for and her name was drawn this year. One of her guy friends, Timur, had also been selected so they rode out on the solar powered ground train to a nearby station and then the electric mules took them rest of the way out to a beautiful lake set in a pristine wilderness. It hadn’t been that way 100 years ago due to human neglect and pollution but had been beautifully restored. It was a lovely blue lake with a half-dozen cabins and a common building on its shore.

They were met by the camp director, a big black man with his uncircumcised tool swinging as he walked. He was a rare person since there had been so much co-mingling of racial backgrounds that most people were automatically a light brown color. He was one of a few preservationists who kept some of the racial lines distinct, mostly for historical purposes.

Finding the way to the cabins where they were assigned, Tara bid her friend goodbye and entered to find her berth. Her clothes came off quickly and she headed for the Commons building where they would be trained and eat and which contained other necessary facilities. The first thing to be done was an orientation.

The relatively few rules of the camp were explained and the agenda for the evening and the entire two weeks was outlined. They were shown where that was posted in case they had any questions. It was required to turn in their electronic devices for the duration to minimize distractions. There would be a few times when they would be returned so they could communicate with their families.

Tara looked around and saw young people of all descriptions. She did recognize one girl that she had met at some other activity before but the rest of them were strangers. Each of the five cabins had 10 campers who were balanced by gender but of very mixed ages. There was a bonded couple also in each cabin and some of them were same-sex.

When the orientation was over she went out to walk around the grounds and down by the water to check everything out. She was joined by a boy her age and a girl who was definitely older. They introduced themselves as a brother and sister and said they didn’t know anybody else there. She told him she did know two other people but they guessed they’d make a lot of new friends in one way or another.

It was, like all days, quite warm so they decided to go into the marked swimming area and cool off. Even the water was warm but it was more pleasant than being out in the hot sun. Nobody had brought towels so when they came out they did bask in the sun and on some of the loungers for a little bit as they got better acquainted.

The boy, Mark, was 16 and his sister Marie was 22. Mark kept eyeing her and Tara noticed that his penis was filling a bit. Since she’d been traveling all morning she was horny so she asked him if he’d like to get to know her cunnie. Marie laughed and said that she’d drained it recently but, “You know how young guys are!”

This slightly older woman was one of the rare blondes and was rather skinny with small breasts. That really contrasted with Tara who was more olive skinned and rounded in a Latino fashion with dark hair top and bottom. Her breasts sagged a bit even in her youth but were magnets for interested men. When Tara sat down on Mark’s erection, he reached for those puppies and made them feel good. Marie put her pussy over his face so his tongue could give her some satisfaction. Leaning forward a little bit, she bent down and deep kissed the younger woman riding her brother’s rod.

When the joined ones reach their peaks, Tara stood up and the older gal cleaned off the sex juices from both of them. They headed back to the Commons building. Some get acquainted activities were planned for the evening and when she went back to her cabin she discovered that Mark had also been assigned there. There was about an hour before lights out so that the cabin mates could also visit with one another as well as the cabin counselors. Theirs were a heterosexual couple who were probably close to 30 she guessed.

After lights out you could hear some footsteps and covers rustling since there had been no prohibition against sexual activity. This was a sex camp after all. Mark quickly found his way to her bed and she welcomed him under the covers. They were all single beds so it was cozy but, hey, that was no problem for copulation. They had a quiet replay of what they did at the beach and she could now sleep well.

The wake-up call was two-stage, an alerting sound to let you know what time it was, then a second one when you actually had to get up, giving adequate time for a decent round of early-morning sex. Tara and her guy used every minute and then they all headed to the communal shower, followed by a bit of grooming and then off to breakfast. It was still cool in the morning so they did wear some robes but only for warmth. The day’s activities were posted in the eating room and in the cabin.

Today would be for getting acquainted with your cabin mates by participating in joint and individual activities. Everybody sat on their bunk, their first names written on their chest just below their throat in a marker that would be washable when camp was over. The first exercise was giving a synopsis of their life story, including your sexual history. Since there was a wide mix of ages, some of them were pretty extensive, although they only gave the highlights. One young man who was the minimum age was still a virgin and he attracted a lot of interest. He seemed pretty shy to Tara which might explain his lack of experience.

The counselors also gave theirs, revealing that Mona, the dark-skinned woman, was pregnant by her bonding mate. Rather recent though since you’d notice her rounded belly only if you knew that. Many of the young women would want to talk to her about getting permission to become a mother.

The counselors had a matching system so that, kind of like speed-dating in the old days, everyone would get to spend some one-on-one time with every other person of the opposite sex. Each paired couple, and everyone was at least partly heterosexual in this cabin, would get to spend 45 minutes on the woman’s bed and all activities were purely consensual but there was no limit set.

By now there was time for three of these sessions before lunch and the remainder would follow. The cabin counselors were also included in the rotation. Tara drew Roberto, the counselor for her first pairing. As they lay naked together she did not feel a strong sexual attraction to him, being more interested in his perspective as part of a bonded couple. Not that she totally ignored his big brown erection, but having been nicely laid just before breakfast, she felt no urgency, thinking that no doubt she would enjoy it some other time during the camp.

His male perspective on bonding and impending fatherhood gave her some thoughts she otherwise never would have been able to add to her knowledge base. The time went quickly and then there was the signal to change. The new pairing was called out and the virgin boy came to her bed.

His erection was on the small side, consistent with his overall body size but it stood out proudly and eagerly. Since it was still so firm he must not have had sex with his previous pairing. Being not at all shy, she began questioning him about his sexual status and determined that he had no religious objection to intercourse but was primarily insecure about it. The last naked woman he’d been in bed with had built his confidence somewhat but not enough for him to take that big step. Tara had never had a virgin and, although she did not tell them that was her motivation, she did work on his mental state, having encountered it before.

She skillfully worked with him for 30 minutes, making them well aware that she desired his intromission. As a consequence of her talents, he spent the last 15 minutes of their session enjoying some brand-new sensations for his cock. She coaxed two ejaculations from him before the signal sounded and his pecker was still stiff when he had to change partners. She glanced over to the next bed and saw that her successor was rather quickly impaled. He was thrusting furiously, his well-drained prostate giving him more endurance this time. He’d have to work on his style because he certainly had plenty of energy. She did notice his buns bouncing on some of the other women during other pairings. She wondered if he was keeping count.

There was a break for lunch, which gave the guys who had ejaculated some time to recover before the afternoon pairings. Some of those visitors to Tara’s bed were already well-drained and so they concentrated on non-penetrating activities as they talked. She ended up collecting semen from three of them to add to her early morning insemination.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in general recreation outdoors until supper time. After supper there was a program where the cabin counselors put on some rehearsed skits demonstrating some unusual sexual activities that were found in old and ancient literature. It was fascinating and after the formal program many of the audience tried out what they had seen with whoever was amenable. Some of these were group activities and Tara was delighted to try new things.

These activities satiated her and she slept alone, wanting a full night’s sleep to have plenty of energy for the next day. In the communal shower though, a partner from last night’s activities did get a rear-entry quickie against the wall.

The first week was spent with just her own cabin-mates. A multiplicity of pairings and much larger numerical combinations were tried and critiqued. Tara had especially hit it off with Mark, who she had fucked first at camp. One especially memorable foursome included Mark’s sister where she watched brother-sister incest for the first time. It was no longer frowned upon since conception was so carefully controlled. Many young men and women now got their first sex from a sibling or parent.

Mark was in her bed most nights now. She enjoyed verbally sharing the activities of their day as their genitals pleasured each other, replicating many of the activities they talked about. Tara was delighted with the curve of his penis that rubbed her in just the right places. His semen splashes were strong and copious even after putting them many in other pussies that day. She thought he might make a good bonding partner and potential father.

The next week provided rotations with the other cabins depending on your interests. Tara wanted to try some purely girl-girl and bisexual connections. Some of the other fetish activities had some interest but most went to her “done that” list. The upshot of it was that she reaffirmed her primary interest was in coupling with males, either singly or in larger numbers and either sequentially or simultaneously depending on her mood and the availability.

There were also evening social events with plenty of places where couples or more could temporarily retire to try out whatever interested them. Tara found a few new males that appealed to her enough to spend a bit of private time with and later share the stories with Mark who had a few of his own. She crossed paths with Timur who had some stories to tell as he listened to hers while they gently screwed.

The time went quickly with the well-planned agenda and a multitude of pleasant companions. As she rode the transporter back with two others they visited and were more bonded with this common experience. A piece of her heart left with Mark who lived quite a distance away but said that he might be able to visit from time to time. She encouraged that, especially during their last copulation before the end of camp when she bedded him and Timur at the same time.

It had been a whirlwind of experiences in such a short time but her well trained memory could review and learn when she had time to reflect on that special event. Now it was back to her everyday life but with different mental, emotional, and physical perspectives on her interaction with males. With the bond of the shared camp time, Timur became a more frequent companion both in and out of bed.

Since she dearly loved being inseminated, Timur made an excellent partner with his twelve centimeter but exceptionally thick organ. She had noticed previously that when a longer organ entered her it might hit bottom and cause discomfort, plus, if she had received a male’s gift already, this next entrant might displace it. Her preference was that any and all ejaculations remain deep inside her until her body absorbed them.

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