My Name Is Andi - Cover

My Name Is Andi

Copyright© 2019 by TheBatofGotham

Chapter 3

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 3 - While on a camping trip with his sister and his Grandpa Andy saves what seems to be a young girl from being raped. Due to a misunderstanding, his reward is being turned into his younger sister's twin.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Magic   Romantic   BiSexual   Incest   Sister   Grand Parent   Pregnancy  

As soon as we got into the house Grandpa threw open his arms and said, “There’s my beautiful girls. You’ll never guess who I ran into ... Andi?”

“I’ve got to run Grandpa. We can talk when I get back. Sorry.” I quickly said.

I didn’t pay attention to what was said as I ran to the bathroom. But the entire way there I had two things on my mind. One was that I felt terribly guilty for brushing off my Grandpa like that. And two, the most important one, in my opinion, was the fact that I really needed to cum. If I had hugged Grandpa I probably would have embarrassed myself and came in my pants. Which would not be fun or easy to hide in these pants. I finally reached the toilet and pulled off the material that was restricting my lower lips.

“Oh shoot. How the heck do I do this?” I asked myself.

How in the world could I not know how to masturbate as a girl. It was so easy as a male. And why the heck is the urgency to cum not going away? I tried touching myself but that didn’t work. I guess I was making some weird noises because Grandpa came to the door.

“Andi? Are you okay? Do I need to come in and help?” Grandpa asked.

“NOOO!” I shouted at him. “Sorry. No. I need Alice. She can help me.”

“I’m sorry but she left a couple minutes ago. She had to do something in town. Please let me help you. What’s wrong?” Grandpa pleaded.

I answered so softly the first couple of times he asked me to repeat myself, “I don’t know how to masturbate and I need to cum really badly.”

It was silent for a moment. I had been expecting him to laugh or be really mad. But what he said surprised me, “Oh. I guess Alice could help you there. She does have lots of experience in that field. But maybe you could accept my help for now.”

For some strange reason knowing that my beloved Grandpa was willing to help me set something off inside of me. Maybe it was the thought of his hands touching my pussy or something else entirely, but my body was rock by a small explosion. Although at the time I had thought it huge.

I grabbed something to clean myself and said, “Thanks, Grandpa Jim. But that won’t be needed. I’m good now.”

“Oh. That’s great I guess. I’ll go and get lunch ready.” Grandpa sounded sad for some reason. Had he wanted to touch my pussy and help me get off?

His sadness caused me to say what I did next, “Perhaps the next time I need help with that I could let you lend me a hand.” No answer. “Grandpa? Are you there?”

When I left the bathroom, nobody was there. Had he not heard me? Why did that possibility hurt my heart?

“Hey, sweetheart. I’ve got some tofu and veggie burgers cooking. What’s that funny look for?” Grandpa said.

“Tofu is so disgusting and veggie burgers are fine but they’re more Alice’s thing. Even though she’s not a vegetarian. So I’ll pass.” Grandpa gave me a sad look so I added, “Okay, I’ll take a veggie burger. I can’t say no to that look.”

For a moment he looked happy then serious, “Earlier when I came home I wanted to tell you something. I ran into one of your friends in town. But she didn’t seem to want to talk. You know if everything is okay with Jessica?”

I shrugged and said, “I wish I knew. She stopped by, took one look at me and then left. Maybe she decided that she doesn’t like me anymore.”

The next thing I knew was that Grandpa was next to me pulling me into a hug, “I hope that’s not the case. In fact, I’m sure it’s not. Just so you know Jessica is going through a very difficult time right now. Her parents are fighting. Maybe she just didn’t feel like talking. That’s why I invited her to stay a couple of nights here.”

“Really? That’s awesome. I can’t wait to see her again.” I shouted for joy.

Grandpa placed a hand on my shoulder and said, “Whoa. Before you get too excited I need to tell you something and you need to tell me something in return. Is that fine?”

Just as enthusiastically as before I said, “Sure. Anything you wish.” I winched when I realized I said the word wish.

“Jessica said she won’t be able to come over to stay this week. And she’d need to talk to her parents about it,” he informed me.

I knew that if her parents were fighting that probably meant she won’t be coming over for a long time. They’ve fought before. So with my head hanging a little lower, I asked, “What did you want me to tell you?”

He looked a little embarrassed and that made me feel a little better until he asked, “The reason you were needing to ... well, you know ... masturbate wasn’t because you were thinking of Jessica’s visit was it?”

I’m pretty sure my jaw came close to hitting the floor, “What? God no. I would never think of Jessica that way.” Grandpa raised an eyebrow. “She’s my best friend. I just can’t picture her like that.”

“Oh. I guess I don’t feel as awkward having asked her to come by for a visit then. Were you thinking of that Charles Bixby then?” Grandpa asked.

“Why would you ask that?” I questioned him.

“He called this morning. He was asking about you. But you were asleep and he didn’t want to wake you.” Grandpa informed me.

“Charles called? And he wanted to talk to ME??? Oh my God, that’s awesome. I’ve never had anyone want to talk to me on the phone before.” I felt myself get a little excited, especially in between my legs. But only slightly.

Grandpa gave me a slightly suspicious look, “Do I need to be worried about this boy?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. But when I saw the look on Grandpa’s face that laughter died, “No Grandpa, you don’t need to worry. I think he’s cute and I do like him a little bit.” Oh my God do I actually think he’s cute and Do I actually really like him? “But the chances of me ever seeing him again are very slim.” Like my new female figure.

He grimaced, “About that. He’s actually going to be attending your school this coming year. He wanted to tell you himself this morning but I couldn’t wait.”

Thinking of being able to see the grey-blue eyes of Charles got me tingling all over again. But to save my Grandpa’s sanity I got myself under control and said, “I guess that’ll be nice. I think.”

“Even if that’s true, I think you should start carrying some condoms with you from now on. You can’t always trust the boy to remember that.” He said.

“GRANDPA JIM!!! I don’t plan on being sexually active with a boy any time soon. Someday sure. But not soon.” I shouted.

“Then why were you so desperately needing to masturbate earlier?” he asked. I’m sure all the color left my face when he asked that. But before I could answer he put a hand up and said, “No never mind. I shouldn’t have asked.”

As he started to walk away I thought back to our camping trip and what I saw him and Alice doing. And that brought back a memory of something I had forgotten. Without thinking I said, “Alice was eating out my pussy when you came home. I was near climax when we had to rush to put our clothes back on.”

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