Honesty Works Best - Cover

Honesty Works Best

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Wise woman teaches men how to make things work best even if it includes things they might not choose to hear.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Sharing   Wife Watching   Gang Bang   Voyeurism   .

At least that was Carol’s core belief and, for thirty-two years it seemed to avoid more problems than it had caused. You weren’t to be unfeeling or brutal but, especially when asked, tell the truth.

That was especially reinforced when she found out her husband of three years had lied about so many things even including his fidelity and she had to go get some VD treatments. She was far from a prude, starting sex when she was 17 and, as an attractive and nicely shaped brunette, enjoying her body through high school and into college with selected partners until she met her ex. She’d never believed monogamy was a good idea and that experience seem to prove it to her. Divorce got her back in control of her life.

If she felt that she clicked with the guy, it might not take many dates before she wanted to enjoy all of him and that’s the way it had been with Carl. They’d been dating about three months and intimate for two-and-a half. She really did like him but their schedules only allowed two or maybe three get-togethers a week. If it was on a weekend though it was a sleepover.

Carl had been out of town almost a week and called her Wednesday noon to see if they could get together that evening. He heard, “I’m busy until 9 o’clock but you’re welcome to stop by if that’s not too late. Be sure to bring your toothbrush.”

He showed up right on time and she greeted him in her robe. he said he needed to pee and as he passed her bedroom door he saw her bed was messed up with one of her “fuck towels” like she used with him on it. On his way back he went in to take a quick peek and it had a wet spot on it.

After they visited a bit and he told her about his trip, she suggested, “It’s getting late so would you like what you came over for?”

He looked her in the eye and said, “It looks like you might have already had some of that.”

Without batting an eye she said, “Yes, I had a date earlier this evening. And I know what you’re going to ask next. That date included what ours usually do. He’s been a boyfriend of mine for much longer than I’ve known you. Would you like to take a shower with me first?”

They did and by the time he got to the bed it was straightened up with a fresh towel. She seemed as eager as usual to be close to him but when he buried his meat it felt different. He couldn’t help but ask, “Did he come in you?”

She gave him a big kiss and said, “Do you?”. End of subject.

He couldn’t tell any difference in her lovemaking then or in the morning early before he left. She did agree to have a Saturday night date with him so that gave him several days to chew on this issue. He realized he had never asked her about other boyfriends.

Early on, before she ever took her clothes off with him, Carol had carefully made the point that she believed that honesty was the only way to go, saying that once in a while it might hurt feelings but certainly not as bad as the dishonesty which had broken up her short marriage.

They spent the evening having dinner and at an event and didn’t get home until late. When Carl went into the bathroom to take a pee, he opened the clothes hamper and there was a towel with a fresh wet spot. His cock got so hard it was difficult to empty his bladder but he tried to be cool about the whole thing when he slid into bed with her. He tried to copulate as normally as possible and they slept together.

In the morning, he had a raging hard on from the erotic dreams that kept filling his head all night. As she was being humped, she remarked, “You must be well rested! You usually don’t fuck me this vigorously and I want you to know how much I like it.”

After breakfast he took her back to bed but did not initiate intercourse. “I would like to ask you some questions.”

Carol smiled and kissed him and said, “Okay, that’s probably a good idea. Don’t be afraid to be direct so I know exactly what you’re asking.”

“When did you start having sex?”

“My wise mother put me on the pill and taught me the important things. One of those was that sex is important for my physical and mental health. I have had it responsibly and frequently ever since, really blossoming in college. Maybe you would be surprised how many guys are willing to share a girl with a roommate, especially if she asks. I’ve rarely had only one sex partner at a time, except during my short marriage to the wrong man, usually two or three, and for a short time once, four. That was just unworkable logistically even though I enjoyed it sexually. Very few spontaneous or random hookups. I’m not a slut. How about you?”

Carl related his one short and two extended romances, separated pretty widely. No one-offs. The he asked another question, “You used the word ‘frequently’. Can you put some numbers on that?” By this time he was erect and she guided him into her scissors style so he could stroke slowly as they talked. He took little sucks of her nipples too.

“You and my other boyfriend get with me about as often currently. I don’t keep a journal but maybe we can do some mental math. Rough guess is I’ve sex with 50 to 60 different men in fifteen years. I get laid at least 300 times a year including extra for those days when there are doubles like today. That gives an estimate of 4500 events without factoring multiple copulations and ejaculations per event which happens maybe twenty percent of the time. Wow, I’d never figured that before! I doubt many married women do that well.”

Carl had come but stayed hard and kept moving. “Why did your marriage fail?”

“Well it both was and wasn’t because of sex. He was good stud and we screwed plenty. But we partied hard too and I drank too much. One night I woke up with a dick pounding me. My husband was snoring at my side. Through the haze I discovered the designated driver helping himself. I later discovered he’d done that every time he could. Stupid jerk, I’d a probably let him if he’d made some decent moves.

“Anyway. I let him finish and packed a few things and went home to Mom. Turns out I’d picked up a couple of VDs from him and my dishonest and sneakily unfaithful husband. It was back to dating and I didn’t wait long.”

Carl rubbed her clit and sucked her breasts until she orgasmed then he pulled out. “I guess thanks for sharing all that with me. That was fascinating because I’ve never heard a woman be so honest and open before. I must say I felt you had a nice sex aura when we met and you are easily the best I’ve ever had sex with, but I’d have never known all that.”

Carol lightly stroked his still erect organ. He’d not come a second time. “So how does all that information affect how you think or feel about me?”

He kissed her, “It will take a bit to absorb it all but you, right here and now, are exactly the same person you were when I arrived. So I will think more about how goddam sexy you are, but my feelings don’t have any reason to change for the worse.”

She pulled him down for a long kiss, “Just let me know if they do. It’s late and we need to get to sleep. If you can add to my scorecard in the night I’d like it.”

For the next few months things went along reasonably smoothly. Carl focused on being the best possible boyfriend and lover, even though Carol had said there really wasn’t any competition between the two men. He made it a point not to think about her “other boyfriend” which is how he was always referred to. But it was unavoidable so occasionally he would hear something like, “Well, I’m busy that evening but I’d like to have you over in the afternoon”, or “If you want to come over late and bring your toothbrush I’d enjoy that”.

One day Carol announced, “In two weeks I’m going to the first high school reunion I have been to since I can’t remember when. I promised honesty so I want you to know that I laid about a dozen guys during high school and if any of them are there, unattached and still reasonably attractive, I might do a ‘then-and-now’ comparison.” That was all she said and didn’t ask for any comments.

Carl’s hand spent a lot of time on his erection while she was gone as he tried to imagine what his girlfriend was up to. Sunday afternoon she called and said, “I’ll be home about 6 o’clock if you would like to ‘catch up’ with me.”

He was there right on time and Carol seemed to be in very good spirits. The only mention she made of her weekend was when he was about to enter her, “Be gentle. It’s been rather busy the last couple of days.” He noted that she really didn’t feel any different except maybe being even more affectionate than usual. Her orgasm may have been stronger also.

About 8 o’clock she said to him, “I have some other ‘catching up’ to do yet tonight so let’s set our next time together.” She agreed that she would come to his place after work tomorrow.

Carl drove away with mixed feelings. In spite of acting cool, he still was not real happy that he had did not have her all to himself, and especially because who knows how many other guys had known her like he did during that weekend. Sure, they weren’t new cocks, but that didn’t change the fact that they had undoubtedly shot lots of sperm where he wished only his got to go.

She sensed his troubled thoughts when they got together the next day and kept the conversation light, avoiding mention of the reunion. She then led him to bed and kept her legs close together. “I know all this is troubling you so let’s talk it out. Remember what I said about honesty? Tell me what you are really thinking.”

He dumped a mishmash of feelings about her other boyfriend and her being away from him with her legs, from the sounds of it, spread all weekend. As he blurted out his feelings, punctuated by tears from time to time she held him, rocking gently, just listening. When his babbling and tears died down, she said very softly, “I want you to know that I really do love you. I think even more than my other boyfriend who I’ve known so much longer. Last weekend was kind of wild and crazy but there was not one speck of love involved. It was just plain fucking, not the making love that we do. I hope that difference is clear to you and maybe have an effect on what you just told me. What I did also had an effect on me and I’ll tell you about it when you are ready to listen.”

She laid on her side so he could spoon-copulate with her from behind and after he released his tension deep in her she said, “Okay, I think I’m ready.”

She spoke softly, encouraging him to cup her breasts and keep moving slowly inside her. “There were four of my previous partners who met my criteria. Put simply, I took two of them to my room the first night, all four one at a time during the next day and night, and had two more before I left to come home on Sunday. My pussy has rarely been that busy and it was interesting. You’ll notice I didn’t say ‘wonderful’. I would use that word for our joining, but as I said it was just raw fucking and I really realized that without some good emotional content, it was a waste of my time and pussy. I will never do that again.”

Carl remarked, “I’ve heard you should never say never.”

She chuckled, “I meant I would never do that sort of a gangbanging. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do a small group thing with men who I had good and real feelings for.”

Carl chuckled finally and said, “Good, that’s being honest about the woman I know you to be.”

“Carl, you’ve never expressed any interest in meeting my other boyfriend. He knows about you and would be happy to do that if you are ever so inclined. To fill you in a little bit, he’s been a lover for a long time and we’ve done a couple of threesomes with previous boyfriends I’ve had. I just wanted you to know what was on the menu.”

Carl didn’t say anything but he began pumping her a lot harder and she knew there must be some interest. She thought, “I hope his curiosity keeps pushing him to try it.”

Sure enough, the next time that there was a little scheduling deal for the same day, Carl asked, “Instead of waiting until later that night, could I come over earlier?”

Carol smiled, “Does that mean you want to try something different?” He nodded. “Okay, you be here at six and bring your toothbrush.”

It’s a good thing it was only the day after next because Carl was anxious and horny the whole time he had to wait. He arrived promptly and Carol opened her door in a very sheer nightgown, looking absolutely lovely. When he was introduced to the ‘other boyfriend’, he was quite surprised. This was an older man with gray hair who was sitting there naked. There was white hair on his sturdy chest and salt-and-pepper pubes. He gave a damn firm handshake. Now there was a name, Frederick, or Fred, and he was a real person, not an abstract entity anymore. As they visited, Carl had not yet undressed but kept glancing at the man’s penis knowing it had been inside his lover so many times and he had even rubbed in this man’s semen on many occasions.

Carol teased him about being overdressed so he shyly took off his clothes. She came over and sat in his lap and gave him a hot kiss pulling a hand under her nightgown to squeeze her breast. Then she went over to Fred and did the same thing. Carl’s boner was at full attention by now. Carol returned and bent over to kiss it and give it a couple of quick sucks before turning to Fred and presenting her cute ass to Carl as the other man got the same treatment.

Then she ordered, “It’s time for dinner and then I’m going give you guys dessert in the same general manner that I just gave you an appetizer. Equal treatment for you two and doubles for me. Yum!”

When they got in her king bed, the scene of countless fucks with many men, Carl well knew, she gave another order, “Fred and I have done this several times so we’ll guide you along Carl. I’d like to start by providing Carl with something he’s never seen live before, a woman getting laid. Carl, you stay right here for starters but you can move around later. I’m going to take Fred in several different positions to give you an eyeful and loads of visual memories. Then you can do the same so Fred can watch.”

Carl had to fight to keep from jacking off as he saw that body he knew so well being pleased outside and in during four different coital positions. Fred could hold out very well and finally, when Carol urged him, Carl watched those hairy genitals pulse as she was inseminated. She’d come twice, as far as he could tell. As Fred rolled off to the side, she said to Carl, “Okay, do you remember the positions? Let’s you and I go through them too.”

His pecker exploded near the end of the second position but he was so turned on that he kept on going through the requested repertoire and happily gave her a second load at the end just like the previous man had done.

She let him leave her crotch, hugging him and praising him. Fred made some real positive comments too and Carl was pleased with himself. He sure had a deeper appreciation of his girlfriend’s sexuality. He wondered what was next.

“You two guys lay on your back side-by-side and recover for a while. You know I don’t need any so I’m going to have some other kinds of fun by messing with your bodies.” Both of the men had their heads propped up by pillows so they could see everything that was going on. She got some skin lotion and applied it to each of the fronts of their bodies, making sure none got on the limp noodles. She leaned over so Carl could nibble on one nipple and then moving over so Fred could nibble on the other, finally pushing both heads together so each could work on her at the same time. Her lovers knew what she liked and she squealed with a small orgasm.

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