My Name Is Andi - Cover

My Name Is Andi

Copyright© 2019 by TheBatofGotham

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - While on a camping trip with his sister and his Grandpa Andy saves what seems to be a young girl from being raped. Due to a misunderstanding, his reward is being turned into his younger sister's twin.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Magic   Romantic   BiSexual   Incest   Sister   Grand Parent   Pregnancy  

“Come on Andi. If you do it, I can guarantee that both Alice and I will do it with you too. Granted I don’t have the hot curves that the two of you do but I’d love to do something like this. But only if I had someone to do it with. Please.” Jazz begged.

I looked Jazz over. She was super skinny and her bra size was possibly an a. She had blonde hair that just covered her ears. And at the moment she had that sad puppy dog look on her face.

I looked away before that look tempted me even more, “I’m tempted but the date of the event is too close to the beginning of school. It would be too complicated to pull off. Grandpa most likely wouldn’t allow us to do this. Besides what if someone from school saw us there?”

“It’s not like they’d see any of your naughty bits little sis. Besides, I don’t think Grandpa would mind us doing this. Especially if the entire crowd couldn’t see those bits I mentioned,” Alice mentioned.

Four weeks later I was standing in a room next to my sister and her friend Jazz while in a trench coat. I looked at both of them and said, “How in the world did I let the two of you talk me into doing the body painting? This is so embarrassing.”

“I actually can’t believe that your Grandpa said yes to this.” Jazz said.

“I know. Me neither. But the look on your face Andi was so priceless. Totally made my day. Ooh, cute boy at ten o’clock. Check him out.” was my sister’s response.

I saw the boy she was talking about. Even when I had been a boy myself I would have been able to admit he was cute. Even though I wasn’t into boys back then. But now. Now that I’m all woman my attraction to the male species is amped up by what I feel is a million. But then next to that boy my heart nearly stopped. Coming towards us was a boy I recognized.

“Well, well, well. I didn’t expect to see you two so soon. How are you doing?” Charlie Bixby asked.

I held my trench coat even tighter against myself as Alice asked, “We’re doing fine. Great even. But what are you doing here?”

“Didn’t you know? I’m the one that was assigned to paint your group. This is a contest of painters and models after all. And I must say each of my models are looking great.” Charlie said.

I started to walk away but Alice and Jazz both grabbed me before I got very far. To cover my tracks so it wouldn’t look like I was trying to run away I said, “So let’s get to the painting. We’re not doing it out in the open are we?”

Charlie looked pleased but the other two didn’t look convinced.

Alice said, “I wouldn’t mind being seen out in the open where just the other models and painters can see us, but my sister and friend would prefer to disrobe in private. So where are we doing this cute stuff? Oww.”

For some reason, I had squeezed Alice’s arm hard when she called Charlie cute stuff. She looked to me then her eyes flew wide and she looked angrily at Charlie. She would have said something then and there but thankfully Jazz was saying something to him.

“He’s not the guy that said that stuff to me. You don’t need to be mad. It was a different guy.” I whispered to her.

At first, she didn’t look as if she believed me. She had been trying to figure out who had suggested I practice blowjobs with other guys since she read that in my diary. But then her body and face calmed down.

In the room, we were to be painted in Charlie held up several strange pieces of material and said, “These are to cover up your lower ... um ... parts for this competition.”

“What? I thought this was to be an all nude body painting. Why would we need those?” Alice angrily asked.

“True it is supposed to be all nude. But you are women and I am a male artist. And you are only seventeen. The higher-ups thought it best to give you the option to hide that side of you so you’d feel more comfortable in front of me and the audience. There will be a lot of males out there.” Charlie stated.

“Well, I have nothing to hide. I’m proud of my body. Besides I’ve already seen some of the people who are going to be in the audience and they’ve already seen me nude.” Alice told Charlie.

“And that’s without the body paint.” Jazz stated and got an angry look from Alice.

“Okay. So that’s one for no covers. How about you two? Yay or nay to the covers?” He asked.

Nervously Jazz said, “I ... I think I’ll go without the covering. Wow, this is going to feel so exhilarating. I can’t wait.”

Three sets of eyes were looking at me, “I’m going with the covering. I’m not ready to show off my...” I looked down at myself. “My lower parts to you or anyone else just yet.”

“No need to be afraid little sis. He’s already seen me naked and we look exactly the same. Oh, don’t give me that look. He and his brothers and daddy only got to look but not touch.” Alice said without shame.

I had always suspected that Charlie and his brothers had seen my sister naked but hearing confirmation they had, especially Charlie I felt funny inside. I wouldn’t say crushed it just felt odd.

“Well, in that case, I’m not going to let Charlie here see both Douglas sisters completely naked. Hand over the cover please.” I said.

“As long as that’s what you really want then that’s fine with me and the judges,” Charlie said as he handed me the cover.

It felt so nice with Charlie gliding the brush against my skin I was surprised that I didn’t feel like I was constantly in danger of making a mess in my pussy cover. It did feel awkward with him giving us instructions on how to pose and some of the areas he touched with the brush and on occasion “accidentally” with his hand did feel nice and odd at times. I was relieved when all the painting was done. But then immediately regretting my decision when it was time to reveal our looks to an audience. But it was super thrilling when I noticed Grandpa there looking up at us. I think that was the only reason I was able to make it through the whole thing. The downside to the entire thing was that by the time it was my turn to clean off all the body paint the showers had broken down. I didn’t want to get my clothes dirty with the paint so I rode home in the trench coat.

On the way home, Alice asked, “Don’t you think that was more fun than expected? I was thrilled.”

I nodded my head and said, “Yeah it was kind of fun. I was nervous at first. But I’m still not thrilled with the one mistake.”

Alice rose an eyebrow, “Mistake? Oh right. They misspelled your name. I swear if Charlie hadn’t been there you would have thrown a fit.”

I looked down at the second place prize and said, “I wouldn’t have done that.” I would have. After I turned into a girl I worked hard to remember to write my name the new way. And whenever I see it written the Male way it gets on my nerves.

Grandpa laughed, “If your name being misspelled is your idea of being the worst of your experience then you’re a lot braver than I am.”

And as soon as we got home Alice got a call from a friend and had to leave for an emergency.

I was left with no other option than to ask, “Grandpa! I need your help.”

“With what darling? I’d do anything for you,” he told me.

“I need your help washing off this body paint,” was my only reply.

“I’ll help you but I’d like to take a few pictures of you before you get all cleaned up. The paint on your body is surprisingly well intact after traveling in that trench coat. So will you be okay with me taking pictures?” he asked.

As a response, I said, “Send me some copies.”

Grandpa would have me go into a lot of different poses and we were both loving it. I swear his eyes about bulged out of his head when I took off the cover over my pussy and spread my pussy lips.

In the shower, he was rubbing my shoulders and said, “You did amazing at the competition. You, Alice and Jazz got second place. Wow. Is there something I can do for you as a reward?”

I didn’t hesitate, “Did you ever get any condoms?”

“I sure did. Are you sure?” he asked.

After I nodded Grandpa Jim quickly finished cleaning and drying my body. Then we rushed to his bedroom.

I had to laugh, “Are you planning on us using all those condoms? There’s got to be close to fifty or more there.”

He growled, “I haven’t had pussy in a long time.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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