Shard of Destiny - Cover

Shard of Destiny

Copyright© 2019 by Bob Drillin


Fiction Sex Story: Prologue - Ben Booker was a nerdy loner until he stumbled upon an ancient artifact in the woods behind his house. The small shard of metal that embeds itself into his palm is of mysterious origin and contains the consciousness of its previous bearer, an 11th Century Crusader. As the new bearer, Ben begins to demonstrate god-like power within an increasing sphere of influence. Can he resist the temptations the shard offers?

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Magic   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Incest   Masturbation   Size   Slow   Transformation  

Eastern Massachusetts

January 1621


I felt the cold seeping into my bones as I huddled beneath the roots of an overturned pine tree. The power that had once sustained my rather unusual life could no longer be felt as I desperately tried to staunch the hot flow of blood from the ragged stump that was my right forearm. My numb fingers fumbled with a strip of leather I had managed to tear from the hem of my well-worn jerkin, trying in vain to tourniquet my arm stump. The damned indians... I thought to myself, they must have somehow known the source of my power over them.

I could hear them whooping and screeching all around me in the woods, clearly too wary to approach me in the event that I still retained my powers. No, I quickly realized, they want me to suffer for what I have done to their people. They want me to know the icy grip of fear around my heart before death comes for me...

As the reality of my impending death settled upon me I tossed the failed tourniquet aside, taking slow deep breaths to calm myself and slow the steaming torrent of blood from my arm. The slow breathing calmed my heart enough for my mind to clear a little. My thoughts turned inward, to tune out the haunting noises all around me and so that I might spend my last moments reflecting on my life.

One might believe I would feel regret for the events which led me to this gruesome end but I felt none. No, I could never regret that night gathered around the forge with my brothers all those years ago. The night over 500 years past that we had become gods. I let a sardonic smile twist my lips as I remembered our noble intentions that night. Such fools we were to think that we could snuff such a power from the world.

The many years that followed flashed through my mind as dark silhouettes circled closer to my resting place. I turned my face skyward as I had many times in my very long life and through the gnarled roots I found the pin prick of light which had always seemed to draw my eye. It no longer throbbed with the golden aura of power I had basked in on many a cloudless night. It was this absence alone which marred my final moments of life. But, as my heart stuttered and beat its last, I took comfort in the knowledge that the shard would endure and a piece of myself along with it.

Chapter 1 »



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